Bam Bam Baklava
Are installs mandatory or optional? Do our old avatar's carry over?
Mandatory installs, avatars carry over as far as I know and so do your props and unlocks etc.
Are installs mandatory or optional? Do our old avatar's carry over?
Are installs mandatory or optional? Do our old avatar's carry over?
Alright...this is my set up. I'm thinking about putting the Kinect right in front of the bottom of the television. For some reference, the TV is 73" and the bottom part is about 2.5 feet from the ground. It should work alright from this height right?
I think he must delete the installation and start over.
$89.99 for Dead Rising 3 *spins*
Mandatory installs, avatars carry over as far as I know and so do your props and unlocks etc.
Mandatory. Current avatar only on Xbox 360.
EDIT: Do you mean the avatar picture or the avatar like this:
F*ck! Dat edit!
Hmm mandatory installs.
I mean current avatar picture, not the 3D avatar.
I can confirm that I have it and that I peeked at Campaign and was kind of astonished at how good the graphics were. There was this big fat layer of generational improvement in fidelity.
Have playdate arranged on Friday night with our internal BF krew for MP.
Yeah. With a K.
Mine shipped today as well. I often get Amazon shipments next day, soo ... fingers crossed.Console already shipped. It's only on state away too.
Hmm mandatory installs.
I mean current avatar picture, not the 3D avatar.
Now that you mention it, the complete lack of demos in the Store is troubling.Man, I hope there will be demos available.
Man, I hope there will be demos available.
can see demos for fifa nba and forza with smartglass
can see demos for fifa nba and forza with smartglass
Don't get Ryse, you guys:
Don't get Ryse, you guys:
Don't get Ryse, you guys:
Sessler's Ryse review is already up for some reason:
Won't load on my phone. What is said?
Won't load on my phone. What is said?
Where to begin. Boring combat, horrible story...basically it's pretty and there's nothing there but the pretty.Won't load on my phone. What is said?
Won't load on my phone. What is said?
hot garbage, but it looks nice.
Good graphics but disappointing 2/5 stars
Where to begin. Boring combat, horrible story...basically it's pretty and there's nothing there but the pretty.
Repetitive, uninteresting, pretty. 2/5.
It's a good review.
Don't get Ryse, you guys:
A friend said the game is like 7/8, I think Adam Sessler was too low.
Don't get Ryse, you guys:
The official Xbox one thread is around 8K post and official PS4 thread is at 12k... this with the PS4 launching a week earlier and the Xbox one isn't even released yet.