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Xbox One Launch Thread [Thread being archived 1/1/14]


So if someone had to rate the Xbox One out of 10 ;) with 10 being really good what would it be? Just really curious after reading all the good and the bad how it stands!

I give it an 8. Some weird oversights on MS' part but otherwise it's a great machine. I initially was gonna have my cable box hooked into it but didnt' want it beholden to my games console.

I'm going all digital and aside from astronomical game sizes switching games and apps is almost instant.


Junior Member
1. will any BT heatset work with the xbone? will the official 360 headset work with it?

2. how do i check which controler is player 1 or 2?
to your second question this doesn't matter the Xbox knows which controller you use and adjust accordingly.



I can't get the Kinect Sports Rivals preseason to work. I get to the point where it's going to start and it says that there is an obstruction in the way. It shows the TV and that I'm far enough for it to work. Anyone else get this? If you were able to get around this how did you do it?
I had this same exact issue earlier. Run Kinect tuner again. You should see a part where you have to adjust the Kinect either up or down. Mine was too high and couldn't see the floor. Its working perfectly now.


Stupid question request:

My xb1 system light, lights up evenly. My kinect light is a bit dimmer and not filled to the edges. Anyone else confirm?

I just think the light on the console is neat.


But the problem with that is every game needs to be installed to the hard drive and games are at least 10GB. And I'm going digital, so it's even worse. I don't even want to THINK about re-downloading Forza given how long it's taking.

I'm going digital too.. The forza download was the worst


I give it an 8 because it can only improve from here on out hopefully - things will become faster.

I'm hesitant to open mine because I'm still bitter about backwards compatibility.

I'm only holding on to it for now since I know the Xbox One will be a really great gift for one of my only few friends. Otherwise, I may just open it if he doesn't get back to me.
So if someone had to rate the Xbox One out of 10 ;) with 10 being really good what would it be? Just really curious after reading all the good and the bad how it stands!

7 / 10 would have gotten an 10/10 if the it could deliver a 2Tflops gpu.
That was my minimal expectation for next gen hardware before the leaks happened end 2012 :(
Microsoft support said the power supply is supposed to be silent. Said id either have to pay to ship the PSU to them to replace it or return the xbone to the retailer I bought it from.

Motherfuck, ill return it but they wont have any to replace it with god fucking damnit.

First time Ive ever had an issue with a launch console.

That's the fan inside the PSU. It's well noted and documented it makes a slight sound. For example:


The Xbox One is fairly quiet, though it's never completely silent. Most of the time it'll emit a faint whirring, but when some games start, it'll crescendo to a full roar for a few seconds. Even the power brick makes a noise with its own cooling fan.

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
So if someone had to rate the Xbox One out of 10 ;) with 10 being really good what would it be? Just really curious after reading all the good and the bad how it stands!

Probably a 4? Painful installs, awful game cases, poor quality control on my controllers, COD looks like shit compared to the PS4 version, no Digital Dolby 5.1 which screws with my Mixamp. Voice commands pretty hit and miss. I just told it "Xbox Eject", granted I guess that's not a real command (why the hell not? would save me a couple of seconds if it was ejecting while I was moving to the console to put in the next disc) and it decided I said "Xbox Record That". What?

I need to put some quality time in with Dead Rising 3 and my other games, but first impressions of the system are rough.


I had this same exact issue earlier. Run Kinect tuner again. You should see a part where you have to adjust the Kinect either up or down. Mine was too high and couldn't see the floor. Its working perfectly now.

Thank you so much; that did it. I did the calibration but the Kinect needed to be a bit further back. Moved it back, ran the test and it worked.
Can I ask how you power it up and what power mode you use?

Its a complete mystery/lottery as to how I actually turn this thing on
I'm set on the instant on power mode.
When my controller stops connecting to the Xbone, I hold the power button to fully power it down, then press the power button to turn it back on.

Usually I just go "Xbox on" though


Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but Pandora.com works beautifully when snapped in IE. It literally seems like it was made for it, even redirecting to a custom /xbox subdomain.


Short Impressions on Region lock:
- there is None :D!

I´m in Germany, console set to en-US. All US apps can be downloaded and used. When switching back to de-DE, some Content is unavailable inside the app, but the Basics work, and they are visible.
Installing physical German game on en-US set console: works.
Buying Points off Amazon.com, redeeming them (just Switch the Region on your acoount Setting in your Profile on your pc), then buying from american Marketplace: works. Nice euro-Dollar conversion! :D

Now give me Flash for the browser (so I can use NFL GamePass), add the SlingPlayer app, and I´m set for life!

From Germany too. Do you have a US billing address or does US marketplace german billing addresses? Or do you use Paypal as billing option?

Daffy Duck

I'm set on the instant on power mode.
When my controller stops connecting to the Xbone, I hold the power button to fully power it down, then press the power button to turn it back on.

Usually I just go "Xbox on" though

When you press power on does it just boot? Mine needs me to say Xbox on to get it to boot
So i have a question about the Account migration, If i migrate it to a Xbone than i want to play something on my Xbox 360 will it just work without a problem?

yes you can play on both at the same time
with the same account
no issue going back and forth
I have a ton of games yet to play on the 360
and there are a couple that are 360 games only, that I want, that will be coming out next year

my brother has connected his 360 to the one
have to see how that's works
My thoughts:

DISCLOSURE: I am playing with the Kinect unplugged.

I like the UI. I think it has potential. It's certainly better than the "new Xbox 360 experience" which I abhor. But there's a lot of work to be done. Settings is too buried in my opinion. Getting to the store feels distant as well.

