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Xbox research interested in asking devs why their game isn't on Xbox


I'm legit shocked someone is actually calling this clickbait.

I'm not unfortunately. Seen it all too often before.

Ostrich Avestruz GIF by Amnistía Internacional España
Oh right. Who are these corporations then? Genuine question. If anyone was interested in genuinely trying to get in on the action then they would have done already.
No they won't, they would have started in 4th place and fight to steal Xbox customers. Xbox needs to go or there is no standing room. if SEGA never left there would be no room for Xbox either.


Marlboro: Other M
Am I understanding this correctly, or the only way to give input regarding that is by already taking part on the Microsoft research stuff? Shouldn't they go after developers that never even managed to get so far in the first place?


They've been a platform holder for TWENTY-THREE YEARS and haven't figured out why studios might be skipping their platforms by now?

A competent company would've figured this out generations ago. If MS want answers, all they need to do is search posts on this forum. But a TL;DR:

-Alienation of mid-sized & small non-Western studios starting from 360, intensifying with XBO​
-Treating non-US/UK territories as "second hand markets" during XBO (Tier 2, Tier 3 etc.)​
-Seemingly broken QA validation process​
-Potentially bad image with studios following antics during ABK acquisition saga​
-Confusing messaging over what exactly Xbox stands for anymore​
-Lack of "lead by example" with industry-defining, standard-setting 1P games​
-Lack of "lead by example" with big mainstream (high B2P unit & sales revenue generating) 1P hits​
-Pushing a subscription model (Game Pass) that has cannibalized a lot of B2P sales potential on Xbox hardware​
-(Asian studios in particular): Acquiring and then shutting down Tango Gameworks in the span of two years following critical hit Hi-Fi Rush​
-(Asian studios in particular): Cancelling Scalebound and Phantom Dusk Remake​
-(Asian studios in particular): Seemingly having no Japanese or Asian region branch (why is Phil always speaking pained Japanese like a robot at TGS?)​
-Having less efficient API dev tools than Sony/SIE​
-Providing less technical assistance/outreach to 3P studios than Sony/SIE​

And I'm sure I forgot a few but those are the big ones. Surprise surprise, none of those have to do with Sony or Nintendo making it hard "for Xbox to be Xbox". This is ALL on Microsoft over the course of multiple generations; they're just only now feeling the fuller ramifications of past mistakes (along with present ones) with Series X & S.


Gold Member
Am I understanding this correctly, or the only way to give input regarding that is by already taking part on the Microsoft research stuff? Shouldn't they go after developers that never even managed to get so far in the first place?

Xbox doesn't seem to know they exist. We have already seen a few instances where developers are trying to get their games on Xbox and had to resort to social media to even be heard. Possibly even more that just gave up trying. I would not be surprised that these instances are at least partially responsible for Xbox Research being tasked to get feedback.

In this day and age where any developer, no matter how small, can produce a massive hit that no one saw coming, this isn't good.
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No they won't, they would have started in 4th place and fight to steal Xbox customers. Xbox needs to go or there is no standing room. if SEGA never left there would be no room for Xbox either.
Xbox doesn't need to go at all, it just needs to get better and actually figure out a proper strategy. Also, Microsoft were already planning on releasing the Xbox before Sega threw in the hat. It just happens to be that Sega stopped with the console business the same year the Xbox was released. At least I haven't seen anything concrete that makes it anything but a coincidence.
It feels like even Microsoft themselves avoid their own consoles.

Oh definitely. Halo Wars timed PC exclusive, Gears Tactics timed PC exclusive, AOE4 timed PC exclusive, Ara 2 timed PC exclusive, Flight Sim timed PC exclusive, Towerborne timed PC exclusive.

That's six games right there, and that's all from this gen 😂

The funny thing is that some of you talk as if there are tons and tons of Studios that skip Xbox when the reality is different despite everything that has happened...

The reality is that this is the Xbox generation where more 3rd party games of all kinds and conditions are arriving (for whatever reason) to XBOX consoles...

