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X-Men ‘97 | Official Trailer


To be more specific it was the inflection which was a bit off for me, Cyclops never stuck me as a dictator.
I just don't want another Masters of the Universe: Revelations "thing".

It didn’t really feel that way to me, more like he’s meaning they’re his X-men in a way they’re his friends and family.

Plus, with Magneto apparently planning to be the one calling the shots, it would make sense Scott would be particularly protective of who is truly the leader after Xavier’s passing. Magneto may have legit turned over a new leaf, but it’s understandable Scott would be untrusting and thus protective of his team.


Cyclops killed Professor X in the comics and took over the X-Men at o e point and ran it like a dictator.

Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable

Cyclops was possessed by the Phoenix when he did that, a fact that Logan conveniently leaves out when he told a few of his teammates, which when the truth does come out causes a few of them to rejoin Scott’s side.

Cyclops was also unfairly made the scapegoat of everything that went down in Avengers vs. X-men (Scott even points out how most of the issues arose from Tony Stark’s decisions, which the Avengers have no rebuttal towards. He also points out how the Avengers have rarely stood up for mutantkind specifically even when they needed their help the most, again the Avengers don’t have much of a rebuttal). Meanwhile Logan isn‘t called out for anything afterwards, never mind he casually pushed for the murder of Hope, a teenage girl, to solve their problem when it’s the fucking Marvel Universe and they have countless magic/cosmic solutions they could consider before resorting to murdering a minor.

Also in a recent move, mutants were being captured as soon as their powers manifested, so Cyclops tells the “law” to go fuck itself and tries to save as many of these new mutants as his team can.

Now, I only followed the events of what happened with all that for about two years post Avengers vs. x-men, kind of started checking out other books after that plus I wasn’t too big on the whole “let’s have the original five X-men of the past come to present day” story, so maybe Scott truly does jump off the slippery slope eventually, but a good deal of the stuff post Avengers vs. X-men I was totally siding with Scott.

Especially because, let’s be real, if it had been Jean possessed by Phoenix who had killed Xavier, you know Logan would be singing a very different tune. (also let’s not act like this wasn’t some level of karma for Xavier, not saying he should be killed, but the man has definitely done some morally wrong things up to this point)

Honestly, Logan needs to get over her already. It feels like it’s the main thing keeping the rivalry with Cyclops alive which has been long played out, and Jean hasn’t been interesting in a long time. Honestly, unless either of them have recently gotten a legit good love interest, I’d love to see him go out with Storm. They’ve been friends for a long time and I feel they could be good for one another (lord knows it’d be better than Storm dating T’Challa which was so random, the two barely had spoken to each other in the comics before that abruptly became a thing).

And Scott should of course get over Emma as she has messed with him to much in the past for that relationship to ever feel healthy to me. Can’t think of anyone he should be dating instead (not Jean either), but it shouldn’t be Emma.


Loved this as a kid and the trailer looks cool.
But I'll keep my expectations low.

I already half expect it will be a bait and switch where almost everyone dies in the first chapter and then we get the story of the X-Persons with themes and stories for "modern audiences"



None of the writers or producers said this. The article writer said it. Cal Dodd doesn't have that high pitch voice for Wolverine, also he's taller than 5'3", not going to watch for those reasons
Kidding of course, will at least have a look


Gold Member
Loved this as a kid and the trailer looks cool.
But I'll keep my expectations low.

I already half expect it will be a bait and switch where almost everyone dies in the first chapter and then we get the story of the X-Persons with themes and stories for "modern audiences"

We already know that's not true based on the leak about the Mojo episode.

Miyazaki’s Slave

Gold Member
Cyclops killed Professor X in the comics and took over the X-Men at o e point and ran it like a dictator.
Ha! Holy shit. The last “X” comic I read was the one by joss Weadon but didn’t follow the series religiously before that.

Loved the show: “I’m still plugged IN” and the Juggernaut of course.

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Elden Member
Now can we get a Batman 1995 (with the original art style and not the horrible Batman/superman style they switched to)


Oh man, this was my jam as a little kid! Sounds like they got all the voice actors back, but Wolverine did sound a bit off. Seems the actor is pushing 70 though so what can you do. I really, really hope it’s not Disney-fied and sticks to the time period and feel of the original…But lol, it’s Disney, so expectations are low.


Gold Member
The animations seem very rough. Unfortunately, I have never seen the original. As a child, I really wanted to see it, but it wasn't available anywhere.
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Edit: just watched the trailer and it looks fucking garbage.


Fucking Disney.
Boy you took the words right out of my mouth.

They seriously can't do better than that, AND they have played around with Morph?

There was ZERO NEED.

Well I am prepared to be disappointed with yet another attempt to revive things from my youth.
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Boy you took the words right out of my mouth.

They seriously can't do better than that, AND they have played around with Morph?

There was ZERO NEED.

Well I am prepared to be disappointed with yet another attempt to revive things from my youth.
Looks fucking garbage doesn’t it.

And remember these people working on it probably grew up watching the og series so you’d think they’d be able to do better.

I’m just waiting for the episode where cyclops and magneto argue over pronouns, and mysique gives everyone a lecture on gender equality


Perpetually Tired
Looks fucking garbage doesn’t it.

And remember these people working on it probably grew up watching the og series so you’d think they’d be able to do better.

I’m just waiting for the episode where cyclops and magneto argue over pronouns, and mysique gives everyone a lecture on gender equality

I was reminded that it was actually the original creators, however the question remains: Is it the creators who wanted this or was it mandated by Disney? Either way its shit.
Today's reminder of what the 1990's were actually like

I'm trying to imagine something like this being made in 2024 and I can only laugh

Damn, the Simpsons was so good back then
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