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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control



Success on ironman normal! Turned into a real meat grinder at points but managed to eventually push through and by November I finally bagged an overseer and hit the final mission in December. Rockets carried the day in the final battle along with a fairly lucky throw everything at him because you've got two men down and a third MC'd. Looking over stats I wasn't too far off the average and seemed to have had a very successful early game. Really great stuff, onward to classic.


Got this game early this week and man, it is much harder than expected.
I've had only one mission where I haven't lost any soldier.


To skip the intro videos:


Open DefaultEngine.ini

Under the header ; PC Startup movies, delete the "+" before the 4 entries there.

Thank you thank you thank you.

I've not read every page of this thread, but I'm glad I caught this one. No escape/enter/mouse click to skip logos? Seriously?

Anyway, I got the game for Christmas and only got around to installing it yesterday. I'm now on Game 4.

Game 1
My first game was Normal + Tutorial. With the opening logo sequence pissing me off I was then further frustrated during the opening missions with the pace of the commands given to you. "Now you move here", "Now you move here" with what seemed too long a gap between each move. It's probably only a few seconds but it just seemed to not flow.

Anyway, I got through the tutorial, built all the stuff they told me to build, did some missions, captured some aliens, etc. By this point I have no money, I have a steam vent directly below my sat uplink and a containment cell to the left (so losing any adjacency bonus with a new uplink), I've not built a new uplink, so I've not built any new sats and I've just discovered the
alien base
. My tutorial Heavy is getting strong, I have an Assault with a laser rifle and a decent ish sniper with squad sight. My first terror mission I managed to save 13 civs. I'm enjoying myself apart from a few "92% miss WTF my awesome guy is dead moments" and a single "What's that four legged thing, and why has it turned my dude into a kebab?" that a load and retry with a different action resolved.

With hindsight, I'd not used grenades/rockets because of Dr Whiney, used dart a lot and not used oversight much, had 2 people wounded on lots of missions and had not made any med packs. Around that time I had some bits to do around the house so I stopped playing.

Game 2

Normal - No tutorial

By the time I've come back I have been looking around the web a bit and decide to start anew without the tutorial. Thereby not having three deaths on my hands without choice, choosing a base (Africa or Asia), not being forced into base building or research, and hopefully ending the first mission with 2 or 3 rookies leveled up.

I start the game and the tutorial starts. WTF. I quit back to the menu and discover that I had selected tutorial, rather than deselecting it. I assume that on your first game it auto selects it, and then on subsequent games it auto disables?


Game 3

Normal - No Tutorial - take 2

Ah ha, finally I have my own team, I've picked Africa as my base for the extra money and we are going out on our first mission. Upon the level loading I hit F10 to quicksave and proceed to fan out behind cover. I engage a set of small white dudes, and in the process of flanking to the left I encounter more white dudes. My entire squad is dead after each missing some sitters. Rage quit.

After 15 minutes or so I've calmed down enough so try again with this save and load my quicksave from the start of mission 1. At this point I'm still not using grenades much, though have lowered my use of dart and raised my use of oversight to 2/4 of my squad per turn.

I remember where the spawns occur from the last less than perfect start so avoid the second batch. I take out the first two and take a hit on one guy who is wounded but still standing. I get my team round to get those other bogies and they manage to only target the one guy who is near death, my fault for not protecting him. I take them out and the mission ends. I've already lost one man, but at least I get 2 rookies leveled up.

The next mission comes up, everyone dies after more high percentage hits miss. RAAAAGEEEEE.

At this point I closed down again and played around with my Lightroom catalog and my webdev learning. However I was itching to try again. I've read a bit more this time, use grenades and ignore the woman, use oversight more, almost never use dash. Off I go.

Game 4

Normal + No tutorial

Starting in Asia this time, first mission sends me in to Japan. Everyone gets into cover on action 1, then oversight on action 2. I'm still hitting F10 so that I can see how things change when it goes wrong.

