LED Guy?
mod edit: if you learned your lessons you wouldn't be making an OP that didn't need to shit on Microsoft and shriek 'bad graphics' about Halo. If you have an issue with gamepass, make the point about that and stay on topic. Or you'll be given another break for the same instigation of console wars.
OK, I got banned for 2 weeks and now I'm a good boy thanks to
Mod of War
& many other mods too, if I got permanently banned again, it'll be a good time I have spent with y'all. 

Now let's talk Game Pass & how it'll affect gaming in the future, I just detest the future of gaming where everything is in a subscription-based model, it will make the developers that strive for the highest quality when it comes to work and budget, to become incompetent, because their games will be put in with the hundreds of others whether they're indies or big AAA games, it is like Communism, this is the Communism of gaming. (I know I'm a bit hyperbolic with the word "Communism"
Now let's go to Microsoft's rule here where they're putting all their 1st-party titles DAY AND DATE on Game Pass forever, this will make developers not work or make these HUGE AAA titles like Sony, Rockstar Games, Capcom, EA, Activision and many other AAA game makers, they will (like what Matt Booty, the head of Microsoft Studios said) make "AA games with as close to AAA games quality as possible" or along those lines, this just paints a very bad picture, even Matt said it, we KNOW when a PR says this stuff instead of denying it REALLY paints a picture & a future that we gamers do not want at all.
This will make games have HUGE Microtransactions and online modes focus instead of Single Player experiences that feel like they're manually hand made and not feel like some projects from a Drop-out student for a University, no passion, no art, just bad to somewhat decent quality, not something that only a AAA game can achieve (like the latest COD 2019, Metro Exodus, TLOU 2, RDR 2, God of War, Detroit Become Human, Spider Man PS4, etc...).
Here's the video for proof about Matt Booty saying it:
Xbox is kinda ruining gaming, their push for Game Pass is all “good” on the surface, but their downsides & cons are way more negative than y’all think.
Just look at fucking Halo Infinite, now it’s a “Games as a Service” type game with bad graphics (oh hey it’s 120 FPS excuse) and it having F2P online modes is the worst bad news you can have.
Releasing your main 1st-party games on Game Pass (((DAY ONE))) will make MS’s developers complacent and lets them release their games and can give them an excuse like “BUT HEY IT IS ON GAME PASS DAY ONE”, that's bad, very bad.
What are your guys' thoughts? I'm very interested in hearing about them, please have respectful, open and honest conversations with each other, how's my new profile picture by the way?

OK, I got banned for 2 weeks and now I'm a good boy thanks to

Now let's talk Game Pass & how it'll affect gaming in the future, I just detest the future of gaming where everything is in a subscription-based model, it will make the developers that strive for the highest quality when it comes to work and budget, to become incompetent, because their games will be put in with the hundreds of others whether they're indies or big AAA games, it is like Communism, this is the Communism of gaming. (I know I'm a bit hyperbolic with the word "Communism"

Now let's go to Microsoft's rule here where they're putting all their 1st-party titles DAY AND DATE on Game Pass forever, this will make developers not work or make these HUGE AAA titles like Sony, Rockstar Games, Capcom, EA, Activision and many other AAA game makers, they will (like what Matt Booty, the head of Microsoft Studios said) make "AA games with as close to AAA games quality as possible" or along those lines, this just paints a very bad picture, even Matt said it, we KNOW when a PR says this stuff instead of denying it REALLY paints a picture & a future that we gamers do not want at all.
This will make games have HUGE Microtransactions and online modes focus instead of Single Player experiences that feel like they're manually hand made and not feel like some projects from a Drop-out student for a University, no passion, no art, just bad to somewhat decent quality, not something that only a AAA game can achieve (like the latest COD 2019, Metro Exodus, TLOU 2, RDR 2, God of War, Detroit Become Human, Spider Man PS4, etc...).
Here's the video for proof about Matt Booty saying it:
Xbox is kinda ruining gaming, their push for Game Pass is all “good” on the surface, but their downsides & cons are way more negative than y’all think.
Just look at fucking Halo Infinite, now it’s a “Games as a Service” type game with bad graphics (oh hey it’s 120 FPS excuse) and it having F2P online modes is the worst bad news you can have.
Releasing your main 1st-party games on Game Pass (((DAY ONE))) will make MS’s developers complacent and lets them release their games and can give them an excuse like “BUT HEY IT IS ON GAME PASS DAY ONE”, that's bad, very bad.
What are your guys' thoughts? I'm very interested in hearing about them, please have respectful, open and honest conversations with each other, how's my new profile picture by the way?