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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


Has anyone tried Kinect Sports Rivals Preseason yet?

If so, does it let you screw around with the Champion Creator at all?

Downloading it now, but it's 3GB so it's going to take ~45 min.


I don't know if anyone has mentioned this but I love how the new headset is way harder to pull out of the controller. I hated that my stock headset would always get pulled out of the 360 controller so this was a big plus for me.


Has anyone tried Kinect Sports Rivals Preseason yet?

If so, does it let you screw around with the Champion Creator at all?

Downloading it now, but it's 3GB so it's going to take ~45 min.

I've had a blast with it clearing out all the November goals. It doesn't let you create a champion yet, though.


FYI Pure Direct is an audio mode in receivers that bypasses the video in order to provide the best audio quality. That's why you lost your video in Pure Direct.

Pioneer receivers still show video in pure direct but for whatever the Xbox doesn't like it. I honestly don't know what was causing my issues yesterday.


Gold Member
Last night I woke up hearing the buzzing sound again. This was like 4AM. And I put my ear to my Xbox. No noise. But I then dropped to the floor and put my ear to the power brick. It's humming slightly. Is there a fan in there or something? Does anyone else's buzz slightly?

Yes, mine buzzes as well. Definitely the power brick. I should try and set the console to power saving mode (losing my instant on capabilities) to see if that makes a difference.


Neo Member
Pioneer receivers still show video in pure direct but for whatever the Xbox doesn't like it. I honestly don't know what was causing my issues yesterday.
Oh, I didn't know that.

HDMI is often finicky. I had a CEC issue in my receiver that took me weeks to figure out. I would turn on one device, and another would turn off.
Alright, time for a revolution. #BringBackTheGuide

There are a lot of things I love about the Xbox One, but the removal of the Xbox Guide in place of the App-fest is not among them. The Xbox Guide put all of your menu option into sub-menus under the guide button. Everything from achievements, profile, friends, etc where only one click away. With the removal of the guide, now you have to go home, find the friends app, launch the app, select friends, and FINALLY you can look at your friends. Not to mention a small amount of loading between each.

This isn't even the worst of it. You can't even invite people to games anymore. On 360 you could just hit the guide, scroll to your friend, and hit X. Now you have to do everything through the specific games menus. But what makes it worse is that some games will just invite random people in your party... you can't even select who the invite goes to!!!! Killer Instinct for example(Amazing game) when you set up a custom game, you select the Host/Invite option. After selecting this the game will randomly add someone from your party to the game. It doesn't even matter if the person has played the game or not. There is no way to select the friend you wanted the invite to go to.

This is just one example of how the removal of the guide has made everything more of a hassle. Achievements, friends, invites, messages, parties(wtf turn on party chat??), the list goes on. I understand if MS wants to keep the app look for the casuals, but they seriously need to make some of the menus more streamlined like the guide did.


Agree with that. Feels way harder to check on your friends than it should and inviting a friend into Dead Rising was ridiculous. Instead of opening your friends list and pressing X to invite, you have to make a party (nowhere does it mention this, I had to find it out on my own) and then press start within the game and select invite party, so it will then randomly invite anybody and everybody in the current party, not just one person. A COMPLETE 180 from how simple and elegant it was on 360. Surely the PS4's is more similar to the 360's? Can someone confirm? Also where is the auto sign in, status of controllers battery life, view recent players, streaming media from PC etc. Basically, I think the 360 UI functioned so much better for gaming. The multitasking is pretty nice on Xbox One though.


Neo Member
So now I'm watching TV on my Xbox, so awesome, no need to change the display input anymore. Not only that, I'm completely surprised that navigating the TV guide on the Xbox is much faster than using my cable remote.
My Xbox makes a fairly audible noise when off, even after hours of being off. Almost the same amount of noise it makes when its on. Is that normal? I dont feel any heat, or feel any air coming out it.


This party stuff and friends stuff sounds bad. I don't have any good friends that have migrated to the Bone yet so I haven't run into these issues yet, but hopefully they are getting feedback and are going to be making quick adjustments.


So I'm downloading Forza 5. Had about 45% left and I turned the system off. Is it in suspend or no? I activated that quick game resume beta function or whatever, but is that the same thing?

So...I don't think this worked for me. I turned the system off with Forza downloading. I wake up this morning and it's at the same amount.


Almost 24 hours in...I love this console...*interwebs high-five* to all that are having as much fun as I am.

