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X-Men ‘97 | Official Trailer


Gold Member
I saw the first 2 episodes. It's really good. The ending of the 2nd episode was really epic. I like the animation. Yeah it looks different, but they did good. The feel of the show is intact. You can tell they watched the OG cartoon from beginning to end.

Storm! :messenger_weary:
These are the people who made the original show.
Yeah I think myself and others are going to be eating some crow now. This is actually good.
It just goes to show how much current day events have had an effect on how quickly people are ready to write something off. Quite a few people here pre-judged an entire show made with most of the original cast and crew, all because an in-action snippet Rogue's butt, and Morph being described as Morph.

After watching, the main criticisms I agree with are the bad moments here and there of the animation and some of the voice actors simply aging out of their voices(especially Wolverine). The rest has been solid so far.

Magneto still remains the best part of this series.


Perpetually Tired
So far, not a fan. Animation is weak, narrative is barebones, and the “drama” isn’t interesting.


Gold Member
So far, not a fan. Animation is weak, narrative is barebones, and the “drama” isn’t interesting.

I personally love the animation. It feels like a deliberate attempt to appear dated with modern animation techniques and just feels right for what the series is trying to be. I can understand why you'd call it weak as it could be better, but I also wouldn't have it any other way if that makes any sense at all.




So far really liking it. Animation while nicer it a big jarring at times. Jubilee is the main culprit this so many facial expressions each scene. Giving everyone kissable lips is also off putting.

Biggest downgrade is in the intro song. No church bells!

Much larger focus on Cyclops who has always been my favorite character. Using his eyes for movement in the fight scenes is great.


advanced basic bitch
It's alright. The show looks pretty bad in some respects. The weird film grain. The character designs for some. There's also too many characters. They clearly had a diversity quota to fill and it shows. Bishop has maybe two lines. Same with morph. Sunspot doesn't belong on a 90s xman show imo. Psylocke would be better or Colossus but I guess they're white so we can't have that.

It's good enough that I'll check out the next episodes but it's very just okay for me.


advanced basic bitch
The entire show is inspired by the Claremont/Jim Lee relaunch of X-Men, and the series is building to Age of Apocalypse where Jubilee, Sunspot, and Gambit are the X-Ternals. So they have to introduce Sunspot.
Jim Lee and Claremont had fuck all to do with age of apocalypse. What are you even on about?
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advanced basic bitch
Sunspot is a Claremont character who is part of AOP. Saying he doesn't fit in a 90s team goes against the comics they're adapting.
Sunspot wasn't in the X-Men for the Jim Lee/Claremont relaunch. He was never a consistent member of the team in the 90s. I can't speak for modern comics. If they're building to age of apocalypse that's fine but don't pretend he was there in the 90s when he wasn't. Unless you're counting new mutants/xforce.


Gold Member
yeah, the original had a few more things going on in the intro that made it feel more epic. 33 seconds in and at the end are bells I was referring to.

The new intro is better. A friend pointed out how the final charge of villains in the original had Thunderbird (who wasn't a villain) and some random guy in a green suit. They've been replaced with White Queen and Lady Deathstrike, who are at least villains:


advanced basic bitch
What's really weird about the nerfing of Rogue is that they have no problems showing wolverine and gambit shirtless multiple times. Gambit is wearing a fucking mid drift shirt the first time you see him. Magneto looks like he walked out of a gay sex club. I'm aware that's comics accurate to at me lol.

Alrighty. Rants over. I did like the show overall lol
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advanced basic bitch
I assume you’re referring to Psylocke’s mind (due to the whole body swap), as Psylocke’s body is Japanese.
Oh God. That whole thing. That was a mess. I think they retconned or reworked some of that in recent years. She's still captain britans sister?


yeah, the original had a few more things going on in the intro that made it feel more epic. 33 seconds in and at the end are bells I was referring to.

Nice Catch. The Intro def felt inferior to the original when I was watching. like a cheaper imitation.
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Watched both episodes. It's not bad, exactly, but I have some criticisms.

1) I don't think it looks very good, but it also looks too modern to have any retro charm.

2) I'm not a fan of how a few characters (Morph in particular) just seem to have the power of "whatever is needed right now."

3) The writing seems to lack energy. Each episode feels longer than it is (never a good sign).

4) The voice work for some (Rogue in particular) is in that 'uncanny valley' territory in its similarity to the old show. Too similar to be different, too different to feel like a continuation.

