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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control

Muton's hit rate and damage is so unfair. Thought I completed the mission with 4 dead, 2 left, and 1 stunned muton, but nope, mission didn't end. Immediately quit the game after that. Haha :(

Also I got stuck with my base building once because you need power to build a level down and of course my first level was all filled up. Had to demolish a facility to further progress and that just a lot of credits down the drain.

I lost all my best soldiers to Mutons, so i eventually ended up with 4 rookies vs at least 8 Mutons, and they still had the starting equipment (other than carapace armour). Didn't stand a chance, i'm going to have to restart.


You know what I hate?

When two must play games comes out at the same time.

Yes, I am talking about XCOM and Dishonored.

I chose to play Dishonored first because no one would be interested in screenshots a month after release. And XCOM has functional graphics and no more.

/GAF confessions


Has anyone been able to enter the big battleship after shooting it down?

No one can enter it through the first door, only my SHIV and a heavy floater under mind control


I like the game but is full of bugs!

Several times it has hanged or just the enemies refuse to attack and I cant even hit the escape key!

It really is. I had a UFO mission yesterday where I was fighting a group of mutons and a beserker and a group of heavy floaters magically appeared right in the middle of where we were fighting, and in the next turn a group of bots and that big disc-like enemy appeared in the same spot.

I have no idea how I got out of that without losing anyone. If I didn't have my 2 max level snipers I likely wouldn't have.

Funky Papa

I got fucked over again.

Two Muton cawks out of nowhere made short work of most of my crack team, killing 3 of them and seriously injuring another. Then I had to deal with an scort mission with two novice snipers and two recruits. Thin men blasted them all.

By the time my injured veteran came back most of the world had turned its back against me. The last abduction mission (muttons, floaters, sectoids, who knows what else) was an disgraceful mix of panicked rookies and bad moves (seriously, mouse controls are crud). And that was the end of the XCOM initiative... for the fifth time.

At least the video at the end was cool.

Fake edit: Bros, maybe you should start using spoiler tags if you are going to talk about the final stages or the ending.


Everyone's saying to push out satellites as soon as possible, but how soon really? I just finished my first month and only started started making an uplink now, but seeing so much orange in the situation room is kind of scary.


Everyone's saying to push out satellites as soon as possible, but how soon really? I just finished my first month and only started started making an uplink now, but seeing so much orange in the situation room is kind of scary.

You want to start making a satellite uplink pretty much right when the game starts since it takes so much time to make them and then make satellites. Something I've noticed is that things will spiral out of control the most in the beginning of the game (at least on normal) and then stabilize once you start making more money and satellite uplinks/nexus.

Funky Papa

Everyone's saying to push out satellites as soon as possible, but how soon really? I just finished my first month and only started started making an uplink now, but seeing so much orange in the situation room is kind of scary.

Setting up a satellite command in time is nigh impossible. You need tons of engineers, significant energy points and both the satellite post and the satellite itself take a long ass time to get done.

From now on weapons and armour are my top priorities, followed by satellites.


Well, abduction missions come in three. You may be able to stomp one of them, but you'll be forced to leave two unattended.

I blame Firaxis for not giving me more than one base/interceptor. It's like my 6-man team is the only army in the world yeah right. I liked the country infiltration idea much better.


Well, abduction missions come in three. You may be able to stomp one of them, but you'll be forced to leave two unattended.

Yeah but it only helps you by lowering it in 1 country instead of a region, but the two you have to leave behind the entire region goes up instead of just the countries you abandoned. It's very annoying and it's the main reason why things spiral out of control so fast.


With the game's economy, outfitting a secondary squad and getting another skyranger is challenge enough

Maybe add an officer requirement, up the UFO spawn rate, and see how it goes.

One thing about XCOM that requires further investigation is that I find it difficult to tell if the aliens are actually playing on the strategic layer or if it's just spewing out missions. X-com used to have a discernable pattern to UFO sightings and I can't tell if that's still true in XCOM because they're just so rare.

Funky Papa

I blame Firaxis for not giving me more than one base/interceptor. It's like my 6-man team is the only army in the world yeah right. I liked the country infiltration idea much better.

Yup. IIRC you could fight several missions almost at the same time in OG X-Com. I'd say that's one of the parts where they got it wrong. That and base building. The whole ant farm thing is a bit of a mess.

Funky Papa

Damn, didn't realise medikits can only be used once, then you have to rebuy them :(

My default guy is amazing so far

Wut? No, once you purchase a medikit you can strap it to any member of your squad. Purchase two and two soldiers will be able to carry a medikit. You don't actually buy medikits, but slots for them. Also, later in the game you get to use a special ability that
allows you to use a single medikit thrice

Check the inventory of all your soldiers. There's a chance some guy in the reserve is carrying it.
Wut? No, once you purchase a medikit you can strap it to any member of your squad. Purchase two and two soldiers will be able to carry a medikit. You don't actually buy medikits, but slots for them. Also, later in the game you get to use a special ability that
allows you to use a single medikit thrice

Check the inventory of all your soldiers. There's a chance some guy in the reserve is carrying it.

