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XCOM: Enemy Unknown |OT| Neo GAF is Under Alien Control


Neo Member
I have to say. Fighting the Shitty keyboard and mouse UI and controls in this game is enough to make me chop my tv in half with my keyboard. Everything from roofs that flash in and out whenever I tab to a new squad member, to civilians being invisible, to telling a squadmate to move to a specific square only to have him run off in some random direction. The UI in this gave is just FUCKING SHIT.

Its a great game that has a UI that almost completely ruins it.


I have to say. Fighting the Shitty keyboard and mouse UI and controls in this game is enough to make me chop my tv in half with my keyboard. Everything from roofs that flash in and out whenever I tab to a new squad member, to civilians being invisible, to telling a squadmate to move to a specific square only to have him run off in some random direction. The UI in this gave is just FUCKING SHIT.

Its a great game that has a UI that almost completely ruins it.

I agree. Thats why I use my 360 pad.


As per title, how is it? Being a turn based game there are no twitchy controls I was just wondering if it works well as I wouldn't mind playing it on the TV and would prefer using a pad in that setting.

edit: seems it works well, that's good :)
It's pretty much perfect with a gamepad. You're usually taking things slow, planning out your move every turn, so you really aren't losing anything control-wise when using a gamepad.


I have to say. Fighting the Shitty keyboard and mouse UI and controls in this game is enough to make me chop my tv in half with my keyboard. Everything from roofs that flash in and out whenever I tab to a new squad member, to civilians being invisible, to telling a squadmate to move to a specific square only to have him run off in some random direction. The UI in this gave is just FUCKING SHIT.

Its a great game that has a UI that almost completely ruins it.
I really haven't had any of the problems you've described and I think the UI is good. Been playing with KBM for 39 hours over here. I'm sure it works fine with a pad too.

The one issue that is annoying is when enemies get blasted away by rockets and the camera follows their corpses off into the digital ether and then it slowly refocuses on the selected player unit.


Good lord these missions can get tense. Also not sure if its been said, but X-com has a really nice soundtrack. Extremely fitting and really pulls you into the game.


I just realised that hunker down gives crit immunity

if you're trying for 20% last minute only way to be saved shots when you could be hunkering down what is wrong with you


Dont even get me started on the squad selection and equip screen. Amateur hour... Seriously.
Yeah, that is a little annoying. Like putting things in a soldier's backpack or switching weapons. If you're missing a medkit or something, you have to go in and go through your entire roster of soldiers and see who you left it on.

Good lord these missions can get tense. Also not sure if its been said, but X-com has a really nice soundtrack. Extremely fitting and really pulls you into the game.
Definitely. Love the soundtrack.


Good lord these missions can get tense. Also not sure if its been said, but X-com has a really nice soundtrack. Extremely fitting and really pulls you into the game.

Michael McCann was one of the guys who did the music, he did Deus Ex HR. I was wondering where he went after that so it was a nice surprise to see him on this,


Good lord these missions can get tense. Also not sure if its been said, but X-com has a really nice soundtrack. Extremely fitting and really pulls you into the game.
I feel mostly the opposite. I knew it was HR's composer the moment I heard it, and that doesn't seem quite right for this game. Too slick, too atmospheric, and frankly too phoned in.


Damn, these Chrysalid terror missions. They scare me much more than the original. I think it must be how everything is so close together on the maps, so a Chrysalid or three is going to jump out a window at you every other turn. And even when I think I'm going through the map fast, that civilian count just drops like a rock.


Damn, these Chrysalid terror missions. They scare me much more than the original. I think it must be how everything is so close together on the maps, so a Chrysalid or three is going to jump out a window at you every other turn. And even when I think I'm going through the map fast, that civilian count just drops like a rock.

I prefer the old design but I guess they look to much like the energy guys and Mutons.

I'm sure things would get out of hand with a quickness if you just up and started increasing the squad size without actually adjusting the potency of leveled soldiers. I think the system they've got now is sort of situated awkwardly in between classic X-Com where every hapless peon is expendable and eminently replaceable and something more along the lines of a strategy RPG in the vein of Fire Emblem or Valkyria Chronicles where your units can die, but it's something to be avoided at almost all costs.

As it is now you're expected to keep individual soldiers alive, but for significant portions of the game they're only marginally more survivable than oldschool X-Com redshirts. If they either made individual soldiers scale up less and increased the squad size or kept the squad size the same but made it less common for an unlucky critical from across the map to kill your veteran soldier that you'd been leveling to unlock options in the Officer Training School I'd be fine with it. But the medium between the two philosophies that we've got going now isn't something I'm particularly fond of.

