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X-Files Seasons lowered in price

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Saw in the Best Buy flyer this week that X-Files season sets have dropped in price from $100/season to $50/season. Didn't see it announced anywhere else here.

A great deal for a (mostly) great TV show. Hopefully sometime soon those f'ing Star Trek sets will follow suit. seriously, who is going to pay $100 per season of any television show? and they wonder why TV downloads are so rampant in some cases.


Great price. I might pick up series 9 when I'm over in America

The prices were lowered in the UK recently. They were ridiculous at one point but now they're ok.

3 years ago...a season of The X-Files cost £90 (about $160). Then it was down to about £65 (~$115) and now they're about £25 online ($45).



My wife has only seen maybe 2 episodes of the show ever but I couldn't pull the trigger on the DVD sets with them being almost $100cdn. She really liked Millennium S1 & 2 so I'm sure she'll like it. I wish I had 9 seasons of a show on DVD available that I had never seen but would almost certainly love (mostly). :\

Escape Goat

I may actually buy a few of them. Some of the seasons were really hit or miss. And the end of the show...well, it DIDN'T HAPPEN.

calder said:

My wife has only seen maybe 2 episodes of the show ever but I couldn't pull the trigger on the DVD sets with them being almost $100cdn. She really liked Millennium S1 & 2 so I'm sure she'll like it. I wish I had 9 seasons of a show on DVD available that I had never seen but would almost certainly love (mostly). :\

tell her there is an X-Files/Millennium crossover in one of the seasons, then get her hooked and she'll buy them all!


Smells faintly of rancid stilton.
Teh Hamburglar said:
I may actually buy a few of them. Some of the seasons were really hit or miss. And the end of the show...well, it DIDN'T HAPPEN.




I have all 9 seasons. It's a really great collection to own. At $50/season, it's a definite bargain.

For those that just want to try one season or two before committing to the full collection, try any of seasons 2, 3 or 4. Season 5 is also excellent.
1. They dropped in price at Best Buy (and bestbuy.com) from $74.99 to $49.99.

2. This is a sale, not a price drop, and it ends July 4th.

3. Please don't tell people about this sale, because I am planning to buy one season per week, and I don't want them to run out of stock. ;)


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Damnit. The last thing I need are more tempting television series to buy on DVD.


I wish this kind of price-drop would happen to Star Trek:TNG and Star Trek:DS9, I have to buy ANY of those sets because of the outrageous prices.

What are the best seasons of X-Files to pick up? I got about $170 for my birthday and was debating what to get with it, but I might pick up a few of these since there's at least a sale on them.


teiresias said:
What are the best seasons of X-Files to pick up? I got about $170 for my birthday and was debating what to get with it, but I might pick up a few of these since there's at least a sale on them.

I would say Seasons 1-3 are mandatory, at the very least. Personally, I'm gonna stop at 5.


Series 6 was great as well. Ridiculous stories and it was way too funny though :lol

Seasons 2-4 were the highlights though. They were just fantastic from beginning to end


Anyone ever go back and watch the pilot and realize how fucking great this show was, even in the very beginning? I really dig the pilot for the slightly less Mulder-ish Mulder and Scully-ish Scully--they obviously hadn't "learned" the characters yet and it somehow seemed more genuine that way. Ah, what a great show it was.


Well, I went to a couple of local Best Buys and they were completely cleared out of all things X-Files. Actually, if this is a sale I'd generally think they'd have those temporary markers in the place where the boxes should be, but it was like they'd just vanished with nothing to show they were there, there was Xena and then empty shelf. So I'm wondering if they just took them off the shelf to re-price them or something. I'll check again tomorrow.

However, I then went to Circuit City and they didn't have any X-Files DVDs either. Is Fox pulling these or something?


Woowoo, went to the last Best Buy I hadn't visited and they had a shelf of the box sets. Actually, the other stores may have had them too, because this store had them on some random top shelf completely out of order with the rest of the TV shows, so I may have just missed them before.

I picked up Seasons 1, 2, & 3 for $157 and will begin the marathon tonight. I'm going to pick up season 4 next week (just to space out the spending a bit :lol ), but might have to order it online if they sell out at the store, they didn't have many, only three season 1 sets and one or two sets of every other season. I'm debating whether to go further than season 4 though, season 5 was the season after the movie right? Maybe I'll just get five to finish out the movie storyline (for the most part, I know the "mythology" stuff ran up until the end, but it got pretty damn ridiculous at some point).


FortNinety said:
How long is this deal going on for? I get paid next week...

Error Macro said:
1. They dropped in price at Best Buy (and bestbuy.com) from $74.99 to $49.99.

2. This is a sale, not a price drop, and it ends July 4th.

3. Please don't tell people about this sale, because I am planning to buy one season per week, and I don't want them to run out of stock. ;)
Fuck... I should have gotten them last Friday. When I went to all the Best Buys on Monday and they were all gone.

So question for all BB employees out there... I've been told that more might be on the way, but no one knows when and which seasons, etc. I went on the site and they're sold out as well. It says more will be coming in on the 9th. Might one assume that's when more will hit the retail stores as well? Or am I just better off just buying them online?
Which seasons of XFiles you'll like depends a lot on whether you prefer the conspiracy-related episodes or what many XPhiles call MoW (Monster of the Week, or standalone) episodes. I much prefer the standalones and differ from most on which seasons I think have the best. For example I find 4 pretty meh when it comes to standalones and think 6 has a lot to speak for it. IMO though I agree 3 is the best. It has Clive Bruckman's Final Repose, which is one of the best around. 5 has many too including Postmodern Prometheus which I think is great.


I'm working my way through Season 3 at the moment, I have already seen S1 and S2. I must say, there hasn't been a single episode that wasn't entertaining or interesting in it's own way. Just got done watching 'Jose Chung's From Outer Space'. Awesome episode. Very funny too. Especially the way they handle that guy that constantly curses. :lol
Not only are all sets gone from the stores now, but BestBuy.com is backordered on every season. However, if you place your order before July 4th, they (in theory) have to honor the sale price. When I bought season 2 a couple of weeks before they announced this sale in the weekly ad, I got it in three days. I ordered season 3 last week and they emailed me saying it should ship within the next 25 days. Yay. At least I can order all the sets now and they won't charge me for a while. ;)


Hmmm, the local Best Buy (local to my university anyway) here had plenty of copies of all the seasons left just yesterday. If they're all sold out online I'm going to go ahead and buy Season 5 since I have S1-4 already. I really only want Season 5 since it's the one just before the movie, everything after the movie never really caught my attention.
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