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Xbox 360 dead in Japan? (EDGE)

Kazerei said:
I think it would've helped if the 360 JRPGs were better quality and actually stayed exclusive. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean: TLH, Eternal Sonata ... so much mediocrity. With the exception of Tales of Vesperia, console JRPGs have kind of sucked this gen.

I imagine that a lot of Japanese gamers felt they could do without these titles. Lost Odyssey felt like a poor man's Final Fantasy, and many of the other games released were either inferior to other iterations in their series or just poor games. Tales of Vesperia was a great game (which is likely why it sold the most and pushed the most 360s), but the PS3 port was inevitable.


Crystal Bearer
like a dragon said:
It was too big, loud, and it didn't work too well. You Know the RROD thing that you forgot to mention. Oh, and the lack of Final Fantasy (timed exclusive but people thought it would never come to the xbox 360 in japan) is was killed the Xbox 360. Form factor is the least of Microsoft's problem in Japan.

FFXIII, when it was finally released on 360 in Japan, managed to do 20K LTD... which isn't terrible I suppose. I imagine XIII-2 will be around 100K or so, depending on how active the userbase is... and how many of them don't already own a PS3. It will be interesting to say the least. Biohazard 5 did about that much on 360, but that was back when the console was still at its peak.

Game Guru

On one side, Japan is already completely dominated by dedicated handhelds above anything else. On the other is the possibility of the West completely dumping dedicated handhelds over home consoles and smartphones. There is a damn good topic to be discussed when putting these two topics together, namely in that it is completely and utterly possible that the taste for games in the West and in Japan have diverged to a point that makes them completely irreconcilable.


Rolling Girl
Dunan said:
Lost Odyssey (Yes Asian English Language version or US version)
The Last Remnant (Yes Asian English Language version or US version)
Fatal Inertia (just Y1000 at amazon.co.jp!) (English version Region Locked)
Mass Effect (No Idea)
Halo (All 360 Halos are region free from what I can see get Asian version)
Metro 2033 (Yes get Asian version)

...please tell me I can play these (particularly in English for the first two and last three) on a Japanese 360!
There you go.
commedieu said:
Buy a windows 7 comp. Get a free 360.
Sony gave out free ps3's with a bravia t.v purchase. Also to your comment on they buy reliable hardware,then how come xbox 1 sold less and it was more reliable than ps2[ps2 had DRE] and 360. Also 360 does well in UK too.


holy shit at the Reach 360 for like 100 bucks or something. Wow. What a fucking steal.


flying to japan to get a cheap xbox bbl
tinfoilhatman said:
Please elaborate, what mainstream Japanese centric console game sells well in the US market?

Why should Microshaft sink .01$ into Japan, what does MS or teh bulk of US gamers need Japan for?
This is absolutely ridiculous. Japan developers all around sold significantly less this gen on consoles and their influence is notably less as well. However, there are still a lot of Japanese developed games that are important in the console market. People are still going to care where the next Final Fantasy, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Solid, Street Fighter, etc. are going. It may not matter as much but hardware manufacturers would be stupid to ignore the Japanese games that do sell millions and the other smaller franchises that sell hundreds of thousands will follow wherever the big Japanese games go. Microsoft was also pretty lucky that the PS3 tanked so that so many major japanese developed games became 360/PS3 games. Microsoft would have to be very foolish if they ignored that audience or thought they would automatically get support from them next gen. There is still a sizable amount of people in the west that enjoy Japanese made games.

Also, this entire post completely ignores the fact that Nintendo is the biggest software developer/publisher in the industry.


Junior Member
Syphon Filter said:
Sony gave out free ps3's with a bravia t.v purchase.
Only in Australia which it is far smaller market. And only 35,000 to give away. My uncle have missed out. :(


InfiniteNine said:
There you go.


The Japanese version is just fine for Fatal Inertia as even the most beautiful translation isn't going to improve the game that much. The text-heavy RPGs, on the other hand; those I want to play in English.