Right on man, loving it too. Funny thing is as crazy as I was to play Ryse, I didn't fire it up from the get go (well technically no one can cause of the install/update) and spent quite some time just testing the console functionalities, it's really nice and judging from that Sony news that they were beefing their vocal reconnaissance/functionalities too, it's the way the future is headed.
This party stuff and friends stuff sounds bad. I don't have any good friends that have migrated to the Bone yet so I haven't run into these issues yet, but hopefully they are getting feedback and are going to be making quick adjustments.

There are some baffling UI decisions going on here. I'm honestly wondering if they fired every UI person who worked on the last 360 dash, because so many good things about that UI are just gone, and replaced with something notably inferior.


We're impressed here. Aside from one early start up bug (black screen, kept held/touched power button to reset/fix it.) there are no problems.
Ran Kinect calibration a few times to get it to work properly. There's really not much Kinect stuff yet, outside of voice control. That works well.

Kinect auto sign-in is brilliant, I've got everyone doing it. "Xbox on" to turn everything on is actually useful. What happened to "Xbox off"? TV looks great through the Xbox now that it's configured properly, and the 5.1 beta works. All in all, XBone is a very slick system. Snap works every time.
The dashboard takes a few minutes to get used to, but it makes sense. PINS for your stuff, HOME for what you've been doing. Get stuff pinned.

TV calibration is another nice touch. XBL held up well.

C Jones

Sorry if it's been asked before - does anyone know what the white light to the right of the Kinect camera means? It looks like a minus sign. I get it right when I start BF4 and it stays on. When I leave BF4 it goes away. The head tracking/leaning works fine in game, so I'm guessing it isn't an error message?

Loving the system so far.


In Germany, System set to en-US.
Up to now, I have not found an app that would be Region restricted! Everything, espeially the Football stuff, works like a charm!
There is a veryy happy camper here! :D
There are some baffling UI decisions going on here. I'm honestly wondering if they fired every UI person who worked on the last 360 dash, because so many good things about that UI are just gone, and replaced with something notably inferior.

To be fair, it's naive of us to expect the polished experience of the 360 which was basically completely destroyed and built back up like 3 or 4 times to the near perfection it is now, on the very first revision of this os. As long as it doesn't take until 2015 to get everything working again.
Oh goddamit. I'm first sitting down with the system to play some killer instinct and the up direction on the d-pad is no longer functional 3 lessons into dojo mode... fml.

edit: lol. I just mashed to the hell out of it for about 20 seconds and it seems to be working again.

Special C

So is "Smart Match" an actual thing? Or is it just a fancy way of saying matchmaking is a little better and u can snap things while you wait? While doing co-op seasons on FIFA I went to another app but Xbox didn't give me any notification that my match was ready and it just threw me in the game without me knowing.


I'm looking forward to seeing how often they push out OS and Application updates.

Once or so a year probably isn't going to cut it. Lots of amazing ideas here but things need to be fleshed out a bit.


I'm looking forward to seeing how often they push out OS and Application updates.

Once or so a year probably isn't going to cut it. Lots of amazing ideas here but things need to be fleshed out a bit.

The UI is great, but its missing important things like the download activity, and storage management.


Haven't tried again since yesterday, but is there a problem with the Avatar app?
Couldn't get it to work at all, each time I tried to open it I got an (not too helpful) error message telling me to try again later.


Haven't tried again since yesterday, but is there a problem with the Avatar app?
Couldn't get it to work at all, each time I tried to open it I got an (not too helpful) error message telling me to try again later.

Tried it yesterday as well, kept telling me the same thing.


Is it possible to have youtube vids take up full screen? My videos have a black column on the right for an area to snap is my guess. I woukd like to get rid of it if possible.


How do Gestures work?

I had a small hand on screen yesterday for a bit but now it's nowhere to be found and I have yet to do any commands with hand gesture?

I know kinect works as the camera is seeing everything and I can play Rivals


How do Gestures work?

I had a small hand on screen yesterday for a bit but now it's nowhere to be found and I have yet to do any commands with hand gesture?

I know kinect works as the camera is seeing everything and I can play Rivals

I am not positive the exacts but if you hold your hand out for a second, the hand will pop up. Or if you hold up both hands. To activate a button, you push you hand forward a bit. To scroll you close your hand and move it. Its janky, so be warned.


Is there a safe way to trade xbl gold cards? I have a 12 month card i would like to trade for a game code!!!

Anyone know the safest way to do this?
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