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Xenoblade |OT| Sorry I Kept You Waiting!


Unconfirmed Member
I just bought the US ver today (was playing UK ver since release).

Not only is this easily my favorite game this year but afte spending time with it off and on since it released in the UK, i'll say it's probably my favorte game I've played in 30 years

Also, got to first
battle but was a tad under leveled. Looking for some nice beasts to slay at around lvl 68. I spent an hr and a half last night looking for additional side quests but came across only 5 that i havent completed.

Kill all the UMs in
? Other than that the Windy Cave on Bionis Leg has some monsters in the low 70s that might be good?


Neo Member
I'm near the latter part of the game, now. Around lvl 60.

I have formed Team Girl Squad.


I haven't witnessed any cute post-battle chats yet with them. I am disappoint.

So, has there been any bored soul who maxed out on agility gems, linked all the agility skills, then linked in Dunban's armorless agility skill? For science? Wait, after googling, it looks like most high lvl folks do this.

One day, I will play with everyone in their skivvies. And there will be cutscenes. Instant comedy.


There's at least one or two really good post-battle girl power chats.

You know, you'd think the battle dialogue would get annoying but somehow it's all so warm and friendly I can't get mad at it no matter how repetitive it gets
Hi Xenoblade-GAF, long time no talk! I've been playing PC games in my bedroom for months but last night I had a little family issue so I retreated downstairs and fired up the ol' Wii. I almost forgot how goddamn fun this game is.

When I left off I had been farming some of the
superbosses (is that a spoiler?)
, so my skill build was all about chain links, nighttime perks, and damage resistance. I didn't feel like doing that so I changed all of my skills to be purely offensive and then went around killing random uniques in hopes of finding some advanced art books. I got some good ones — the best haul was probably Spirit Breath from
Active Impulso in the Bionis' Interior
. At level 99 with full rank VI gem sets and Glory Gauntlets, I was absolutely curb-stomping everything but the toughest monsters. I also needed to build affinity between several of my characters, so I went with Melia, Riki, and Shulk. I didn't like playing Melia in the past but last night I was having a lot of fun; she does massive DoT and burst damage.

You know, you'd think the battle dialogue would get annoying but somehow it's all so warm and friendly I can't get mad at it no matter how repetitive it gets
So true. I heard a funny one for the first time last night with the team I mentioned above. I forget exactly how it goes but Melia says something uncharacteristically affectionate to Riki and Shulk goes, "Melia... are you feeling okay?" Haha.


Unconfirmed Member
When I left off I had been farming some of the
superbosses (is that a spoiler?)
, so my skill build was all about chain links, nighttime perks, and damage resistance. I didn't feel like doing that so I changed all of my skills to be purely offensive and then went around killing random uniques in hopes of finding some advanced art books. I got some good ones — the best haul was probably Spirit Breath from
Active Impulso in the Bionis' Interior
. At level 99 with full rank VI gem sets and Glory Gauntlets, I was absolutely curb-stomping everything but the toughest monsters. I also needed to build affinity between several of my characters, so I went with Melia, Riki, and Shulk. I didn't like playing Melia in the past but last night I was having a lot of fun; she does massive DoT and burst damage.

Spirit Breath over Serene Heart? You could have made it even easier with that one! I maintain my opinion that Serene Heart is the second best art in the game.

So, has there been any bored soul who maxed out on agility gems, linked all the agility skills, then linked in Dunban's armorless agility skill? For science? Wait, after googling, it looks like most high lvl folks do this.

Unfortunately this doesn't work as well as you might think initially.

Naked Dunban sacrifices more than he gains. Sure, no physical attacks are going to hit him, but ether attacks still will, and without armor they will completely destroy him. You also lose out on 5 gem slots (and obviously every armor gem slot) by foregoing armor too. This means a few really good gems are now out of play (in particular, Debuff Resist), and you're forced to waste a valuable weapon slot on an agility gem. On top of that, if Dunban somehow gets toppled, dazed, or put to sleep he's as good as dead. You also won't get physical area of effect art warnings since Dunban will likely dodge them, but your other two party members might get massacred.

If you're in a position where you know your opponents won't topple/daze you, put you to sleep, deal ether damage, or have crippling debuffs then it can work and be pretty fun, but for the most part it's just a gimmick. You can get enough agility to dodge the majority of physical attacks even with armor. Rondine is the way to go with Dunban since it has the best ether defense of any slotted light armor (and it looks fairly good, following the theme of his original classy armor).
Spirit Breath over Serene Heart? You could have made it even easier with that one! I maintain my opinion that Serene Heart is the second best art in the game.

Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure I already have Serene Heart maxed. I'll check when I get home though. But yes, I agree with you that it's probably the best aura in the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Naked Dunban isn't worth it stat-wise, but it's worth it awesomeness-wise.

But that applies to every character!

Oh don't worry, I'm pretty sure I already have Serene Heart maxed. I'll check when I get home though. But yes, I agree with you that it's probably the best aura in the game.

I never bothered with other auras, at least on my second playthrough and low level stuff. Serene Heart's cooldown ends up lower than it's effect time, making it effectively permanent. And since auras don't stack I'd rather just have that one than have the AI dump it off for something else. Of course when you don't need the agility Spirit Breath or Peerless are both nice. I'd say I like Peerless more as a whole since it more than doubles your damage output. Spirit Breath has a better secondary effect (until you get maxed Debuff Resist), but improves damage output less.

Even Jaws of Death was kind of pointless when you link up some skills that increase agility at lower HP, plus Serene Heart kicking up agility an extra 25%. Unbeatable is a good combination with that too since a maxed gem gives you a good shot at surviving with 1HP, meaning a huge agility boost (which happened in the level 55 Abaasy video). That won't save you in all situations (same stuff I said about naked Dunban applies here too, topple/daze and ether will beat agility), but it's fine in most cases since your HP shouldn't stay that low anyway.
This game still worth paying the full 50 dollars months later? Can't find it anywhere at that price so I'm gonna guess and say yeahhhhhhhhh.
But that applies to every character!
It's especially awesome with Dunban because he's tanking it all. I don't think any other character can handle the tanking role of top mobs while also being in the buff.

This game still worth paying the full 50 dollars months later? Can't find it anywhere at that price so I'm gonna guess and say yeahhhhhhhhh.
I've never seen why a single player game would lose value over time, so "yes".


Neo Member
So, I just realized what a glass cannon Melia is, at least the way I've been playing her. I guess I'd better link her up to some medium armor? I was using her in
Mechonis Field
, and if I wasn't careful she'd get 1HKO'd all over the place. I caved and slotted in some Muscle Up and HP gems, but I don't know how much good they're doing. Normally I've got all Ether Ups and an Agility gem.

Also, I'm in the
Chest Factory
, and the whole cutscene before hand I was like "This is a surprise?! Are you guys stupid?? Too many knocks on the head?"

And Reyn just gets better and better. Poor guy.

I tried Gadoit with Team Girl Squad once and NOPE'd. Fought him off with Fiora, Dunban, and Reyn, who has maxed HP. This pleases me.


Unconfirmed Member
It shouldn't be too hard at level 99. And at that level you should be able to clean out the place easily beforehand so you don't have to worry about being attacked by the Slobos around him.

You have to have megaheated, rank VI debuff resist. This gives you 100% protection from his instant death spike. Deinos Sauros in Makna drop the crystals. Divine protect also works, but it won't protect you from blaze damage.

Good slotted equipment. Personally I'd recommend Heirax (slight edge to physical) or Rondine (slight edge to ether) for everyone (well, everyone it applies to).

The level difference even at level 99 means you get the maximum agility penalty. Pumping up your agility is required to be able to hit him and dodge his attacks. Link up all the base agility up skills and use megaheated agility gems. Combined with light armor you should have enough agility to hit him regularly.

Beyond that it just depends on the characters you are using. Monado Armor is the best art in the game, you can win anything with that as long as you can hit the enemy. Serene Heart is the second best, allows Dunban to tank practically anything. At level 99 you should be able to win with any party though.

If you have the skill links for it, you can link up skills to make all double attacks critical and all critical hits heal you. So with those plus a maxed double attack gem plus haste plus the double attack skill links (if possible) you can heal yourself just by attacking. Skill links are basically the key to doing anything in this game.

This is the equipment I used to beat it at level 55 for reference. Contains spoilers.

And I have a lot of notes about what I did for that fight in the video description. More spoilers.
Finally got to order a new copy from GameStop.com (wife is going to save it as a stocking stuffer). Sadly, every store in my area for almost 50 miles only had used and opened new copies. I originally bought a used copy a few weeks back but returned it because I wanted to just eventually buy a new copy.