Ah right. Cheers


Rodent Whores
With the game's economy, outfitting a secondary squad and getting another skyranger is challenge enough

Maybe add an officer requirement, up the UFO spawn rate, and see how it goes.

One thing about XCOM that requires further investigation is that I find it difficult to tell if the aliens are actually playing on the strategic layer or if it's just spewing out missions. X-com used to have a discernable pattern to UFO sightings and I can't tell if that's still true in XCOM because they're just so rare.
Yeah, that's the thing that was puzzling me too. I thought I could cover each continent with at least one sat as early as possible so I could detect more UFOs and farm more and get a good head start, but my UFO detection rate doesn't really make a difference whether I have 4 continents or only one.

In the original, there were things I could do like skyranger scouting, graph reading, early radar, etc to shoot down as many UFOs as possible in the early game, but in the remake, it doesn't really matter.

It sometimes seems like more satellites is a liability at times if you put up a sat and you are unable to shoot a UFO down because you only have a single interceptor armed with avalanches.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Took on the "very difficult"-labeled abduction mission in an area close to full panic. Landed near the gas station with my squad only to see 3 bigass mutons turn their heads and look at my conveniently placed squad as a couple of sacks of meat.

I threw up my hands in the air thinking " fuckin hell... I guess that was this playthrough then" thinking there's no way that my barely geared squad with 5hp each would even come close to taking on one muton in close range let alone all three of them, and here I was faced with three of them 1 turn into the mission.

The only guy in the squad, my heavy man Minotaur, who incidentally was the only one with combat experience and gear worth a damn scoffed at my fear, took out this rocket launcher and shot an rpg through the pumping station, past the gas pumps landing straight on the van the three mutons had taken cover behind blowing them all to kingdom come. Minotaur received the extremely apt nickname of "Hulk"

I see what you did there xcom, I see.

You ain't taking Minotaur away from me.


Rodent Whores
Is there no upgrade to the rocket launcher? Pretty far in to the game, expected some kind of plasma launcher or something. Did i miss it??

I was hoping it would be a blaster launcher or something, but I didn't find one. The most I got was rocket skills via leveling up.
i dont like :

Recovering all equipment from a total squad wipe, especially inside a base that they can't even get out of.

you can pace combat by dealing with one group of aliens. then moving one square over and noticing another group. Maybe on higher difficulty, aliens will actually attack if one of them notices you. Also i can't seem to be able to sneak up on stuff. There must be some kind of stealth armor or something.

+ pretty tired of seeing the same alien intro animations when you notice them. Oh and some color palette, model scale, texture variety wouldn't hurt to break up the monotony of the alien types you have to fight over and over and over again.
I agree, that would go a long way to break that up.
Is it just me or is the game buggier since the huge patch? Damage estimates don't show up anymore, mouse cursor can get stuck on the screen when using a controller, psi labs often can only take 2 guys, that kind of stuff. Didnt notice any of these prior to the patch.


The first time you have to response to an abduction and there is no tutorial... words cannot describe the feeling. This is classic XCOM, every shadow could house a sectoid, thin man or worse. My troops inch through the battlefield, just to have Overwatch on all the time. Grtting my teeth, I'm in full force "kill em all, let god sort em out"-mode.

So excellent. This is my first time playing an Xcom game, but Enemy Unknown is everything I was expecting it to be. It's amazing how much more tense Ironman is.

I had run through the tutorial and played about 4-5 hours on Normal before deciding, "Okay, I know a lot more about how to play, let's restart on Normal Ironman and kick some alien tail." Then, on the very first mission with your 4 brand-new rooks, I moved too far with my last squadmate and got him killed on the first alien turn. D: It was as if the game was taunting me: I could have restarted at that point, having made literally no progress, but the Ironman principle was staring me in the face.

Now I'm trying to strategize more on the metagame, and it's completely kicking my ass. There's never enough money/time/resources to do everything you want. I'm about a month and a half in and just now was able to build the sat link, build the satellites, and launch them to get more coverage and funding. You pretty much have to start building satellite gear right from the get-go, don't you? Now I'm being bottlenecked by power supplies and basebuilding; I was really lucky in my first playthrough by having a steam vent on the second level of base, but now I have to try and daisy-chain power generators and such.

At any given moment, I feel like I'm barely above treading water, and one wrong step could plunge me into the deep. What a game. What a goddamned game. <3


Been playing Classic Ironman, on my third mission, shot down a UFO, lost my entire squad because of a stupid mistake - my sniper was behind solid cover, but the cover was destroyed and I didn't notice, she got wiped the next turn, I lost visibility, my support with the medikit panicked, everything went to shit. Funny thing is, I -know- that if I just moved my sniper that last turn, I would have won the mission. >_<

Then after the mission failed, I noticed a weirdass bug. Only 3 units were reported KIA, even though all 4 died. In my barracks, the assault guy is still there, but he's listed among the injured, except it says KIA. I can't remove him from the list, and he isn't in the Memorial. LOL. :(

I think I might restart a Classic non-Ironman game until I get a better hang of things. But this is really, really good so far. :D

Funky Papa

Is it just me or is the game buggier since the huge patch? Damage estimates don't show up anymore, mouse cursor can get stuck on the screen when using a controller, psi labs often can only take 2 guys, that kind of stuff. Didnt notice any of these prior to the patch.

