Gizmodo got it working almost flawlessly. Sorry bud can't link you. Just go to their site.Has any site done a bit more of an in depth analysis of voice control with some kind of best practice thing?
Im sure there's a "xbox, help" commandis there no "Xbox what can I say" or "Xbox help" commands that pull up the list?
if not, quite the oversight
hmmm recognition of my hand is always at the corner of the screen. kinda fucked.
voice works...but would it have killed them to include a list of the voice commands inside the box considering how specific they are?
How are you guys even playing anything? Won't let me sign in...
Do the normal xbox ones with the green packaging come with FIFA14 free in EU/AUS or is it just pre orders with black packaging?
so jelly of you XBO owners
playing Forza 5 right now without me![]()
From SpikeTV thing, Xbox One Launch Trailer. (Quantum Break shown)
Really Gets Me Hyped For The Future.
Two questions:
Where is Xbox Fitness?
Oh god please don't tell me it's ps4 launch all over again
Soo. First impressions. Kinect 2.0 can't hear me for shit over my TV volume.
HBO not showing under my Comcast listings.
And just started campaign in Ryse. Black screen with music for at least 4 minutes and counting.. Fully installed before starting disc.
Snapping to TV in the meantime.
NOW I see where snap TV is useful! Hanging load screens.
apparently ryse has to install after installing
Columbus OH
Out for delivery - November 22, 2013 1:36:00 AM
9am here - just woke up with an ugly cold and took the day off from work. Now I'm sitting at the window, waiting for the postman...
So, I jumped in! No problems so far, but my room mate is asleep so I can't use the Kinect yet.
What do you guys think?
So, I jumped in! No problems so far, but my room mate is asleep so I can't use the Kinect yet.
What do you guys think?
Try a loud whisper. That usually worked for me on Kinect 1.
I think glass shelves are a terrible idea for electronics. Nowhere to hide the wires.
so jelly of you XBO owners
playing Forza 5 right now without me![]()
The controller feels fucking amazing. Money well spent in developing it I guess.FUCK HOW NICE IS THIS CONTROLLER!
Hahha exactly. Can't ride both sides of that fence mate. "oh but look at my post history, I want forza!" bs. So many anti ms posts then this made up shit to sound impartial.Jelly? Wat?
Something something lessons must be learned something.
The only reason you aren't playing Forza 5 right now is because you are on some crusade to "punish" Microsoft the way you "punished" Sony last gen.
In the end, you're just punishing yourself.
LOl at that Dan Livingstone first guy in the world to have an xbox one! We had them 3 days before he had! How can they even run that sorry you can check the times via our profiles and it would prove it all wrong!
Hope you guys are enjoying. Whatever you do, say xbox help and look thru the new features instantly. Really helpful.
Hahha! I was third in UAE tho bro, maybe first on this forum. What about that other chap who was tweeting. He had it ages ago.First thing I said on Neogaf thread for that story was "Except for Phat"![]()
The controller feels fucking amazing. Money well spent in developing it I guess.
Did I fuck up by refunding all my physical games to go digital right now?
Also, can I upgrade my internal hard drive with any laptop drive like with PS4?
Hahha! I was third in UAE tho bro, maybe first on this forum. What about that other chap who was tweeting. He had it ages ago.
Hey guys,
Quick question: Are all Xbox Ones that are sold on launch day at major stores, the Day One Edition, or will they sell the regular edition of the console today as well? Was the Day One edition for preorders only? Thanks
I got day one with forza without pre order. Makes no difference really beyond the controller and that silly achievement.Hey guys,
Quick question: Are all Xbox Ones that are sold on launch day at major stores, the Day One Edition, or will they sell the regular edition of the console today as well? Was the Day One edition for preorders only? Thanks