There is nothing wrong with MS caring and showing some commitment and interest in those specific Studios that decide to skip Xbox ecosystem to change their minds...

And that being the case...why exactly are they doing this initiative then? They want more Day 1 support, is that it? They want more 3P exclusives "just because" and without doing deals to get them? Is that it?

Xbox doesn't need to go at all, it just needs to get better and actually figure out a proper strategy. Also, Microsoft were already planning on releasing the Xbox before Sega threw in the hat. It just happens to be that Sega stopped with the console business the same year the Xbox was released. At least I haven't seen anything concrete that makes it anything but a coincidence.

SEGA exiting the console market is what gave MS the room to push Xbox. In fact, SEGA wanted the Xbox to be BC with Dreamcast but Microsoft rejected that pitch, suggesting at least on some level they were counting on SEGA to stop making consoles in order to give Xbox more room in the market with less competitors.
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They have made adjustments to a program that already existed in order to target developers not on Xbox.
not true, they've made adjustments to the program to gather feedback from any dev, including:
The new program will employ a variety of research methodologies, mirroring those used in player-focused studies but tailored for developers. Hendersen details the approach: "We do all sorts – it really depends on the question we're trying to answer. Common methods are interviews, usability, playtesting, surveys, and flighting," she said. "It's the same sort of studies we perform when testing games, just on tools and services."
Crucially, the program is open to all members of game studios, not just technical staff.
If you are making video games, we're interested in hearing from you.
and if you aren't on xbox they would indeed
love to know why
But nowhere is mentioned that they "adjusted in order to target devs not xbox specifically"
Ah I see, so you want selective reporting.
Xbox seeking feedback on tools and services, now open to all devs.
Isn't "selective reporting", it describes the program accurately.
but yet you seem to only want a single portion of it to be discussed
When did this happen? I called the headline out as clickbait, which it is, everyone is free to discuss whatever portion of the article they like.
I wonder why.
dunno why you're still so triggered, there's no need for the hostile responses.
There's no "wonder why", because I don't "want only a single portion to be discussed", this only exists in your head.
I'm not the one crying foul here in order to avoid discussing the content at hand
This also didn't happen. 🤷‍♂️, I had no comment about the content because I had no qualms with it (aside from the "help change their minds" nonsense), but I'm allowed comment on any part of it, including the headline, which I did.

You've invented some battle in your mind that isn't happening; the headline is clickbait, the article is fine, we can move on.


Microsoft Gaming has unveiled an expansion to its Xbox Research initiative, through which it aims to get more and better feedback from video game developers on various subjects, with the aim of improving its tools and services. The aim is to listen to employees at Xbox ecosystem partners to connect them with their internal teams to talk about how to improve their future tools. Microsoft Gaming believes that by talking directly to game developers, they will get important information that will help solve the main problems they experience on their side.

It's a forward-thinking initiative for the brand in supporting developers, focused on those who work on the video games we play, on a global scale and for production companies of any size.

Microsoft is expanding the initiative to those who aren't even thinking about working on Xbox consoles, to find out why and what could help them change their minds.

The company suggests that it is paying attention to the feedback that has emerged over the last few months, in which several small studios have shared difficulties in launching some titles on Xbox, due to a lack of support and communication.



Gold Member
Do they really need an entire unit that is paid to figure this out? After all the layoffs?

Ffs, you don't even need to joke about Xbox. This is a corporate husk that is a parody on itself.
All of them ? Like every single one ? Because this isn't my case, so that's already "All of them except cireza". Maybe I am not enough of a fan though. Meaning of the word "All".

The narrative that Xbox players "never buy games" is utterly ridiculous. Because it would mean that zero (the number 0) games would have been sold on Xbox. That's the meaning of the word "Never".

There is a world where Xbox players buy digital games, and detractors have no clue about these sales numbers, but are content with saying that their ignorance is the equivalent of "no games being sold at all".

Okay then, here's the truth: B2P sales have collapsed with Xbox Series to the point where only the biggest releases see any "real" sales on the platform. Even then, that's mainly specific to Western titles, in certain genres like sports and FPS.