5) Some of the plot elements make no sense to me. Chuck died "over a year ago," but his will just got opened? And Jean refers to his giving Mags the school as a gift to her and Scott because of the pregnancy (which wouldn't have existed when he would have written the will)?


Gold Member
2) I'm not a fan of how a few characters (Morph in particular) just seem to have the power of "whatever is needed right now."
Morph is just a shape shifter. He was in the original show.

4) The voice work for some (Rogue in particular) is in that 'uncanny valley' territory in its similarity to the old show. Too similar to be different, too different to feel like a continuation.

It's the same person from the original show. They're just older.

5) Some of the plot elements make no sense to me. Chuck died "over a year ago," but his will just got opened? And Jean refers to his giving Mags the school as a gift to her and Scott because of the pregnancy (which wouldn't have existed when he would have written the will)?
Professor X died in the final episode of Season 5 which aired in September of 1997. This is Season 6, which would've aired in September or October of 1998 had the show not been cancelled. That's why it's a year later.
2) I'm not a fan of how a few characters (Morph in particular) just seem to have the power of "whatever is needed right now."
You should check out Morph's scenes in the original. He is broken, power-wise, and it makes sense why they removed him from the team for most of the original show. Not only can he morph into most mutants he meets, but he also can take on some of their powers which, if I recall correctly, not even cartoon Mystique was able to do this.

If Morph were to actually train more he would be a much, much deadlier form of Taskmaster.

He 100% would have solved quite a few problems the team had in the original had he been around, and they're probably going to have to find another way to nerf or 'remove' him again this time around.


I was enjoying it up it until it revealed
they were doing the Madelyne Pryor story.

Never cared for that reveal and to this day I think it's dumb.

Honestly I was happy where the series ended and I didn't really want a revival. This isn't bad and still has the feel of the original series, but it still doesn't make me change my mind, if anything the end of episode two makes me regret it.

Watched both episodes. It's not bad, exactly, but I have some criticisms.

1) I don't think it looks very good, but it also looks too modern to have any retro charm.
Really wish they went with the studio who did Wolverine and the X-men, it's animated so much better and I fucking hate their lips, especially magneto's. Their lips are so disturbing.

3) The writing seems to lack energy. Each episode feels longer than it is (never a good sign).
Really? I actually felt like it was rushing, especially episode one. Felt like it went really fast.

4) The voice work for some (Rogue in particular) is in that 'uncanny valley' territory in its similarity to the old show. Too similar to be different, too different to feel like a continuation.
If the voice actor is still alive, they redid their roles. Most of them are hitting their 50s, 60s or 70s so it's old people forcing themselves to sound young. Norm Spencer, OG voice of Cyclops, passed in 2020 but they got someone to replace him that's a dead ringer most of the time.

Beast, Gambit, and Storm sound exactly the same and age sounds better on Wolverine. Everyone else not so much. Jubilee sounds weird, I believe the VA for her was a kid in the 90s, you can hear the puberty now. Jean and Rogue just sound off and so does Magneto.

5) Some of the plot elements make no sense to me. Chuck died "over a year ago," but his will just got opened? And Jean refers to his giving Mags the school as a gift to her and Scott because of the pregnancy (which wouldn't have existed when he would have written the will)?

Yeah that will part bothered me too. It's a fucking book, how did they not read it for a year or have a lawyer read it? X-men has shown many times they are a connected full Marvel Universe so they could've hired Matt or Jen to look through it.
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First episode's Gambit feels more like a character from a hair metal band from the 80's, not the 90's. Even though hair metal had a revival mid/late 90's. I think that they are mixing a little of the Nostalgia feelings but its okay after all.
They mixed some new elements (they did even included a Brics couples) and some seeds for the age of apocalipse.

I don't know what you guys are talking about the film grain.

And finally they did Cyclops some justice in the 90's design, besides X-men vs Street fighter :)
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I never watched the original series - before my time I suppose. Or maybe I just didn't care.

Anyways, I was expecting a straight up children's show (or YA vehicle at best) but this has some surprisingly well written characters and story beats that pull directly on the heartstrings of adults. I also dig how the animation is grounded in the style of three decades ago but is often fluid and vivid when they frame one character.

A strong 4/5 for me after two episodes.


I liked it. Not perfect, but still a good nostalgia kick.

