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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control

Ah. I've only gotten one Terror mission so far, and the highest level type of enemy I'm running into right now is the Sectoid Commanders. Haven't run into a Cyberdisc yet...I'm a little scared.
Really? I've had the opposite experience. Haven't seen any SecComs in the last two terror missions I've played but several Cyberdiscs. And I'm grateful. I never want to see a sectoid commander again. ='[

Mind raping bastards.
I've started to suspect that class would outshine the others by endgame and I've been trying to level up my Supports. They keep dying on me, though. ='[

Squad Sight snipers are still king. You do need support, but two colonel snipers on high ground with the others scouting for them makes any battle a piece of cake.


So I started the game on Classic Ironman and after a good start and some easy missions all was looking well for me. But then people started dying in following missions.
First casualty was Dana Scully followed by Sniper Wolf, Lando Calrissian got wounded. My first bomb disarming mission was a massacre, stupid thin men. Fox Mulder, Jet Li, John Woo and Jill Valentine may you rest in peace. Lando recovered, but I only have rookies left to fill my squad.

Yeah I'm gonna restart in Normal Ironman.
Really? I've had the opposite experience. Haven't seen any SecComs in the last two terror missions I've played but several Cyberdiscs. And I'm grateful. I never want to see a sectoid commander again. ='[

Mind raping bastards.

Yeah, the Commanders are tough and annoying, especially when there are more than one. I posted this earlier in the thread:

Sooo...after 20 days of absolutely nothing happening and me running dry on resources, a "small scout" UFO ship lands nearby. Since I don't really have a choice, I take it out. How bad can a "small scout" UFO be, really?

10 Mutons and 3 Sectoid Commanders worth of bad. Sigh.

The sad part was I killed the first wave of six Mutons only losing my SHIV. Then I got up close to the ship and through a hole in the ship the three Sectoid Commanders got loose. It was looking okay right up until the hidden wave of four more Mutons showed up from the back of the ship.


At the end of the battle it was my top guy versus 4 Mutons, 3 Sectoid Commanders, and 3 of his own teammates under mind control. Not a fun experience.


is the 44.99 deal on GMG the cheapest deal for this right now? I was hoping the 20% off coupon would work with it :/
Yeah, the Commanders are tough and annoying, especially when there are more than one. I posted this earlier in the thread:

At the end of the battle it was my top guy versus 4 Mutons, 3 Sectoid Commanders, and 3 of his own teammates under mind control. Not a fun experience.
So what happened? Did he live? Did you evac back to the Skyranger? D:
I don't like this...are you saying that even if you where the best player in the world and did everything right(maybe you did ;) ) that this happens anyway and you fail the mission? I am all up for challenges but this sounds cheap...

It's not as bad as it sounds, it happens every escort/bomb mission, and it always happens at the same time. You can prepare for it fairly easy, just make sure everyone has a shot or is on overwatch before the bomb drops.

The thin men drop down with no cover, if everyone is ready to go you should be able to kill nearly every single one.


Sectoid Commanders are major assholes. Gotta make it a priority to destroy them as soon as you see them. Explosives, headshots, the ol' run-and-gun/shotgun/double tap combo, etc.

If one of your guys gets mind-controlled and you don't have easy and immediate access to the Sectoid Commander, abilities like Disabling Shot and Suppression can come in handy to keep your guy at bay for a while.


I'm in a bind with my Ironman Classic and need some help...

Anyone know if assaulting the alien ship (with the skeleton key) will reduce world panic? The council report is due in 3 days and my inferior air combat resulted in a satelite getting shot down and mass panic. My Doom meter is 1 away from being full. Damn.


Unlimited Capacity
I'm in a bind with my Ironman Classic and need some help...

Anyone know if assaulting the alien ship (with the skeleton key) will reduce world panic? The council report is due in 3 days and my inferior air combat resulted in a satelite getting shot down and mass panic. My Doom meter is 1 away from being full. Damn.

You should do that mission...


This guy has been my MVP so far on my classic ironman attempt 10 and I even gave him chitin plating for those moments where he needs to get into the front lines to stabilize/rez. Behind every great sniper is a guy running the front lines, this is that guy.



God infiltrating the aliens first base is like a suicide mission, 4 upgraded Mutons with 3 repair droids and a damn Sectopod.

try 9 crysalids, 4 floaters, 2 asshole asian lawyers with poison breath.

and i dont think i was even half way through it....

also dont seek cover behind the green plasma engine


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Man... I don't get it. Is it just me or is there an actual difference between the "rng" in classic vs normal?

After constantly missing 80%+ and generally failing everything in classic mode I turned to normal and I swear I haven't missed a sub 50% shot yet... like seriously is it just the numbers playing with my head or is 80% chance to hit in normal 10 times more likely to hit than the same percentage in classic?
Man, made it to August, have three continents all satalited up, but I don't have the airpower to take out the
Overseer UFO
and now I'm running into landed UFOs with 15+ elite units in them. FUCK.
I have to admit, after getting slaughtered on my first terror mission last night I was seriously considering lowering the difficulty from classic ironman. It's going much better this time though. I even survived a terror mission with no soldiers dead and most civilians alive. I desperately need some engineers though... desperately... Those laser weapons want to be built!

12 hours played so far and I've barely even started. God lord this is a good game. It's everything I hoped for and more.

I do wish that there was a wider variety of customisations available though. For the hairstyles it's pretty much just short, old school xcom solider and helmets. Could do with a few more.


Odd class assignment going on in my latest game. This was the barracks barely a few weeks into the project.


