could never
Said combat was comparable to Arkham games...
No bad thing.
Said combat was comparable to Arkham games...
Watching the livestream on IGN. Sounds like Ryse could be getting better reviews than people thought. They seem pretty positive about the story and combat. Said combat was comparable to Arkham games...
Where from dude?
Really starting to like Ryse. I might pick that up on Friday.![]()
They seem pretty positive about the story and combat. Said combat was comparable to Arkham games...
Velcro.How are people going to be mounting Kinect on top of their TV? I can't keep it underneath because the kid will mess with it. Are there any mounts available yet? I might have to MacGuyver it.
He/she is (was) the only person on my ignore list. There's a difference between discussion and drivel.
Watching the livestream on IGN. Sounds like Ryse could be getting better reviews than people thought. They seem pretty positive about the story and combat. Said combat was comparable to Arkham games...
It's that nasty sharpening filter they implemented, the patch should've added some effects like ambient occlusion.Battlefield doesn't look very good fellas. Nothing like the pc but I guess that is to be expected. Textures aren't great and lots of jagged.
The bumper buttons suck big time!
Watching the IGN stream?
Yeah, it's def. linear and can get boring, but it may be fun in small chunks - and to admire the visuals.
Shipping? They haven't even charged my card!
Second best thing after X1 launch
The surface has a different texture than the black one. It's more rubbery. Not better or worse but different. We just did a blindfold pepsi challenge and everyone guessed white.
Got off the phone with Amazon (this is about those that ordered Xbox One's this morning). The rep told me that I 100% have a Day One edition. That I will get it 100% on Monday. But that, they also said it's very likely I get it Friday. That the estimated delivery date is wrong, and needs to be changed for some folks that ordered this morning.
So, either way I'm happy with that. Even if I have to wait until thanksgiving to play it (I'm busy with school all week. Only had Friday-Sunday off.
You don't have to say Xbox in front of every command, that's just to get it to listen or if you only want to do that one command. Once it's listening, as indicated in the top right corner, you can continue to say commands without saying 'Xbox' until it stops listening as seen in this video.
That list of commands above is very good, I will probably print that out.
But it wont work for headphone users since dts, or umcompressed 5.1 are options
I already regret not preordering the Xbox One the multiple chances I had. My girlfriend would have killed me if I jumped on that Amazon train this morning. I already bought a PS4, three games, and a new HDTV last week. I just need one though. I know I will get it eventually but the sooner the better.
Cheers man, takes the edge off the extortionate digital pricing
Extra five percent off if you like them on Facebook
Man, look how sexy this would have been:
They should have gone with white... that thing looks fineeee
Speech guide list
I'm starting to think that there is no screenshot function in Xbone.
Seriously, what is wrong You Microsoft?
Ign seems to be having fun, not awkward like the Polygon live video
Ign seems to be having fun, not awkward like the Polygon live video
I can't stop cumming.
Nothing from upload studio?
Nice. I'm glad you finally got some clarity. I had some ass hat manager named Deejay who changed my Monday, Nov. 25th delivery to "standard" hoping that would fix it, only to have an estimated delivery of Nov. 27th - Dec. 3rd. He then claimed he wasn't able to change it back to one day. While on the chat, I opened another window, and changed it myself with no issue. He just said, "Great!"
This has been pretty frustrating. If it doesn't arrive Friday, I think I might try and get my annual prime fee refunded or something.
I've reviewed our previous correspondence with you, and I'm very sorry about the misunderstanding information you received.
Xbox One Console - Day One Edition are not guaranteed to be available at release date. However, we will ship Day One Edition orders on a first-come, first-served basis as soon as we receive inventory.
To make up the inconvenience caused, I've waived the $7.99 shipping charge for your order.
We'll send you an e-mail when your order is shipped with your tracking number.
You can always check the status of your order in Your Account. Here's a direct link to the order details:
They have two updates. The 9781 is the one the console comes with, and is probably the one to use if you want to bypass the update being downloaded entirely. The second is for when you're on the launch build.
Yes. All games do.Question, if you buy physical copies of the games instead of going all digital, do the games still need to be installed into the hard drive like the PS4 does to cache their games ?
I just got an email from customer service saying this:
Interesting that they are now claiming it's not guaranteed by the 22nd as advertised. I also don't like the uncertainty of when they will ship it. Starting to wonder if our estimated 25th and 26th dates are even going to happen.
I guess I'm just going to keep checking my bank account. If they charge me by Friday, then I know they are going to ship it. IF they don't, I'm going to hit up all the local stores and hope to get lucky and snag an Xbox One (even if its a standard edition). Can't really lose if I go that route.
And like I said, if they charge me tomorrow or Friday, then I know it's coming. So no need to worry.
If surround sound is a deal breaker, you can always run an optical cable directly from your cable box to your receiver, right?
Weird. I preordered this morning and was already charged for it. Apparently, my order is being prepared for delivery. I'll keep an eye on it now that I know this. Thanks.