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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


Rodent Whores
So how would we go about setting up a tournament?

I would say to have it similar in structure to the other fighting game tournaments. One can check the previous Street Fighter 4 tournament threads for examples.

Given the nature of teams and counters to that team, I think that having a best 2 out of 3 system would be most fair. Win a game and you stay with your team, but your opponent can change to counter pick if he wants. The only problem with this, though, is that if it goes to 3 games, then it's gonna take a long fucking time.

Given how hard it is to find time to play each other in Street Fighter when the matches only last like 10-20 minutes, it might be really really hard for this game, where a long match can end up taking over an hour or more.


Did anyone else LOL when the scientist said "As unprofessional as this sounds, it seems to have turned them into...


I would say to have it similar in structure to the other fighting game tournaments. One can check the previous Street Fighter 4 tournament threads for examples.

Given the nature of teams and counters to that team, I think that having a best 2 out of 3 system would be most fair. Win a game and you stay with your team, but your opponent can change to counter pick if he wants. The only problem with this, though, is that if it goes to 3 games, then it's gonna take a long fucking time.

Given how hard it is to find time to play each other in Street Fighter when the matches only last like 10-20 minutes, it might be really really hard for this game, where a long match can end up taking over an hour or more.

Ive only playedc one game of multi, where I got absolutely smashed by the Etheral or whatever that 9000 point person is

what do?
I would say to have it similar in structure to the other fighting game tournaments. One can check the previous Street Fighter 4 tournament threads for examples.

Given the nature of teams and counters to that team, I think that having a best 2 out of 3 system would be most fair. Win a game and you stay with your team, but your opponent can change to counter pick if he wants. The only problem with this, though, is that if it goes to 3 games, then it's gonna take a long fucking time.

Given how hard it is to find time to play each other in Street Fighter when the matches only last like 10-20 minutes, it might be really really hard for this game, where a long match can end up taking over an hour or more.

I should practice more. I don't think I've found the counter to my build yet. It looks like you've played more ranked matches than anyone on the planet ;)


Rodent Whores
I should practice more. I don't think I've found the counter to my build yet. It looks like you've played more ranked matches than anyone on the planet ;)

lol yeah, I got a bit carried away this past weekend, hahaha. It was pretty funny - I was in a match with a guy named UnicornsAreSexy, who I've played several times. So we're chatting, and he says something about how I'm in the top 10 on the leaderboards. I thought he was just trying to compliment me, but then he says, "I'm serious, look at the leaderboards you're in the top 10", and I'm like, "Oh. Really? hahaha".

There are a few balance issues with multiplayer, and a couple of bugs, but overall, it's not too shabby.
I had a sniper shoot to his right (with the camera near the side of his face) at an enemy that was actually in front him. The bullet went in the proper direction despite the sniper eing turned in the wrong direction. Weird.


Rodent Whores
Ive only playedc one game of multi, where I got absolutely smashed by the Etheral or whatever that 9000 point person is

what do?

First, take out the 2 sectoids, or the single human scout. He's blind without them.

Then, you have to position yourself so that you can spot the ethereal and then shoot with all your guys at the same turn. The key is burst damage, because once you spot it, you won't have that much time until he wastes your squad. If you have a lot of members, be careful to avoid the AOE attack.

Snipers with squad sight are useful because they can snipe from out of range.

Assaults with alloy cannons are useful because a point blank rapid fire to an ethereal's face hurts a lot.

Ghost armor is useful to sneak up on it as an assault. It's also useful if you can spot while invisible, to give your sniper free shots.

Cyberdisks, can help, since they are immune to psi.

Mind shields can help a lot too.

Another reason why assaults are useful is that the ethereals' psi attacks have a minimum range, so it can't nuke you if you are right next to it. It can only mind control, I think.


A crystallis killed one of my soliders. The zombie then killed another (i didnt know a zombie would come out of the body). Next mission another one dies because im low on good soliders. Now my sniper keeps missing because hes got no willpower.

