Wow. Got a lot of questions/comments in the short time since I last checked this topic! Let's see...
What are the chances of older LOH games for PC being released on steam if the SC and later ones would do good? Too outdated to make profit from them?
We have discussed the possibility, and I know both Brittany and I would be *so* down for it. Probably not likely to happen anytime soon, but... hey, you never know what the future may hold!
They should have left Brandish in Japan and put that manpower towards TiTS.
Clearly, you don't know Brandish very well.

Not only is it an AMAZING game well worth the time and effort, it also isn't a text-heavy title by any stretch of the imagination. The text that's there is important, to be sure (it provides the clues you need to solve the puzzles you encounter, and enhances the atmosphere significantly), but there's so little of it compared to our other projects that the manpower for this game has basically just been... me. In my spare time after work. For a couple weeks.
Trails is not suffering for my efforts, believe me.
What is going on with Trails, though...
So glad to see TitS:SC is gonna be at E3. First Chapter is one of my favorite games of all time and I'm praying for a release date for SC.
Bottom line notes that they'll be at E3.
Trails 1 and 2 will *not* be shown at E3. Our apologies for the confusing wording in the press release -- we mentioned them at the end as a sort of reassurance to you dedicated fans that we have NOT forgotten about them and they ARE still coming, but sadly, neither is anywhere near "show-ready."
There have been a mountain of technical issues with this game holding it back, but they're well on their way to being solved, so hopefully we'll have more info about them soon.
No release date for even Trails 1, though, at this point, much less Trails 2.
How many characters are in Dekamori? How many are DLC?
10 to start with, 22 total counting the second pack and the 2 DLC characters.
Does this also affect progress on the PSP version of 2nd?
No, but the fact that the text is still being translated does.

I can't stress enough just HOW MUCH TEXT Trails 2 has in it. The end is in sight, but we still have at least another couple months to go before we're there -- and then a little more time after that to finish up editing.
Any chance for a limited physical release, such as an online-only deluxe (like Class of Heroes)?
Sorry, but Brandish is pretty well set as a digital-only release.
Pack A has 13 different characters while Pack B has 11. Got no idea if Xseed is gonna release each pack separately or just release them as a bundle.
Erm... I'm pretty sure each pack only has 10 characters, and then there are an additional 2 DLC characters on top of that. Your numbers are not adding up, good sir!
(To be fair, I could be wrong, since I'm not personally involved in Dekamori's localization -- but I'm still pretty sure there are only 22 total, not 24, and I know each of the two packs have an equal number of characters in them.)