Is it necessary for me to grab a Wii Pro Controller as well or will nunchuk & wii mote suffice?
This is the equipment I used to beat it at level 55 for reference. Contains spoilers.

And I have a lot of notes about what I did for that fight in the video description. More spoilers.

Pretty close build to mine. The only difference is that instead of Strength Up gems I have Aura Heal on 7th and Dunban, and HP Up on Shulk. HP Steal on 7th is so good. I'm also toying with Critical Up gems on them.

Is it necessary for me to grab a Wii Pro Controller as well or will nunchuk & wii mote suffice?

I exclusively use the Wiimote and Nunchuk and it's very comfortable. No need to buy a whole new controller.
So, I just realized what a glass cannon Melia is, at least the way I've been playing her. I guess I'd better link her up to some medium armor? I was using her in
Mechonis Field
, and if I wasn't careful she'd get 1HKO'd all over the place. I caved and slotted in some Muscle Up and HP gems, but I don't know how much good they're doing. Normally I've got all Ether Ups and an Agility gem.

Also, I'm in the
Chest Factory
, and the whole cutscene before hand I was like "This is a surprise?! Are you guys stupid?? Too many knocks on the head?"

And Reyn just gets better and better. Poor guy.

I tried Gadoit with Team Girl Squad once and NOPE'd. Fought him off with Fiora, Dunban, and Reyn, who has maxed HP. This pleases me.
I've used Melia to tank almost everything in the game. Everyone in the game is pretty flexible, you just have to set them up right.


Unconfirmed Member
Pretty close build to mine. The only difference is that instead of Strength Up gems I have Aura Heal on 7th and Dunban, and HP Up on Shulk. HP Steal on 7th is so good. I'm also toying with Critical Up gems on them.

Karsticles used Lightning Attack, which is also really awesome in place of HP Steal. And I needed strength for the improved damage output, since I was concerned about my level there. I think I used Aura Heal and whatever else when I did it at 79 but I'm too lazy to check.

I'm not a big fan of Critical Up. It's not bad, but I think 50% double attack plus haste/glory gaunts is enough to keep you healed for the most part, aside from occasionally healing the tank. Especially if you throw in the double attack skill links. I don't recall the damage boost for criticals being huge, so just for that Lightning Attack (not Lightning Up, for the less experienced readers!) is much, much better.

Of course if your goal is gauge building that's another story, double attack + critical up + glory gaunts on the whole party (or equivalent) would be beastly. Chain after chain, non-stop.
I've never seen why a single player game would lose value over time, so "yes".

After careful consideration I have decided it is the best game this generation, barring maybe Oblivion. So yeah, it's worth $50.

This game is worth every penny of the $75 or so I spent to import it a year+ ago.

Well scored me a copy for 49.99 new on gamestop since they recently popped back up! HUZZAH! It's on it's way. I have only seen a few pictures of the game and heard people talk about it in grand talk. Hope it lives up to it :D I'll be jumping in soon!

Also should I get the Wii pro pad? Or is wiimote/chuck doable? I now have this, Last Story, and Zelda Skywards Sword to play. Hear great things about all of them so should be in for a treat!
Karsticles used Lightning Attack, which is also really awesome in place of HP Steal. And I needed strength for the improved damage output, since I was concerned about my level there. I think I used Aura Heal and whatever else when I did it at 79 but I'm too lazy to check.

I'm not a big fan of Critical Up. It's not bad, but I think 50% double attack plus haste/glory gaunts is enough to keep you healed for the most part, aside from occasionally healing the tank. Especially if you throw in the double attack skill links. I don't recall the damage boost for criticals being huge, so just for that Lightning Attack (not Lightning Up, for the less experienced readers!) is much, much better.

Of course if your goal is gauge building that's another story, double attack + critical up + glory gaunts on the whole party (or equivalent) would be beastly. Chain after chain, non-stop.
Hmm, I remember using Lightning Attack gems when I was a lower level, but I don't think I've gotten any rank VI ones. I'll try it out!

I wish it was easier to check how much of a benefit crits are, but it's really hard to tell. The character I really wanted it for was Shulk, because a rank VI Critical Up gem + the
Monado III
+ Double Attack VI + 7th's crit on double attack skill seems like it will be lots of fun.

Thanks Luap!

No problem man.

Well scored me a copy for 49.99 new on gamestop since they recently popped back up! HUZZAH! It's on it's way. I have only seen a few pictures of the game and heard people talk about it in grand talk. Hope it lives up to it :D I'll be jumping in soon!