I send two of my squad to the right to get cover behind cars + oversight, on the next turn while moving forward they trigger the aliens who scarper. Right into the oversight of the other two who haven't moved. Bloke misses, Woman hits. Hurrah. My aim is to see if I can get every troop a kill on this first mission. I move my right side team up to the side of a lorry either side of a gap. They are in full over, but still in LOS. Alien dude makes a run for it, right into the oversight of those same first two from earlier. Bloke has shit for eyes and ears and misses his Oversight again. Woman is godlike, pow, alien dead. 2 down to one rookie with no damage taken at all. I'm enjoying myself again.

I hear bad guys over to the left and move Bloke and Woman over, while keeping the right team in oversight. The aliens spot me and get into cover again. This time one of my right team has a chance at a shot, 55% and misses. On the aliens turn he shoots up the lorry and take a couple of HP from the same guy. On my next turn I attack again and kill him. 3 dead with one injury.

The last alien is on the other side of the yard, I keep three guys in oversight at 3 and 6 oclock while I move one around to the 12 oclock. I manage to get there without being seen, and the alien hasn't moved. I have a look at my hit percentage at 60%. I'd expect it to be higher attacking from the rear but whatever. I take the shot, it connects. Marvelous. Mission ends with no dead guys, one injury and three promotions.

I play a couple more missions, launch the second satellite. No idea how far in I am, I have plenty of cash, but only 5 engineers. I can't build the uplink, and so I can't build a new sat. Argle wargle fargle!

And there it ended before bedtime. Sleep did not come easy.

I'll probably continue that game for a bit, or I might start Game 5 and try to get it right lol. The problem is that I'm on 12 hour days for the next 5 so won't get much play time :(

I've read a lot of this thread today so I've learned more about half cover, full cover, out of LOS cover etc etc.

Also can I just check, does holding higher ground offer no defensive bonus?
Got this game during the GMG sale but just installed it 2 days ago.

I am hooked. This game is awesome. Playing on XCOM difficulty, a lot of items have gone from "when would I ever use that" to "I NEED IT NOW".


I'm wondering if they are ever going to expand this game with future updates/addons.

I really want to love it, but the campaign feels so linear and restricted, gimping the replay value immensely.

Playing a new campaign with the original UFO was a different story every single time, trying to replay this new XCOM everything feels "been there, done that".

Double D

do they not sell the usb receivers anymore? (slightly OT)

Yeah I hate to derail but if someone can tell me where I can go to buy one of these things I would be incredibly grateful. And no, I'm not going to buy a fifth wireless controller just to get one.


I'm wondering if they are ever going to expand this game with future updates/addons.

I really want to love it, but the campaign feels so linear and restricted, gimping the replay value immensely.

Playing a new campaign with the original UFO was a different story every single time, trying to replay this new XCOM everything feels "been there, done that".
More DLC is coming. They have said that future DLC will be more extensive than what has been released so far. Given the games commercial sales and awards, Im sure the game will have a sequel sometime.
Playing a new campaign with the original UFO was a different story every single time, trying to replay this new XCOM everything feels "been there, done that".

Was it though? I've done the original game's campaign through plenty of times and it had most of the forced inflection points the remake has (only less interesting) and is about 100x more tedious to play because of the fussiness of the game and the inevitable bug hunts at the end of maps.

The only thing I miss are the base defenses. Fighting in your own base was cool, even if you cooked the base layout so that you practically couldn't lose.


Ok, I managed to get some time tonight :) Much better.

Game 5

Normal - No tutorial

Very happy with this game. I've finally started it well. Base in Asia, free satellite launched over the USA. My troops have been exemplary, as has, for the most part, my direction on the battlefield. I've been trying to get the rookies involved with a grenade to be sure of a kill as well so I have a decent pool to play with.

I've only loaded my save twice in about 5 missions which I'm pleased with.

The first time was my stupidity. Two sectoids had appeared while 3 of my 4 were on overwatch, the other was hunkered. The overwatch only took 2 hp out of one of the sectoids. They formed a mind link and attacked one of my guys, setting a car alight.

