wish this was on ps5 too , as a sony fan im jelly

WTFXBOX is clearly not made for me.
The problem is thats what everyone is saying.
So its made for no one. Not even for the people who are trying hard to.convince themselves it was made for them.
I can’t believe the PlayStation showcase was actually better.
Keighly actually won. for now. Until Nintendo’s direct in a few days.
It's like Ico and Rime had a baby.DONTNOD's Ico'll of the Mountain?
Wtf? You're annoyed because people liked something? Are you serious?Not much interested me in this show. I am annoyed that everyone is praising it.
It was a decent show but starfield did not need 45 min super loaded trailer
Starfield looks great.... just too big and too intimidating honestly. it should be a good thing but it is just intimidating
Strange how any, ANY positive sentiment/narrative surrounding Xbox sends some folks around here into an emotional meltdown.It was OK, still bullshit videos with zero gameplay (Fable/Hellblade 2) with some "2024" generic release dates slapped on them, a couple of indies, Awoved which looked like TES lite, the usual Forza and of course and Starfield which while it did look good, begs to be played either on PC or the incoming XSX Pro due to the technical shortcomings i.e : framerate, the DF video will be interesting to say the least.
It's funny, for me, the most interesting game showed was the Capcom Japanese lore one since it looked really different aesthetically-wise to most games out there.
In the end, it was still "coming next year" stuff mostly with zero real gameplay - same shit with the Sony uber-mediocre showcase and yet, people appear to be losing their marbles over the Xbox one shouting "Best thing everrrr !!1!" , how ? In my opinion, it's due to the aforementioned 2+ years exclusives/AAA banger draught, 'cause outside of Starfield and Forza the rest are still of unknown quality not to mention, the generic "2024" release dates don't mean anything in the end since - especially nowadays - things change frequently and get postponed 99% of the time.
Unfortunately, these topics are always bound to bring out the worst of people 'cause, let's not kid ourselves, this has got more to do with Console X Vs Console Y list wars and not the games presented per se.
Some people are so desperate for the proverbial "win" after years of empty promises that they'll take/gobble up anything really where everything is supposedly "GOTY !!!".
Also - and always unfortunately - the true diehard "fans" and trolls have come out the woodwork - where were all these people hiding ? I've seen accounts that were dormant for months/years suddenly appearing as to exact justice on the "infidels" by upvoting/liking every positive auto-fellatio post and "LOL"- emoji every other critical post , things are so transparent that it's actuallyfunnydepressing
There's literal fanboys like S Sacred amongst others that has made disliking/LOL'ing at critical post his life mission for the past 24 hours, how pathetic and miserable can some people be, video games = serious business apparently, am i right ?
People have the right to enjoy whatever they enjoy, putting too much faith though in - literally - "coming soon®" commercials is...not good - and this goes for every plastic box company/maker out there.
There were a couple of people on here almost account suiciding over the Xbox show and Starfield deep dive last night. I was actually blown away this morning when i saw they werent even banned.Strange how any, ANY positive sentiment/narrative surrounding Xbox sends some folks around here into an emotional meltdown.
Strange how any, ANY positive sentiment/narrative surrounding Xbox sends some folks around here into an emotional meltdown.
I find it really bizarre behaviour that it upsets some individuals so much to see others enjoying and being excited about their hobby. It’s actually pretty pathetic and juvenile. We’re just disussing video games after all.There were a couple of people on here almost account suiciding over the Xbox show and Starfield deep dive last night. I was actually blown away this morning when i saw they werent even banned.
Some poeple have problems, honestly they do.
Strange how any, ANY positive sentiment/narrative surrounding Xbox sends some folks around here into an emotional meltdown.
They always have Japanese third parties at their shows. They unveiled Elden Ring, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Tales of Arise, Scarlet Nexus, PSO2NG during their shows etc...but Xbox.....freaking Xbox of all places showed some hype in Japanese games.
Yes, it does.This has probably been answered elsewhere, but I'm retarded.
Does the premium edition upgrade for Starfield apply to the gamepass version?
Thanks, ordering it now.Yes, it does.
No gameplay means shit trailerFirst: Fable. And this is where there's some controversy. Apparently the bits in the trailer I thought were gameplay (or at least in-engine captures of gameplay with UI elements removed) may have just in fact been staged animations mimicking gameplay in an otherwise in-engine trailer. Or, it could have even been CGI (as in, rendered offline on an animation farm), which seems to be what a senior artist involved with the trailer mentioned. IMO, I think it's somewhere in the middle: the brief "gameplay" snippets were not gameplay, but were captured in-engine and edited/cut to frame into a cinematic trailer.
