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Xenoblade |OT| Sorry I Kept You Waiting!


I don't really care about rewards from tough bosses. The challenge is the reward. It never made sense to me to receive a super OP weapon after everything is done because...well, what are you going to use it on?

I do wish this game had a questline to one last art for each character. I feel like most of the cast could use one last ability to round them out, especially Sharla and Reyn.


Unconfirmed Member
Reyn has Berserk/Magnum Charge/Sword Drive. He doesn't need anything crazier than that!

Sharla... yeah, she's not balanced well and while she can be used as something other than a healer, it just gimps her. She needed more offensive stuff.
Alright, late game advice needed.
I just got access to my 5th skill tree quests. Shulk's was a piece of cake, as was Dunban's. Now I'm trying Riki's, and at level 74 I have to kill a level 96 creature, Unreliable Renzor! I know this is a really uphill fight, but I just can't seem to do it. I'd like to unlock all of my 5th skill trees before the final boss just so I'm accumulating SP along the way. The best I did against him was getting him to 25% life, which I accomplished through keeping my party on the other side of the big rock on the island so he can't melee me regularly. To deal with his AoE twirl, I pop Reflection on Melia, who is tanking the fight (Heavy gear + 2 Earth Elements is the only thing I've found that keeps me alive), and heal up my other two teammates, Riki and Sharla. Riki is there because he is the second best ether damage dealer, and none of my physical damage dealers can touch the boss. Sharla's there for healing. At 25% life, he starts spamming a Talent Art that deals 8500, which is just too much for anyone in my group but Riki, and it goes through Reflection (gah!). Thus my strategy falls apart.

So, does anyone have any tips for making this fight happen? My last attempt took an hour - I'm patient, just out of ideas.
I was just thinking about this game again and how great it was.

It reminded me of the times I used to play tons of JRPG's when I was younger.

I got that really rare feeling/high, like when you play a game and it really feels alive. I'm not sure how to explain it but it felt really really special when I played it.

We need more games like this.


Unconfirmed Member
Alright, late game advice needed.
I just got access to my 5th skill tree quests. Shulk's was a piece of cake, as was Dunban's. Now I'm trying Riki's, and at level 74 I have to kill a level 96 creature, Unreliable Renzor! I know this is a really uphill fight, but I just can't seem to do it. I'd like to unlock all of my 5th skill trees before the final boss just so I'm accumulating SP along the way. The best I did against him was getting him to 25% life, which I accomplished through keeping my party on the other side of the big rock on the island so he can't melee me regularly. To deal with his AoE twirl, I pop Reflection on Melia, who is tanking the fight (Heavy gear + 2 Earth Elements is the only thing I've found that keeps me alive), and heal up my other two teammates, Riki and Sharla. Riki is there because he is the second best ether damage dealer, and none of my physical damage dealers can touch the boss. Sharla's there for healing. At 25% life, he starts spamming a Talent Art that deals 8500, which is just too much for anyone in my group but Riki, and it goes through Reflection (gah!). Thus my strategy falls apart.

So, does anyone have any tips for making this fight happen? My last attempt took an hour - I'm patient, just out of ideas.
Monado shield is the only thing that blocks talent arts. You can use hypnosis and change the art he uses during a vision, but if it misses you're dead. Sharla and Riki both have sleep arts as well, so you've got some options.
Monado shield is the only thing that blocks talent arts. You can use hypnosis and change the art he uses during a vision, but if it misses you're dead. Sharla and Riki both have sleep arts as well, so you've got some options.
My experience with using sleep stuff is that once the sleep breaks, the opponent just goes right back to doing a vision-based special, so I don't use it much. Am I right on that? I thought about using Shulk, but he can't hit the opponent enough to build his Talent Art bar up. Maybe once I have his last tree maxed, this fight will be easy? That last tree's skill is simply monstrous, I love it. I hope everyone's is that good (Dunban's is).


My experience with using sleep stuff is that once the sleep breaks, the opponent just goes right back to doing a vision-based special, so I don't use it much. Am I right on that? I thought about using Shulk, but he can't hit the opponent enough to build his Talent Art bar up. Maybe once I have his last tree maxed, this fight will be easy? That last tree's skill is simply monstrous, I love it. I hope everyone's is that good (Dunban's is).

if you break a white vision with sleep, he can't do another white one, so he will use a red or blue attack, which you can counter without shulk
If you're planning on getting the rest, one will require you to beat two level 98 uniques that are potentially more difficult.