We know about sales numbers from leaks like Capcom's, where Xbox was embarrasingly low in terms of sales percentage of many games in that leak. We know that even with digital, in some markets like the UK, Xbox trails PlayStation by more than 50%, and it only gets worst when looking at the physical sales. We know in markets like Japan, where PS5 isn't having the best of times, Xbox software sales are practically dead, even worst than the hardware numbers over there. All you need is a bit of common sense when looking at the install base rate in Japan.

That's the truth with software sales on Xbox. Only the United States and UK provide substantive markets for B2P sales and even there, it's mainly contained to the biggest Western releases in genres like shooters and sports. And occassionally, maybe "decent" sales for big Japanese AAA games in those markets but also heavily genre-specific (fighters, for example, versus JRPGs where Xbox is a very distant last in sales for).

Sega was done with or without Xbox entering the picture.

If every single Xbox player bought a Dreamcast instead, that's 9 million plus 24 million = 33 million.

PS2 sold 155 million by itself. And the fact remains, most of those Xbox players would likely have bought a PS2 or a GameCube before another Sega console after how they abandoned the 32X and Saturn.

If Dreamcast did 33 million SEGA would've absolutely managed to turn a nice profit and continue making console hardware. They didn't need to do PS2 numbers...no one that gen did, not even Sony/SIE.

I agree tho that had Xbox not come out, a lot of the people who only bought an Xbox that gen would've likely gotten a PS2 or in some cases, a Gamecube instead. Dreamcast would've likely been their last pick for reasons you mentioned.

Funny thing is, if you look at Sega's output the last two gens, I'd argue it's been better than either xbox and Sony. Certainly more consistent with their releases at least.

Maybe Microsoft's yes, but Sony's output has been better. SEGA/Atlus mainly have had "just" more Yakuza spinoffs and Persona 5 re-releases, and very recently MetaPhor.

Meanwhile SIE have had GT7, HFW, GOW Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, Helldivers 2, and recently Astro Bot. Though they had a monumental failure in Concord, it's not enough to negate the other stuff I just mentioned.

All very true. Phil, Sarah and Matt all need to be replaced though it won’t happen. Phil himself, has managed to run Xbox into the ground. He has turned out to be worse than Mattrick ever was as crazy as that sounds. Just look at how abysmal things are over at Xbox right now under his ten years of leadership.

Phil 100% yes. Matt 80% yes only because he's ultimately still bound by Phil to some extent. Sarah maybe 50% - 60% yes because the only thing they've focused on until recently was Game Pass. It's not her fault Phil bet everythinng on Game Pass growth and tricked Satya to do the same, plus whatever budget Game Pass has or what moves they can do are determined by Phil anyway, at some level.

But it's 100% true Xbox as a console is much worst under Phil than it was under Mattrick. As gimmicky as Kinect was, it's what the market wanted at the time and 360 saw its sales explode under Mattrick's watch. XBO's first few years where it had some genuinely interesting exclusives (released or under development in some way i.e Scalebound)...were under Mattrick's leadership.

All of that gradually vanished under Spencer.


It's an Xbox research initiative that started a few months ago, first aimed at users to give their feedback on how
they want the future Xbox hardware to be, and now it's moving to developers and Studios.
As expected, the OP article makes clickbait of a specific point.

It's clear that MS is preparing to launch new hardware and is asking for feedback. It remains to be seen if it will take it into account or wipe its ass with the list of recommendations it receives.
They don't believe a change in market share simply from having great games, that's what they think, therefore, they can't view the future of their games as Sony and Nintendo, that's impossible to think from their side.


not true, they've made adjustments to the program to gather feedback from any dev, including:

and if you aren't on xbox they would indeed

But nowhere is mentioned that they "adjusted in order to target devs not xbox specifically"


Isn't "selective reporting", it describes the program accurately.

When did this happen? I called the headline out as clickbait, which it is, everyone is free to discuss whatever portion of the article they like.

dunno why you're still so triggered, there's no need for the hostile responses.
There's no "wonder why", because I don't "want only a single portion to be discussed", this only exists in your head.

