Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So I just did the normal mission concerning lara nara, I cant get over how simple missions can turn into this big thing, a whole entire new alien was just introduced because I took that mission.
Quick questions:
Does every hexagon space on the Gamepad screen have an orange Fast Travel option? Are there conditions you have to do to unlock one?
So a quick question regarding chapter 11.I understand why boot camp is a required mission snice it deals with Irina's brother which is something thatgets referred to at the ending discussion with Vanhelm but what was the significance of Nine Lives to it? It's been awhile since I completed that one so I might be forgetting something.
Also if you have Irina in your party does she just awkward stand in silence at the end when they talk about her?
This does raise a question I have, can the story be completed without a Skell?
Potential is essential for art damages, try to maintain it around 200++ when you mix matching your augs.
Bullet twister will give you TP per hit when you have an aura and raijin will increase the overdrive time when activated, enough to make you stay in overdrive.
Cant get past chapter 10 boss, i need help.
They will respawn unless they are quest special spawns. You cannot wipe all life from the surface of Mira.
I figured that was a possibly for the requirement but I thought it'd be pretty redundant for the mission requirements to essentially list "do this mission and also do this mission which requires the previous mission.I think Nine Lives is just required because it's a prerequisite for Boot Camp - also,isn't Irina a restricted member for the latter?
Looking at how they made his affinity missions mandatory, I really can't get over what a missed opportunity it was to not kill off Gwin.
I like Murderesseven if she's not the greatest person she still sticks to her code of ethics which is better than a lot of other people in the game.
H.B. "So, how would rate that?"
Murderess: "Not bad! But your personality could use a serious makeover."
Don't know what you're talking about lol
She's essentially the person Ayn Rand saw herself as. Still, I found her a little more endearing after her last affinity mission - even if I could have done without her.little 'power of friendship' speech
I figured that was a possibly for the requirement but I thought it'd be pretty redundant for the mission requirements to essentially list "do this mission and also do this mission which requires the previous mission.
In regards to Irina I'm pretty sure she's restricted for the boot camp affinity mission so my question was more in regards to when at the end of chapter 11 they're talking with Vanhelm. Elma mentions how Gwin claims she's borderline suicidal in her recklessness so given the game's decision to leave unrequired members silent it'd be super awkward to have them in your party, especially since they aren't restricted. Honestly it'd be weird to have either of them or Doug present given their actions in the hanger scene.
Honestly, Chapter 11 makes it painfully obvious what a poor choice that was.
I did the first two, grinding for the last one. I thought the first one felt like it was unfinished.
Is there a consensus on the best probe layout, pics preferable. Just got theso I figured it was time. I stopped bothering since I would have to redo them for the endgame anyways.flight module
Well, I finally got those three last booster probes I'd heard about. This is going to be my final probe layout. Very suitable for post-game, but if you've been diligent in probe collection throughout the story, you can get something close in late-game.
Noctilum South
Noctilum North
You'll notice that my numbers have dropped slightly from my last post. HOWEVER, one number you don't see has risen dramatically. Allow me to show you...
So yeah, those three boosters I got all went straight to Noctilum for extra storage. With a whopping 104550 miranium storage capacity, I've officially reached set-it-and-forget-it status. As you're setting up probes early on, the main things you'll want to keep in mind are as follows:
I think that pretty much covers everything. Happy probing!
- Don't be afraid to experiment with various probe grades to see what works better and what doesn't. In the early- to late-game, it's wise to save before playing with your layouts.
- Focus your chains on higher ranking sites. There are exceptions, however; with mining, sites with resources take precedence, and with revenue, sightseeing spots take precedence.
- The duplicator in the east Oblivia junction point is where the majority of your overall revenue will come from. Find those sightseeing spots and buff the setup as best as possible.
- Generally speaking, you want to prioritize sightseeing spots over revenue grade. An E-2 (rank E with two sightseeing spots) has better revenue potential than a B-0, for example. Probe grade plays heavily into this, however.
