I'm very excited for this. I've been playing the game the last couple weeks and I'm very ready for an update.
I didn't realize it was going to be a PC exclusive though. Which is fine, since I don't plan on purchasing any next gen console anyway. And hopefully that choice will allow them to make the right design choices, that don't work well on consoles.
Map procedural generation is a must. While there are a lot of maps between xcom and the expansion, when you're playing a long game like marathon or long war... my god you see the same maps so many times. Multiple entry points don't even begin to alleviate that issue.
I hope they include the choice of a radar being on every map, and not just some council missions, since it can help get your head around your character positioning better. I really hope they work on the UI a lot more than what they have on the screenshots, which just look like a reskin.
I also hope they have much more choice in grand strategy, like long war does. Well, maybe even beyond what long war does since even that mod seems to have limits as to what is smart to aim for early and mid game. Since XCOM is on the offensive side, I hope we have a lot of choice for which missions to take, where to move the mobile base, etc.. There is also a lot of moral gray areas they can enter that a force like theirs might confront in a guerrilla war.
Foremost, I think the way they are adding stealth elements, and ways to approach combat is probably the most important thing they are doing right. Since in XCOM every mission kinda boils down to search and destroy. This should allow for a lot more approaches to combat.
Well, I'm excited for this game. XCOM is easily my favorite strategy game of last era.