New Quantum Break footage in 2 weeks?

oh my god.... why
Microsoft's most impressive exclusive launch titles are Ryse: Son of Rome, Forza Motorsport 5 and Dead Rising 3, which all run in 1080p at 60 frames per second.
Sigh. That's terrible journalism when you can't even bother to check your facts before posting it to the public.
link to stream?
link to stream?
mine was just shipped!
oh my god.... why
Makes sense to post it here too!
New Quantum Break footage in 2 weeks?
Don't toy with my heart! Really appreciate the developers' output...
Remedy is, alongside 343 industries, the most technically competent MS related (I know, second party vs first party, but whatever) studio. Both Halo 5 and Quantum Break will be contenders for the greatest visuals displayed during 2014...
you have the vid here, he will problably stream again another time
Fuck. I can only get one system this generation and I went with ps4. But now I'm thinking of selling it to a friend and switching over to the xbox. The UI, KI, and Halo are almost too much to handle. If only I knew that the biggest graphical difference will be 50% difference in pixels this entire gen. I really don't want to get stuck with a bad fallout/elder scrolls/ witcher 3/ ect. port and not be able to switch over.
100%Odds that GAF goes down in an hour and 20 mins?
Don't toy with my heart! Really appreciate the developers' output...
Remedy is, alongside 343 industries, the most technically competent MS related (I know, second party vs first party, but whatever) studio. Both Halo 5 and Quantum Break will be contenders for the greatest visuals displayed during 2014...
Odds that GAF goes down in an hour and 20 mins?
If both games top Ryse visually....
Odds that GAF goes down in an hour and 20 mins?
thanks. it seems that there is no separate game library. will be kind of a clusterfuck to have apps and games together.
Jeff Gerstmann ‏@jeffgerstmann 19m
Podcasts done recording, Ill get it all proper and itll be up on the site at (or shortly after) 9 tonight. This week we talk video games?
Jeff Gerstmann ‏@jeffgerstmann 18m
And by video games I mean controlling televisions with your voice. Also: video games.
Fuck. I can only get one system this generation and I went with ps4. But now I'm thinking of selling it to a friend and switching over to the xbox. The UI, KI, and Halo are almost too much to handle. If only I knew that the biggest graphical difference will be 50% difference in pixels this entire gen. I really don't want to get stuck with a bad fallout/elder scrolls/ witcher 3/ ect. port and not be able to switch over.
It's like, I like the xbox exclusives, UI, and OS more than Playstations. But I also like good looking games. And some of my favorite games are multiplatform and made by developers developers who have shown questionable quality control (skyrim).
Im pretty nervious for the reviews. I feel like the voice and kinect controls not working could sink the whole thing (in terms of system reviews... and neogaf).
Crimson Dragon has been met with some pretty poor scores but I'm still willing to give it a chance, I love me some rail shooters.
FYI you are absolutely gonna want to read @kirkhamilton's beastly Xbox One review (up at midnight) before buying this thing at launch
Fuck. I can only get one system this generation and I went with ps4. But now I'm thinking of selling it to a friend and switching over to the xbox. The UI, KI, and Halo are almost too much to handle. If only I knew that the biggest graphical difference will be 50% difference in pixels this entire gen. I really don't want to get stuck with a bad fallout/elder scrolls/ witcher 3/ ect. port and not be able to switch over.
It's like, I like the xbox exclusives, UI, and OS more than Playstations. But I also like good looking games. And some of my favorite games are multiplatform and made by developers developers who have shown questionable quality control (skyrim).
Now comes the part of the week where I start checking Amazon every five minutes.
Yeah I suppose. I just wish MS would have shown some halo 5 footage (even though it's a ways out). It would have made the decision a lot easier. I just really wish MS had a beefier console than they do. Even if just by a little bit. Because there is no doubt in my mind that the XB1 is clearly going to be the better multimedia device. And as I get older and game less, that will become more and more important.Just stick with the PS4 since the third party games sound so important to you. I'm not convinced they'll run like shit on the Xbox One like we saw last gen with the PS3, but the PS4 will always edge out the Xbox One in straight up power so the games will always be better.
He selected "Games and apps" rather than the "Games" button to the right of it.
Remedy is, alongside 343 industries, the most technically competent MS related (I know, second party vs first party, but whatever) studio. Both Halo 5 and Quantum Break will be contenders for the greatest visuals displayed during 2014...
Hmm... sounds not good, now. AHHH!!! EMBARGO BE OVER DAMMIT!!!
Well, he doesn't say "before you think about buying it." That and he may just be drumming up hype for his review. Hits = $$$
I am holding out till my 2nd wave purchases in December. I anxiously await actual GAF impressions of the game.
Well, he doesn't say "before you think about buying it." That and he may just be drumming up hype for his review. Hits = $$$