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WWE Smackdown vs. RAW HYPE!


Anyone getting it?

No Hulk Hogan in, which pisses me off, but otherwise last years game kicked ass. And this is after being a big Smackdown hater. Series has actually gotten good.

But this year there is no:

Hulk Hogan
Brock Lesnar
Bill Goldberg
Steve Austin


And that sucks. I need to get one of those save thingies to download created wrestlers to memory - what are they called?

Anyway .. out next week ...



keep your strippers out of my American football
I probably won't get it until December. With Halo 2 and GTA out, my videogame time will be mostly taken. Also, I find myself watching less and less WWE so that probably has more to do with my decreased excitement for this game.
mr.bob likes halo 2 news to me (*cough* joke character now *cough*)

but yeah im getting it, and half life 2 , and maybe if I have some stuff I wanna trade in halo 2.. maybe

who the fuck is heidenreich?

evil ways

I already put $13 on a pre-order a few months ago so I guess I'll get it, even though I'm not that hyped or in a hurry to play it, and GTA SA is like a sweet, sexy, life consuming drug.


Junior Ace
I tried creating the most charismatic and COOL new superstar in the WWE, Carlito Caribbean Cool, but there's no hairstyle included that's exactly like his. There is an afro, but it doesn't look right. It's not... cool.
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