Just thought of another bonus: I could play Nier Gestalt in Japanese! I prefer Father Nier over the hackneyed teenage boy and Dad's version wasn't made for the J-PS3.
Kyon said:
This post is so ignorant. How can one country matter over another? Unless you have the mindset of NA=World right?
How can the console market in China be less important than Japan? After all China has 10 times the population.

Here's the thing, consoles in general are stagnant or in decline in Japan.


tinfoilhatman said:
Only the hard core of the hard core playing fighting games anymore, this is a specialty market at best, with each year fighting games play less and less of a role in mainstream gaming same with JRPG but to an even larger extent.

I'm just speaking from what i've seen in stores. We sell at least 3 SSFIV, MK, or MvC 3 everyday, and thats to people who dont really seem all that hard core. They usually make a passing comment about how they havent played one since "back in the day", so I still think their making a decent comeback.

Certainly not as much as this generation's genre flavor, but still a lot.


Sony gives free PS3s with Bravias AND Vaios, now.

And Mortal Kombat has just sold 3 million copies. It will outsell SFIV in less than two months, despite not even being released in Asia and Australia. The whole "only hardcore play fighters" comment has no merit whatsoever. Even serie that aren't as recognizable as MK (Tekken, SC) sell in the millions.


Sai-kun said:
holy shit at the Reach 360 for like 100 bucks or something. Wow. What a fucking steal.


flying to japan to get a cheap xbox bbl
I honestly find this very hard to believe.


Junior Member
Syphon Filter said:
No they still do it and in the u.s.
Which store? All of them?

Australia is different because it came from Sony Australia and it offer every stores.

Dai101 said:
They have the same promotion here in Mexico (limited to the very big and/or 3D bravia line)
They only do that in smaller market. I wish they do that in UK in whole standard, not at Sony store only :(


like a dragon said:
It was too big, loud, and it didn't work too well. You Know the RROD thing that you forgot to mention. Oh, and the lack of Final Fantasy (timed exclusive but people thought it would never come to the xbox 360 in japan) is was killed the Xbox 360. Form factor is the least of Microsoft's problem in Japan.

So why didn't the original XBOX sell? A Final Fantasy game 3 or 4 years into the life cycle did not change the destiny of the system at launch. The Mistwalker stuff, Vesperia, Star Ocean, shmups, and the dating sims provided software that appeals to distinctly Japanese Audiences and the RROD fiasco didn't really become a big deal until about 12 months out. What other problems do the Japanese consumers have with the 360?
Ratrat said:
I honestly find this very hard to believe.

The 10,000 yen for the reach promotion is a bit disingenuous, It was a single store doing a special promotion with limited numbers as a loss leader.

The 100 yen game was a different store that was doing inventory stock cleaning. I went to the store, basically any game you would want was gone by late afternoon.

Unless the author is talking about 100-500 yen used games, which you can find sometimes with Blue Dragon, Tales of Vespia games that had insane print runs.


Rolling Girl
Dunan said:

The Japanese version is just fine for Fatal Inertia as even the most beautiful translation isn't going to improve the game that much. The text-heavy RPGs, on the other hand; those I want to play in English.

Just thought of another bonus: I could play Nier Gestalt in Japanese! I prefer Father Nier over the hackneyed teenage boy and Dad's version wasn't made for the J-PS3.
Also good news! A friend of mine told me the US version of Mass Effect is region free so you're alright on that front too.

Also this handy list of games that work on JP region consoles:
Duxxy3 said:
Probably better off not launching in japan at all with the next xbox.

They should... just a soft launch. Think 3DO in Japan then they should pile all the money that would have gone to Japan to Europe since the US is a given.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Japan as a territory by itself can return multi-million sales on both software and hardware.

It's always going to matter because noone can afford to ignore that amount of potential revenue.
One of the biggest surprise to me this gen is that MS was able to beat PS3 in worldwide sales (looks like it's going to happen) despite being a non player in Japan. There was no way I though that could happen. Since PS3 essentially had one of the big 3 markets uncontested.

