At work so can someone check if they accept the new MS account system for payments?
The official Xbox one thread is around 8K post and official PS4 thread is at 12k... this with the PS4 launching a week earlier and the Xbox one isn't even released yet.
But I like hack and slash gameplay and overly dramatic storylines
Still trying to decide between forza and ryse.
Don't think twice. Forza.
Don't think twice. Forza.
Hah wow, they gave Knack a "High 3" yet said the gameplay reminded them of Knack yet Knack is nowhere near this level of fidelity yet it gets a 2?
Still holding out for these to measure out as they seem to be mostly accurate from what we've seen.
Well yeah Gears came out a year after the 360 did. Bf4 is a launch title that was developed for 5 platforms.I've seen it too, and I was actually disappointed. I mean, it looks okay for what I expect launch titles to look like. It doesn't give me that Gears 1 feeling of "holy smokes, this is next gen". I hope some other title in the future achieves that *cough* Halo 5 *cough*.
Hi Gaf, this was probably answered somewhere already but i can't find the information :
Does this mean i can update dayone without ever connecting the xbox? Or do i still have to activate it in some way?
Thank you !
I'll one up you. Getting a vasectomy on Friday. Two kids and I'm done.
Have to be horizontal for 24 hours after the procedure. Xbone to the rescue.
Hi Gaf, this was probably answered somewhere already but i can't find the information :
Does this mean i can update dayone without ever connecting the xbox? Or do i still have to activate it in some way?
Thank you !
where is my best chance of walking up and getting one at midnight without waiting in line for hours?
Yes, this is essentially the day one patch that you would put on a usb device and update from it.
Yes it means that. Just make sure you install the correct file.
I refuse to believe on Crimson Dragon's 3/5. All the impressions I've read from people who enjoyed Orta tell me this game is worth playing. I'd buy it right now if that website allowed me.
Kmart if you're from the usa. Some people got ps4 just walking in and walking out.
Kmart if you're from the usa. Some people got ps4 just walking in and walking out.
I think there's been far more controversy surrounding xbone, though, (voice commands hit or miss, no DD for headphones, no twitch app, etc.) and that's likely why.
Crimson Dragon
Killer Instinct
This is my haul for the rest of 2013 X1. Hopefully something good comes out between January and Titanfall.
as negative as I've been about this system (and still am) I'm pretty sure I'm ending up with one tomorrow. SIGH.
Hi Gaf, this was probably answered somewhere already but i can't find the information :
Does this mean i can update dayone without ever connecting the xbox? Or do i still have to activate it in some way?
Thank you !
I think he was too high on Forza 5 and probably too low on RYSE.
It's not just the fact it's niche. There are free to play elements that leave you grinding levels or paying to level up automatically. It's that kind of shit that will turn me off any game. Watch the Giant Bomb quick look to get an idea of what I mean.Well I'm willing to bet that most of these ratings are from actual reviewers considering the limited amount of Xbox Ones out there.
I think Crimson Dragon is a niche title that not many can get into.
because despite it being an objective piece of shit as far as hardware/UI/tech it's still going to have stuff I badly want to play since I do like MS's first party output. i don't think the price is gonna drop much by the time quantum break comes out and I managed to snag a new preorder from Amazon yesterday so... fuck itI'm trying to understand this post as best as I can....but why are you getting something you don't want?
Well I'm willing to bet that most of these ratings are from actual reviewers considering the limited amount of Xbox Ones out there.
I think Crimson Dragon is a niche title that not many can get into.
It's not just the fact it's niche. There are free to play elements that leave you grinding levels or paying to level up automatically. It's that kind of shit that will turn me off any game. Watch the Giant Bomb quick look to get an idea of what I mean.
It's ridiculous they charge $20 for what is essentially a free to play game.
Isn't grinding a big part of how those types of games always have been?
Sesslers review was pretty good. He justified his criticisms quite well.
I think he also brought a pretty valuable criticism that is starting to worry me which is the inclusion of micro transactions in games such as Crimson Dragon, to Ryse, to Forza, to Lococycle. I know they are nothing new, but they seem to be everpresent in almost every first party title. I'm hoping that they don't break the balance of the game, and in general, it's not a practice I like even if they are avoidable when I'm already spending 60 dollars.
Whew dodged the bullet, I knew not buying any EA games would be a wise decision.
How does it break the balance?
You have people willing to play for hours to get it free or you have people willing to spend $5-$10 instead so they can just play with the content instantly.
Watch this:
Sesslers review was pretty good. He justified his criticisms quite well.
I think he also brought a pretty valuable criticism that is starting to worry me which is the inclusion of micro transactions in games such as Crimson Dragon, to Ryse, to Forza, to Lococycle. I know they are nothing new, but they seem to be everpresent in almost every first party title. I'm hoping that they don't break the balance of the game, and in general, it's not a practice I like even if they are avoidable when I'm already spending 60 dollars.
I can understand grinding for high scores, since it's fun in it's own right, but the problem is you hit the usual free to play point where you literally can't kill enemies because your hits are too weak (thus making you wait out the stage with a weak dragon and wasting a bunch of time), forcing you to play prior levels to collect gems. That sort of game design is just gross to ne.Isn't grinding a big part of how those types of games always have been?
I honestly don't care about micro-transactions as long as you can gain access to it by playing(DLC excluded of course.).
I know a few people that don't have the time to race or play 5 hours a day in order to unlock a dragon or buy some cars and that gives them a good alternative IF they want to take it.
Dafuq did I just watch? And while I agree with you that it doesnt break the balance of the game, its shit we need to steer clear of because before you know it we will be paying for each individual level. Its one of those things that isnt THAT awful yet, but if developers see that they can get away with this, they will keep trying to get away with more and more.
Uh what?
How does this kind of micro-transactions turn into paying for levels?
This is completely optional and they don't give you a unfair advantage that hurts other players.
I'm really tempted by Forza. It's either that or BF4.
I refuse to believe on Crimson Dragon's 3/5. All the impressions I've read from people who enjoyed Orta tell me this game is worth playing. I'd buy it right now if that website allowed me.
Did you watch what you linked? I answered based on a video you showed that said microtransactions arent that bad, deal with them. I say no and gave you a reason why.