My Heavy with Holo Targeting was, once moved into the open, in range for a shot at the mind link controller. And my Sniper with Squad Sight had a shot on the same Sectoid. My plan, attack with the heavy, if it fails then use the Sniper which will get an added aim boost. The Heavy was right on the edge of the sight of the one I was aiming at so was unlikely to wake anything else, and we were on a bridge so there was nothing left of her position, the rear was covered and to the right were my Sniper and my Support with a warm ass.

The Heavy succeeded and both Sectoids were defeated. I put my remaining guys back in to overwatch. BOOM. DOH! I knew I needed to move the guy next to the car, I had a plan for him, I just didn't action it. Note - Check your shit isn't burning before you decide to stay next to it.

The second reload was because my Heavy took a Critical hit and this upset me lol.

All in all not too shabby, I've just spent about 40 minutes doing one mission, escorting a civilian who discovered something in the water to the EZ. Lots of overwatch, lots of only moving one guy per turn so that the other three can cover. The sniper ended up only occupying 4 locations in the entire level, all the Others I moved around ahead clearing the way slowly but surely. I only got hit once, by a Thin Man's poison. The Medic took care of that though.

I'm on about the 25th of the first month I think, I have 5th member and extra EXP unlocked from the Academy (only got that after that last mission), I have an uplink in production now as well as 4 satellites, 3 of which I'll be able to use once the uplink is finished. I have the research done for the Nanofibre Vest and the Foundry research will be done in a few turns. Conceivably I think I'll have the ability to launch 3 sats in about 10 days, and another 3 in 20 or so if I budget right.

Now my main Sniper has Squad Sight and Damn Good Ground. My Heavy has Holo Targeting and Supression. My Support has Covering Fire and Field Medic. I don't yet have an Assault over Corporal. On some missions I'll drop in lower ranks to bring them up to speed with a well flung grenade or rocket.

As yet I have done nothing that the story has asked of me.

What I have noticed for the first time is that when scanning for activity a larger percentage of available missions are classed as "Easy". In my previous games the lowest I ever had was a moderate and I'd had several which were difficult. I wonder why that is?
Listening to Giant Bomb's GOTY deliberations and I'm wondering... how many bugs are still a problem? I know they have issued a few patches. What is still broken at this point?

The Stig

bezerker charge is still a problem. that happens to everybody right?

I just had a crash to desktop for the first time ever too.


I never had the Berserker slow down thing. I'm still convinced there's something funky with cover going on, where sometimes you're not flanking when you should be or the hit percentage is lower than it should be considering how close you are, etc.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Just started this game, and I don't really play strategy games.

What is the optimal loadout?


Mild mid-late game spoiler
If I take a soldier out of psi training, does it reset the training time? Put him in wearing good armor, and I need it now.
Mild mid-late game spoiler
If I take a soldier out of psi training, does it reset the training time? Put him in wearing good armor, and I need it now.

Yes it does reset the 10 days. But you don't have to take him out. Just go to your soldier list and he'll be on the bottom, you can still access his inventory.

Deleted member 81567

Unconfirmed Member
Just started this game, and I don't really play strategy games.

What is the optimal loadout?

Holy shit, I've been playing 6 hours since this last post. I just realized the time. This game is addictive.


Watched loads of videos yesterday, including all of Beagles excellent Ironman Impossible episodes which make it all look so easy but just watching I've picked up a few bits that should make my life easier.

Shame the thread is fairly quiet now though I do understand why. So much information littered about its pages though.

One thing I did notice was that a lot of people on here and elsewhere had talked about Asia being a great starting location because you can get your 5th and 6th squad members cheap as well as the other bits, but on the main forum it seemed people were suggesting starting with America because you get more money immediately which negates the cheaper Officer Training.

Will have a look at some of the available mods on my days off, I see some are experimenting with increasing squad size, one video had 12 guys on it!