Also should I get the Wii pro pad? Or is wiimote/chuck doable? I now have this, Last Story, and Zelda Skywards Sword to play. Hear great things about all of them so should be in for a treat!

Enjoy. :) My only advice is to not let the hype get to you. Xenoblade is great, but it is not a perfect game; don't expect it to blow your socks off. Speaking from personal experience, I've always been a bit disappointed when I've gone into a game — even a really good game — expecting it to be the end-all-be-all experience of gaming.

And as I told Crazypanda: I exclusively use the Wiimote and Nunchuk and it's very comfortable. No need to buy a whole new controller.
Also should I get the Wii pro pad? Or is wiimote/chuck doable? I now have this, Last Story, and Zelda Skywards Sword to play. Hear great things about all of them so should be in for a treat!
I played it with Classic but I already had one so my eldest daughter could play Ocarina on VC. Above some folks were talking about using the Wiimote and Nunchuk, seems fine, too. Amusingly Last Story and Skyward Sword are on my backlog also. Time, time time.


Neo Member
I hear you have less control over the camera with the Nunchuck option, and I can't imagine that in a game that looks like this, but I haven't tried it.

Be warned that the low res textures will take some getting used to- they're lower quality to make room for the MASSIVE, COMPLEX, AND DETAILED SPACES.

So I "fought" Gadoit and Egil. I kept trying to take out Gadoit with Fiora, Dunban, and Reyn, but it just wasn't happening. Finally I just gave up and resorted to my "fly-swatter" team- Shulk, Dunban, and Reyn. He went down pretty fast. It felt like cheating...

I'm kind of terrible- I laughed when Gadoit died. It was just so... plotted? Like, not only is he "out of the way" romantically, but he redeemed himself and died in a gallant fashion. It's just very Dickens. I was strangely annoyed by Reyn slapping Sharla, even though it was a dope slap.. huh. The scene before with him and Gadoit just stung, nicely done.

And Shulk, you should know by now that if Fiora is glowing red and talking differently, it's Meyneth. Get a clue.

I didn't finish all the quests in Agniratha before it got busted and now I'm a bit disappointed... did I miss anything awesome? I even went through the trouble of beating Wise Gremory.


Unconfirmed Member
I didn't finish all the quests in Agniratha before it got busted and now I'm a bit disappointed... did I miss anything awesome? I even went through the trouble of beating Wise Gremory.

If you haven't continued beyond that point,
you get an opportunity to go back to Central Factory on the path to take out the apocrypha generator. The teleporter to Agniratha still works since the developers forgot to block it off, so you can actually get back in there. Not sure if you can still do the quests though. Other than the UMs for affinity coins and quests, there's not really anything there to do.

Also, before you continue, that's the point of no return for any timed stuff remaining in the game, and
the Mechonis areas
will be inaccessible for the rest of the game. If you want to visit
Mechonis Core
you need to do it before you continue since you can't quicktravel in the next area.
I didn't finish all the quests in Agniratha before it got busted and now I'm a bit disappointed... did I miss anything awesome? I even went through the trouble of beating Wise Gremory.
Not really: If you finish all the quests, the last Capital Control Terminal gives you the Cloister Key so you can go outside on the upper floor and enjoy the view I think there was a wind gem spot as well. I missed it first playthrough as well. I'd share pictures of the view but I was dumb and only screenshots of getting the key...


Not really: If you finish all the quests, the last Capital Control Terminal gives you the Cloister Key so you can go outside on the upper floor and enjoy the view I think there was a wind gem spot as well. I missed it first playthrough as well. I'd share pictures of the view but I was dumb and only screenshots of getting the key...

Oo What?
where is that? on which map? agniratha? central factory? never heard of that before. At what point in the story can I access it? can't find it on the maps
Continued my quest to collect all of the advanced art books. Today I got Slit Edge and Air Slash by taking down Indomitable Daulton and Territorial Rotbart, which finished off all of my books for Shulk. Now I'm on to Reyn, and my search for Dive Sobat brought me to Stormy Belagon. While I haven't gotten the drop yet, I figured I'd take advantage of Belagon's spike to max out my character affinity. At 186 hours into this game, I think I'm allowed to cheese a few things. :p

Question: Does rapidly saving and loading your game over and over (in my case, to reset the mobs so uniques show up) cause any wear-and-tear to the Wii's HD?