Beautiful little plums, ripe with potential! (Who am I kidding. I'm fucking up the base management. Again.)

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Holy shit, I didn't even know this existed until yesterday... I was under the impression this was the FPS nobody wanted. Well, that's exciting.
This game is just WAY too hard.

I thought I was doing OK, I no longer had money problems, I had satellites on all regions minus 2 that got taken over, a squad full of high ranking soldiers, and then they throw a big ass UFO at me with giant robots that have reaction shots even if they shoot on their turn and big ass grunts with heavy armor. I played perfectly and managed to take out 14 and still lost.


So I shot down this giant ship with an EMP. According to the hyper wave decoder it contains Etheral. I remember from the original game that they are dangerous PSI foes and I only have one PSI gifted soldier. Should I take the risk of raiding it or just let it go?

Mission was a success, but at a giant cost.

midgame spoilers below

Things was going pretty well, the soldiers were pretty well set up outside the alien craft picking off alien scum as they saw them. They tried to keep the Ethereal at a distance but in the end he got hold the assaulter Vasquez and the snipers had no option but to take him out. Shooting one of your own men is nothing any soldier should have to do.

Filled with rage and vengeance on the Ethereal the team slowly advanced towards where he was suspected to be. With my men set up on overwatch he suddenly appeared in a side corridor going towards the command room. All soldiers fired at once, all missing but one. Then something never before reported in earlier incidents happened in this battle
, the shot that hit did no damage at all, instead it reflected back on the soldier hurting her pretty bad. The Ethereal now had clear sight of the squad hunting him. He just floated there. Did not move. Suddenly a dark vortex appeared among my soldiers huddled together in that small entrance and it was all over.
Three dead in one strike. Thank god the surviving team of snipers did not panic.

Only two surviving soldiers left now. Sam "Stalker" Martinez, who among the spiritual in the barracks appeared to be destined to be the man who would save the world, and his apprentice, Helene Andre, so new she had not even recieved a nickname.

Knowing where the Etheral was, Sam ordered Helene to move towards the location and scout. As soon as she got sight of it Sam adjusted his sight and two pulls of the finger later the Ethereal vanished as the plasma beam tore him apart.

One lifeform left somewhere in the craft, Helene hid in overwatch mode waiting for Sam to join her for the sweep. As soon as he got to her location an
invisible Sectopod appeared right in front
of Helene. Sam managed to hurt it badly before being obliterated by a giant beam of red light. Helen who now badly injured had managed to hide behind a tree drew her plasma pistol with pure luck managed to hit it straight on. Still alive, waiting for the medics and cleanup crew, she could not get a thought out of her mind. Who will save us now?

walk in peace Stalker


I've given up on classic just too unbalanced, "elite" soldiers who can't hit a barn door 5 feet away from them and Sectoids who snipe people in hard cover with a pistol from half way across the map.


Supports get the ability to carry two items when they reach Major rank. It's pretty handy.

There's a bug with that ability. I had triple medikit in slot one, and alien grenade in slot 2, and the grenade icon wouldn't appear during battle. If you switch them around, it works fine.

It happenned on my 2 support characters. They happen to be psys, but I don't know if it's related to the bug.
Things have taken a turn for the worse at XCOM. Determined to capture a live outsider, Salsa Shark lead his team with Phoenix and Ceebs and two rookies, to an alien scout. Lieutenant Salsa and the two rookies died valiantly in order to secure the alien we needed.

I wonder how much longer I'm going to last.


Should i just restart my game? Like half of the countries pulled out of XCOM and like almost the other half are almost full panic. I don't know what went wrong but i have a feeling i can't recover from this.
First Terror Mission spoilers:

I did the tutorial, so I had one Heavy Trooper survive. He was doing okay, but he kept getting injured and his willpower was draining. He would frequently panic mid battle, even when someone was just shot once and not killed. I gave him a haircut and sent him into the first terror mission on account of his high rank. But god, he was too close to where the Sectoids spawn. He got instantly killed and reanimated as a zombie.

as a funny plus, the soldier who had to shoot him in the head got promoted and given the nickname "Capper"


I think I may have reached a point where Classic difficulty has become quite a bit easier.

I'm one bar from full on the "Doom Tracker" but every remaining country only has 1 or 2 panic and they all have stealth satellites in the sky above them. My Interceptors all have Plasma cannons, all my soldiers have either Titan or Carapace armor and they're all using Plasma weapons. I'm pulling in $1000+ every month and anywhere from $500-$2000 in bonuses from the "Request" missions.

I haven't lost anyone above the rank of Captain for a couple of months and with the Officer Training my new Rookies are rising up fast. The only thing that is holding me back is the fact that I just don't have enough alloys to build the
Firestorms and Archangel armor sets
. I'm also one dead Muton away from being able to get Ammo Conservation and that's a bit of a problem because regular Mutons are now the Sectoids of my game-I only see them every 3 missions or so.

Other than that, my guys are slaughtering everyone who gets in their way, especially with the Psionics on their side. At least one out of every wave of enemies get's MCed to my side and becomes an insta-bullet shield/stun victim and the rest get
into irrelevancy. About the only thing that's given me pause so far has been battling
and that's only because their high health means that it takes 4 of my guys to put one down.

I've just about got the
Hyperwave Array
built so maybe this was a lull by design?

I'm not sure.


venison crêpe
Should i just restart my game? Like half of the countries pulled out of XCOM and like almost the other half are almost full panic. I don't know what went wrong but i have a feeling i can't recover from this.

I've restarted about 4 times on classic ironman. Each time I've learnt something to use the next. It's fun!
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