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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


How exactly am I supposed to deactivate the power sources for bombs? The power source is flashing, but I can't really interact with them.

I am suposed to grenade them? This is dumb.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Is it possible to change the headquarters location? Cuz Latin America was disabled.


Phew I did the alien base without loosing anyone on Ironman. I almost shit myself a few times tho.

How exactly am I supposed to deactivate the power sources for bombs? The power source is flashing, but I can't really interact with them.

I am suposed to grenade them? This is dumb.

X360 pad - target the power source with your soldier standing next to it and press A. Mouse - press LMB.


X360 pad - target the power source with your soldier standing next to it and press A. Mouse - press LMB.
Great. Thanks for the info. I really like the game so far; I was a fan of the original back in the days. Some things are OVEREXPLAINED while stuff like this seems to be ignored! But so far one of my favorite games of the year.


Just completed
the enemy base
and almost lost my entire squad. My main man barely survived (been with me since the beginning). I now have no support, no snipers, no active heavies, and no money.


Man, I was going to start this game on normal ironman, but Ryan's horror stories on the Bombcast is making me rethink this...

I'm playing on normal ironman. It's only hard if you make mistakes... to me it just sounds like Ryan is not very good at it... and from the quicklook, it doesn't look like he's very good at it either. Clumping his dudes up under half cover, shooting when he should have been positioning... not using overwatch correctly.


Testify. I have a sniper with squadsight, damn good ground, and opportunist and literally as long as he has line of sight i put him in overwatch and he plays guardian angel. Love it.

One problem I have with the snipers is they don't go prone when on top of a big vehicle. WTF.. Just stand tall so all the aliens can shoot at you.


Fuck me this game is good.

It sucks so much that I lost two of my best soldiers during the assault on an alien base. Now I only have one support guy left. I also had bad luck with my rookies. Like 60% of them turned out to be snipers...
Made it through the first mission without any casualties this time. Next I have a choice of three mission, one easy, one medium, and one hard.

Of course I take the hard mission in Japan. There are abductions taking place at a train station. I bring Squaddie Jinxtor, Squaddie Salsa Shark, Rookie Unknown Soldier, and rookie Sin Mog to the fight. The team slowly advances in the area to the left of train. Suddenly a pair of sectoids appear and get a shot at Unknown Solider, leaving 1 hit point left. Salsa Shark rescues the rookie with a well aimed rocket.
The team continues its advance finding another pair of sectoids. These ones aren't interested in the rookies and instead take aim our sniper Jinxtor bringing up the rear, ending his career with a critical hit. Enraged at the loss of there veteran comrade the rookies avenge Jinxtor.

With one man down, the team proceeds with more caution, keeping a constant overwatch of their surrounding. The a third pair advance on our heroes. One of which falls to the team overwatch attack. The sectoid that broke through takes aim at Salsa Shark, grazing him. Meanwhile a third sectoid sneaks in while our focus is elsewhere. The sectoid was kind enough to hide next the the alien that wounded Salsa. Sin Mog returns the favour with a grenade.
With the rest of its kind dead, the last sectoid charges the team, but quickly falls. Thus ends the second mission of XCOM. Rest in peace Jinxtor, you will be remembered. even if you didn't do anything during the mission. For there efforts Salsa became a corporal, and Unknown Solider and Sin Mog became squaddies.


I got a chrysalid down to 1 health trying to stun the bitch

he refuses to attack my guys or get close enough to attack

I sometimes hate this game


I completely screwed over my strategy part. I thought that, like in the original, you only need one corpse/whatever to research it, so when I was low on cash I sold all but one of those alien things (except ellerium, alloys, and weapon fragments).

Turns out you need multiple of each and now I literally have nothing to research until I scavenge alien ships. fuuuuuck


Finally unlocked for us poor bastards in the EU as well :)

I *almost* feel like starting classic ironman, but since I have zero knowledge of the game, I think I'll go normal ironman first.. I do hope it's not going to be too easy, though :p
I completely screwed over my strategy part. I thought that, like in the original, you only need one corpse/whatever to research it, so when I was low on cash I sold all but one of those alien things (except ellerium, alloys, and weapon fragments).

Turns out you need multiple of each and now I literally have nothing to research until I scavenge alien ships. fuuuuuck

It's easy to get behind even if you don't do this. I always need more weapon fragments.