Unconfirmed Member
Continued my quest to collect all of the advanced art books. Today I got Slit Edge and Air Slash by taking down Indomitable Daulton and Territorial Rotbart, which finished off all of my books for Shulk. Now I'm on to Reyn, and my search for Dive Sobat brought me to Stormy Belagon. While I haven't gotten the drop yet, I figured I'd take advantage of Belagon's spike to max out my character affinity. I figured that at 186 hours into this game, I'm allowed to cheese a few things.

Question: Does rapidly saving and loading your game over and over (in my case, to reset the mobs so uniques show up) cause any wear-and-tear to the Wii's HD?

Does it? Technically writing and rewriting flash will. It shouldn't be significant though. And you also shouldn't have to save, you can save time by just saving once and then reloading over and over since the spawning (and chest loot!) is determined on load.
Yeah that's what I meant. I would save once I killed it, and then I'd just load over and over until it respawned. I asked my friend and he basically said the same thing as you: technically it does wear the HD, but it is negligible.
Hey guys I've finally decided to continue my play-through of Xenoblade and I'm at the bit just before
Prison Island

Do you recommend I go back and get some stuff from past locations? Any good secret gear I can get etc? I haven't even
started rebuilding Colony 6.
I also do not understand gem crafting at all... I forgot since I haven't played in months. I'm level 41 and I'm using Shulk, Dunban, and Melia
You messed up that first spoiler tag lol.

Anyway, I don't ever remember going out of my way to get gear. Just kill monsters around your level and always check your inventory to compare the stuff that drops with what your characters are wearing.

Gems, on the other hand, were something I definitely went out of my way to collect. Good gem setups make the game so much easier it's ridiculous. At the very least, try to get some Agility Up gems, as agility is the most important stat in the game. Here's a post that should answer any gem crafting questions you have:


Edit: If you prefer watching video guides, here's one (warning — do not look at the suggested videos on the side, as even the titles may contain spoilers):


Also, one thing the video should have mentioned at the start is that you should save your game right before you craft gems. That way, as the videos shows, you can just reload your save if the crafting goes bad.
Thanks for the tips man. That crafting guide helped me out a lot.
No problemo amigo. Enjoy your gems.

I did for about 20 minutes then I stopped and never went back to it.
Haha, I was the same way for most of the game, until I realized:

Colony 6 is worth it because it is the only way to get Agility V crystals to make VI gems.
That alone makes it worth it. Even though most of the rebuilding quests were pretty dull. I do love how the
Colony 6 music changes to a more cheerful tune every time you level it up.
Oo What?
where is that? on which map? agniratha? central factory? never heard of that before. At what point in the story can I access it? can't find it on the maps
Should have been specific
Yep, Agniratha. The same place as all the other quest givers (Capital Control Terminal is the quest givers name). You might remember going up the lift there to be greeted to a small corridor room you enter (mandatory for story as it gives the story quest to activate the 4 points) but two locked doors to the left and right, those are what the cloister keys unlock.
So basically I have way too much time on my hands and I was bored at work so I decided to add up the total stats for the top light armor sets (Rondine & Hierax) and compare them to the top medium armor set (Lancelot). At first it seemed like there was no reason to wear the light armor sets over Lancelot, because the Lancelot set has much better defense and ether defense than Rondine and Hierax. But then I remembered Dunban's Lightweight Expert skill, which gives a 15% bonus to the defense and ether defense of light armor. So I went back and did more math, and wouldn't you know it, light armor won.

[Defense] + [Ether Defense] = [Total]

Rondine: 98 + 110 = 208
Hierax: 110 + 100 = 210

Lancelot: 114 + 125 = 239
Hierax w/ Lightweight Expert: 126.5 + 115 = 241.5

Rondine: 130 + 200 = 330
Hierax: 144 + 180 = 324

Lancelot: 175 + 194 = 369
Rondine w/ Lightweight Expert: 149.5 + 230 = 379.5

Doesn't matter; Glory Gauntlets.

Rondine: 108 + 130 = 238
Hierax: 118 + 120 = 238

Lancelot: 144 + 126 = 270
Rondine w/ Lightweight Expert: 124.2 + 149.5 = 273.7

Rondine: 95 + 110 = 205
Hierax: 105 + 100 = 205

Lancelot: 110 + 125 = 235
Rondine w/ Lightweight Expert: 109.25 + 126.5 = 235.75

Total weight of armor sets (head + body + arms + waist + legs):
Rondine & Hierax = 5
Lancelot = 12

The only issue now is skills. It costs more Affinity Coins to get Dunban's 15% light armor buff than to negate the Lancelot set's weight. However, negating the weight means you have to link two of Dunban's skills (only one for Shulk).