Though they can be toppled, so that helps a lot.
I got those guys. I use Melia/Riki/Sharla for these fights, but I had to sub Shulk in for Melia for the spider because of the 13K+ damage art it likes to use. The hardest was probably the trader's place in Tephra Cave. Sharla has a strong tendency to get some distance between her and the boss, which leads to aggroing more mobs. I swore a lot at her today...

Stuck on trying to get access to Sharla's quest, I got the rest done. For some reason the game let me do the first two parts, but won't let me do the last one to actually get her stuff. I want to move on to the next area, but this is holding me back. Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
I've been back to this game over the last few days, I'd left it for ages partly because I'd warn myself out on the crazy amount of sidequests.

I've since decided to focus purely on the story and have made a whole bunch of progress, things are starting to get tough, though. The Valek Mountain boss beat me on my first attempt (but I came back the next day and managed victory on my second attempt) and it took a whole bunch of attempts to take down the Sword Valley boss - and when I did it was by the skin of my teeth.

I've been finding the most success in tougher fights with Shulk, Dunban and Sharla, funnily enough. I really enjoyed using Melia once she clicked for me, though - I'll have to go and craft some gems to power her up some more.

Needless to say, the game is still damn brilliant. The only problem I have with it is that sometimes its scope works against the game, it can be tiring at times, but I wouldn't really want MonolithSoft to have compromised in that regard.

Gotta love every time Engage the Enemy kicks in during cutscenes, the folks heading up that stuff choose absolutely perfect moments for it every time and it is epic as all hell.


ok this is the rpg of the gen I think or at least the year, I figured I'd spend somewhere between 40 to 60 hours with this... 92 hours later I think I'm looking at 120 to beat this game(hard for me to ignore quests) god this game has drawn me in and in the process pissed off my wife a bit lol.
I am at home, sick with the flu and decided to pull out the old Wii (we just moved) and pick up where I left off.

First of all, the Story Memo feature is very handy as it had been a month since I last got a chance to play. Seven hours of monster hunting, side quests and gem crafting later, I made it from the swamp right up to the point where I met Melia and Avis(?).

This game is so freaking wonderful. This, the VC, Skyward Sword and SMG justify the Wii's existence for me.
Beat the game. Fantastic ending. Tanked the final boss with naked Dunban - aw yeah! I was only 6 levels above the boss, too...

Anyway, where do I get higher levels of some of those amazing gems that I rarely come across? For example, Heat Sink. I have two Heat Sink II gems, but I've never found any others. I could list all the gems, but that's pointless. I'm hoping to find a way to get crystals so I can get MEGA HEAT versions of those babies in VI. I love the gem crafting system.

Oh yeah, and is it just me, or is any gem that affects other gems pretty pointless? Extend buff/debuff duration, increase proc rate, etc.

The final boss music was the best I've heard since FFVII.

I discovered that wonderful spreadsheet for the gem locations...yay!

Actually, I want to discuss gems with folks. Is there any reason at all to not think these gems are useless?
Blaze Attack, Bleed Attack, Chill Attack, Poison Attack - all inferior to Lightning Attack
Lock-On Defense - most of the "X Defense" gems are worthless, but this is in a whole other tier, since it usually doesn't matter if you are forced to attack an enemy
Buff Time Plus - the game says this only affects other gems, and the only gems that provide a buff in the game are the Protect gems; maybe a very limited use if you want to try and cheese a fight through damage negation, but nothing else, yah?
Damage Heal - all of the tanks in this game are aura-based, and Aura Heal recovers almost as much as this does, but it's 100% of the time instead of 30%
Tension Swing - I just don't get the point of this at all. At least Initial Tension Up gives you access to high tension only skills
Terrain Defense, Fall Defense - since when are either of these a threat; except for
Bionic Interior
, no environment ever scared me enough to care, and I think you die there no matter what if you fall
Auto-Heal Up - possibly the worst gem in the game; I can't even comprehend how this is useful. I have to try and start enough fights fast enough for my HP to not regen, and the regen boost even sucks, too! 25% for the VI gem is just awful.

I'm also annoyed that Strength/Ether tops out at 150, but the VI gems give 100. Why do that to me?! :-X
Holy shitballs is Melia useful! The only thing is that I can't figure out what gems to equip her with as she doesn't seem to do much ether damage? Does ether affect the efficacy of her buffs?
Holy shitballs is Melia useful! The only thing is that I can't figure out what gems to equip her with as she doesn't seem to do much ether damage? Does ether affect the efficacy of her buffs?
Ether doesn't affect her buffs, but her damage output is massive. Level Summon Bolt, give her Ether Up and Lightning Damage gems, and watch the sparks fly, so to speak! At the endgame, each of my released elements was doing 30,000 damage when there were two other Bolts on the stack.