I dig it. Losing an important unit in FE means restarting the mission. Losing an important unit in XCOM can be tough to take, but you'll eventually look at the memorial wall and remember them with fondness. They helped save the world.


I dont think I can do classic. Im going down to normal ironman. Thin men do 6dmg normally with high crit rate killing any rookie in one shot, while sectoids can one shot kill my cpl sniper....ya fuck that. Not to mention that Im beginning to understand some peoples frustrations with the percentages, because I do feel at times that the percentages are straight up off when a number of high percentage shots just whiff(especially reaction shots as they whiff a good 95% of the time) and enemies, at least in classic, seem to have a pretty good percentage to hit you no matter where you are, barring full cover.


Rodent Whores
Experimenting on normal - teched straight to plasma and bypassed lasers entirely. I wonder if I could pull that off on classic...
I dont think I can do classic. Im going down to normal ironman. Thin men do 6dmg normally with high crit rate killing any rookie in one shot, while sectoids can one shot kill my cpl sniper....ya fuck that. Not to mention that Im beginning to understand some peoples frustrations with the percentages, because I do feel at times that the percentages are straight up off when a number of high percentage shots just whiff(especially reaction shots as they whiff a good 95% of the time) and enemies, at least in classic, seem to have a pretty good percentage to hit you no matter where you are, barring full cover.

I'm with you on this. I just failed classic ironman for like the 4th time. I am bumping it to Normal
I just had my first rage quit; palehorse, you reading this???

Doing my first VIP escort mission. I locate the VIP and start my retreat. Things are going pretty well.

Then a thin man merely poisons one of my cannon fodder rookies - the guy's still living. But then one of my sarge's on the mission panics. Then my support guy panics, and SHOOTS DEAD the vip.

Why? Because someone got POISONED.



Gold Member
Status Report: Ironman Classic

Special Report "Zeliard was right"

Everyone is fucking dead.

Fire up the paper shredders and incinerators and begin destruction of classified info. Buy Rosetta Stone - Martian edition and prepare to for mass anal probing.

This ends all communication of XCOM Ironman Classic run 1st edition.

Transmission end.


Wow, that assault perk that gives you a free auto overwatch shot if an enemy gets close is awesome. It completely saved my (his) ass in this mission.
Then a thin man merely poisons one of my cannon fodder rookies - the guy's still living. But then one of my sarge's on the mission panics. Then my support guy panics, and SHOOTS DEAD the vip.

I've gotten pretty lucky on panics. About 50% of the time my panicking guys hit an enemy, I think I've only had one friendly fire incident total so far.


Unconfirmed Member
Wow, that assault perk that gives you a free auto overwatch shot if an enemy gets close is awesome. It completely saved my (his) ass in this mission.

I had a Berserker come crashing through a door on board a battleship I'd taken down. It was heading for my injured support trooper. My assault took an overwatch shot the moment he came through the door and then half a second later took another one. Dealt a combined 23 damage to the Berserker before he moved 3 squares. It was great.

It's too bad you can't trigger them both at the same time. If both would trigger at the same time you only get one shot.


I just got so lucky. One of my best soldiers was barely clinging to life, and a berserker came up right next to him, stopping right before he acted. I brought along arc throwers hoping to capture a sectoid. The berserker was at full health, so if I shot him he would have just beat me to death. So I go, fuck it, and use the arc thrower on him. 11% chance. Boom, he goes down.

Feels good, man.

Is there friendly fire from grenades and rockets?

Oh yes.


Also I gotta say that council special missions become a joke later on because the only enemies that show up are thin men. Does this change eventually? Thin men are literally harmless to me at this point.

In the last council mission before I finished classic/ironman they gave me the cargo mission, full of sectoids, lol.

Archangel plasma sniper x2, titan double opportunity fire support x2, titan double attack psi heavy, ghost defensive assault vs. ~16 sectoids.

Sectoid gibs all over the map.

Experimenting on normal - teched straight to plasma and bypassed lasers entirely. I wonder if I could pull that off on classic...

Only if you are good at killing mutons with mundane weapons.


Rodent Whores
I just got so lucky. One of my best soldiers was barely clinging to life, and a berserker came up right next to him, stopping right before he acted. I brought along arc throwers hoping to capture a sectoid. The berserker was at full health, so if I shot him he would have just beat me to death. So I go, fuck it, and use the arc thrower on him. 11% chance. Boom, he goes down.