Feels bad man.


war of titties grampa
You know what I hate! Going for a flank on a guy, getting 100% as the accuracy, and doing 2 damage on a 4 bar alien..... Yet, the guy who hasnt flanked him, gets 50% accuracy, and he gets 4 damage. I swear this happens to me so much! Ill think " Hey, ill go right beside this guy and totally kill him" then i dont and the next turn the fucking alien kills me instead! CRITICAL 6 DAMAGE!! AWESOME.... lol
I had a sniper shoot to his right (with the camera near the side of his face) at an enemy that was actually in front him. The bullet went in the proper direction despite the sniper eing turned in the wrong direction. Weird.

The first time this happened, I missed the shot, and I thought it was just an animation of the unit fucking up big time. And then it happened on made shots. Nothing but net.
Sweet, just cleared an assault one a landed large UFO without any hits! Poor aliens didn't even fire a single shot. I learned from my previous disasters. When I saw a Berzerker outside, I placed everyone inside on overwatch. But this time I didn't keep a soldier just near the entrance so he could get charged. Result, five times reaction fire, but still a live zerker. I brought some Arc Throwers with me, so I stunned him. I also finally got the Outsider stun (twice), plus a free plasma rifle (thanks Muton).



Exists in a perpetual state of Quantum Crotch Uncertainty.
Just spent the last night save/reloading a bunch in the first month to see if it's at *all* possible to get a second satellite uplink built before the first Council Meeting.

Sadly -- though hardly surprisingly -- I think the conclusion is 'Not A Fucking Chance Kiddo.'

Painfully close though. I was able to get to a point where I'd have it built by April 1st, two days too late. Now though, I'm interested in making note of whether the 'global events' -- Abduction-1, UFO-1, Abduction-2, Council Mission-1, UFO-2, etc. -- always occur on fixed dates. In theory, if the first Abduction mission happens on the 5th (where I kept seeing it occur on the 8th), then the Uplink-In-March is possible.

You can get the first abduction mission by day 5. I've seen it happen twice while messing around. The days that the events occur on seem to be determined as soon as you start the game, so if you don't get it early enough you'll have to restart entirely if you're really fixated on getting the uplink built.
Im loving support suppression/arc thrower action. And ive said it before in this thread but snipers are absolutely integral. I love having two snipers on the field with different disciplines one using double tap and the other in the zone. Ive noticed archangel armor imo is built for snipers. Well cant wait to get off work and finish the assault on the base.


My soldiers' accuracy jumps to 100% when they panic. Had a Muton throw a grenade to my two soldiers behind cover injuring them and panicking them both. They both shot the Muton with the second shot killing it. That's after a turn of missing shots against the same Muton.

I also think this game does not show or calculate probabilities all that well. The random number generator is clearly broken.
I'm going to have to agree.


Berserkers are funny, they almost never get a shot in. Moving around out of turn does them so much harm, reaction and overwatch shots going off everywhere.
Ergh, I've restarted classic mode about five times now. Each time I keep getting ridiculous squad wipes early on where I'll advance someone into cover and then immediately get an entire squad of enemies spawn directly behind them, or more likely behind the majority of my entire squad so they are all out of cover and then get promptly destroyed. When the above starts to happen I then get a panic wave begin where the remaining soldiers panic, which is only amplified by the inevitable deaths by other now defenceless soldiers who were already panicing. With so few abiltiies on your soldiers at this stage (and so few soldiers in general) all you can really do is spam grenades and pray for the best.

The spawning system must have taken a lot of thought and effort, but it's simulaneously this game's greatest achievement and its achilles heel. It keeps things fast paced and exciting and stops the tedious mop ups of the original, but at present it's so aggravating and patently unfair. I'm sick of getting into a firefight with an enemy squad and then having two more appear directly behind me so I've got basically no chance to react, and I'm even more sick of them inexplicably spawning in impossible places such as directly on top of my men or in tiny rooms I've just left. I also speculate this whole system is why the game doesn't have random maps, the other big problem with extended play. Especially having to keep on playing that fucking building site map where you're guaranteed to be routed in some bullshit and unfun way every single time you play it.
I had an Outsider physically blocked in a corner, out of cover by two squaddies standing next to him. Both missed.