You can play her as a support/healer as well, but most people look down on it. I think she's perfectly capable, and calling a combination of Earth/Aqua for damage reduction/support is extremely effective. The only way I was able to handle my first few mobs 20 levels above me was Earth stacking for a lovely 30% damage reduction combined with Art Heal gems to keep her up while she spammed heals. Her heal has a really small cooldown, too.

Actually, on this subject: do her buffs count as "Auras"? I.e. would Aura Heal work for permanent self-healing for her?
Actually, on this subject: do her buffs count as "Auras"? I.e. would Aura Heal work for permanent self-healing for her?
Yeah, I've beat the game, and even at this point I'm still confused about what exactly counts as auras, too. Often times I'll think Dunban will have an Aura active, but then when I go to try to use one of his arts that requires an Aura to be active, I won't be able to.
Ether doesn't affect her buffs, but her damage output is massive. Level Summon Bolt, give her Ether Up and Lightning Damage gems, and watch the sparks fly, so to speak! At the endgame, each of my released elements was doing 30,000 damage when there were two other Bolts on the stack.

You can play her as a support/healer as well, but most people look down on it. I think she's perfectly capable, and calling a combination of Earth/Aqua for damage reduction/support is extremely effective. The only way I was able to handle my first few mobs 20 levels above me was Earth stacking for a lovely 30% damage reduction combined with Art Heal gems to keep her up while she spammed heals. Her heal has a really small cooldown, too.

Actually, on this subject: do her buffs count as "Auras"? I.e. would Aura Heal work for permanent self-healing for her?
I haven't been able to activate an element release, even in a ten minute battle against a Clifftop Bayern (big-ass spider at that shrine on the Bionis Leg). Is there some trick I'm not getting?
I haven't been able to activate an element release, even in a ten minute battle against a Clifftop Bayern (big-ass spider at that shrine on the Bionis Leg). Is there some trick I'm not getting?

Element Release? If I understand you correctly, you use Arts like Summon Bolt to summon an elemental. You can have three active, and then you can use her Talent Art, Elemental Discharge, to release the elements in the reverse order that you summoned them.
It's been a while since I played, but on a whim I dropped in today. I just got finished killing Final Marcus, and then a blizzard happened and Avalanche Abaasy showed up. I'd never taken it on before, so I went for it — and it actually went pretty well! That is, until I realized that I had forgotten to set the time to 19:00, so night ended, and I died with Abaasy at less than ¼ HP because I couldn't land any of my hits.

Perhaps I'll try again in a couple months.
Not much to add. Except maybe the fact damage heal is even more useless because it only activates when you take damage, and it doesn't even heal much compared to the amount of damage you take.
I was hoping someone had super secret knowledge to prove me wrong.

Oh well. Mechanics question time!

Does Double Attack have all the effects of a normal attack? What about a counter attack? For example, can they apply debuffs? Can counter attacks build the Talent Art gauge?

Can monsters resist gem debuffs?

If you have two Break VI gems equipped, how do they interact?

This game needs a mechanics FAQ. -_-


Unconfirmed Member
Not sure about counter attack, I never really took advantage of that. But I think double attack works the same as two auto attacks, except the second attack can't reactivate double attack.

And stacking break would work like anything else, just increases the chances of activating until you hit the limit (one megaheated VI gem hits the limit, so two wouldn't add anything).

And some enemies do have resistance to different debuffs.

And speaking of useless gems, there's Talent Boost. That's about on the level of Fall Defense/Auto-Heal Up. Sacrifice HALF your auto-attack damage to speed up filling the talent gauge. With double attack and haste you can already effectively fill it twice as fast and deal more damage instead of less. At first, I thought it might be useful on Melia, since she doesn't need auto-attacks. But it looked like it didn't even work on her as far as I could tell, so it doesn't even have that going for it.

Then there's a special award for the rather useless Weapon Power. The biggest disappointment in the entire game. At a glance, it looks like it boosts the effect of weapon gems by +50%. Adding 50%, not just 50% of whatever the effect is. That means 100% haste. 100% double attack. 75% critical. 150% back attack. 100% night vision. Holy shit. But wait. It doesn't actually do that, it just increases the chance of activation for things like Blaze Attack et al. Lame.

Oh, and I think Initial Tension + Tension Swing at max can be combined to open the fight at max tension. Which honestly isn't all that useful anyway aside from maybe 7th for that one particular attack.
Okay guys help me, I want to start playing now.