Has anyone tried out the Warspace Mod? http://xcom.nexusmods.com/mods/18
Today we mourn the passing of Col. Garza. The only survivor of XCOM's first contact with the Alien's, Garza emerged the lone survivor. He soon rose through the ranks, becoming a heavy weapons specialist and leading XCOM's teams on 29 missions and racking up 65 kills before becoming a casualty of the extraterrestrial threat. Shot down by a heavy floater, he lay on the ground bleeding out. Having run out of medical supplies, his squad desperately attempted to clear the area for an emergency evac.

They were too late. :(

RIP Col. "Buster" Garza.


We will avenge your death with a crippling blow to the alien mother ship tomorrow.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
At which point in campaign Slingshot DLC starts? I'm still not sure if it works.

RIP Col. "Buster" Garza.

lol, I understand the feeling. I have my own favourite assault who is extremely good with his shotgun. I intend to keep him alive through the whole campaign even though his run and gun playstyle is very risky.


I love this game but I'm terrible at it. I barely have any experience with this genre.

I've got some dumb questions.

- Is there any way to see how many moves I have left in my turn? I told you my questions were dumb.
- Am I missing something or can I not choose which soldiers I bring with me on my mission? It hasn't been a problem so far as it seems to pick my highest level guys that are able to fight, but still.
- Similarly, I'm guessing you can't choose a soldier's class? It seems like it's just based on how they perform.
- Is any of the research useless? I made the laser rifle and some better armor so far, seems good. Are there better healing options than the medkit? My only soldier who could use it 3x just died :(
- Two nations have already told me to F off because their panic level got too high. I ignored them because the missions were very difficult. Can I ever win them back? What repercussions will I face going forward?
- I still haven't captured a live alien. That was my objective several missions ago and I just forgot. Am I screwing myself over for not taking care of this earlier?
- If someone is critically injured and I want to bail out of a mission, how do I get them to the evac zone?

Last night my whole crew died on a UFO crash landing mission, I hope the game doesn't save as soon as you get back to base. I haven't reloaded my saves when someone dies..but I can't have my main sniper, Hoof Chapstap, dead. I love giving my squad members dumb names :D


I love this game but I'm terrible at it. I barely have any experience with this genre.

I've got some dumb questions.

- Is there any way to see how many moves I have left in my turn? I told you my questions were dumb.
- Am I missing something or can I not choose which soldiers I bring with me on my mission? It hasn't been a problem so far as it seems to pick my highest level guys that are able to fight, but still.
- Similarly, I'm guessing you can't choose a soldier's class?
- Is any of the research useless? I made the laser rifle and some better armor so far, seems good. Are there better healing options than the medkit? My only soldier who could use it 3x just died :(
- Two nations have already told me to F off because their panic level got too high. I ignored them because the missions were very difficult. Can I ever win them back? What repercussions will I face going forward?
- I still haven't captured a live alien. That was my objective several missions ago and I just forgot. Am I screwing myself over for not taking care of this earlier?
- If someone is critically injured and I want to bail out of a mission, how do I get them to the evac zone?

Last night my whole crew died on a UFO crash landing mission, I hope the game doesn't save as soon as you get back to base. I haven't reloaded my saves when someone dies..but I can't have my main sniper, Hoof Chapstap, dead. I love giving my squad members dumb names :D

I'm new myself but I'll try and answer :)

1) When a character is selected, directly above them you have a little display showing health and a shield, either empty, half full or full, possibly different colours if you are flanked. Directly under that you have two bars, when you take a move, one bar disappears.

2) On the display that shows you the 4 team members you have going on the mission, click the "Clear Unit" button and that slot will empty out, allowing you to choose a new member. If you click Edit Unit you can change the loadout (take grenades, a stunner, change guns etc)

3) Can't change a class once it's set, and I don't think doing anything with them as rookies influences it. There is a mod out to allow you to choose what type of rookies you get though and what class you want them to be.

4) No idea, not got far enough! But now that you can swap a new rookie in, try getting a second support character leveled up.

