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Anticipating Xenoblade Chronicles X: Definitive Edition - Which is your favorite of the series?

Which is your personal favorite?

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Xenoblade X. I was instantly hooked when it was first revealed, especially by this GIF


My ranking: X > 2 > 3 > 1

This is a series I'm having a hard time getting deep into despite really wanting to.

My best friend is a rabid fan of the series, so I played through XBC DE when it released on Switch and really liked it.

However, XBC2 has some huge pain points for me. The biggest being traversal. The map is just......SO BAD.

Every way a map could be useful, it is not. Navigating the menus and the map itself is a nightmare. I've put it down over and over and this is the only reason why.

Side quests are a fucking nightmare because the verticality makes the maps freak the fuck out half the time.

Simply put, I don't know where to fucking go most of the time. It's downright infuriating.
2 have a lot of problems lol. But I still like it.

I think it's because it's their first Switch game, and they developed it while also assisting the development of BOTW.

Xenoblade X. 100%ed the Japanese version and loved every minute of it. Honestly, don't like the rest of the series much at all. That said, I'm not liking a lot of the changes for the switch version.
Can you please elaborate why you don't like the changes? From what I've seen, they restored a lot of cut content.
Mira is a Uncharted World. It's up to us to figure out where to go. And I love the sense of self discovery. I think the QoL of follow the magic glowing ball will be most helpful this go around.
The follow ball was also available in the original, but it was too fast. You needed to summon it multiple times because of it. They reduced the speed for the remaster.


Biggest Trails Stan
XBC2 by a country mile. I prefer character-focused stories instead of war/event based stories. The character designs were all over the place, but interesting and varied. I like having many party options, so that was a big plus for me too.

I still like Xenogears as the best overall Xeno- game though.

For me the best overall Xeno Game is the Xenosaga Trilogy (Yes I cheated)


Voted Xenoblade Chronicles 3. I love the world, the characters are all pretty good, and man do I love the combat system and how you can swap around the party mid combat.

For me the series goes: Xeno 3 > Xeno X > Xeno 2 > Xeno 1

The whole series is great though
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Biggest Trails Stan
I mean Albedo is quite the compelling character.

All of that cast is fantastic

I especially loved Jin, Kos-Mos, Ziggy and Gaignun. I didn't realize Crispin Freeman voiced both Gaignun and Albedo. Second game still has my favorite battle system in the Trilogy. I wish Xenosaga got all six games instead of the Trilogy though


3 > 1 > 2
I haven't played X yet but will soon!

Really surprised that 3 isn't higher, I wonder if that's more an issue of people knowing they'll get the most out of it by playing 1 and 2 first and haven't gotten to it yet. WHY DONT YOU GUYS LOVE 3?!


Biggest Trails Stan
3 > 1 > 2
I haven't played X yet but will soon!

Really surprised that 3 isn't higher, I wonder if that's more an issue of people knowing they'll get the most out of it by playing 1 and 2 first and haven't gotten to it yet. WHY DONT YOU GUYS LOVE 3?!

I love them all

But my issue with 3 is that they noticeably censored the cast in regards to fanservice. They listened to the complaints about fanservice coming from a certain group of people from the Twitter crowd. That really pissed me off

The cast was mostly not memorable at all. It just felt the cast had a mostly generic feeling to them in comparison to the rest of the other games.

The story was great and I loved the twists, they are some of the best twist in the series I feel

Not to mention having the villains names all be letters from the Alphabet was weird and cringe. I bet that was a NOA Treehouse thing

I felt that the DLC Future Redeemed was what Xenoblade Chronicles 3 should have been in regards to certain stuff

NOJ really needs to fire certain group of people in NOA or just put them on a leash

I'm pretty sure XC2 is still the best selling game in the franchise. I heard XC3 still sold lot but not as much as XC2
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In the middle of Xenosaga Episode III.


Xenogears>>>>Xenosaga>>>>>>Xenoblade>>>>>>Xenoblade X

Will have to restart 2 this year and play and finish 3 as well. I liked the lore of 2 but the waifu ending stuff I've seen looked completely fucking awful.


Man it is hard to choose between 1 and 2 as they're both great games that released at a time where I needed an escape from life and the bullshit it can throw at us.

I love the cast in both games, the world's, OST is incredible in both and the exploration!!! I think 2 edges it for having such a cool battle system with the blades and elemental attacks and I really liked the antagonists and their stories, XC2 was imo the best RPG I've played since the PS1 days.

