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Xbox LIVE Indie Games - The June 2011 Thread


Does the cat from "A Game About My Cat" ride his own kitty litter ?

I might have to try this game.

Bravo to that developer, Kafel. Whoever made that game is my hero. All I kept thinking about was that episode of Futurama where Bender was riding Lela as a toboggen. While it may not (based on one screen shot) be the best game to come by in some time, it certainly has a funny premise.

On the Gamefaqs/Wiki topic: Am I the only one who avoid typing on the 360 remote as it is extremely slow and cumbersome? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just use your phone/ipad/laptop next to you rather than typing in text on the 360 to look for anything?


DaveVoyles said:
Bravo to that developer, Kafel. Whoever made that game is my hero. All I kept thinking about was that episode of Futurama where Bender was riding Lela as a toboggen. While it may not (based on one screen shot) be the best game to come by in some time, it certainly has a funny premise.

On the Gamefaqs/Wiki topic: Am I the only one who avoid typing on the 360 remote as it is extremely slow and cumbersome? Wouldn't it be more efficient to just use your phone/ipad/laptop next to you rather than typing in text on the 360 to look for anything?

I absolutely hate typing on the 360. I really should get one of those keyboard things that plug into the bottom of the controller


Neo Member
Yeah those keyboard things are getting more popular. When I was looking at Avatar Legends (the create-your-own-RPG mode) I realized how much typing was needed and it was a major downer. No way around it really.

I demoed TIC. Gorgeous of course - and not just the game/graphics but the box art and the screenshots are also well done.

Not sure about the gameplay. It's above average and the controls are solid, but the first 8 minutes are just dodging very predictible floating drills and collecting acorns. I too am curious on how it develops. I like exploration style platformers, but something felt a little "flat" about it. Might be just because it was the first level.


Well that cat game wasn't fun. It's a pity.

I've finally tried Pick with my guitar and I'm convinced the dev is a crook. The charts are all the same and have nothing to do with the songs playing.

Fluffy was cute.
Kafel said:
I've finally tried Pick with my guitar and I'm convinced the dev is a crook. The charts are all the same and have nothing to fo with the songs playing.
I told the dev before it came out that it didn't work, and was ignored.

I guess it's the sort of thing that looks good until you try it, and by the time people try it it's already too late. So for the dev, it doesn't matter whether or not it works.


toythatkills said:
I told the dev before it came out that it didn't work, and was ignored.

I guess it's the sort of thing that looks good until you try it, and by the time people try it it's already too late. So for the dev, it doesn't matter whether or not it works.

That's so depressing to hear.
OnPoint said:
I absolutely hate typing on the 360. I really should get one of those keyboard things that plug into the bottom of the controller

I have a little USB keyboard I use for any text entry on the PS3 or 360 as using the OSK with no pointer sucks. Cheap and effective, and far better than those little chiclet things that attach to the controllers, IMO.


teraMEL0S said:
Man! TIC: Part 1 and Bloody Checkers are rad as all hell! RECOMMENDED!

Care to explain what Bloody Checkers is?? I couldn't figure it out even after staring at the screenshots for a good while


I bought Platformance: Temple Doom last night and wanted to chime in and say it is a lot of fun, just like the first game. Don't hesitate to spend that dollar!
Bloody Checkers is good stuff.

1) I hate Checkers but the first person exploration sold me.
2) The traps are mostly for show and to make a little extra cash during each match of checkers(where the bulk of the game is spent).
3) The rules are setup so that you're forced to make jumps if they can be made. So you can't just stall all the time and frustrate your opponent. If you're not paying attention you'll get forced to make crappy single jumps so your opponent can respond with doubles and triples.
4) There's a handy tutorial mode that covers all the basics as well as advanced tricks.
5) Only a dollar
6) Silly special effects that make you smile =)

Good stuff.

Like four freaking games were just released earlier. It's exhausting trying to keep up.


DaveVoyles said:
Wait, you needed to control the cat with the xbox guitar when you play Techno Kitten Adventure?
I've been playing it fine with the regular controller. You just use the A button.


