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Xbots, XBMC 1.1.0 is out


Did a search for XBMC and 1.1.0, didn't find anything.

>> From xboxmediacenter.com:
XboxMediaCenter(info) 1.1.0 FINAL point release source code has now been set in our CVS! Once again we felt that we had been holding off doing any official release candidates for so long that we now consider the current XBMC CVS to be as stable as a point release should and could be, so we decided that we were ready to go final without a release candidate process. Yes, there are still a few known bugs but none serious enough to stop you from fully using and enjoying XBMC. All XBMC users (and XBMP users if there still are any?) are highly encouraged to upgrade to this stable Xbox Media Center 1.1.0 point release which is now officially the only supported version. For those of you who are new to XBMC (and/or XBMP) please understand and respect that Team-XBMC do not release nor distribute Xbox executables (XDK binaries) at all, so please do not ask us where to find/download a compiled versions of XBMC (which you do require to run XBMC on your Xbox). Please read through our FAQ and the online-manual carefully before posting/asking anything in our official XBMC Community-Forums. Know that the official CVS feature/skin freeze has now been lifted, meaning our team-devs are again allowed to add new features/functions to the XBMC CVS, and independent programmers can too (link). We would also love if people would go ahead with updating/translating the 1.1.0 strings.xml to other languages and help updating our online-line (WIKKI) user-manual (link).

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
thankyou sir!

and yes, that avatar is a bit to warped.
Is there any way to alter the "Custom" screen size? They changed the screen sizes a few versions ago and now when I do the 16:9 squeeze, it leaves black bars on the top and bottom whereas older versions properly squeezed the screen to the correct aspect ratio.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
I never delete my old builds I have like 3 to choose from at the moment. I'm still put off about the skin issue and as a result, I'm 2 versions behind. It works well so I ain't trippin'.

Kon Tiki

I got the streams to work, switched codecs.

Now it is terribly off centre. The UI calibration is useless, you can not set corners but try to get the preset size in view.

Movie trailers and Radio Station built in are great.


I just got my Xbox on Friday, and I have to say, XBMC blew my mind. The Apple movie trailers and Shoutcast streaming is a particularly nice touch. iTunes sharing doesn't seem to work though (I can't see the names of my playlists).

On a somewhat related note, do I have to worry about Xbox Live banning if I don't have a Live account? I know they ban based on EEPROM, not user account. So if I click on a Live tab will my EEPROM get banned even without an XBL account?
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