That's because Japan became increasingly small as a console market this gen.
iceatcs said:
Only in Australia which it is far smaller market. And only 35,000 to give away. My uncle have missed out. :(

It wasn't only in Australia, it was in quite a few countries and Sony included those 30,000 free Bravia PS3's in their Australian 2007 sales PR. There have been Bravia/PS3 deals since.

As for the Windows 7/Xbox 360 promotion

Students in the US will now get a complimentary 4GB Xbox 360 game console with the purchase of a Windows 7 based PC that costs at least $699. The deal starts from May 22 and the offer is open to students who order online from retailers (Microsoft, Dell, HP or Best Buy) using a .edu email address or displaying a valid student ID at the brands’ retail stores.


specialguy said:
One of the biggest surprise to me this gen is that MS was able to beat PS3 in worldwide sales (looks like it's going to happen) despite being a non player in Japan. There was no way I though that could happen. Since PS3 essentially had one of the big 3 markets uncontested.

That's because Japan became increasingly small as a console market this gen.

Wouldn't count on it. PS3 still hasn't hit a mainstream price.


like a dragon said:
It was too big, loud, and it didn't work too well. You Know the RROD thing that you forgot to mention.

RROD is not an issue with the 360 Slim either. So big, loud, didn't work too well, all resolved with the Slim, yet the Japanese still don't care about the 360.


I've been waiting for a price drop before I buy a Japanese 360. Hurry up, play-asia, lower the price already!


xbhaskarx said:
RROD is not an issue with the 360 Slim either. So big, loud, didn't work too well, all resolved with the Slim, yet the Japanese still don't care about the 360.

By the time the hardware was fixed, the software was pretty much gone. Compare to the PS3, which fixed its loud, clunky, overpriced hardware around when software finally started coming online, and is now behaving more like an '09 launch than an '06.

The X360 has its troubles in Japan in large part because MS is so schizophrenic about the region. They'll rain $25m budgets down on the most unlikely of developers, see what a dumb idea that was, and reverse course for a couple years until a new division head decides it's his turn to take a shot at Japan. This leads to a platform with wild boom-bust cycles both in developer support and in software releases; with a used-games market as vibrant as Japan's, this means that the 360 itself gets traded in during lulls, and each boom cycle has had a far smaller installed base than would be implied by LTD sales.

Japan is certainly winnable by an American company willing to back its product. The iPhone is doing amazing numbers; it's the single most popular handset and is cutting heavily into what had been a domestic-only market. It's just a matter of having the whole package there at one time.
The money they invested in the Japanese market earlier this generation would've probably been much more effective had it been used to establish a better footing in mainland Europe. They spent a decent chunk of change pursuing Japanese exclusives and improving Xbox Live in the region, and I think investing that money solely in making Xbox Live more enticing to mainland European areas (or available at all, looking at parts of Eastern Europe) would've helped them considerably more longterm.

I think now they'll have a hard time battling Steam and PSN in Europe given how they've already entrenched themselves in that market.


The 10,000 yen for the reach promotion is a bit disingenuous, It was a single store doing a special promotion with limited numbers as a loss leader.

The 100 yen game was a different store that was doing inventory stock cleaning. I went to the store, basically any game you would want was gone by late afternoon.

Unless the author is talking about 100-500 yen used games, which you can find sometimes with Blue Dragon, Tales of Vespia games that had insane print runs.
Yeah, it had to be this. Thanks for clarifying that.
Imo, Microsoft shouldn't even waste time bringing the next Xbox to Japan unless they are willing to lose even more money off of it. It's doing good in the West, so that will probably be enough for them.
Rhazer Fusion said:
Imo, Microsoft shouldn't even waste time bringing the next Xbox to Japan unless they are willing to lose even more money off of it. It's doing good in the West, so that will probably be enough for them.
That seems like it'd be a bad idea for third party support. I can see a lot of smaller and mid-tier Japanese developers writing Microsoft's next console off completely if it's not even sold in their own territory.


iceatcs said:
Europe will be some different from Japan.