EDIT - Also XC2 had Torna the golden country DLC which was incredible.

XC3 just didn't do it for me, I wanted to love it but it just felt lifeless and I hated the bad guys... OST felt phoned in for someone as incredible as Mitsuda and the ACE+ team, The characters didn't click with me at all I can't even remember their names.

XCX amazing world, Incredible gfx for its time/hardware and Skell battles!!! Everything else was mid/shit.

What do you think Monolith Soft will show April 2nd?

I think they'll show the new Xeno series as "blade" is wrapped up!! Hopefully a new IP too!
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No one shall be brought before our LORD David Bowie without the true and secret knowledge of the Photoshop. For in that time, so shall He appear.
It’s probably between the original and X for me. Though 2 was soooooo good. I never finished 3, but I’m not really sure why.

But the mechs in X are just shitstompingly awesome. Xenoblade is one of like 3 RPGs I enjoy.


Nostalgia is a strong drug, and because of that, I thought nothing could top PS1 Final Fantasy era for me. Those were formative to me as a gamer. Then Xenoblade Chronicles 2 released, and my world rocked before my eyes. I hadn't felt so many emotions in video games since I played Final Fantasy IX in 2001: Joy, wonder, adventure, sadness, heartbrake and so much more. All in one package. That is why 2 (and Torna) are among my favorite games ever made, possibly topping FFIX as my favorite RPG. I loved the series deeply before that, but 2 really elevated the series to god-tier. 3 was good, but couldn't reach all those highs.

Of course I'll be bying X DE once it releases, and lose myself on Mira like I did 10 years ago as well.


Still the first game by a long way, its a JRPG but doesn't indulge too headily in some of JRPG more Japanese peculiarities. The story and setting are great, being the first in the series it benefits from the originality of the setting. Great voice cast as well. Best soundtrack of the 3 games. With the first being an action focused JRPG it was also the first JRPG I had enjoyed since Tales of Symphonia, so this all leaves me with a bias towards the first game.

I don't dislike the other games, 2 was a good return to form after X but was a bit too indulgent, it didn't have the originality of the first but that just a sequel issue for a lot f games, still good voice cast. It was also good to have a big game in the first year of the switches life.

3 was a big missed opportunity imo, while a good game in its own right, with 1 and 2 on the same console it was the perfect time to tell a story with both the cast of 1 and 2, in the new world and wrapped up the trilogy. The DLC tried that but it didn't really work for me. You could then have used the 3rd games charters for the 4th game with a new setting cause the idea for the 3rd game is good I think.


Xenobalde 2 had no complexes, no prententiousness and a ton of heart. It's my favorite.

I liked Xenoblade 1 but the combat never clicked for me. 3 is better designed than 2 on a gameplay level but never liked the story, cast or concept as much as 2. It didn't feel as tight as 2 and it felt too pretentious and somewhat insencere in it's theme. Like, they knew that they wanted a serious soer game that made you cry but they weren't sure how to get there so they tried injecting drama a t every turn and see what sticks.
None as I haven't fully played any of them. I tried going in a xeno2 and felt overwhelmed. The blurly look didn't help. I own the first one and pre ordered x as it looks really fun. I will get 3 down the line if I ever get through these.

Is it OK starting with xenoblade x?


None as I haven't fully played any of them. I tried going in a xeno2 and felt overwhelmed. The blurly look didn't help. I own the first one and pre ordered x as it looks really fun. I will get 3 down the line if I ever get through these.

Is it OK starting with xenoblade x?
X battle system is more overwhelming than Xenoblade 2. Hopefully they fix the tutorial system
So far, the X story has not been related to the main series, but now it will probably be connected because of the remaster.


They all have fundamental flaws keeping me (particularly the MMO quests) from fully enjoying them, but...
Part 1 - Had the best plot pacing until the middle where it crapped the bed. Also liked the time reversal mechanics. Thought that was a cool little gimmick and was hoping to see more creative stuff in future sequels, but no. All around I liked the characters. They weren't too soy for my liking and the ending is pretty cool. They nailed the environments too for the time.

Part 2 - Made for a great handheld game. East to pick up and play. World is well realized. The anime aesthetic looked good but came off as bland at times and there was a bit too much fan service in the designs at time which felt forced ( Y ). The music and atmosphere while a bit different from the first mainly worked to keep playing. The story never really hooked me though and felt pretty lackluster, though never that cringeworthy. I liked the concept of collecting blades, but I felt like aspects of the system such as the gatcha and the implementation of overworld skills was a bit undercooked. I would like to see a similar system again with more quality of life sans gatcha mechanics.