5) Once a country leaves it cannot come back, once you lose 8 the game is over. The repercussions are that you can;t put a satellite over that country to get whatever money they were offering and you will also not be able to get the nice big bonus from that continent by having all the satellites over it.

6) No idea

7) No idea.

And lastly, I'm not playing on Ironman, so I hit F10 to quicksave as soon as a mission loads. I've no idea if it saves itself at any time though there is an autosave option in the settings IIRC.

Also, I found these videos by Beaglerush very good, much better than some who just drone on all the time in a whiny voice.



I love this game but I'm terrible at it. I barely have any experience with this genre.

I've got some dumb questions.

- Is there any way to see how many moves I have left in my turn? I told you my questions were dumb.
- Am I missing something or can I not choose which soldiers I bring with me on my mission? It hasn't been a problem so far as it seems to pick my highest level guys that are able to fight, but still.
- Similarly, I'm guessing you can't choose a soldier's class? It seems like it's just based on how they perform.
- Is any of the research useless? I made the laser rifle and some better armor so far, seems good. Are there better healing options than the medkit? My only soldier who could use it 3x just died :(
- Two nations have already told me to F off because their panic level got too high. I ignored them because the missions were very difficult. Can I ever win them back? What repercussions will I face going forward?
- I still haven't captured a live alien. That was my objective several missions ago and I just forgot. Am I screwing myself over for not taking care of this earlier?
- If someone is critically injured and I want to bail out of a mission, how do I get them to the evac zone?

Last night my whole crew died on a UFO crash landing mission, I hope the game doesn't save as soon as you get back to base. I haven't reloaded my saves when someone dies..but I can't have my main sniper, Hoof Chapstap, dead. I love giving my squad members dumb names :D
In order:

- Look above your soldiers' heads. There's a bar divided into two pieces. Each is one Action. But if you shoot, you use them all. (Unless you're a Heavy with the right perk.)
- You can Clear a slot and pick another soldier or SHIV to bring along when you're in the preparation screen.
- Solder classes are picked sort of randomly. If you're running low on one kind, the odds of a rookie turning into that get better. But it's mainly random.
- You can skip lasers if you know what you're doing, but you've done it right by getting Carapace Armor and Laser Weapons early. There's an Improved Medkit option, I think you get it from autopsying a Thin Man. Also Supports get a bonus to healing at high levels.
- You can't win them back. Reprecussions? Less potential max income and you're now only six defections from Game Over.
- Yes, you are. Go catch some live ones. You can get some nice research bonuses from interrogating them. Also you need to catch some specific ones to win the game. It'll tell which ones and when.
- You don't. You leave them to die slowly of their wounds. Welcome to XCOM. Note, if you win while a soldier is critically injured, they'll be evac'd and survive (with a permanent penalty to Will).

Bonus: Are you currently building a Satellite? If no, then build one. Launching one over a nation is -2 Panic instantly. So save them for the last of the month so you can block a level 5 Panic defection. Oh, and when you get a Terror Mission, you HAVE to do it and win or the country immediately leaves. Have fun with that.


I'm new myself but I'll try and answer :)

1) When a character is selected, directly above them you have a little display showing health and a shield, either empty, half full or full, possibly different colours if you are flanked. Directly under that you have two bars, when you take a move, one bar disappears.

2) On the display that shows you the 4 team members you have going on the mission, click the "Clear Unit" button and that slot will empty out, allowing you to choose a new member. If you click Edit Unit you can change the loadout (take grenades, a stunner, change guns etc)

3) Can't change a class once it's set, and I don't think doing anything with them as rookies influences it. There is a mod out to allow you to choose what type of rookies you get though and what class you want them to be.

4) No idea, not got far enough! But now that you can swap a new rookie in, try getting a second support character leveled up.

5) Once a country leaves it cannot come back, once you lose 8 the game is over. The repercussions are that you can;t put a satellite over that country to get whatever money they were offering and you will also not be able to get the nice big bonus from that continent by having all the satellites over it.

6) No idea

7) No idea.

