Got the update last night. Cant find the volume adjustment setting anywhere. Help?
Are voice messages in yet?
I doubt voice messages will ever come back. Too much potential for harassment, especially now that anyone can follow anyone else.
Voice messaging sucked fat D anyway.
But it was the funniest way to have an internet argument ever devised.
Voice messaging sucked fat D anyway.
Lol. Thanks broBarely? Ha and you had the beta code, too. It's in Settings>TV & OneGuide>Troubleshooting>Audio
What's New
Added a dedicated hub for clips you make with Game DVR
We will send notifications when you receive new messages
Now it is even easier to see who is online and what they are playing
In Friends, the activity feed has a new look and feel
Close snapped apps on Xbox One
Improved help for Xbox One connection problems
When using YouTube can you scroll left to right with the bumbers yet? I don't understand why the controller has less ability to control then it did on the 360.
It's the most annoying thing about the XB1 for me.
App updates on Windows 8.1 are automatic.I got an update for Smartglass on my WP but I'm not getting an update on my Surface Pro 2
App updates on Windows 8.1 are automatic.
If you want to manually check/force updates, open the store -> settings charm -> app updates -> there should be a check for updates button.
Also, if you want to check when your app has last updated, there is a "last updated/installed" date on the store listing for an app.
New member to the Xbox Family
Just a couple of questions.
- The colour saturation is a bit too much in the menus. Anyway to reduce that?
- In the settings, whats all this about colour depth - which should I pick?
- Can I have some new friends please? Gamertag in profile!
So this update bricked my xbox and they want me to pay $115 to repair lmao. The offline system update fix doesn't work, stops at 5% and gives an error. Fuck.