Part 3 - This one started out in an interesting way. And they definitely cut back on the quest bloat a bit. The music was also amazing (Give this award for best menu music. I could listen to that for hours.) The battles were okay, but it felt really slow to unlock combat fully, so you feel almost handy capped half of the game. I don't think I can ever fully enjoy this MMO style combat unless I'm able to constantly input something. The story started with some promise, but overall the dialogue and pacing just felt off. Particularly the dialogue felt really Captain Planet-esque, where you have characters stating really obvious things about their immediate environment. There were some decent scenes here and there, but I left pretty lukewarm.

X - The story I barely remember. I just remember hating all the MMO side quests and how the affinity system worked for making things progress. I remember wanting for the game's system to focus more on exploration and stuff, not the cringy anime fanservice stuff. (Boy do I hate Nopon). I loved the exploration and how open to world was. The systems around exploration were interesting but poorly realized (it seems they've fixed most of this with the remake thank god). The music was really hit or miss. As with many, the vocal tracks for I believe battle and the town were really grating after awhile, but some of the area tracks were quite good.

So yeah, I can't say I really love any of them. They all have good ideas that are not fully realized or feel cumbersome.
I read somewhere that they are looking to change things up with the next one. I really hope they do.
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Plays with kids toys, in the adult gaming world
XC2 I'm all about story and characters first gameplay second 2 was 9/10 in my book I really want an anime adaptation
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All of that cast is fantastic

I especially loved Jin, Kos-Mos, Ziggy and Gaignun. I didn't realize Crispin Freeman voiced both Gaignun and Albedo. Second game still has my favorite battle system in the Trilogy. I wish Xenosaga got all six games instead of the Trilogy though

Great trilogy, Shame we won't get a remaster 😟 I've been thinking a lot about Saga recently it's such a mad story lol... I spent hours recently reading up again on Xenosaga Wiki about the characters and places and all the key parts.... it's actually insane.

Such nostalgia

I don't understand the combat system in these games so I don't play them. The setting seems cool and if it was a straight up action game, I'd likely have played them all by now.


Biggest Trails Stan
Great trilogy, Shame we won't get a remaster 😟 I've been thinking a lot about Saga recently it's such a mad story lol... I spent hours recently reading up again on Xenosaga Wiki about the characters and places and all the key parts.... it's actually insane.

Such nostalgia

I don't want a Remaster due to them censoring certain aspects of the games. I know they censored some stuff in all three games when they came out over here but nowadays I want the full uncensored experience when it comes to Remasters. If anything I will just get the ROMs for all three games. There are Uncensored ROMs for all three games I can get

Also Xenosaga Episode Two still has the best battle system out of the trilogy
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Mister Wolf

The XB1 fans were so salty when 2 kept winning the polls on here years back. It will never change. 2 is the GOAT Xeno game. Future Redeemed is the only one that beats 2 but it can't be counted as it's own game.
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I don't want a Remaster due to them censoring certain aspects of the games. I know they censored some stuff in all three games when they came out over here but nowadays I want the full uncensored experience when it comes to Remasters. If anything I will just get the ROMs for all three games. There are Uncensored ROMs for all three games I can get

Also Xenosaga Episode Two still has the best battle system out of the trilogy

I have to admit I've been thinking of starting them on PCSX2 but it's a commitment to play this trilogy lol.


At launch it had lot of QoL issues but this game never deserved the amount of hate it got.

Yeah it wasn't perfect but I was too busy lost in exploring and enjoying the game to cry about the map or the repeated enemy lines over and over.

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Xenoblade 2 got lot of unnecessary hate, even tho I still consider XC3 my favourite game XC2 was also excellent game.
I love Xenoblade 2, but it has a lot of problems lol

From my observation, each game is a response for critics on the previous game. Except Xenoblade 1 to Xenoblade X

Xenoblade X has problems with the small fonts and character designs that look like a porcelain doll.
Xenoblade 2 fixed that with very big fonts and changed the character designer.

Xenoblade 2 has problems with character design and story that are "too anime"
Xenoblade 3 fixed that with making it not "too anime"


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Anyone remember all the hate XC2 got because of boobs/ass :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy: it was actually embarrassing.
This game launched right before the great GAF exodus to retardera, so I'm not surprised those pussies were up in arms over the games fan service.
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