Hey, Tom. Can you talk about the DLC for Akiba's Trip PC? Will everything be included in the PC release like the PS4 version, or is that stuff going to be cut due to licensing or something? If you can't talking about it that's fine too.
I'm just curious since it wasn't mentioned in press release.
Should be like the PS4 version, where it's all included in the game, but don't quote me on that -- I'll need to look into it a bit more before I can say for certain.
Yay for Ys. Do not care about the otaku garbage game though.
YS, I get, Akiba trip though? From watching videos and reading impressions, I thought it was generally thought of as a light good but not great brawler?
So little Akiba's Trip love.

That was one of my favorite games I've worked on at XSEED to date. Its gameplay is simple but fun, the story and characters are engaging and shockingly well-written, and the sense of humor is absolutely unbeatable. It's a fantastic game that manages to do tongue-in-cheek humor RIGHT, and is fun to play as well.
It's not groundbreaking, and its gameplay isn't going to wow you with its complexity or anything, but it's a game that the developers clearly put a lot of their heart and soul into -- it feels very genuine, like a love letter from Acquire to the district they live and work in, and to all the fans who appreciate them. It's easily the best Acquire game I've ever played, and was one of my top five favorite releases of 2014 (if you count it as a 2014 release, anyway, since it came out in Japan in 2013!).
It's also our best English dub of all time, and the most fun I've ever had at voice recording.
And has my personal best voice-acting in it. Though that's not saying much.
Anyone knows who did Akiba's Trip port? The developer?
Yeah, it was ported by Acquire.
Speaking of Ys 5, if it does get remade, I want it to be like Oath and 6, just Adol without any team stuff.
...and just for a little bit of extra fun, add in the option to play as Geis, he doesn't have to interact with Adol but just have his own campaign just to get a little more background on his character.
Er, Geis has no connection to Ys V, though, does he? I don't think he's even ever been to Xandria...