Imagine calling somebody else triggered about this after spending your whole time in this thread crying "clickbait" despite it being explained to you multiple times (and by multiple people) that it is not.

This also didn't happen. 🤷‍♂️, I had no comment about the content because I had no qualms with it (aside from the "help change their minds" nonsense), but I'm allowed comment on any part of it, including the headline, which I did.

You've invented some battle in your mind that isn't happening; the headline is clickbait, the article is fine, we can move on.

The truth is the opposite of what you've been saying:

it doesn't exist for "why studios avoid xbox"

The specific change being discussed does, and nobody is saying this change is the whole reason the program exists. The title is accurate.

and definitely doesn't mention anything about "changing their minds"

If we are being pedantic then yes this can be argued, this is in the body of the article, not the headline. However, considering they have made a point of specifically referencing them, what logical reason would they have to make this change if it was not to change the minds of those not developing for Xbox? The idea that they would want to change the minds of those who have decided to not develop for Xbox is a perfectly logical deduction.

You're just going to have to live with it now that pretty much every other outlet is reporting on this in exactly the same way.

And stop crying, nobody is being "hostile" towards you.
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Do they really need an entire unit that is paid to figure this out? After all the layoffs?

Ffs, you don't even need to joke about Xbox. This is a corporate husk that is a parody on itself.

Reminds me of the time 343 came out after the Halo Infinite reveal and said they were reviewing the DF video to see what needed to be improved. It just came across really embarrassing for a company like that.
Okay then, here's the truth: B2P sales have collapsed with Xbox Series to the point where only the biggest releases see any "real" sales on the platform. Even then, that's mainly specific to Western titles, in certain genres like sports and FPS.

We know about sales numbers from leaks like Capcom's, where Xbox was embarrasingly low in terms of sales percentage of many games in that leak. We know that even with digital, in some markets like the UK, Xbox trails PlayStation by more than 50%, and it only gets worst when looking at the physical sales. We know in markets like Japan, where PS5 isn't having the best of times, Xbox software sales are practically dead, even worst than the hardware numbers over there. All you need is a bit of common sense when looking at the install base rate in Japan.

That's the truth with software sales on Xbox. Only the United States and UK provide substantive markets for B2P sales and even there, it's mainly contained to the biggest Western releases in genres like shooters and sports. And occassionally, maybe "decent" sales for big Japanese AAA games in those markets but also heavily genre-specific (fighters, for example, versus JRPGs where Xbox is a very distant last in sales for).

If Dreamcast did 33 million SEGA would've absolutely managed to turn a nice profit and continue making console hardware. They didn't need to do PS2 numbers...no one that gen did, not even Sony/SIE.

I agree tho that had Xbox not come out, a lot of the people who only bought an Xbox that gen would've likely gotten a PS2 or in some cases, a Gamecube instead. Dreamcast would've likely been their last pick for reasons you mentioned.

Maybe Microsoft's yes, but Sony's output has been better. SEGA/Atlus mainly have had "just" more Yakuza spinoffs and Persona 5 re-releases, and very recently MetaPhor.

Meanwhile SIE have had GT7, HFW, GOW Ragnarok, Spiderman 2, Helldivers 2, and recently Astro Bot. Though they had a monumental failure in Concord, it's not enough to negate the other stuff I just mentioned.

Phil 100% yes. Matt 80% yes only because he's ultimately still bound by Phil to some extent. Sarah maybe 50% - 60% yes because the only thing they've focused on until recently was Game Pass. It's not her fault Phil bet everythinng on Game Pass growth and tricked Satya to do the same, plus whatever budget Game Pass has or what moves they can do are determined by Phil anyway, at some level.

But it's 100% true Xbox as a console is much worst under Phil than it was under Mattrick. As gimmicky as Kinect was, it's what the market wanted at the time and 360 saw its sales explode under Mattrick's watch. XBO's first few years where it had some genuinely interesting exclusives (released or under development in some way i.e Scalebound)...were under Mattrick's leadership.