- Lightweight Expert (+15% to light armor) costs 28 coins
- Equipment Expert (-10 weight) costs 10 coins
- Natural Born Warrior (-5 weight) costs 5 coins
- (Shulk also has a -5 weight skill that costs 5 coins)

Rondine is an easy choice for Dunban, since he doesn't have to spend any coins to get the +15% buff. I'm undecided about the others, but I really want to avoid wearing Lancelot if I can — it is just so fucking ugly.


Neo Member
Well, I got to the boss everyone complains about, the one with the ether pools.

...yeah, after a couple tries I turned around and went questing/leveling. Not. Gonna happen... I was at lvl 72.


Unconfirmed Member
It's not really fair to add defense and ether defense and compare that way, you need to look at them separately. Straight Rondine is the best choice for Dunban since it's the best slotted light armor in terms of ether defense.

For everyone else it's just a matter of wanting to use light armor to reduce the agility penalty. Aside from maybe Reyn I guess.
It's not really fair to add defense and ether defense and compare that way, you need to look at them separately. Straight Rondine is the best choice for Dunban since it's the best slotted light armor in terms of ether defense.

For everyone else it's just a matter of wanting to use light armor to reduce the agility penalty. Aside from maybe Reyn I guess.
Melia, too.


Well, I got to the boss everyone complains about, the one with the ether pools.

...yeah, after a couple tries I turned around and went questing/leveling. Not. Gonna happen... I was at lvl 72.

Oh god, I hated that one. Took a dozen attempts. I either got really close to killing it or got smacked down super quick. Luckily that area is great for levelling. Also, party commands on the d-pad (for me anyway, I used classic controller) are your friend in this fight when it comes to keeping your squadmates out of the pools.


Unconfirmed Member
That boss is just a matter of topple locking (which you could do at that point if you put your points in the right places) or using ether attacks.

I guess I'm one of the few people who didn't have trouble with that boss, even on my first playthrough at around level 74 with a pretty ineffective party (Shulk/7th/Sharla) I still won on my first try. Second time I was level 70 and massacred it with Shulk/Dunban/7th, once 7th hit max tension 30 seconds into the fight it was basically over since the boss never recovered from topple/daze.
I also didn't have much trouble with that boss. I think I was running Shulk/Dunban/7th and I just destroyed her. Maybe I was overleveled or something.

It's not really fair to add defense and ether defense and compare that way, you need to look at them separately. Straight Rondine is the best choice for Dunban since it's the best slotted light armor in terms of ether defense.

You're right of course. I think what I was mostly curious about was the balance of Hierax and Rondine — they are supposed to be equal, just with one having more physical defense and the other having more ether def. It was interesting to me that the Hierax head has 2 more overall stats, while the Rondine body has 6 more overall stats. But yeah, for the most part they're even. But, as mentioned earlier, Rondine is superior for the fact that it looks much better. Although I must admit that I like the Hierax waist on Shulk.

For everyone else it's just a matter of wanting to use light armor to reduce the agility penalty. Aside from maybe Reyn I guess.

I never worried about agility for Reyn, Melia, and Sharla. I'm also starting to think about putting heavy armor on Riki, since I mainly use him as an ether attacker and support character. But what about Shulk? Should I use Hierax for more physical def, or Rondine for ether def?


Unconfirmed Member
Shulk is fine with either, ideally he isn't holding aggro. I'd give the edge to Rondine just because ether defense is a bit more important than physical defense. After all, you have agility to cover for physical attacks, not so much for ether.

And yeah, Sharla. I guess she can wear whatever, something like Lancelot works because her agility doesn't matter much. I generally avoid using her since she is like the worst character in the game, I don't even remember what her HP is like but I'd probably avoid heavy if it's low unless I know I won't be dealing with any ether attacks.

Not sure about Melia. I honestly haven't messed with her all that much. If she's not holding aggro it doesn't really matter what she's using. If she is, I guess heavy does make sense because her agility isn't good enough to dodge effectively anyway.

And Riki can do anything as the jack of all trades and master of none. It's as situational as anything else with him. Could be remembering wrong, but I think his defense and agility were pretty well balanced so you could really push either one.
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