I'm kind of worried the flood of good games will be counter productive because unfortunately there will be a flood of XBLA games as well over the next weeks

I added up how much it would take just to buy the major XBLA games and it's pretty close to $100. You can probably buy the major hyped 80 point XBLIG games for about $20 but throwing in 240 point games like TIC and Avatar Legends will complicate things...Most gamers out there will probably buy 1 or 2 of the XBLA games I guess, unfortunately (even though they are buying multiple $49 and $59 games a year...sigh)


Neo Member
Gaspode_T said:
I'm kind of worried the flood of good games will be counter productive because unfortunately there will be a flood of XBLA games as well over the next weeks

I added up how much it would take just to buy the major XBLA games and it's pretty close to $100. You can probably buy the major hyped 80 point XBLIG games for about $20 but throwing in 240 point games like TIC and Avatar Legends will complicate things...Most gamers out there will probably buy 1 or 2 of the XBLA games I guess, unfortunately (even though they are buying multiple $49 and $59 games a year...sigh)

I hold off on a lot of live games now as they seem to be on offer so quickly. Bejeweled Blitz for example is 200pts this week. Only rarely will I jump in on a full purchase nowadays on XBLA.

Pepsi tell me about it, keeping up with all these games is a nightmare, Toys wil no doubt say the same. The things we do.


Whoa..Serious Sam? 2D? As an indie? By MommysBestGames?
I wasn't living under a rock..why the hell is that new to me? :O!!


Slermy said:
Luke responded to the sale comments:


Lots of quotes from this thread.

Wooo, he quoted me! Transitory Internet fame!

For what it's worth, for me, it worked; I already had several of the games, and I quickly filled out the remaining few. I should also point out that I'm slightly sceptical as to whether I'd purchase a future game at 400pts, but it's worth taking each as they come. I suspect what would actually happen is that I'd become a bit more discerning, I'm happy to take the plunge sight-unseen for 80pts, but for more I ought to make more sensible decisions. I *don't*, but I ought to...


His games have a lot of ratings already but it would be interesting to study the curve they will take.

Some are in the top 10 now, we'll see if it will still be the case in a month or two.

*waves at Luke*
qupe1975 said:
I hold off on a lot of live games now as they seem to be on offer so quickly. Bejeweled Blitz for example is 200pts this week. Only rarely will I jump in on a full purchase nowadays on XBLA.

Pepsi tell me about it, keeping up with all these games is a nightmare, Toys wil no doubt say the same. The things we do.
It's even harder keeping up when you've bought Bejeweled Blitz for 200pts! It's the most broken, unbalanced PopCap game I've ever played and still I can't stop.
Played a whole lot of the recent games, beyond ones already talked about a bunch like TIC, Lair of the Evildoer, and Platformance, there's a few other I really like (and a bunch of others that vary from crap to alright):

Them Blockzhttp://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Them-Blockz/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802585508a9, 80msp, a puzzle game where you have to bring colored blocks to specific tiles by having them stick to you. The problem being figuring out how you'll be able to maneuver around the levels with the extra blocks making you bigger. Really liked the concept and the minimalist art style, which comes off looking more like a design choice than a "I can't design anything decent" choice.


Block the Laserhttp://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Block-the-Laser/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802585508ae, 80msp, a puzzle game where you have to walk over buttons to arm/disarm lasers or rotate walls to clear a path to the exit while moving forward/left/right. Found it a lot more interesting than I thought I would, there's a decent progression of new elements introduced as you go along in the trial.


Kung Fu Fight!http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Kung-Fu-FIGHT/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802585508ad, 80msp, an auto-running platformer with super retro graphics and a decent sense of humor. Has a good amount of polish and even in the trial there's a variety of enemies and hazards that require you to use pretty much every option at your disposal.


When Maidens Attack, 80msp, a platformer starring a maiden, chasing a very underclothed bearded man who stole her shoes after she chopped his clone in half for punching her in the face. Also a fairy made all the unicorns angry at you so you kill them all and take their hearts, even the baby unicorns. Yeah, that old chestnut. The actual game is fairly basic, you have a lightsaber attack and some magic you can aim with the right stick, and if you use the dash button you'll probably crash into something and lose half your health.