All of that gradually vanished under Spencer.
Very well said my friend. Yes when Xbox One launched I watched a video with Mattrick and he was very quick to state they wanted to sell 100 million consoles. He was focused on selling the hardware and building a user base because that is what you need to succeed. He also brought the games as the first few years of Xbox One had more games than PS4. Once Phil took over we got cancelled games such as Scalebound, Fable Legends, killed Black Tusks new project, never greenlit the sequel to Sunset Overdrive after Ted Price personally reached out to Phil THREE times. He created gamepass which has all but killed the brand in terms of hardware and software sales. You can get gamepass on other devices instead of buying an xbox console and you can play the games with the sub as opposed to buying them. That killing potential sales of said games that would make or break most games and green light sequels. Phil has been an absolute train wreck for Xbox and just seeing the sad state they are in now because of him is truly heartbreaking.
Imagine calling somebody else triggered about this after spending your whole time in this thread crying "clickbait" despite it being explained to you multiple times (and by multiple people) that it is not.
I mentioned you being triggered because it seems you were, since you keep alluding to something about me, my intentions or character, but this only exists in your mind.
And it is clickbait, doesn't matter if you disagree, it fits every definition of clickbait.
Again we can move on, this has run its course.
Funny thing is, if you look at Sega's output the last two gens, I'd argue it's been better than either xbox and Sony. Certainly more consistent with their releases at least.
Sega's output has been better than the company that has Astrobot, Ratchet, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, Returnal, Helldivers 2, Horizon, that paid for the development of IPs such as Bloodborne, Stellar Blade, Sackboy, etc? I mean...Yakuza and Persona are nice but damn...


Sega's output has been better than the company that has Astrobot, Ratchet, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, The Last of Us, God of War, Spider-Man, Ghost of Tsushima, Returnal, Helldivers 2, Horizon, that paid for the development of IPs such as Bloodborne, Stellar Blade, Sackboy, etc? I mean...Yakuza and Persona are nice but damn...
Yakuza series, Persona series, Shin Megami Tensei series, FM Series, Alien Isolation, Two Point series, Sonic series, Total War, Phantasy Star, Monkey Ball, The Cave, Puyo Puyo, Valkyria Chronicles, Re-releases of old games such as Vanquish, Judgement series, Bayonetta series, Streets of Rage 4, Kart Racers and God knows how many remakes/re-releases and other projects.

Taste is of course subjective, but you can't deny they haven't delivered a wide variety of good games
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Okay then, here's the truth: B2P sales have collapsed with Xbox Series to the point where only the biggest releases see any "real" sales on the platform. Even then, that's mainly specific to Western titles, in certain genres like sports and FPS.

We know about sales numbers from leaks like Capcom's, where Xbox was embarrasingly low in terms of sales percentage of many games in that leak. We know that even with digital, in some markets like the UK, Xbox trails PlayStation by more than 50%, and it only gets worst when looking at the physical sales. We know in markets like Japan, where PS5 isn't having the best of times, Xbox software sales are practically dead, even worst than the hardware numbers over there. All you need is a bit of common sense when looking at the install base rate in Japan.

That's the truth with software sales on Xbox. Only the United States and UK provide substantive markets for B2P sales and even there, it's mainly contained to the biggest Western releases in genres like shooters and sports. And occassionally, maybe "decent" sales for big Japanese AAA games in those markets but also heavily genre-specific (fighters, for example, versus JRPGs where Xbox is a very distant last in sales for).
So UK physical releases, maybe digital, maybe not, who knows
Sales in Japan lol
And niche Capcom games/collections

And as usual, the target of being "successful" is set to "selling more than PS". Because if you sell 30 or 40 millions consoles, as long as it is less than the competitor, then it is failing of course. And also let's ignore money made by publishers on games put in Game Pass, because we all know that it is a service provided for free by Saint Microsoft.

So we can agree that the PS5 is failing too : it didn't reach PS2 sales numbers.