I wanted to wait and get a CC Pro for this but I am kinda lazy

I have a regular classic controller and the old wiimote + chuck...

what do you recommend to start?


Unconfirmed Member
Probably the remote + nunchuck, the game makes use of all four shoulder buttons on the CC/CCPro, and ZL/ZR are kind of uncomfortable to use.

Not a huge deal though, it doesn't use them too frequently. One locks the camera in place and the other is for the story memo? I think?


Junior Member
So I just rented this from gamefly and it should be here either today or tomorrow. I have absolutely no idea what this game is about, or if it's even good. I'm going in completely blind.
So I just rented this from gamefly and it should be here either today or tomorrow. I have absolutely no idea what this game is about, or if it's even good. I'm going in completely blind.
I went in blind, and was pleasantly surprised.

Okay guys help me, I want to start playing now.

I wanted to wait and get a CC Pro for this but I am kinda lazy

I have a regular classic controller and the old wiimote + chuck...

what do you recommend to start?

Not sure about counter attack, I never really took advantage of that. But I think double attack works the same as two auto attacks, except the second attack can't reactivate double attack.
I was messing around with it for 7th, because 7th has auto-crit on counter attacks. Giving 7th, counter attack boosts and the crit=heal skill seemed like a nice way to up her tanking when I choose for her to have that role. I also need to figure out what's up with the dodge animation in this game. Sometimes a character will get locked down in the animation at the start of the fight - is it only because I haven't attacked yet? I wonder if things like counter attack can be interrupted.

And speaking of useless gems, there's Talent Boost. That's about on the level of Fall Defense/Auto-Heal Up. Sacrifice HALF your auto-attack damage to speed up filling the talent gauge. With double attack and haste you can already effectively fill it twice as fast and deal more damage instead of less. At first, I thought it might be useful on Melia, since she doesn't need auto-attacks. But it looked like it didn't even work on her as far as I could tell, so it doesn't even have that going for it.
I didn't list this because I thought of using Talent Boost to run 7th on an ether build where you give her Talent Boost and Haste (I don't think double attack builds Talent Art gauge, am I wrong?), and let her built up her ether-based Talent Arts super fast for big damage. Plus she has that one particular skill that needs super high tension, and she has the skill that makes Talent Art usage up her tension significantly. Seems like a feasible combination, but I haven't tested it. I prefer to just stack damage on Melia, and maybe give her Art Stealth if my tank is having trouble keeping aggro. Sometimes I'll just tank with Melia, which is surprisingly effective since Reflection ensures she has no need for healing a good portion of the time, and counters anything scary whenever you want.

This game needs a lot of small changes, but the biggest one is pre-set characters. Dear lord does it take a long time to outfit and synergize a whole team.

Then there's a special award for the rather useless Weapon Power. The biggest disappointment in the entire game. At a glance, it looks like it boosts the effect of weapon gems by +50%. Adding 50%, not just 50% of whatever the effect is. That means 100% haste. 100% double attack. 75% critical. 150% back attack. 100% night vision. Holy shit. But wait. It doesn't actually do that, it just increases the chance of activation for things like Blaze Attack et al. Lame.
Super bad. Maybe if you could socket attack gems in armor, it would be worthwhile for having a ton of debuffs going up with every attack.

Oh, and I think Initial Tension + Tension Swing at max can be combined to open the fight at max tension. Which honestly isn't all that useful anyway aside from maybe 7th for that one particular attack.
There is that, true. Wouldn't Initial Tension on its own work, though? Or put you super close?

How do Topple and Daze timers interact? It drives me nuts when I have a team of Reyn/Dunban/Shulk, and I get a Daze up just for Reyn to Wild Down a second later. Grr! Do I lose the Daze bonus? It makes me wonder if using Daze is even worth my time.


Unconfirmed Member
Sometimes a character will get locked down in the animation at the start of the fight - is it only because I haven't attacked yet? I wonder if things like counter attack can be interrupted.

This happens to enemies too. But yes, a character/enemy can get locked in a dodge or block animation. In my Abaasy videos it actually happens semi-frequently, and he'll get stuck in a "block-lock" and just appear to not do anything for a while.

Annoying when it happens to your characters. Like when I had Dunban stuck in a dodge-lock while fighting Reckless Godwin and his minions at the same time. Everyone else was KOed from the talent art so Dunban was trying to move to revive me, but there were so many enemies attacking him he couldn't get anywhere because of the dodging animation.