Shift It, 240msp, a block moving/matching puzzle game. It's a bit rough to look at, and there's not really anything unique about the concept, but there's decent puzzling to be found. Didn't really hold my interest enough for a purchase, since this is a really crowded genre and games that feel more original like UpBot Goes Up get my attention.

Poopocalypse, 80msp, a side scrolling poop bomber game. Nice graphics and presentation, but not really feeling the gameplay much. The flying controls feel awkward, and there's not really much in the way of variety, I mean, there's only so many ways you can poop on something....

Monster Escape, 80msp, a puzzle game where you place sets of blocks on the map to let you get to eggs. It seemed almost stupidly easy, and the monsters seem way larger than need be to the point where they're sorta in the way. Maybe it's more for young kids? High quality graphics, though.

The Angry Hand of God, 80msp, a destruction game. For a game about god smiting humans and destroying cities, it felt really slow and weak to me. Maybe I just didn't have the hang of it. Seems like I could have done a better job destroying the side scrolling city as a Rampage monster than as god!

Avatar Battle Bees, 80msp, these kind of dogfight flying combat games aren't really my thing, but this one seemed to be lacking a lot of the maneuverability other games in the genre have. Pretty nice art style, though.

Mad Blocker Arcade, 240msp, a match four falling block puzzle game that is apparently based on some earlier flash version. You don't rotate the blocks you can just switch their order in the horizontal line they are in. Not a whole lot of fun.

A Game About My Cat, 80msp, seemed really boring. Kinda cute graphics, but there's plenty of better side scrolling "trick" games on Xbox Indies (Pixel Boarders being the best).


toythatkills said:

Watch as it kicks your ass.

Mainly because the jumping is terrible. It also has silly layering problems (specifically, the part where you ride the logs along the river.) Can't grumble too much at 80 points but, the wonky jumping lets it down so much as the graphics are lovely.


So... this will be a good enough place to ask...

Is there a FAQ for setting up a US account, for a non US citizen?

We don't get XBox Indie where I am.
HadesGigas said:
Block the Laserhttp://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/Product/Block-the-Laser/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802585508ae, 80msp, a puzzle game where you have to walk over buttons to arm/disarm lasers or rotate walls to clear a path to the exit while moving forward/left/right. Found it a lot more interesting than I thought I would, there's a decent progression of new elements introduced as you go along in the trial.
I wanted to like this. Moving backwards undoing your last move instead of just moving you that way was something I couldn't get used to, though. There wasn't enough onscreen indication that I was undoing and it didn't feel like I was. The robot moves backwards, but it's barely noticable.

Hmm, there should be some tutorial for setting up accounts. As far as I remember, you set up a LIVE ID at www.passport.net and say you're from x country. Use fake address details, etc. Then when you've got your LIVE ID, you can just register a gamertag and it sets it to whatever country you chose before.
RustyO said:
So... this will be a good enough place to ask...

Is there a FAQ for setting up a US account, for a non US citizen?

We don't get XBox Indie where I am.

Unless somethings changed over the years, it's like this:

You need to sign up for a hotmail account on your computer, and pick US as the region (also provide a US address/phone number, just google up any old address).

Then on your Xbox create a new gamertag, choose to use the hotmail account you created (it will again ask you for the address/phone number)

You'll have to buy MS points cards from America if you plan on purchasing indie games with it.


HadesGigas said:
Unless somethings changed over the years, it's like this:

You need to sign up for a hotmail account on your computer, and pick US as the region (also provide a US address/phone number, just google up any old address).

Then on your Xbox create a new gamertag, choose to use the hotmail account you created (it will again ask you for the address/phone number)

You'll have to buy MS points cards from America if you plan on purchasing indie games with it.

Thanks! Thats awesome!


From the creator of such classics as "Barf and Beer" and "Console Info" comes.... drum roll.... Avatar Planking. You read that right.


Thank fuck for trials so that nobody ends up spending money just for the "so bad it's intriguing" factor.

Princess Skittles

Prince's's 'Skittle's
Ventron said:
From the creator of such classics as "Barf and Beer" and "Console Info" comes.... drum roll.... Avatar Planking. You read that right.
God bless the good XBLIG developers that are sticking with it amidst crap like this.