Early on if I face outsiders I use grenades or rockets to to kill it from range or at the very least take out its cover before I try to kill it.

The very first Outsider I ever fought I captured. When it came into vision, it ran straight into range of my guy carrying the Arc Thrower, and I was like, eh, sure why not and ran up and zapped him at like a 60% chance. After that experience, I was never really afraid of Outsiders at all.

Berserkers are funny, they almost never get a shot in. Moving around out of turn does them so much harm, reaction and overwatch shots going off everywhere.

I agree. They really aren't that threatening, especially if you have multiple units with Close Combat Training. Of course, the one time they DO get to attack and break the spine of one of your finest troops, well, you start being a little more careful.
The very first Outsider I ever fought I captured. When it came into vision, it ran straight into range of my guy carrying the Arc Thrower, and I was like, eh, sure why not and ran up and zapped him at like a 60% chance. After that experience, I was never really afraid of Outsiders at all.

How do you capture them?

I only played the demo so far. The last 2 enemies, the scientist woman asks you to try to capture them, but I just killed them lol.

Dont know if that was supposed to happen or if I missed something obvious :p


Still having a blast, but last night ran into a
new type of UFO. Much bigger than the round ones I've previously encountered and two levels inside. I think it's called a Large, but I'm not sure. The camera was utterly useless when my squad went inside. When on the upper level the top of the UFO was always rendered so I couldn't see a damn thing except the outline render of my squad. And to see them I had to scroll-wheel the view to the lower level, but them movement became tricky because the game thought I was trying to move people to the lower level.

It's still awesome though, even with that glitch :)

Edit: reading through this page I realise I don't need to spoiler that text 'cos other people already have spoiled it. I guess I'll leave it though. Meh.
I'm about to jump in, in about 30 -45 min. I have no experience with XCOM and I decided to play Normal Ironman. Any tips for a clueless new player?


war of titties grampa
I'm about to jump in, in about 30 -45 min. I have no experience with XCOM and I decided to play Normal Ironman. Any tips for a clueless new player?

Dont get too attached to your soldiers :(

So what x-rays can't be captured, and what do the credits you get do?

Sectoid, thin man and floaters i think and they each give you a credit toward other research projects. I dont know if its really worth even trying to capture them to be honest. But this info is coming from the XCOM wiki


halve research time

I don't really think the RNG is broken, I just think people are more predisposed to remember the times it rolls against them

I have feeling it has something to do with soldier stats. On normal, it's in your favor because your guys have larger stat pool. On classic rookies bite the dust, which is why it is very hard to begin, but once you get enough corporals and sergeants, the game gets easier.

RNG is only broken with Outsiders and Thinmen.


no. especially not the 6th time she said it. i think that bark is bugged.

I've only heard it the first time I encounter one. It made me laugh because the scientist sounded almost embarrassed by it, as in breaking the fourth wall a little bit. "Yes.
Yet again."


Not to mention aliens get that passive +10 to hit and to crit on classic which means ya'll be dying all the time

For thin men, for example, with their light plasma they get a +20 to hit so low cover is essentially no cover at all. Skinnies are super accurate already, too.
How do you capture them?

I only played the demo so far. The last 2 enemies, the scientist woman asks you to try to capture them, but I just killed them lol.

Dont know if that was supposed to happen or if I missed something obvious :p

Yeah, the demo's a little misleading. You can't capture in the demo, but in the full game you can research an item that lets you stun and capture live aliens.

I don't really think the RNG is broken, I just think people are more predisposed to remember the times it rolls against them

Yeah, I've had enough lucky hits from shots in the 20-40% hit range to not complain when I miss a couple 80%+ shots on occasion.