So when I start to build satellites, should I keep going for the same continent to get the bonus when you have all countries covered?

Or should I forget about that and put one over a country with a high panic level.


Anyone think they should put some replay feature in SP missions and it kinda saves in a file only XCOM can read? I would like to wach some people's failure missions :)
Ok, I know they explain all the bonuses you get for bases in different countries at the start but you also get the option to obtain them later when you complete satellite coverage. The only problem is I don't know what they do because I can't find a description of them anywhere in game or even using google

More specifically, I am picking between "Future Combat" and "Expert Knowledge" but I have no idea what either of these mean.
[QI know they explain all the bonuses you get for bases in different countries at the start but you also get the option to obtain them later when you complete satellite coverage. The only problem is I don't know what they do because I can't find a description of them anywhere in game or even using google

More specifically, I am picking between "Future Combat" and "Expert Knowledge" but I have no idea what either of these mean.[/QUOTE]

I believe expert knowledge is cheaper labs/workshops and future combat is cheap foundries and ... something I can't remember
Anyone think they should put some replay feature in SP missions and it kinda saves in a file only XCOM can read? I would like to wach some people's failure missions :)
...the hell, how come this is the first time I've seen such a brilliant idea suggested? I would absolutely love this!

Testify. I have a sniper with squadsight, damn good ground, and opportunist and literally as long as he has line of sight i put him in overwatch and he plays guardian angel. Love it.
Aye! My first colonel (of two) is a sniper with all of the above plus In The Zone. In the right position he can decimate alien troops with an efficiency not matched by any other class I've seen. Right now my squad makeup is usually 3 snipers, 1 assault, 1 support and 1 heavy. However one of my snipers doesn't have squadsight and I'm finding this to be a really crucial ability. I'm considering switching him out for another support or a SHIV. Or just use that slot for a red shirt. :p


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Salsa Shark and Dizzy-4U got wounded :(
Downed my first UFO. Colonel Salsa lead the charge backed by Sin Mog and two new rookies Ceebs and Flunky. This was an easy mission with no deaths, though Sin Mog and Flunky were injured.
For leading the team to victory and expert alien blasting, Salsa Shark was promoted to Sergeant, with Ceebs becoming a squaddie.


thin men dropping out of the sky anywhere on the map is too cheesy. Whats the point in carefully clearing your route when they just drop in behind you anyway. Grr.


Ok, I know they explain all the bonuses you get for bases in different countries at the start but you also get the option to obtain them later when you complete satellite coverage. The only problem is I don't know what they do because I can't find a description of them anywhere in game or even using google

More specifically, I am picking between "Future Combat" and "Expert Knowledge" but I have no idea what either of these mean.

It does tell you at the start when you pick the base location I believe.

Future Combat is projects in the Foundry and Officer Training School cost 50 percent less.

Expert Knowledge is Laboratories and Workshops cost 50 percent less to build and maintain.

Though yeah it is stupid for then to not also give that info mid game as well.


why the hell is the game stuck at the alien activities phase?! Its like the cpu is pondering what to do. Its been stuck there for 2 minutes.. What a buggy game so far :(
Are you supposed to be able to rotate the hologlobe/geoscape with a controller? It works fine when I try it in keyboard/mouse mode but nothing works when I'm using a controller. The weird thing is that the globe is affected by the right stick but it moves soooo sloooowly! It would take 5 minutes for the globe to rotate at this rate.
I'm guessing it's a glitch. Gave me flashbacks to scanning for minerals in Mass Effect 2.


Decided to give the PC interface a whirl to test it out. Entire squad killed first mission out. That's XCOM, baby!

Gonna finish up Episode 3 of The Walking Dead then start testing my capture software.


Gold Member
Status Report: Classic Ironman

Morale has noticeably improved since XCOM operators successfully repelled the xeno raid against the UK. Strike teams have been acclimated to their new laser weapon technology and carapace body armor. The weight of impending doom has been lifted from everyones thoughts and the mass exodus of funding nations has been momentarily halted. Funding is still tight as command went on a necessary spending spree to bolster our offensive capabilities, but the project has not yet been forced to authorize the sale of alien technology and remains to independent parties as was necessary in previous months.