- When placing mining probes, always prioritize sites with the rarest resources. These are Dawnstone in Primordia, Cimmerian Cinnabar in Noctilum, Ouroboros Crystal in Oblivia, Parhelion Platinum in Sylvalum, and Bonjelium in Cauldros. Higher grade probes will yield bigger hauls per cycle. You can always sell them for extra cash, and once they start auto-selling, they'll boost your effective revenue significantly.
- Northern Noctilum has the best layout for storage probes. Focus your efforts there. Until you hit around 80k storage, you'll want to try to get your miranium income per cycle to always exceed your storage (unless you're prioritizing revenue).
I don't know if there's a consensus on best layout, but this is the postgame layout I posted a few pages back:
Only lay down enough mining probes to get slightly above your miranium capacity, then fill the rest of your empty spaces with research probes. And focus on Oblivia near the duplicator for maximum revenue potential. For what it's worth, I was routinely pulling in 150k to 200k in credits once I got the flight module, and the numbers just kept going up as I accumulated more probes.
I guess you were supposed to feel unsatisfied by it, but they could have done a better job of making you more invested in pursuing further resolution. A lot of the affinity missions could have improved in that regard - though thankfully not all of them are as bad as Nagi's first.
Interesting, thanks.
Which Skill did you drop for the Mastermind class? I assume it's the thermal damage boost?
Where are you guys finding all these probes?! I just beat chapter 10 and can only bring in 19k miranium and 39k in cash. They're placed well too it's just a matter of a lack of the tools needed.
It's actually underground in a cave called the Devil's Colony, its entrance is a hexagon south of where you are I think.So I'm ontop of this mountain that has a ring in it and I'm trying to find bobby's watch in this specific area they're saying, but I'm not seeing it and the red orbs are usually very easy to find, help?
I have been lurking this thread and everyone says that once they get a Skell the game really begins...a thousand hours later, and now that I have my first Skell I kind of am bored with the game. The game is extremely MMO in nature, which I know appeals to a lot of people, so I guess I should probably just stop here if the main draw isn't doing it for me.
This does raise a question I have, can the story be completed without a Skell?
Oh and just to clear up a misconception, you do NOT need 80% of Cauldros if you already had 65% prior to starting the mission. I was over 65% but under 80% and it activated immediately. I remember another poster in the thread saying at first it wouldn't load for them but upon restarting it did, so it could just be a bug.
IS THERE ANY WAY TO AVOID'S (chapter 10 spoiler) GODDAMN missiles and red ray of death!?!?!?!?!?!?!??! I had him down to ~15% on the second part of the fight and he just OBLITERATED my medium Lv.30 skell and then I got killed by adds. HOLY SHIT this fight is frustrating.ZU PHARG
Chapter 12 available to start in front of me. My party is all 44 minus 4th slot Yelv who's 40. He doesn't have a Skell. Am I gonna have a bad time?
Definian Downfall only unlock after you finish all the other quest involving the Definian, and there is a lot
Hmmm, alright. I'll sweep some affinity missions and side quests to see if I can hit 50. Cheers.I personally recommend having at least one level 50 skell, but that's just my experience. It depends at how effective you are at combat.
Oh boy.
What's the fastest way to grind affinity prior to postgame?
Ground combat I guess? That is if there's not much normal missions left to do.
What's the fastest way to grind affinity prior to postgame?
I can't imagine trying to grind out affinity through combat (lookin at you xenoblade wii). Takes forever. Might as well just wait until postgame.
You can't wait until postgame for Lao!
also, grinding through combat was totally easy in the first game, you remember Stormy Belagon?![]()
Maybe I wasn't employing the right strategies
If it's just him you shouldn't have a problem maxing him out with quests.
When buying my first level 30 skell, is it dumb to assume that more expensive equals better?
pretty easy, though it only really works postgame
How fast does the postgame affinity mission in this game raise affinity btw?
Hm, I completed Line of Fire, but I don't see Alex's Last Stand. I haven't seen anything about it being locked behind a chapter... anyone know anything about this?
That's because each quest in that chain opens up after finishing a chapter starting from chapter 7, so you need to have finished chapter 10 to unlock it![]()