I got mine for like... 52$ used at Gamestop, and you can buy it directly from their site. Is GAF boycotting them or something? ............. oh, wow, just kidding, "not available."
I guess I'm lucky! Just bought it over the weekend. TBH, I was pretty displeased with my initial couple of hours. The graphics, fight mechanics, and a lot of the character animations look and feel super clunky. There are design choices that just sort of piss me off. (Attack selection is BS. And why can't I clamber onto low ledges? And where's my "look" button?! YOU FOOLS!!) What's the value of these skill trees? Should I be, like, working on all of them? Do they level automatically? When am I collecting art upgrade points? WTF is a dance apple supposed to be? Why is there a cool potato in the middle of the worst textured lake I've ever seen?
The landscapes in the game are SO cool and thought out, I wish they'd gone more of an ICO/SOTC route in terms of character animations and environmental exploration. (IE - not janky/useless jumps, climbing and clambering over stuff, swimming and diving...) Poor textures, no water animation...
I guess.. is the game just too big, and they had to cut stuff on the visual end?? Yeesh..
And how about in game story explanations for mechanics?? Like, you have a magic teleportation ball, or something. SIIGGGGH. Just.. guhh.. after playing lots of polished games, I don't understand how a developer with a game like this can let that stuff fall short.
Anyway, to cap all that griping, the game is beginning to grow on me. Fiora and Reyn are cool, but Shulk is the lowest on the totem pole b/c of his dumb name and horrible fashion sense that remind me of Sora. BUT. He's not completely insufferable, like some RPG protags I've heard of. So, gold star. I already feel bad for Reyn b/c I'm betting he's got a crush on Fiora. It's okay, Reyn, I'll comfort you with my body.
Unless he's actually gay for Shulk. "No one's touching you while I'm around!" Orly? Thanks, anyhow. Reyn's my main-man-meat-shied.
Guys who should I be giving what? I hear the strengths on some aren't what you'd expect..