Games take inspiration. Nothing is a rip off. Dont go full conspiracy.Then there's the fact two other trailers of MS 1P games revealed (Compulsion & inXile's games) were almost note-for-note ripoffs of trailers for two other very well-known games. TLOU Part 2 and Bioshock Infinite, respectively. I mean it's one thing if you take inspiration from those, sure. But there's comparisons going around showing frames and stuff outright copy-pasted from the other two games in the trailers for those MS releases with minimal differences. It's just surprising to see how blatant a good deal of it is.
A game with that scope wont be able to sustain 60 fps like people are expecting. Why do you think rd2 is still on 30 fps?nd now, there are some negative things coming out about Starfield. No 60 FPS options on console practically confirmed, which is wild to me considering it doesn't look at as good as something like HFW or Burning Shores, doesn't have that much going on on-screen compared to those games, and yet on PS5 60 FPS options are definitely present. And then to top that off, entering a building has a load screen! What is going on here? That's some PS2 GTA3/Scarface type of stuff. Now granted, how big are these buildings? Does the loading screen really matter if it's actually disguised to look like a seamless transition in the game? Those are things I need to see but, again, it's kind of like with the cutscene of leaving and landing on a planet. A small hit to the immersion results.
Avowed downgrade sucks bad.I think I've already expressed my disappointment with Avowed's visual change, but I'm also increasingly concerned about Hellblade II. Not that it'll be a bad game, just that it seems like it won't be much of a step up scope-wise over the original. And the original already looked quite good, so far I wouldn't say there's a huge jump visually for Hellblade II but that's maybe also due in part to how little of the game's been shown. I'm just not believing the combat or scale of exploration, or other mechanics, are going to be as robust or present as it seemed like was being hyped up last year.
I still find it weird that the role is being switched between the two company. MS were the live service publisher, while Sony was the SP publisher.I still have to commend Microsoft for at least sharing more on their traditional 1P games than Sony did with their May showcase. I also, again, like the fact Microsoft are publishing some AA-style games; I would like if Sony shifted some of that live-service/GaaS budget to funding more AA-sized traditional games, even if most of those were to be done by 3P devs with Sony's help. As long as a good number of them leveraged classic Sony IP, it would be amazing but, they may or may not end up doing such a thing.
The show needed gameplay. Without starfield showcase, it would have been on par with Sony showcase. Its time both companies show gameplays.For those reasons, for some of the 3P game reveals (namely from Sega/Atlus, Capcom, and Dontnod), for some of the 1P reveals (trailers aside, Compulsion & inXile's games look interesting, and Fable looks like it's on the right track), for Starfield mostly showing off some solid stuff...I think a 7/10 is a fair score and I might be willing to bump that up to a 7.25/10 or 7.5/10 depending. So, it was still a better showcase than Sony's, but more dirt spilled out of Microsoft's after it occurred which has retroactively made it a worst conference as a result. So I would say it was not too much better than Sony's when considering post-Showcase confirmations and controversies (the 48-hour multiplat announcement embargo also factors into this). In fact, if some of the stuff Sony held back for SGF were at their own conference, their May Showcase would have been a solid 8.5/10 for me at the least, so I guess there's a lot to still be said about where Microsoft is currently at and what they still need to do in order to really get going again.
Yeah that perplexes me to be honest why adults get so tribal over a particular gaming platform. I just go where the games that interest me the most are at. Up until recently it was PlayStation's exclusives, but now I'm preferring Xbox's offerings. Come September I'll probably buy an XBSX for Starfield if there isn't a pro model on the horizon.There were a couple of people on here almost account suiciding over the Xbox show and Starfield deep dive last night. I was actually blown away this morning when i saw they werent even banned.
Some poeple have problems, honestly they do.
Sony issue was live service games.After all the shit Sony got for their shit show this one was equally as bad. So much CGI or in engine trailers without gameplay is a joke.
The companies need to show gameplay - or majority gameplay mixed in with some hype CGI for an announcement not majority CGI.
If it wasn't for the second coming would be worse.
No gameplay means shit trailer
Games take inspiration. Nothing is a rip off. Dont go full conspiracy.
A game with that scope wont be able to sustain 60 fps like people are expecting. Why do you think rd2 is still on 30 fps?
Avowed downgrade sucks bad.