And lastly, I'm not playing on Ironman, so I hit F10 to quicksave as soon as a mission loads. I've no idea if it saves itself at any time though there is an autosave option in the settings IIRC.

Also, I found these videos by Beaglerush very good, much better than some who just drone on all the time in a whiny voice.


In order:

- Look above your soldiers' heads. There's a bar divided into two pieces. Each is one Action. But if you shoot, you use them all. (Unless you're a Heavy with the right perk.)
- You can Clear a slot and pick another soldier or SHIV to bring along when you're in the preparation screen.
- Solder classes are picked sort of randomly. If you're running low on one kind, the odds of a rookie turning into that get better. But it's mainly random.
- You can skip lasers if you know what you're doing, but you've done it right by getting Carapace Armor and Laser Weapons early. There's an Improved Medkit option, I think you get it from autopsying a Thin Man. Also Supports get a bonus to healing at high levels.
- You can't win them back. Reprecussions? Less potential max income and you're now only six defections from Game Over.
- Yes, you are. Go catch some live ones. You can get some nice research bonuses from interrogating them. Also you need to catch some specific ones to win the game. It'll tell which ones and when.
- You don't. You leave them to die slowly of their wounds. Welcome to XCOM. Note, if you win while a soldier is critically injured, they'll be evac'd and survive (with a permanent penalty to Will).

Bonus: Are you currently building a Satellite? If no, then build one. Launching one over a nation is -2 Panic instantly. So save them for the last of the month so you can block a level 5 Panic defection. Oh, and when you get a Terror Mission, you HAVE to do it and win or the country immediately leaves. Have fun with that.

Thanks to both of you, helpful stuff!

Re: The bolded - That's how I lost one of the countries! The mission was very difficult and I didn't think I stood a chance. I am in the middle of building my second satellite. I think I needed more engineers but I just got them. Can't remember.


Thanks to both of you, helpful stuff!

Re: The bolded - That's how I lost one of the countries! The mission was very difficult and I didn't think I stood a chance. I am in the middle of building my second satellite. I think I needed more engineers but I just got them. Can't remember.

Yeah that's another thing. Early on when you have to choose a mission, choose the ones that will give you the engineers. You need to get satellites up, and you can't do that without engineers.

You are welcome btw :) I've been on 12 hour days at work with nothing to do at all so I've been reading and watching SO much stuff.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
fuck that bullshit, you have to start a new game to access DLC.

Fuck that and the moron who thought it was a good idea. Money wasted.

The Stig

I've already did one. This is my new game.


I checked the steam page for the DLC and it doesnt mention that you have to start a new game.

but yeah, the 3 missions are scheduled specifically, sadly. Id say go ahead and start a new game. you can always improve something on your last game.


Hello fellow GAFfers. I just got XCOM not so long ago and I must say that It was the surprise of the year. One of the best games I've played in a long time.

I have a question if that's ok:

I can now go to the alien base but I need to build the KEY first. Is this a thing I need to do right away or can I do more missions, develop new stuff, etc?

Thanks in advance.

I can't really believe how fun I'm having, and I love the music. Everytime I go to a mission and hear that soundtrack before deploying... amazing.
Finally got through the first mission on an Ironman Impossible game. Lost 1 guy, which sucks because he was in line for a promotion. Got caught in an overwatch because I thought the alien had fired at a hunkered soldier, apparently the wall he was behind blowup by itself. :\ Still got 3 promotions out of it though, so I'm in decent shape. My base layout sucks ass too. Only 1 steam vent and it's right below my starting uplink.
I can now go to the alien base but I need to build the KEY first. Is this a thing I need to do right away or can I do more missions, develop new stuff, etc?

You can put it off for as long as you want. And be sure to go into with a good squad, because it's tough. Beating it also automatically reduces global panic by -2 for every country, so most people put it off until the moment they really need the panic reductions.


You can put it off for as long as you want. And be sure to go into with a good squad, because it's tough. Beating it also automatically reduces global panic by -2 for every country, so most people put it off until the moment they really need the panic reductions.