I didn't list this because I thought of using Talent Boost to run 7th on an ether build where you give her Talent Boost and Haste (I don't think double attack builds Talent Art gauge, am I wrong?), and let her built up her ether-based Talent Arts super fast for big damage. Plus she has that one particular skill that needs super high tension, and she has the skill that makes Talent Art usage up her tension significantly. Seems like a feasible combination, but I haven't tested it. I prefer to just stack damage on Melia, and maybe give her Art Stealth if my tank is having trouble keeping aggro. Sometimes I'll just tank with Melia, which is surprisingly effective since Reflection ensures she has no need for healing a good portion of the time, and counters anything scary whenever you want.
It's not worth it. Auto-attacks are one of that character's biggest strengths, despite the talent art being awesome too. Sacrificing a valuable weapon slot for that isn't worth it when Haste + Double Attack achieve effectively the same thing and deal more damage instead of less. Though that character does fill the talent art slightly slower than others. I still wouldn't do it though.

There is that, true. Wouldn't Initial Tension on its own work, though? Or put you super close?
I think it gets you close, but not all the way there. I forgot the numbers for tension and would have to find that page that had all those details again. And decipher the Japanese. :( If I had all that info translated I'd happily host it. Or just put it on the Wiki, even though that's useless for people who haven't beaten the game due to spoilers.

How do Topple and Daze timers interact? It drives me nuts when I have a team of Reyn/Dunban/Shulk, and I get a Daze up just for Reyn to Wild Down a second later. Grr! Do I lose the Daze bonus? It makes me wonder if using Daze is even worth my time.
They stack together. Daze only lasts 2 seconds by default, so it does go away quick. But two seconds is better than nothing, and topple is only 3 seconds anyway without boosting the time. Plus enemies do have topple and daze time resist. I don't know how common it is, but I know the final boss, Abaasy, and Despotic Arsene all have topple time resistance so the topple won't last as long as normal (and they're all immune to daze).
This happens to enemies too. But yes, a character/enemy can get locked in a dodge or block animation. In my Abaasy videos it actually happens semi-frequently, and he'll get stuck in a "block-lock" and just appear to not do anything for a while.
Gah. I wonder if counter attack still procs during that.

Annoying when it happens to your characters. Like when I had Dunban stuck in a dodge-lock while fighting Reckless Godwin and his minions at the same time. Everyone else was KOed from the talent art so Dunban was trying to move to revive me, but there were so many enemies attacking him he couldn't get anywhere because of the dodging animation.
I've also had this happen. Very frustrating.

It's not worth it. Auto-attacks are one of that character's biggest strengths, despite the talent art being awesome too. Sacrificing a valuable weapon slot for that isn't worth it when Haste + Double Attack achieve effectively the same thing and deal more damage instead of less. Though that character does fill the talent art slightly slower than others. I still wouldn't do it though.
It's not worth it for 1v1 fights, but maybe for AoE fights I was thinking.

I think it gets you close, but not all the way there. I forgot the numbers for tension and would have to find that page that had all those details again. And decipher the Japanese. :( If I had all that info translated I'd happily host it. Or just put it on the Wiki, even though that's useless for people who haven't beaten the game due to spoilers.
Another time I wish I knew any Japanese...

They stack together. Daze only lasts 2 seconds by default, so it does go away quick. But two seconds is better than nothing, and topple is only 3 seconds anyway without boosting the time. Plus enemies do have topple and daze time resist. I don't know how common it is, but I know the final boss, Abaasy, and Despotic Arsene all have topple time resistance so the topple won't last as long as normal (and they're all immune to daze).
So if all three characters topple simultaneously, I have a 9 second topple? Good to know. I'm trying to understand this because it seems to make good sense to give Dunban either Daze Plus or Topple Plus, since he can do either solo if he wants to. What are your thoughts on that? I'm leaning toward giving him the gems that give +50% minimum and maximum weapon damage instead of Haste, and then one of those two. My logic is that Dunban's Talent Art isn't fantastic outside of Chain Attacks, and he has two arts that cool down very quickly. At the start of the round I pop Peerless and just go to town with his talent arts, and he almost builds the Chain Attack bar by himself, which leads to toppling everything on the screen, and then more Chain Attacks...it's a wonderful loop.
Oh, and a question about the penultimate battle:
Shulk and 7th go berserk to trample Dickson in the cutscene. Does that carry over in any way to the fight? I didn't have either in my party at the time.


Unconfirmed Member
Dunban's talent art is arguably the best offensive one the game. It and the last version of 7th's are basically tied for the highest damage dealing talent art, though Monado Buster may deal more damage against Mechon. I figured at level 79 and not 99, but both basically dealt an average of around 14000 base damage.