It can't be easy.
Ventron said:
From the creator of such classics as "Barf and Beer" and "Console Info" comes.... drum roll.... Avatar Planking. You read that right.


Thank fuck for trials so that nobody ends up spending money just for the "so bad it's intriguing" factor.


Do these people realize how difficult stuff like this makes it to market the platform?

But I suppose EVERY app store has similar garbage. I mean hell, Apple's App Store had a program to "cure homosexuality."


Neo Member

Also, Kafel I applaud your bluntness (I am referring to recent post on App Hub in response to Projector). I fear the day it comes my way, but you often say the things I want to say.

EDIT: link


SmallCaveGames said:

Also, Kafel I applaud your bluntness (I am referring to recent post on App Hub in response to Projector). I fear the day it comes my way, but you often say the things I want to say.

Which post is this? Link?
SmallCaveGames said:

Also, Kafel I applaud your bluntness (I am referring to recent post on App Hub in response to Projector). I fear the day it comes my way, but you often say the things I want to say.

I'll give him that much, he is very blunt, which I do appreciate from time to time as well.
DaveVoyles said:
You can use ANY usb keyboard with the 360? A wireless one too? (please say yes)

I'm living in the freakin' past.

I bought a cheap HP usb keyboard at walmart that works just fine. Haven't tried wireless but the Microsoft ARC is advertised as working for the 360 so I can't see any reason why other wireless keyboards wouldn't work as well.


Don't know if this was posted:
Cell: emergence

Reminds me of Rez...mixed with 3D Dot Heroes. And made by the writer of the first Deus Ex.

Found about Cell:emergence on this site: Armless Octopus. Pretty nice site (probably posted already, but whatever :p), with a nice focus on Xbox Indie games (and Indie PC games too). Recently posted a post-mortem of Battle High: San Bruno (which I just got after playing the demo and enjoying it) and some details of the newest version.

Talking about indies I just got, had 400 MS Points remaining so bought 5-80 Microsoft Points indies:

Aban Hawkins & the 1000 Spikes

The next game from the ones that made The Tempura of the Dead. Similar 2D-retro visuals...and gameplay. Reminds me of Platformance, in that the game consists of basically of going from one point to another, but there are so many obstacles, hazards, etc. on the way; so expect to die...a lot. In fact, you're given 1,000 lives to finish the entire game and dying means going back to the beginning of the level (though there are checkpoints). One difference is that the game has multiple levels and you can use weapons, but you're limited to the quantity of weapons per level; so you also need to be careful with that. XD

Battle High: San Bruno

A relatively simple 2D fighting game, but quite nice. Got it, because it feels and plays like those SNES fighting games, that were not Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, yet you had fun just picking characters and playing around. Plus the high-school settings in games are always a plus for me (don't know why). The characters are the usual school-cliches, but with related super powers. There 's the usual cliche-plot of one been in love with a girl, but the girl been the sister of his enemy...but the fighting's quite nice. It may not be deep or even balanced, but is fun. :p

Oozi: Earth Adventure Ep. 1

Another one that reminds me of the "old days", only that this one looks quite...HD. A 2D platformer on which you collect stars, jump over enemies, pits, spikes and reach to the end. For some reason reminds me of Rayman and some Genesis game I don't remember the name right now. Apparently the game was updated last month in order to fix a few problems regarding jumping, control, and added a few things. So if anyone tried this one on release and had problems, give it another change and download the new one.

Urban Space Squirrels

Really liked the visual style on his one. You just control a squirrel and have to open doors and jump through platforms to reach the end. But, is not as easy as it sounds. As the only things you can do is jump and throw bombs. Bombs are relatively limited in the way you interact with them as you position the cursor to were you want to throw them with the right stick and, depending on how long you hold the Left Trigger the bomb travels a longer distance. But the bomb doesn't stay as it starts to jump all over the place once it hits a wall; as long as you hold the the LT. So you have to position them in order to activate doors to proceed, or to use the explosion of said bomb to make the squirrel jump higher.

The Deep Cave

Another one of the "1 hit you die and you'll die a lot" kind of games. But I really liked the character on this one, as it's kinda cute. Plus since it's so small, it makes the areas look bigger. It's also kinda creepy with a lot of blood covering the areas and monsters that can cover the entire screen. In other words, you just can move around and jump. One difference might be is that there's a story of sorts. In between levels the character stops to talk to you and "you" give him advise. Granted you don't actually interact with him, but it's nice to get to know him as it makes him feel vulnerable and even afraid of what's going on.