Hell blade 2 has that gameplay type as last game.
I still find it weird that the role is being switched between the two company. MS were the live service publisher, while Sony was the SP publisher.
The show needed gameplay. Without starfield showcase, it would have been on par with Sony showcase. Its time both companies show gameplays.
Yeah that perplexes me to be honest why adults get so tribal over a particular gaming platform.
Because I'll say this again, scope-wise there is nothing in Starfield shown so far that is more complex than other open-world games already out, in terms of what's actually happening on the screen or background systems running concurrently to action on-screen. Absolutely nothing.
You deduced this complexity of background systems across the entire game from a YouTube video?
As for Bioshock series and Clockwork Revolution, of course there are going to be similarities, as they both have a steampunk setting and all the tropes that go along with it. Although I think Clockwork Rev leans more heavily into the British Victorian era steampunk style, while Bioshock has more of an American Industrial Revolution style.No, from the gameplay on hand that the team showed off. There are things you can infer by seeing the gameplay, too. We've done this for games since the beginning of gaming![]()
No, from the gameplay on hand that the team showed off. There are things you can infer by seeing the gameplay, too. We've done this for games since the beginning of gaming![]()
Yeah, I have to stop you right there. No need to lie to yourself.Because I'll say this again, scope-wise there is nothing in Starfield shown so far that is more complex than other open-world games already out, in terms of what's actually happening on the screen or background systems running concurrently to action on-screen. Absolutely nothing.
As for Bioshock series and Clockwork Revolution, of course there are going to be similarities, as they both have a steampunk setting and all the tropes that go along with it. Although I think Clockwork Rev leans more heavily into the British Victorian era steampunk style, while Bioshock has more of an American Industrial Revolution style.
The lead designer of Clockwork Rev, Jason Anderson, was also the one of the main designers of Arcanum, another steampunk RPG from 2001, back when the Bioshock series was still a wet dream.
“looking at that scene, I can tell that it should be using 50% of your CPU to run all its simulations”![]()
Yeah, I have to stop you right there. No need to lie to yourself.
Save yourself some trouble and watch that event again. You will see what you missed.So he is involved in both Clockwork Revolution and Bioshock Infinite. Cool. But that still misses the point. I'm talking about the trailers, here. Clockwork being steampunk does not mean the trailer had to use very similar (almost 1:1) shots and cuts as the Bioshock Infinite trailer. That's not simply being inspired; it almost looks like plagiarism.
Like I said, there are people doing comparisons on Twitter for that and Compulsion's game trailer and the similarities in the trailers with Bioshock & TLOU2 are almost beat-for-beat in some obvious areas. It surprised me once those got pointed out.
You just kind of boiled down what game tech analysts do, just leaving out every single bit of nuance tho. Expected.
There is, literally, nothing happening on-screen in Starfield gameplay that appears to be any more demanding or taxing than some of the other bigger open-world games already on the market. The extent of what's been shown is you walking around, mining resources, observing 1-3 creatures at a time, talking to a single NPC in a screen with just that one character, shooting at 2-4 enemies at a time in linear corridor environments or pseudo-linear outdoor areas, or shooting at a single spaceship at a time.
You'll have to forgive me if I think that isn't necessarily complex by magnitudes over other open-world games already out. And, it doesn't just stop there. The NPCs have no routines of their own, they seem to just stand there waiting for the player to talk to them. NPCs have no mo-cap work on their bodies or even faces. There doesn't seem to be any particularly noteworthy global particle system for things like atmospheric dust. Opening crates and picking up items in the world is no more complex than some other open-world games and in fact is less complex because there's no animation of a hand grabbing the resource, it just automatically picks up into your inventory. We haven't seen any area where the player goes into a building or an outdoor space and there is a big crowd of NPCs (or big crowd of animal life) going about with their own routines in the same space.
I think this game looks like it will be pretty fun to play, but I'm not going to cap for it being "so complex in scope" that it can't offer a higher framerate option for the consoles it's on. That just isn't going to happen. Because, again, people seem to think simply having more content equals having more complexity: it's not. It's actually about the degree of systems concurrently happening on the immediate screen at any given moment, both those of things you can observe, and would be running in the background in real-time.
Starfield isn't leaps and bounds over other open-world games in that aspect. In fact, at best it's around or slightly below par compared to a couple I could name, but won't because I don't want to potentially derail the thread.
Save yourself some trouble and watch that event again. You will see what you missed.