And Dunban's daze art really isn't worth using. It's useless against single enemies, and even against multiple enemies if you want to use topple and daze on the same enemy you have to have them positioned right and fumble around with changing targets before and after the attack. By the time you're done with it you'll have probably spent more than two seconds just setting up to use Thunder, then switching your focus back to that enemy.

And 50% haste gives you essentially the same effect. I don't think building the party gauge is damage-based (crits, some arts, directional attacks, burst affinity), but I guess if it is that would be beneficial for arts since haste doesn't really do anything for those. That's why I went with haste and double attack, since it rolls out crits like crazy and built the talent gauge in few seconds. And it's great for damage even without topple locking.

Oh, and a question about the penultimate battle:
Shulk and 7th go berserk to trample Dickson in the cutscene. Does that carry over in any way to the fight? I didn't have either in my party at the time.

I don't think any cutscenes ever carry over to actual gameplay. :lol But that includes this case.
Dunban's talent art is arguably the best offensive one the game. It and the last version of 7th's are basically tied for the highest damage dealing talent art, though Monado Buster may deal more damage against Mechon. I figured at level 79 and not 99, but both basically dealt an average of around 14000 base damage.
They do the highest damage, but you're also losing auto-attack time there. It's not like a Monado move, which takes very little time to perform, either. Dunban's in particular feels like it lasts a long time, and every second you're pushing that B button, you're losing auto-attack damage. I'm sure the Talent Art does more damage than the auto-attack, but does it do enough against hasted, double attack, auto-attack with an aura up? I tend to save his Talent Art for Chain Attacks, because if you can get him to go 4th (very common in my team), it does like 250K damage with my setup. I've yet to have something survive it.

And Dunban's daze art really isn't worth using. It's useless against single enemies, and even against multiple enemies if you want to use topple and daze on the same enemy you have to have them positioned right and fumble around with changing targets before and after the attack. By the time you're done with it you'll have probably spent more than two seconds just setting up to use Thunder, then switching your focus back to that enemy.
If you use his ether-based kick, it turns Dunban around for just a brief second, and you can use Thunder on a single enemy. So you can potentially start every fight with aura, kick, Thunder (daze), and then topple, which, if you have Topple Plus, is going to put your enemy down for a total of 8 seconds. Pretty beefy and worth considering IMO.

And 50% haste gives you essentially the same effect. I don't think building the party gauge is damage-based (crits, some arts, directional attacks, burst affinity), but I guess if it is that would be beneficial for arts since haste doesn't really do anything for those. That's why I went with haste and double attack, since it rolls out crits like crazy and built the talent gauge in few seconds. And it's great for damage even without topple locking.
It's not damage-based. My point was that when I'm playing, I get chain attacks every 10 seconds or so, so I spend most of Dunban's time doing arts in Chain Attack mode, which Haste and Double Attack don't help with. I just feel as though, when Dunban is sitting there going at it with Haste, it still feels like a very slow autoattack when compared to someone like 7th. 7th with Haste and Double Attack feels like a no-brainer, because 7th is a whirlwind of attacks. Dunban doesn't feel like that to me.

I'm still undecided about Shulk and how to gem him. Haste and Double Attack seems like the way to go for more Monado usage, but there's still that third slot...probably Topple Plus.

I don't think any cutscenes ever carry over to actual gameplay. :lol But that includes this case.
Good to know. I thought I missed something awesome.

Does weapon crit rate affect ether attack crit rate?

Compare these two builds:
815 base weapon damage

Haste +50%
Double Attack +50%
Critical +50%

Attack Stability +50%
Attack Plus +50%
Back Attack Plus +100%

The first build has two gems that affect autoattacks only, giving you +50% more of them, and then a 50% chance for an extra attack each time. Criticals give you 1.2x more. That does not seem like it would do more, to me than close to 50% more damage on everything you do, and then 100% more damage while you're attacking from behind (and why wouldn't you?). The first build will do much less in Chain Attacks, and arts won't be as strong either. Especially when you consider that Dunban has Demon Slayer, which can be really vicious if you treat it well.

Has anyone tried using Agility Down gems instead of Night Vision? You might say "how will you land the debuff in the first place?", to which I suggest Riki's Bullseye (+50% accuracy when attacking from behind, basically the same effect as Night Vision). If -25% agility is roughly as good as +50% accuracy, it might save some gem slots on your party members. I imagine you really only need the Night Vision for one fight anyway, though.