With Kinect unplugged, you manually have to sign back into Xbox Live each time you turn the console on. This is unacceptable.

Is it me, or have features been removed when inviting people to games? I challenged a friend to a game of KI and we actually had to call each other on the phone to figure out how to complete the process. I'm still not 100% clear on it. For example, on 360: When friends are playing a particular game, I would get a notification: "So-and-so is playing Gears of War". This apparently doesn't happen on Xbox One.

I like the activity feed.

2 apps, at least on iOS: a 360 app and a Xbox One app...WHY? Microsoft, of all people -- a software company -- should know better. It's silly to splinter the experience in such a way. Also, I find the Xbox One iOS app a complete mess. The app "language" is completely counter-intuitive to almost every other iOS app. Swiping left or right doesn't delete emails, menus are multiple levels deep when they don't need to be. Information is conveyed in a way that simply doesn't make sense (On the homescreen clicking into a game in "Recent" doesn't show you who is playing that game, your achievements, etc...nothing relevant.)

The controller feels "pin-faced" or "mushed" or something...Like all of the buttons are trying to converged at an apex and sinking into a hole. For my huge hands, this is a step back for me.

The bumpers suck. I'll get used to them but now I have to lift my finger to activate them, where previously they rested on top in a "natural" manner.

The console doesn't look as bad as I anticipated when it is resting in my entertainment center. When I heaved the Xbox One box out of the Amazon packaging, I anticipated the worst. It's no PS4 in regards to design, but it does a good job of shutting the fuck up and sitting in its designated spot.

The fan in the powerbrick is ridiculous. In fact, scratch that -- the powerbrick is ridiculous. Actually, scratch that as well -- The whole hardware is ridiculous. I know I seemingly said otherwise in the previous paragraph but whenever I really start to think about it, I get upset at how big this console is. Even Kinect is heavy.

The load times are ridiculous. But they can always get that down in future patches. And I agree with others: There needs to be some kind of "loading" indicator rather than just sitting on a static green or black screen.

My final assessment of XB1 is "Ugh." It has a lot of potential to grow and become amazing, and I have high hopes for it. For now, Killer Instinct is my favorite "next-gen" launch title between Xbox One and PS4. I'm happy Microsoft took the chance at brining it back.


How did your PS4 die? It might not be dead.

It won't turn on. Just gives me a pulsing blue light. I couldn't even get it to boot into Safe Mode. I called up Sony Support and they suggested attempting to boot it without the hard drive, but that didn't fair much better. A message came up on my TV for a couple seconds about there being no storage device and then it shut itself down and I haven't been able to get it to do anything but pulse blue at me since. Sony's sending a coffin for it so I shouldn't be without a PS4 for long.

Daffy Duck

wtf? I don't need to do that, whether I power on from controller or console. that sounds really strange

I know. It's really weird. I don't understand how to turn the damn thing on. Lol.

I can't hold down the pad guide button to turn it on, pressing on on the console doesn't turn it on either.


I haven't tested out the disk drive yet to see if it's faulty. I'm playing Killer Instinct, switching between pandora, Facebook, Skype, Netflix, tv. It is really awesome. I really miss how the 360 guide menu worked. I'm getting used to it though.

I think my Kinect is acting up. The voice commands are working 85% of the time, which is good but the motion gestures are starting to get wonky. The calibration is pretty shit too.

Load times are pretty quick so far. I'm loving this console and I hope for future updates to fix/add features.

If my bluray drive makes that noise, do I contact Microsoft store or the actual Xbox number to get a replacement? And do I just need to send in the console or everything along with my Day One packaging/controller?


am i being paranoid in thinking there's something wrong with my fan?
some people over on reddit were talking about how their fan sounded like it was snagging on something - i hear it in mine (vid below), just much more faint.


Support told me that is normal, considering I've heard 4 Xbox One's so far and they all have it I guess that statement is accurate. It is slightly enhanced by the microphone, you can really only hear it when you put your ear very close to the system.

The loud fan noise (louder than the console) that comes from the PSU is not normal though. Put your Xbox in quick start standby. If you can clearly hear the fan of the power brick you have a bad one and should get it replaced.

sith ewok

I give it an 8. Some weird oversights on MS' part but otherwise it's a great machine. I initially was gonna have my cable box hooked into it but didnt' want it beholden to my games console.


I would probably go 8.5 or even 9. I am seriously happy with this thing. There are a few little UI things I would change, but they are nitpicks. I haven't turned on my PS4 in two days and I don't miss it (and for the record, I really like the PS4 as well, so that does mean something.).


Neo Member
Support told me that is normal, considering I've heard 4 Xbox One's so far and they all have it I guess that statement is accurate. It is slightly enhanced by the microphone, you can really only hear it when you put your ear very close to the system.

The loud fan noise (louder than the console) that comes from the PSU is not normal though. Put your Xbox in quick start standby. If you can clearly hear the fan of the power brick you have a bad one and should get it replaced.

awesome - thanks. yeah, i talked with a few friends of mine that said their's had the same sound & it runs pretty smoothly besides that so i knew it was mostly me being overly sensitive given how rough launches are.


Neo Member
Still having issues with party chat. It seems that as soon as one person "Turn(s) on Party Chat" no one else can turn it on and we get the error message the chat is unavailable.

I'm hoping that we aren't the only ones with this issue.


Got One question to those who have their 360's plugged in. Does the Xbox One Kinect functions as the Kinect of your Xbox 360 in a 360 game?

Say... I play Kinect Sports (360), both Kinects have to be plugged in? Or can I use only the One's Kinect...

I'm sure it's been answered before somewhere, but I couldn't find it...

Can anyone try it?
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