it's crazy how much they are letting out there. It's actually kind of annoying, just watching ChristopherOdd's class breakdown videos and out of nowhere he casually shows off an enemy type I hadn't seen yet. I kinda wish I hadn't seen the
on Beagle's stream but that's my own fault.
Playing EU, there were only a couple of enemy types I didn't know about going in, and they were just enemies from the original game (Ethereals for example) that anyone could have predicted. The original game's most memorable aspect to me, was the 'what the HELL is that oh god' feeling when seeing a new enemy. I've at least managed to avoid information on actual enemy abilities though, I'll try to hold on to that. And I'm sure they've held a few units back.
But yeah, at this point I would be very surprised if we don't see a demo.