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Xbox One Backwards Compatible lOT2l: Who would want to play these games?

Dr. Doak

So many new games, which should I buy?! I loved SSX 3 but I also love Rare. I've played the original Conker in the 90's but not Live & Reloaded. I've heard it's censored?
Then there's Jade Empire which I've never played....but it's Bioware. The only Bioware game I really enjoyed was Mass Effect 1.

I can't decide....
So many new games, which should I buy?! I loved SSX 3 but I also love Rare. I've played the original Conker in the 90's but not Live & Reloaded. I've heard it's censored?
Then there's Jade Empire which I've never played....but it's Bioware. The only Bioware game I really enjoyed was Mass Effect 1.

I can't decide....

IIRC, wasn’t the N64 title originally censored but this one lets you turn it off?

And Jade Empire was good—short, but good...but if you dislike BioWare then I’d suggest passing.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
IIRC, wasn’t the N64 title originally censored but this one lets you turn it off?

And Jade Empire was good—short, but good...but if you dislike BioWare then I’d suggest passing.
Live and Reloaded was a great idea, but they cut a lot of content from it. Despite the fact that the game was originally called Live and Uncut! The poo song was one of the most notable omissions from the xbox version.

My reaction while catching up on all of the new back compat news from last week:


I was offline for the almost the entire week (it was horrible!) and it just had to be the week that MS dropped a whole bunch of bombshells. Dang it. I missed the party. Is there any pizza left?

I just bought Panzer Dragoon Orta, I am currently updating Red Dead for some 4k goodness (What !?) and I'm planning to buy a copy of Jade Empire later this week. Games are coming out faster than I can buy them. I was also planning on picking up God of War but I'm now seriously considering grabbing an overpriced copy of Morrowind GotY off of eBay instead :p.
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Man does morrowind run nice. Still some dropped frames but its so much smoother than on original hardware.

Cant wait for digital foundry to check these titles out
My reaction while catching up on all of the new back compat news from last week:


I was offline for the almost the entire week (it was horrible!) and it just had to be the week that MS dropped a whole bunch of bombshells. Dang it. I missed the party. Is there any pizza left?

I just bought Panzer Dragoon Orta, I am currently updating Red Dead for some 4k goodness (What !?) and I'm planning to buy a copy of Jade Empire later this week. Games are coming out faster than I can buy them. I was also planning on picking up God of War but I'm now seriously considering grabbing an overpriced copy of Morrowind GotY off of eBay instead :p.

It's $15 U.S. on the digital store. My current copy is in storage, so I figure I'll just buy digital and then sell my physical down the road.


My reaction while catching up on all of the new back compat news from last week:


I was offline for the almost the entire week (it was horrible!) and it just had to be the week that MS dropped a whole bunch of bombshells. Dang it. I missed the party. Is there any pizza left?

I just bought Panzer Dragoon Orta, I am currently updating Red Dead for some 4k goodness (What !?) and I'm planning to buy a copy of Jade Empire later this week. Games are coming out faster than I can buy them. I was also planning on picking up God of War but I'm now seriously considering grabbing an overpriced copy of Morrowind GotY off of eBay instead :p.

Don’t do that - the digital version IS the GOTY edition 👍
It's $15 U.S. on the digital store. My current copy is in storage, so I figure I'll just buy digital and then sell my physical down the road.

I'm 40 hours into my Oblivion playthrough at the moment on my X, so a digital copy is incredibly tempting. I'm a sucker for physical copies though (much to my bank account's dismay). I choked on my coffee when I saw the price that Conker is going for on eBay too.
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Does vanilla Morrowind get the GOTY contents?

Edit: Yes it does! I would so replay the XBOX version if I could move the saves to the PC.
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Hmm Panzer Dragoon was ready with “install” in the store but SSX3 has the “show price” instead - I bought both earlier this week...
Anyone home who can test SSX 3? Looking to play it legit instead of on Dolphin where it runs well but not perfectly at 4k (even on a 1080).

Will buy the Xbox originals version digitally for $10 if it looks good on Xbox. I thought the Xbox would have some additional upgrade over the Gamecube version but apparently both were 480p back in the day with very similar detail levels/assets. Would have hoped the Xbox had a bigger gap on this third party gem


Panzer Dragoon Orta looks amazing and runs at 60fps. Conker looks solid but the lack of widescreen hurts.
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Ok I just launched Orta and played through the first stage.

WOW. The game looks INCREDIBLE.

This is some next level wizardry here. The game is widescreen at 60 frames per second, there isn't a single thing that looks unpolished or that could make us see that it is a 2002 game.

Everything looks amazing. Menus, text, videos, hud : everything 2D element looks good too ! And gameplay of course is incredible.

Well done Microsoft, reaching this level of polish in a free backward compatibility feature is awesome.
I bought SSX 3 but it's not playabe. Message says that I don't own the game.

Laaame. You shouldn't have to have the physical copy, right? If you could report back if it starts working (or if you get confirmation that it won't with the digital copy) that would be much appreciated!

Dr. Doak

Thanks for the update...but this is still a joke. I've paid for a game that doesn't work. Did they test this?
Six hours since release and it still doesn't work, lmao. Embarrassing.


Played some Breakdown today, that game was way ahead of its time.

The BC program has rendered 'remasters' redundant. Hopefully we get more Xbox games that weren't BC on the 360 become playable on the One.

Of course, we have gotten a solid mixture of Xbox 360 games since January as well. Amazing how all the consumer backlash and the rejection of the original Xbox One vision humbled the team into becoming more consumer friendly.

Dr. Doak

Yeah it's working but I don't get the controls. There is no control scheme in the options menu and I don't remember them.


Did the folks who are having trouble with purchased games not starting try a hard reset?

That fixed my issues immediately.


I had to hard reset twice just to get my Conker disc to download. Then another two times for it to finally launch. But it's been smooth sailing since.


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Morrowind performance is much improved in BC.

Xbox One X: 58.5 FPS average (with 16x pixels rendered)
Original Xbox: 36 FPS average


That’s a bit knee-jerk? I’ve just checked and mine is downloading now

Not in the least.

Mine downloaded too, but was not able to start and did not appear as in my ready to install or my games. The transaction showed up.

After talking with MS support, it is a known issue. The same thing happened to a friend as well.

Anyone know if this screw up is fixed yet?


AMD's Dogma: ARyzen (No Intel inside)
Played some Hunter the Reckoning, pretty fun game that feels semi-modern(hack and slash for melee but controls like a twin stick shooter for ranged attacks). Good looking for a multi-platform 6th generation game, lots of characters on screen at times. Performance also seems improved over original Xbox.
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