US will be like that.
1. First Person Shooters
2. First Person Shooters
3. First Person Shooters
4. First Person Shooters
5. First Person Shooters
6. First Person Shooters
7. First Person Shooters
8. First Person Shooters
9. First Person Shooters
10. First Person Shooters
11. First Person Shooters
12. First Person Shooters
13. First Person Shooters
14. Third Person Shooters
15. Adventure/Racing/Action/Sports/RPG/MMORPG/Puzzle/Quiz
I realy doubt that FPS games are any less popular in Europe than in the US


Rhazer Fusion said:
Imo, Microsoft shouldn't even waste time bringing the next Xbox to Japan unless they are willing to lose even more money off of it. It's doing good in the West, so that will probably be enough for them.
I'm sure Microsoft is seriously considering this idea. I personally think their next system will release in Japan but they will no longer waste millions(hundreds of millions?) trying to persuade Japanese gamers to buy the system. At this point, MS realizes there is absolutely nothing they can do to increase sales in Japan. So why continue wasting so much money.


It's not surprising. It really feels like console gaming in Japan in general is dying.

Which in and of itself is not surprising either. Handhelds have always been king there, and god help us all if smartphone gaming overtakes handhelds there.


iceatcs said:
Only in Australia which it is far smaller market. And only 35,000 to give away. My uncle have missed out. :(


a) It wasn't just in Australia

b) IN Australia, they've given away somewhere far closer, and probably over 100,000 of them. Which is actually a fair chunk of the userbase here, because people actualyl buy Bravias.

If Nintendo or Microsoft wanted to give away as many as Sony has attached to products that actually sell, they'd need to give them away with Samsung or Panasonic TVs.
From what I've experienced in Japan it really depends on where you're shopping for XBOX games that counts. If you go to a big name electronics store like Yamada Denki, Bic Camera, or Kojima you may or may not find much stock space or competitive pricing. But used game stores generally have a larger stock of XBOX games and depending on the game you may have a higher resell value on it.

I remember when I first got here back in 2005 the original XBOX was pretty much glossed over by all stores, used or not. When I started working here in 2007, the 360 semed to be just as unpopular but over the past few years, I've noticed its much easier to find XBOX 360 goods. It may not be as widespread as PS3 or Wii, its still bigger than the original XBOX.

I think the 360 this time around is doing good considering Japan's market and preference of made in Japan products. There's room for XBOX in Japan although it may never reach #1 here, it has a permanent foothold. This is just my observation.


Kagari said:
I like how FF Versus XIII is on that preorder list, and we don't even have a date for it yet!
It has been there since May 2009. People were fooled by the trailer in the FFVIIACC release.


Upsidedown Fuji said:
I think the 360 this time around is doing good considering Japan's market and preference of made in Japan products.
Perhaps but considering they must have spent millions, I'm sure MS is not happy they only managed to get to a distant 3rd place. It will be interesting to see how MS handles the next Xbox. I can just imagine what would happen if they decide not to bother with the Japanese market. I can picture the headlines :

"Xbox banished from Japan"
"Japan market not important enough for MS"
"Sony and Nintendo kick Xbox out"

I'd like to see it happen just to see all those wacky headlines.
makingmusic476 said:
That seems like it'd be a bad idea for third party support. I can see a lot of smaller and mid-tier Japanese developers writing Microsoft's next console off completely if it's not even sold in their own territory.

Do majority of Japanese developers even have presence of the X360 in Japan?
Camilos said:
I'm sure Microsoft is seriously considering this idea. I personally think their next system will release in Japan but they will no longer waste millions(hundreds of millions?) trying to persuade Japanese gamers to buy the system. At this point, MS realizes there is absolutely nothing they can do to increase sales in Japan. So why continue wasting so much money.

Yep. That is exactly how I feel. Why keep wasting so much time and millions promoting and pushing something that Japan clearly doesn't want. Also, the day of exclusives are unfortunately getting much thinner, so there are even less reasons to buy a Microsoft system when Sony essentially has 95% of the same library.
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