Finally digging into this game. Only did the opening portion up to killing the crab and his buddy, but so far I'm liking what's being presented. Will report back once I'm not scared of spoilers in this topic. Hoping it's going to be a great experience.
Finally digging into this game. Only did the opening portion up to killing the crab and his buddy, but so far I'm liking what's being presented. Will report back once I'm not scared of spoilers in this topic. Hoping it's going to be a great experience.
You are in for a treat! The music alone is worth the price of admission.
I wondered around like my head was cut-off since I am not using a guide or anything.
I am getting the feeling I am getting to these boss fights too early. Should I be grinding in this game?

I am at level 12 and at the spider-crab den inside a cave just before the knee?

so early on, just getting a feel for this game

I was not sure if I should have done something different with that face guys to save my friend or was it
her dying


Colony 9 is HUGE I checked to map and I still have some grey spots on the east side of the map I did not explore well enough - Can I come back to towns later or will there be points of no return for things?



I wondered around like my head was cut-off since I am not using a guide or anything.
I am getting the feeling I am getting to these boss fights too early. Should I be grinding in this game?

I am at level 12 and at the spider-crab den inside a cave just before the knee?

so early on, just getting a feel for this game

I was not sure if I should have done something different with that face guys to save my friend or was it
her dying


Colony 9 is HUGE I checked to map and I still have some grey spots on the east side of the map I did not explore well enough - Can I come back to towns later or will there be points of no return for things?

You can't change things that happens in a cutscene. That one in particular is just Xenoblade's way of welcoming you to the story.

There will be points of no return, but all but one are marked with a "Will you proceed? Yes/No" choice. It doesn't always say what is going to be locked off with that, though, but the game is fairly upfront about it as quests that can expire have a clock next to them. At some point in the story, those quests will become unavailable.

Oh, and if you think Colony 9 is huge...
I wondered around like my head was cut-off since I am not using a guide or anything.
I am getting the feeling I am getting to these boss fights too early. Should I be grinding in this game?

I am at level 12 and at the spider-crab den inside a cave just before the knee?

so early on, just getting a feel for this game

I was not sure if I should have done something different with that face guys to save my friend or was it
her dying


Colony 9 is HUGE I checked to map and I still have some grey spots on the east side of the map I did not explore well enough - Can I come back to towns later or will there be points of no return for things?

I don't remember the level progression at different points, but if you're able to handle the mobs of spiders, you should be OK.

As for getting back to Colony 9, you can quick travel from the menu to any landmark you ever visited and back at any time, no waiting, no penalties. Trust me, you won't get to the endgame for quite some time.

EDIT: Oh yeah, quests that expire ought to be a priority.

If I play as Reyn leading does Shulk AI shield me? what can I press for him to shield me?

One more question, are bikini bottoms worth the price? :3


Unconfirmed Member
They do the highest damage, but you're also losing auto-attack time there. It's not like a Monado move, which takes very little time to perform, either. Dunban's in particular feels like it lasts a long time, and every second you're pushing that B button, you're losing auto-attack damage. I'm sure the Talent Art does more damage than the auto-attack, but does it do enough against hasted, double attack, auto-attack with an aura up? I tend to save his Talent Art for Chain Attacks, because if you can get him to go 4th (very common in my team), it does like 250K damage with my setup. I've yet to have something survive it.

That's a good point. But the bolded is why I saved pretty much any offensive talent art for chain attacks regardless :D

If you use his ether-based kick, it turns Dunban around for just a brief second, and you can use Thunder on a single enemy. So you can potentially start every fight with aura, kick, Thunder (daze), and then topple, which, if you have Topple Plus, is going to put your enemy down for a total of 8 seconds. Pretty beefy and worth considering IMO.
Tempest Kick? I never even used that since the effect was terrible (drops an enemy buff?). But that would make it a lot more useful and make me reconsider that single character challenge I was thinking about doing.

It's not damage-based. My point was that when I'm playing, I get chain attacks every 10 seconds or so, so I spend most of Dunban's time doing arts in Chain Attack mode, which Haste and Double Attack don't help with. I just feel as though, when Dunban is sitting there going at it with Haste, it still feels like a very slow autoattack when compared to someone like 7th. 7th with Haste and Double Attack feels like a no-brainer, because 7th is a whirlwind of attacks. Dunban doesn't feel like that to me.

I'm still undecided about Shulk and how to gem him. Haste and Double Attack seems like the way to go for more Monado usage, but there's still that third slot...probably Topple Plus.

Good to know. I thought I missed something awesome.

Does weapon crit rate affect ether attack crit rate?