Thanks for answering. I wanted to wait because my best Squad was needing some medical attention. I already have China in Panic mode and one very good female sniper was KIA.

For a first run I'm all for the fun, not for the challenge, maybe after a first run I will want a more hard experience.


Ok, just got to the end of the second month. 8 Sats in orbit, should have 12 up by the end of month 3. Research is coming along and my team are good.

Did 3 missions tonight and loaded my save once, because at the end of the month I only put an additional 4 sats up when I had the ability, and sats, to put up 6. I knew I had 6, I was just in too much of a rush to get to the monthly briefing!
Ironman Impossible misison 2- Aborted w/ 1 KIA.

Very Difficult mission set in the construction site where you start in the narrow area in front of a wall. Started well enough, bad alien spacing netted me 4 kills off 4 grenades, but after that nothing went well. Wasn't able to hit any overwatches, and missed every 45%-65% shot taken, where as the sectoids hit about 5 out of 8 shots they got when I was behind full cover but not hunkering. Pinned behind the starting area wall I could do nothing but trade shots, and that would not have ended well. I aborted with my remaining assault, support and rookie. The rookie got 2 kills, but I guess you don't get promotions when you abort.

Obviously aborting a mission this early is disastrous, but this game was already fucked. The abduction mission didn't pop until 24 days left, which meant I wouldn't have had time to get workshop and uplink up, which meant I couldn't get anymore sats up, which meant I'd have no money and be fucked anyway.

Question: stick with grenades or eqip everyone with scopes?

Edit: UFO mission went well- 5 dead aliens, no dead humans, and 3 more promotions. Now I've got 2 snipers, 2 assaults, 1 support, 1 heavy. I've opted to research beam weapons, since I don't think I need to be upgrading my planes yet, and I don't have the resources to begin capturing aliens either.
Just want to say that the Plasma Sniper Rifle plus a sniper with "in the zone" in a good flanking position is probably the most satisfying thing ever.
I hate that goddamn cemetery map. :(


As I was skirting along the outside of the map all 10 sectoids aggro'd. I took 1 down with overwatch, but it was no use, 1 man was killed, 2 others critical injuried. I tried to escape with my last surviving sniper...


But he was gunned down 1 step away from the chopper. All told I last 2 assaults, 1 heavy, 1 sniper. I have 6 soldiers left, 1 support and 1 sniper, and 6 countries are in the red.

EDIT: Council Mission- total wipeout. A Thin Man 1-shot killed me when I was hunkered behind full cover. What this is i don't even...


I hate that goddamn cemetery map. :(


As I was skirting along the outside of the map all 10 sectoids aggro'd. I took 1 down with overwatch, but it was no use, 1 man was killed, 2 others critical injuried. I tried to escape with my last surviving sniper...


But he was gunned down 1 step away from the chopper. All told I last 2 assaults, 1 heavy, 1 sniper. I have 6 soldiers left, 1 support and 1 sniper, and 6 countries are in the red.

Big sky is such a dick. Even leaves behind secured VIPs.


I hate that goddamn cemetery map. :(


As I was skirting along the outside of the map all 10 sectoids aggro'd. I took 1 down with overwatch, but it was no use, 1 man was killed, 2 others critical injuried. I tried to escape with my last surviving sniper...


But he was gunned down 1 step away from the chopper. All told I last 2 assaults, 1 heavy, 1 sniper. I have 6 soldiers left, 1 support and 1 sniper, and 6 countries are in the red.

EDIT: Council Mission- total wipeout. A Thin Man 1-shot killed me when I was hunkered behind full cover. What this is i don't even...

That sucks. Happened to me once too, that map can be really deadly if you get an unlucky spawn. My advance is to head to the shrubs in the back and hand a right, I think there's better cover that a way -- been a while though.

To answer your earlier question -- on impossible I don't bother with scopes until I have a sniper with squadsight promotion. He gets a scope then, since he's usually way out of range of any gernade take-downs.
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