HQ is happy to report more good news regarding XCOM operators first sortie against hostile ETs with our new technology and 5 man strike team structure. One week after our OP in southern England, multiple priority distress signals came in as ETs launched a multi pronged attack. Alien activity had been detected in Canada just north of HQ. The Canadian government offered a hefty contribution for XCOM to prioritize this threat, but command staff ordered strike team deployment to Australia instead. Australia had been seeing increasing xeno activity and panic was rising, and the project couldn't afford to let another funding nation slip away.

Lt Angelina "Raven" Soto was back in action after a stint in medbay and led the strike team consisting of a support sgt, an assualt specialist, and two rookie riflemen. Strike team had a clean deployment and Lt Soto ordered a careful sweep of the perimeter. Slow and steady was the name of the game, the xenos had underestimated us last time and we didn't want to return the favor. No contact had been made when Lt Soto ordered a sweep of the large commercial building near the edge of the combat zone. Assualt specialist and a rookie stacked up and prepared to breach while Lt Soto provided sniper overwatch from a near civilian vehicle. Remaining strike team members swept around and provided overwatch from the courtyard. Assualt specialist breached the building and was immediately met with a new alien breed, designated "Muton". Two of these large creatures were waiting inside and immediately dove to cover. Entry team members opened fire and detonated a frag grenade but the targets remained operational. Lt Soto repositioned to prepare for a clean shot through the door while support specialist laid out a smoke grenade to cover entry team members exposed to the threat.

The mutons proved unpredictable and surprised strike team operators by refusing to open fire through the smoke, instead opting to throw an explosive device right through the door and chaos erupted. The ensuing explosion ripped away the rear wall of the structure and obliterated all cover our breach team was using. The two entry men had been gravely wounded but were still combat effective. The Carapace research program had already paid for itself. Assualt specialist sprang forward to new cover and met one of the mutons with a point blank shotgun blast. That with the damage from the previous exchange finally put it down. Lt Soto had a clean shot and at the other muton and put it down with a headshot. Support specialist was recalled from overwatch on our flank and begin medical treatment to wounded operators while strike team members collected themselves.

Despite sustaining these injuries the rest of the op went smoothly. XCOM operators secured high ground position on top of the building and Lt Soto was able to provide overwatch for strike team moving through the alley below and neutralize floater threats. Sectoids were caught unprepared in the alley and outflanked, resulting in a clean op with no KIAs. It put a smile on the everyones face knowing we didnt need to meet the Skyranger with body bags for a change.

It was a moment of rejoicing, proving to the council nations that our project was not a lost cause and reaffirming command staff's descision to push our finances to the limit with the training academy and laser weapon tech. Unfortunately before crews could even wash the blood out of the Skyranger, another priority distress signal rang through HQ. A large alien craft had landed in the continental US not far from out location, the xenos were pressing us. Lt Soto and her team quickly rearmed and prepared for redployment. Unfortunately injuries sustained prevented 2 members from rejoining the strike team and new recruits from Fort Bragg were still 3 days out. Only 4 operators were deemed combat effective and deployed to the site.

Make no mistake, this one is big. This ET craft didn't crash it landed. They are waiting for us and ready to show us their next hand. It is crucial XCOM operators succeed in this op. The resources gained from an intact ET craft are crucial and we are poised to lose all our recently gained momentum if this op goes south. Godspeed Lt Soto, shoot straight.

Battle report pending.

Edit - Mouse movement is smooth as eggs since that patch. Gold star Firaxis.
Double Edit - This map is freaking huge and that forest ambience. Oh shit.
After getting Dishonored and not caring for it at all, I may get what money I can out of it and put toward this. I love the fact that as G-Fex pointed out, how the FPS version wasn't working so they made a take that simply updates the original and people seem to love it.

It's a good message to send to companies indeed.
After getting Dishonored and not caring for it at all, I may get what money I can out of it and put toward this. I love the fact that as G-Fex pointed out, how the FPS version wasn't working so they made a take that simply updates the original and people seem to love it.

It's a good message to send to companies indeed.

Weren't they made in parallel?


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
Loved what ive played but its quite buggy right now.
Had to quit a game because the mouse cursor broke and kept scrolling down. LOLZ

Also the game camera goes crazy every now and then.
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