Compare these two builds:
815 base weapon damage

Haste +50%
Double Attack +50%
Critical +50%

Attack Stability +50%
Attack Plus +50%
Back Attack Plus +100%

The first build has two gems that affect autoattacks only, giving you +50% more of them, and then a 50% chance for an extra attack each time. Criticals give you 1.2x more. That does not seem like it would do more, to me than close to 50% more damage on everything you do, and then 100% more damage while you're attacking from behind (and why wouldn't you?). The first build will do much less in Chain Attacks, and arts won't be as strong either. Especially when you consider that Dunban has Demon Slayer, which can be really vicious if you treat it well.

Critical Up is outclassed by double attack since you can link up to make all of them critical, and it has a higher percentage.

The thing about haste is that it ultimately ends up in an armor slot anyway (Glory Gauntlets for most characters, and you already have the thing for 7th I believe). And assuming you're not using Night Vision, that does give you two slots to play around if you're using Double Attack for one.

I'd go with attack stability over attack plus. It's guaranteed to increase your damage output, while plus just makes it more likely. And double attack is better than attack plus since that only adds 50% damage while double attack actually hits twice 50% of the time, which also effectively adds 50% damage (or more if you have the skill link to make them crits) and fills your talent gauge(/party gauge) faster. I really do think double attack is the single best offensive gem in the game. I guess your point is that you're constantly in chain attacks so you feel that something that directly increases damage there is better, but double attack makes your chain attacks more frequent if you're using it right.

Back Attack is awesome, but really only for the character you're controlling, OR Dunban if someone else is tanking (Dunban always goes behind the enemy when he doesn't have aggro, nifty).

Lightning attack is also a good option for 7th, as you've brought up before. Electric Up for Melia, and Blaze/Poison/Etc. for Riki. I used Bleed Plus for Dunban and it worked nicely, Gale Slash late in the chain attack would do a ton of bleed damage. Good for longer battles, not so much for shorter ones.

Has anyone tried using Agility Down gems instead of Night Vision? You might say "how will you land the debuff in the first place?", to which I suggest Riki's Bullseye (+50% accuracy when attacking from behind, basically the same effect as Night Vision). If -25% agility is roughly as good as +50% accuracy, it might save some gem slots on your party members. I imagine you really only need the Night Vision for one fight anyway, though.
Well, the problem with this idea is that Agility Down is a debuff while Night Vision inherently works for your characters as long as it's night. Bullseye does negate the need for Night Vision if you can remain behind the enemy (so what I said for Back Attack previously applies here) AND if you have the coins to use on it - it's relatively expensive at around 50, and this is why I didn't end up using it on Shulk. But Agility down only activates a percentage of the time, and it can be resisted, so it's less reliable.

And the difference between 25% and 50% could be pretty big as well. Going from ~36% NV gems to 50% made a big difference in my accuracy against Abaasy at level 79 for Shulk and 7th. Not so much for Dunban due to Serene Heart, which is why I never bothered getting him a VI gem.

(I assume your idea is that you rely on one character for the Bullseye + Agility Down, since having multiple characters behind the enemy doesn't happen often making Bullseye a waste on 1 or 2 of them).


If I play as Reyn leading does Shulk AI shield me? what can I press for him to shield me?

One more question, are bikini bottoms worth the price? :3

You'll have to "warn" Shulk, which lets you choose something for him to do during a vision. So if it's a talent art, you can have him use shield. Warning an AI party member costs one bar of your party gauge (the blue gauge at the top of the screen), so keep that in mind.

As for the second question, not really. One character could wear it and they've already left your party. By the time another party member comes along that could wear it, it will be outclassed by other armor.

If you can get a good enough grasp of the battle system to kill the unique/named monsters around your level, you shouldn't need to buy much/any armor since what they drop is just as good or better than what's available in shops. And they provide great EXP/AP/SP, and affinity coins which you'll want to accumulate for skill links (that will be more meaningful later in the game though).

(And this includes swimwear, which is available at several points throughout the game as drops or from shops)
really huge world o_O seen the videos but did not believe it was not a cut sense trick

I could have sworn I got to level 17... and died and came back to level 16... maybe my brain is playing tricks on me


Okay guys help me, I want to start playing now.

I wanted to wait and get a CC Pro for this but I am kinda lazy

I have a regular classic controller and the old wiimote + chuck...

what do you recommend to start?
I'm good with a normal CC. I don't really use the ZR and ZL buttons anyway.

I could have missed the settings option to change this, but when I used a Wiimote I had to hold a button every time I wanted to change the camera using the d-pad (plus it had this weird 1-second delay before actually moving the camera). I couldn't play it like that at all.
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