I just wish they would make these games backwards compatible already :/ Medal of Honor 2010 and crackdown 2 fifa street
Unbelievable!! what is the point in just making peace walker HD backward compatible why not MGS The HD collection as a total? You still have to use the 360 for that....not as if Peace Walker was better than MGS2, and 3....
Maybe a port of a PSP game is easier to get working than ports of PS2 games? I mean...Unbelievable!! what is the point in just making peace walker HD backward compatible why not MGS The HD collection as a total? You still have to use the 360 for that....not as if Peace Walker was better than MGS2, and 3....
I... what? What does it being on PS3 have to do with anything? Peace Walker HD is a port of a PSP game. I'm sure it took very little actual effort to make that version of the game and it can probably run on far lesser specs than its release systems, so I will say it again:Peacewalker was released on PS3 as well., the HD version, end of the day no excuses....MGS2 if anything is more highly regarded than peace-walker...on another note if Microsoft brought Panzer Dragoon, and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, to the XBOX- OG - XBOX1 compatibility table that would be awesome....!!!!
I loved that game, but the community was one of the dumbest I've ever seen, like legitimately stupid when it came to completing objectives.Future Soldier multiplayer was legitimately great. Loved the weapon customization.
Haha definitely. I had a group of guys I'd regularly play with so I didn't have to deal too much with randoms screwing everything up. But the maps, weapons and abilities, and core movement/shooting were just really solid in that game. The singleplayer DLC was also quite good.I loved that game, but the community was one of the dumbest I've ever seen, like legitimately stupid when it came to completing objectives.
Playing through it now on the XB1, do have to wonder why this is was ranked like the 2nd or 3rd best MGS game in the series. I'll definitely plan on finishing it, just probably need to be patient and wait for the story to unfold.Peacewalker was released on PS3 as well., the HD version, end of the day no excuses....MGS2 if anything is more highly regarded than peace-walker...on another note if Microsoft brought Panzer Dragoon, and Mortal Kombat Shaolin Monks, to the XBOX- OG - XBOX1 compatibility table that would be awesome....!!!!
Really hoping Microsoft will add: Modern Warfare 2 and 3[/QUOTE said:https://www.vg247.com/2018/03/16/call-duty-modern-warfare-2-remastered-listing-appears-amazon-italy/
Look at it how you want to. But there was a leak right before they announced MW. I told myself when they announced the first that Moneyvision was just going to remaster all three and have it as the Remastered MW Trilogy.
They already have COD 2, 3, WaW, Black Ops, BO2, and Ghosts (doesn't count in my opinion) as BC with Ghosts, BO3, AW, IW, WWII and soon BO4 on the X One. Soooooo yeah.
Maybe we'll see the Xbox original COD titles as BC.
I feel like once per week is going to be the norm now.
We definitely need more 4k 360 releases:
Doom 3 - Res bump would be great plus original Dooms in 4k? Yes please! (Native 720p)
Borderlands - One of the first BC games, I play this way too much. (targeted 720p?)
Ninja Gaiden II. Really low resolution, def needs a bump. (1120X585)
Quake 4/Quake II - Horrible performance in Quake 4/Native 1080 on Quake II port.
still waiting on a PGR game they did say Microsoft published games would 100% come to back combat, still waiting
Would Like to be Able to Play the OG dead or Alive vollyball
What are the Chances ?
YBH, for pure emulation/BC purposes, this shouldn't matter. It would literally just be a matter of not selling digital copies or selling altered copies without the music if they didn't relicense.3 of the 4 DOA games had licensed music on Xbox. DOAXBV had the most licensed music of them all. Still hoping they can all somehow make it...
Yeah, Conviction is.Are any of the Splinter Cell games BC yet?..
Hope they add Double Agent and possibly the OG Xbox Splinter Cell games. On another note I wish all OG/360 Prince of Persia games are in their plans.Yeah, Conviction is.
Knowing the game is Xbox One X enhanced, I bought it. Will definitely play it in the near future.Fable Anniversary is down to $10 with the current sale. Might bite.