Feels good, man.

lmao, saved by the skin of your ass.


Rodent Whores
Only if you are good at killing mutons with mundane weapons.

Well, by the time I encountered the first Mutons, I already had light plasma. I took one muton out with the light plasma, then rocketed the other to bring his HP down. Then I suppressed it, snuck up with my support, and stunned it. I have instant interrogation due to 2 sats in South America, and so immediately got the plasma research credit. Then, it was only 9 days until plasma rifles, and then another 10 for snipers.


Unconfirmed Member
In the last council mission before I finished classic/ironman they gave me the cargo mission, full of sectoids, lol.

Archangel plasma sniper x2, titan double opportunity fire support x2, titan double attack psi heavy, ghost defensive assault vs. ~16 sectoids.

Sectoid gibs all over the map.

I had a bomb mission. Deactivated the bomb and then had a wave of thin men drop in on me. 5 of the 6 thin men died to reaction fire before they could do anything. The 6th survived because my archangel sniper refused to take the shot for some reason.
Holy hell, I thought for sure I was about to suffer my second squad wipe, the game just totally started rolling in my favor and I almost laughed for joy at the end of it all.

I had just upgraded the armor on most of my troops to the Carapace stuff, got the assault combo some laser shottys, a laser sniper. I spawned on the south side of that relatively small map with the fountain / park symmetricalish dealio. Got a little silly with my placement off the bat, though, arranged 5 of my guys on the low ground, heading east up the street. Than, for some reason, I decided to put my sniper on the slightly higher ground towards the fountain, rushing to get him up there and in doing so triggered 3, no... wait... fuck SIX mutons.

So, I'm in a really bad spot. Most of my guys are behind cover, save 2 guys that I rushed and are stuck there, but they all have almost no vision of these guys on the high ground. I take one pot shot, miss, and leave it up to fate. By some miracle I escape with 3 damage on one assault and 4 on my heavy, both of whom can obviously take it. They missed with 4 other shots.

On my turn I'm stuck with guys who have no real options to move into better positions on higher ground (the cover just sucks and is easily flanked). Against 6 mutons, at this point in the game, it's way to risky to just put yourself in a position that can be easily turned against you the next turn because you're "pretty sure you can make it". I make one mistake in that I just take my snipers shot almost right away without thinking through my strategy entirely, though he took one out right away on a critical (he's definitely in the best position to take a shot at anyone but he's right at the front and he's not wearing carapace armour)

I take one move on each guy out of cover to put them in something better, but still low and far. Then I get gutsy. I waste my supports usually crack laser rifle shot (Carlos Santana, that fucking speedy, healing, good shooting motherfucker) on a smoke grenade to provide cover to my sniper and two assaults, one of which had just moved into cover. I take a shot with my one support, who is a on the low ground, with a laser pistol and does a small chunk of damage, before I move over to my other assault, who pulls out of his chancy cover and BLASTS THAT FUCKER IN THE FACE on a 36% shot! Two down! Those are two, also, that really threatened my flanks, so I feel the sweat start to slow down.

My one heavy is far, far, far away but has a good shot at two of them with her rocket launcher, it hits and takes their health down significantly for my other heavy who has the perk to shoot twice. They're both 45% shots and he hits them both. Four down, two left, and I can almost see the look on their faces on their turn when they both kind of grunt and my trooper screams "THEY'RE LOSING GROUND!".

Fucking X - Com, baby.


I'm curious, just how good are the "secret" characters anyway?

Fully equipped end game characters with insane stats. Sid Meier has like 200+ will and all Psi abilities unlocked instead of only one side of the tree.

Of course, achievements are disabled, but they are cool just to fool around.


Are you supposed to be able to rotate the hologlobe/geoscape with a controller? It works fine when I try it in keyboard/mouse mode but nothing works when I'm using a controller. The weird thing is that the globe is affected by the right stick but it moves soooo sloooowly! It would take 5 minutes for the globe to rotate at this rate.

Quite a few pages back, but I just started using a controller tonight and ran into this issue. It seems when you use a controller and go to mission control you can't rotate the globe in any feasible manner (it would probably take 10-15 minutes just to get one rotation it moves so slowly with a controller).

With a mouse, it's not an issue at all, but when you use a controller it's like the option just goes away.

*edit: looks like someone found a potential solution here
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