Neo Member
Yeah most of those have been out - some for awhile now. Urban Space Squirrel is really solid actually, but I think it's a year old at this point.
Ventron said:
From the creator of such classics as "Barf and Beer" and "Console Info" comes.... drum roll.... Avatar Planking. You read that right.


Thank fuck for trials so that nobody ends up spending money just for the "so bad it's intriguing" factor.


Scrap King

Neo Member
toythatkills said:
I like that website. Sometimes I get the feeling that he's only just realising what he took on, though. I don't think there are 365 games that are worth raving about to any degree, and so there's a few reviews he's written where he's had to say good things about bad games just to keep up the pretence that he only reviews good games, it feels like.

Or maybe he's just a lot more forgiving than I am!

I do hope people are trying stuff based on what he writes though, 'cause it's a grand idea.

Scrap King, aka Mass Deduction here.

You got it half right. I am coming to grips with what I started, but I'm not reviewing lesser games just to keep my indie-game-a-day project going. I'm going to keep doing my consecutive daily reviews (yesterday was day 226) only as long as I can keep finding games that I like. You won't agree with every one (I specifically expect some people not to agree with my Chalked review, and Kobun already did publicly disagree with it), but personal preference will get in the way of any one person agreeing with every review.

Truth be told, I'll be relieved when I run out. When I do perhaps the project will end entirely, or perhaps I'll do something like switch to a game-a-week format depending on my impression of how often good games are getting released. I actually believe that there *may* be 365+ good games on the XBLIG, or at least might be by the time I get there (since good games keep getting released). Or I may fall short. I have no number I'm arbitrarily trying to hit, if I end at 250 or 2500 doesn't really matter to me. Whenever I run out of good games to keep doing my daily XBLIG reviews, I'll probably be more relieved than disappointed, as I've been doing these every day when I come home from work for 2/3 of a year now. :)

BTW, the reason I decided to do the consecutive reviews was just to prove that there is a lot of great content in the XBLIG channel. Doing daily reviews helped put a number on it, and keep the momentum going. It was designed to change an impression in the comments on Kotaku that there were only about 5 good games in the channel, and it seems to have done that. I've seen a real change in the comments on Kotaku since I started, some people specifically citing my reviews as a reason for the change in their impression (though, admittedly, others citing other reasons). That was the inspiration for http://writingsofmassdeduction.com/, to prove there weren't just 5 good games in a sea of zombie massage simulators. No matter what number I stop at now, it's mission accomplished since the number's now a hell of a lot bigger than 5 and people in my original target audience have noticed.


Thanks for including that link Scrap King. I looked through XBLIG for the first time ever about 3 months ago and picked up about a half dozen games. What I would really like is some sort of "best of" list of game since there are just SO many to choose from - do you have anything like that or can some people here give me some tips? I want to support Indie games, basically, and have NO problem dropping some cash this weekend on worthwile games.

Genres? There aren't many I don't like, but adventure/rpgs, platformers and really quirky stuff are some of my favorites. Thanks!
Total Miner is out at 240msp, and it's... well, Minecraft. But it is quite different than Fortress Craft, since it has a survival "Dig Deep" mode with enemies and all that.

Main difference from Minecraft as far as I can tell is that you can't just craft whatever you want. You have to find a blueprint first.

Which seems kinda lame. If I can figure out the recipie on my own, shouldn't I be able to just jot down my own "blueprint"? I really need to find a slip of paper that tells me "Yeah you know how to make wood pickaxes, right? Well... for stone ones you use stone!"? Though at least there's an option to have it point you in the direction of where the nearest unfound blueprint is.

Also there's "shop" blocks where you can spend money to buy things instead of crafting them. I guess you'd earn money by selling your excess blocks there as well?

Aside from those changes, I haven't noticed anything else fundamentally different from Minecraft, just a lot of minor differences (double jump, sand doesn't fall when you craft the block under it, dual wielding blocks and tools at the same time).

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