It feels the same to me.

I find kind of crazy that a game that has been in production for four years still has so many bugs. None of them are game breaking, but you'd expect a certain level of finesse. Sight lines are specially ridiculous.


I noticed some other interface bugs too. During mission dispatch, the models for one of the units vanished while I was tweaking equipment. Sometimes the base interface gets fucked up (certain button overlays appearing when they shouldn't, etc) too. Weird.


Huh I haven't really ran into any bad bugs on the Xbox, just the occasional bullet bend.

I have encounters bugs on PS3 and I am sure the 360 version is not bug free.

The 3 big one for me were:

- The alien turn does sometimes not end. You have to quit out of the game and load a save game because the game will not continue.

- Game can hang up during the load time of the final mission.

- Final mission can start without any enemies on it. That sounds nice but the mission is very story driven and this way you can't finish it. Hell you can even exist the second room.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Just played the tutorial mission. Man, I hoped they'd have done better job with the interface, it's almost clunkier than the original. Especially with stuff like aiming grenades and rockets. And the viewpoint never seems ideal either, even though I've disabled all the cinematic extra stuff. I really hope that's the end of the problems...


Just played the tutorial mission. Man, I hoped they'd have done better job with the interface, it's almost clunkier than the original. Especially with stuff like aiming grenades and rockets. And the viewpoint never seems ideal either, even though I've disabled all the cinematic extra stuff. I really hope that's the end of the problems...

yeah aiming grenades and rockets is pretty weird. why cant i toss a nade anywhere i want..or can i?

i like that it wont let me aim somewhere with the rocket and at least tells me that the shot is blocked..fine!

maybe there is some button to push to force attack..never really checked the controls :>
Just played the tutorial mission. Man, I hoped they'd have done better job with the interface, it's almost clunkier than the original. Especially with stuff like aiming grenades and rockets. And the viewpoint never seems ideal either, even though I've disabled all the cinematic extra stuff. I really hope that's the end of the problems...

You should really try playing with the cinematic stuff on for a little bit. I think a lot of folks who were thinking they would hate it and disable it are finding they like it and leaving it on, I've seen a few posts to this effect.


Been playing Classic Ironman, on my third mission, shot down a UFO, lost my entire squad because of a stupid mistake - my sniper was behind solid cover, but the cover was destroyed and I didn't notice, she got wiped the next turn, I lost visibility, my support with the medikit panicked, everything went to shit. Funny thing is, I -know- that if I just moved my sniper that last turn, I would have won the mission. >_<

Then after the mission failed, I noticed a weirdass bug. Only 3 units were reported KIA, even though all 4 died. In my barracks, the assault guy is still there, but he's listed among the injured, except it says KIA. I can't remove him from the list, and he isn't in the Memorial. LOL. :(

I think I might restart a Classic non-Ironman game until I get a better hang of things. But this is really, really good so far. :D
Oh, you had the zombie soldier bug too, I see. He should be available for you to field into missions as well, which basically gives you a kamikaze unit.
I also had one dude getting wounded at like the second mission, but it didn't say for how long. Months later he was still there.


Going in for real now. Normal Ironman. Decided to go for political leaders of countries as soldier names.


If I get a soldier with the wrong sex or a second or third from a particular they will get names of former leaders. My next American soldier will be named Dick Nixon and his nickname will be Tricky.
Is it just me or does overwatch suck and is a waste of ammo? So many misses, when I actually do get a hit it feels like I won the lotto.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
I wish I had a clue what the research lead to, I'm just picking things at random and that's probably going to ruin this ironman run for me.

Like I understand researching "weapons" will lead to "weapons". But what on earth will I get if I research the other 90% of the options...
The only glitch I've encountered so far is that the game decided to send two satellites to the same country. When I chose Argentina, the pop up window said that I didn't have any fighters in North America; which I thought was weird considering that I'm sending a satellite to South America. After that I noticed that both of my satellites were gone.

I reloaded, did the same thing again, and then it said South America and only one satellite was sent away.


I wish I had a clue what the research lead to, I'm just picking things at random and that's probably going to ruin this ironman run for me.

Like I understand researching "weapons" will lead to "weapons". But what on earth will I get if I research the other 90% of the options...

Doing autopsies and interrogations often lead to bonuses in other research areas. I think it is better to do those research items first, then other research will go faster due to the bonus from previous research. Autopsies and interrogations also do not take that long to research.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Doing autopsies and interrogations often lead to bonuses in other research areas. I think it is better to do those research items first, then other research will go faster due to the bonus from previous research. Autopsies and interrogations also do not take that long to research.

Gotcha thanks.
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