Yeah, you haven't watched it that much.I missed nothing. Some of y'all are missing the way to accept what was shown rationally, though.
Again, what was shown in the Starfield gameplay that looked so complex, to put it leagues ahead of other open-world games already on the market? I'm not talking about things you do otherwise in isolation like the ship-crafting and character creator. I mean in terms of systems happening at the same time that you can at least see happening in real-time on the screen.
In that regard it is not leaps and bounds over other open-world games already on the market. At most, it seems on par. Starfield might just have more total content but the delivery of that content isn't magically more "next-gen" than any other open-world game already available.
And none of this is me downplaying the game or saying it's bad, BTW. I think it'll be one of the standouts this year, it will be a very quality experience especially if you're into more hard sci-fi. I'm just putting what's been shown into perspective.
Yeah, you haven't watched it that much.
Watch the show. But this time, pay attention to the details.Okay then. Give me the non-existent gameplay footage you've seen that disproves what I'm saying.
I'll wait.
You can take npcs with you and delegate them to run specific things on your ship, can also then pick said npc’s to manage your planetary mining stations (which as we know so far consists of resources, there’s a drug in the game that apparently you can sell so you already know I’m going to start a space cartel) or just one of em to upkeep your house on a moon close to the sun lol. Legit can have a wife in the game and make her stay on a honey moon…I missed nothing. Some of y'all are missing the way to accept what was shown rationally, though.
Again, what was shown in the Starfield gameplay that looked so complex, to put it leagues ahead of other open-world games already on the market? I'm not talking about things you do otherwise in isolation like the ship-crafting and character creator. I mean in terms of systems happening at the same time that you can at least see happening in real-time on the screen.
In that regard it is not leaps and bounds over other open-world games already on the market. At most, it seems on par. Starfield might just have more total content but the delivery of that content isn't magically more "next-gen" than any other open-world game already available.
And none of this is me downplaying the game or saying it's bad, BTW. I think it'll be one of the standouts this year, it will be a very quality experience especially if you're into more hard sci-fi. I'm just putting what's been shown into perspective.
Jason Anderson worked on Arcanum and now Clockwork Revolution, not Bioshock. Do you have any of these comparisons? Because almost all the steampunk stuff done in Bioshock had been done before in novels, table top RPGs, video games, etc. , like mechanical robots, the look of the guns, air ships etc. I would say Clockwork Revolution looks even more steampunk than Bioshock.So he is involved in both Clockwork Revolution and Bioshock Infinite. Cool. But that still misses the point. I'm talking about the trailers, here. Clockwork being steampunk does not mean the trailer had to use very similar (almost 1:1) shots and cuts as the Bioshock Infinite trailer. That's not simply being inspired; it almost looks like plagiarism.
Like I said, there are people doing comparisons on Twitter for that and Compulsion's game trailer and the similarities in the trailers with Bioshock & TLOU2 are almost beat-for-beat in some obvious areas. It surprised me once those got pointed out.
Jason Anderson worked on Arcanum and now Clockwork Revolution, not Bioshock. Do you have any of these comparisons? Because almost all the steampunk stuff done in Bioshock had been done before in novels, table top RPGs, video games, etc. , like mechanical robots, the look of the guns, air ships etc. I would say Clockwork Revolution looks even more steampunk than Bioshock.
I'd have paid very good money to have seen a Miles Morales film starring Richard Pryor.![]()
It's been a while since I felt so good about being so wrong.
All art and cinematic directors rip each other and films off all the time . TLOU trailer had shots that can be seen all over films, Bioshock was riffing on Jules Verne, Michael Moorcock and Bryan Talbot's Luther Arkwright. The games you mentioned were not the first to do those shots, in all fairness.The comparison vids have been on Twitter and circulated around there, but they may also be on Youtube.
And FWIW I have only mentioned about the trailers, not the games themselves. The comparisons were between the trailer cuts for Clockwork Revolution and Bioshock Infinite. For all we know Clockwork has radically different game mechanics than Bioshock Infinite in practice, but that isn't the subject of the trailer comparisons.
I just don't see it, other than they are both steampunk games, one with an American Industrial Revolution setting and one with a British Victorian setting.The comparison vids have been on Twitter and circulated around there, but they may also be on Youtube.
And FWIW I have only mentioned about the trailers, not the games themselves. The comparisons were between the trailer cuts for Clockwork Revolution and Bioshock Infinite. For all we know Clockwork has radically different game mechanics than Bioshock Infinite in practice, but that isn't the subject of the trailer comparisons.