I'm only playing on Normal Ironman, but Jesus Christ, is this a tense, terrifying, beautiful game. I finally worked up the nerve to assault (mid-game)
the alien base
and captured the end guy but lost two of my precious, from-Day-1 vets in the process. Angel and Brick, you will be missed. :( But the battle itself was amazing: midway through, after taking out 5 Mutons, I saw a trio of Chrysalids zerg-rushing toward me from below, so I dug in my heels and set all six squadmen to Overwatch -- then raked in the kills as they lurched in and I shredded them down. Unfortunately for Brick, my best Heavy, he had the misfortune to nudge the fog of war just enough to reveal another trio of Chrysalids, and his (my) shitty mistake cost him his life and Angel's to boot.

But after mowing them down -- and bidding a tearful farewell to their zombified corpses with a scatter-laser shotgun eulogy -- I made my way to the boss.
As I was softening up the Sectoid Commander and going for the capture, he mind-controlled my remaining living support, who had perfect flanking positioning on my two assaults. My sniper, hanging out in the background, took the chance to disable the controlled support's weapon while my assaults went in for the dual-team takedown on the Commander. Amaaaaaaaazing.

Now I have to figure out how to raise a fleet of rooks to live up to these veteran legends' memories. Is the "New Guy" perk from the Officer Training school worth the investment?


RIP captain Mohamed 'Socks' Morsi. You left your presidential palace in Cairo to fight the alien menace and you have done so with great valor. On your eleven missions for XCOM you killed a grand total of nineteen aliens, most at close range. And during those - what must have been - frightful moments you never ever lost your even temper. While other veterans sometimes panicked, you stayed calm and did what had to be done. You were the best assault soldier on my team and you will be sorely lost.

Duders, I'm shattered. Socks was with me from the beginning of my current normal ironman run. He was the only assault I had and by far my best soldier. I don't even know if I want to go on with this particular game. Might as well start a new one.


Don't you loose the extra squad slots if you demolish the Officer Training building? I swear that happened to me when I did it!
Yep, that's what happens, naturally.

So demolishing the Officer Training School is a no-no.

RIP captain Mohamed 'Socks' Morsi. You left your presidential palace in Cairo to fight the alien menace and you have done so with great valor. On your eleven missions for XCOM you killed a grand total of nineteen aliens, most at close range. And during those - what must have been - frightful moments you never ever lost your even temper. While other veterans sometimes panicked, you stayed calm and did what had to be done. You were the best assault soldier on my team and you will be sorely lost.

Duders, I'm shattered. Socks was with me from the beginning of my current normal ironman run. He was the only assault I had and by far my best soldier. I don't even know if I want to go on with this particular game. Might as well start a new one.

I already named one of my Support guys after Mohammed Morsy as well. Since he was Egyptian, I felt obligated to do so. He's alive and kicking though ;P


I built the hyperdrive facility. What is next on my agenda? I really could use more funds since my resources are slowly dwindling away.

Should I sell stuff? If so what and how many?


NeoGaf-Gold™ Member
Apparently you only get one SHIV a game - mine got blown up....built a new one, go to use it on a mission...nope. Check the barracks - hey look it's an invisible SHIV.

I thought the silent hill triangle head version of my soldier was bad but this just sucks....Defiantley need some new QA guys - these are obvious bugs
Had some weird thing on the Boulevard map a couple of times in a row where my floaters weren't lifting the fog of war starting on the second turn. I'd have to land them, and the area would reveal itself, but obviously that isn't ideal.


Apparently you only get one SHIV a game - mine got blown up....built a new one, go to use it on a mission...nope. Check the barracks - hey look it's an invisible SHIV.

I just made 2 hover SHIV's and one came out with an invisible gun. Number 2 has a plasma cannon, but 1 is empty where the gun should be, and the stats don't reflect having a weapon. I'm too chicken to bring it into battle to see if it's actually there or not, it'll probably just sit in my base all game wasting the expensive alloys and elerium I used to make it. :p

Shame you don't get salvage when you bin a SHIV, that'd be an easy call.
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