If even half of what you guys have been repeating for years was true, there would be no Xbox consoles, ecosystem and games anymore. And this for years.

Thankfully you guys weren't around back then spreading this shit during the Neo Geo days.
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I would not be surprised if their next console is just something to this scale and they avoid pushing the hardware. The direction they're going in is "play everywhere and anywhere", so their console will just be a cheap way to play their games and not the competitor in a traditional sense.
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we can ask MS the same question: why do gamers not buy their hardware as they used to?

They abandoned Halo which made the Xbox brand recognized
They don't make big caliber games like they used to Halo/Gears
They don't make 3rd party exclusive deals with developers
They don't cherish and market their games as Sony and Nintendo
They said Xbox hardware sales are not important aka stream Game Pass on TV
They port exclusives to PS5 and Switch
They bet and throw everything on Game Pass and hope it sticks
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And that being the case...why exactly are they doing this initiative then? They want more Day 1 support, is that it? They want more 3P exclusives "just because" and without doing deals to get them? Is that it?

That's the thing, the mistake that the thread title leads to because the initiative is about improving current tools and services and that makes it easier or simpler for developers to continue making games for Xbox.

That is, it is a way of collecting feedback to improve the tools and services that they already offer and that a developer who does not make games for Xbox can also provide their feedback

In short, it is something so simple and innocent and how not to limit those who can provide feedback for the improvement of Xbox.

Another thing is how it is then tried to become another weapon to criticize or make fun of any Xbox initiative, whatever it is in autopilot mode.

SEGA exiting the console market is what gave MS the room to push Xbox. In fact, SEGA wanted the Xbox to be BC with Dreamcast but Microsoft rejected that pitch, suggesting at least on some level they were counting on SEGA to stop making consoles in order to give Xbox more room in the market with less competitors.
There is a phenomenal documentary about how Xbox was created, that I recommend you watch, and the end of SEGA was not the reason that MS launched into the console industry...


Gold Member
Jizz aside, if the intention for this feedback system is indeed to improve back-end stuff so more developers are empowered to release games on Xbox as well, that might currently opt to skip it, seems like a worthwhile endeavor.


Agree. Ultimately, this is a good thing. A bit late, but still good.


So UK physical releases, maybe digital, maybe not, who knows
Sales in Japan lol
And niche Capcom games/collections

And as usual, the target of being "successful" is set to "selling more than PS". Because if you sell 30 or 40 millions consoles, as long as it is less than the competitor, then it is failing of course. And also let's ignore money made by publishers on games put in Game Pass, because we all know that it is a service provided for free by Saint Microsoft.

So we can agree that the PS5 is failing too : it didn't reach PS2 sales numbers.

If even half of what you guys have been repeating for years was true, there would be no Xbox consoles, ecosystem and games anymore. And this for years.

Thankfully you guys weren't around back then spreading this shit during the Neo Geo days.

Your constant Xbox Defense Force takes are so batshit delusional that I can’t help but wonder if you’re a CatLady alt in disguise.

Meanwhile Xbox fans aren’t buying games (FF7 Crisis Core sold literal single digits compared to PlayStation and Switch) and constantly beg for Game Pass (I remember the hate Xbox fans unloaded on Square Enix when they didn’t make the Outriders DLC available on Game Pass). Gee, can’t wonder why Square-Enix has been avoiding the platform for so long. Couldn’t possibly be the low sales or hostility from an entitled fandom. 🙄

The benchmark isn’t selling more than PlayStation, it’s at least being competitive with them. And that isn’t happening when Xbox games sell 1/10th the amount they do on PlayStation while Xbox fans cry “why not on game pass?”.

Keep burying your head in the sand though. Keep believing Papa Phil’s lies about Game Pass improving sales (even after they had to admit the opposite was true). I’m sure living in delusion will work out fine.
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Gold Member
Games are developed for the platforms with the most potential to sell games, add-ons and subscriptions. With Series in dead last place it doesn't take a genius to see that it's because it doesn't have the reach to make it worth it for some developers.
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