The opening redone in new animation and in hd almost brought a tear to my inner 90s kid. Beautiful. Voices were pretty good too, except for Rogue, who sounded all sorts of off. And was Jean even the original voice actress? I wasn’t sure.
Maybe they just need to have her scream cry ‘Scott!’ a few times to jog my memory lol. Cyclops voice was most impressive, it seemed a perfect copy cat of the original actor, great work there.

The very obvious catch up on the story/character background through mundane dialogue was annoying but I understand why they had to do it. And there was way too many try-hard to make cyclops cool scenes. More Wolverine needed.

I generally liked it but found myself wishing they had matured the show a bit more with the audience and pushed a pg-13 rating at least. But i guess that wouldn’t be loyal to the original. Decent enough first two episodes that I’ll continue to watch.
Morph is just a shape shifter. He was in the original show.
In this version, he is copying the physical abilities of other mutants, not just their shape. He's as tough as Colossus and he can fly like Angel.
It's the same person from the original show. They're just older.
I'm aware. And she sounds different enough that I thought it detracted from the viewing experience, as I said.
Professor X died in the final episode of Season 5 which aired in September of 1997. This is Season 6, which would've aired in September or October of 1998 had the show not been cancelled. That's why it's a year later.
That's not related to what I said.


Gold Member
For the people complaining about Rogue and Magneto, that’s another thing from the 90s comic run they’re adapting.


hmmm, no one can help themselves when drawing her :p

Anyway, dug the first ep. Now my kid wants to watch the whole run, so SCORE! Though he keeps asking about Deadpool and Avengers, neither of which appear in this show IIRC.

edit: ep2 is great as well. While I think the "mutants as subs for marginalized groups" subtext is a bit less 'sub' this time 'round, it has at least some counterbalance which is refreshing. Though I still think the random mutant is so often introduced as an out of control homicidal maniac it seems like an awkward conversation to even want to have.
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Jubilee sounds weird, I believe the VA for her was a kid in the 90s, you can hear the puberty now.
Alyson Court voiced Jubilee who was the original Claire Redfield. She stepped down because the character is Asian so she's voiced by someone else, I think she voices a different character in the show now.


Gold Member
Alyson Court voiced Jubilee who was the original Claire Redfield. She stepped down because the character is Asian so she's voiced by someone else, I think she voices a different character in the show now.
Jesus fucking christ, VOICES are racial now???

They had better have a 5'4" or less man voicing Wolverine, Canadian as well, FROM the correct province, and sporting muttonchops because otherwise it is clearly appropriation!
Jesus fucking christ, VOICES are racial now???

They had better have a 5'4" or less man voicing Wolverine, Canadian as well, FROM the correct province, and sporting muttonchops because otherwise it is clearly appropriation!
Yeah... Some of the voice actors shilling for it who aren't white are reaping what they sowed from it.


Jesus fucking christ, VOICES are racial now???

They had better have a 5'4" or less man voicing Wolverine, Canadian as well, FROM the correct province, and sporting muttonchops because otherwise it is clearly appropriation!
Have been for years now, it's not just about writers/artists, it's everything.

Thought the episodes were good. Will keep watching.
I’ve been watching episodes of the original between episodes of this. It holds up really well in character writing but I hope this sequel does a better job in certain other aspects.

  • In the original you randomly meet important mutants(like Cable, Mystique, and Apocalypse) with zero buildup.
  • Mystique was just randomly in the background and didn’t speak on her first episode
  • Apocalypse, one of the strongest mutants, is hiding behind a door when you first see him in the show.
  • Cable randomly appeared and shot at a guy that Gambit was fighting, gave him a key, then left.
  • Jean Grey is like the comic relief in terms of uselessness.
  • Sentinel height was too inconsistent. Sometimes they would be as tall as a 3-4 story building. Other times they were as tall as maybe two Juggernauts.
  • Sentinels somehow sneaking up on characters, jump scaring the audience/X-men, and popping up out of goofy places like a shallow river.


I’ve been watching episodes of the original between episodes of this. It holds up really well in character writing but I hope this sequel does a better job in certain other aspects.
  • Sentinel height was too inconsistent. Sometimes they would be as tall as a 3-4 story building. Other times they were as tall as maybe two Juggernauts.
  • Sentinels somehow sneaking up on characters, jump scaring the audience/X-men, and popping up out of goofy places like a shallow river.
This was one of the things that was too comic accurate, especially when they would somehow hide.
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