Stuck on Kazuma's chapter at the moment. Got a few sidequests left on the map but nothing else, and not sure where to go next. Can anyone help?
Not gonna buy a new HDD to play Yakuza.
If you pause the game or idle for a bit there will be a blurb about what to do next.
No pink mark on the map? Can you take a photo of the mission description or at least tell what chapter of Kazuma's you are in?Yeah, um, I can't read Japanese.![]()
Yeah, um, I can't read Japanese.![]()
Stuck on Kazuma's chapter at the moment. Got a few sidequests left on the map but nothing else, and not sure where to go next. Can anyone help?
Run around the city and you should encounter 3 groups of guys in red you need to fight. That's the bit most people get stuck at in his chapter.
Anyone else finish it yet? Overall impressions? Story-wise, it pretty much ties with, maybe even surpasses, Yakuza 2 for me, which was my previous favorite. Gameplay-wise, it's definitely the best. So much stuff to do, with so much variety. Easily my game of the year.
Have you finished it? How bad is the Haruka bit? How many of the dance battles are mandatory?
Your concerns are ill-placed. Everyone will enjoy Haruka's bit. What you should actually be concerned about it is the first 3/4 of Saejima's chapter and how long it takes to trudge through that.
Have you finished it? How bad is the Haruka bit? How many of the dance battles are mandatory?
The dance battle music was great.
If you only do the story-related stuff, it's probably one of the shorter segments in the game. Halfway through, Akiyama comes in, so you can switch between the two at their hideouts and story focus is given to Akiyama. I'd say there were probably about 15 mandatory rhythm segments, including dance battles, practice, and Princess League stuff. As a rhythm game fan, I totally loved it. Probably clocked around 12 hours on her section alone. The dance battle music was great.
...Princess League? :/
15 sounds really short. Almost too good to be true levels of short.
...Princess League? :/
15 sounds really short. Almost too good to be true levels of short.
So good! I wish Sega would expand the Haruka section (and Kiryu's taxt bit!) and give it a PSN release. Would be amazing on Vita. The actual schedule management aspect is, in my opinion, even better than standalone idol sims like Idolmaster.
Totally. I love how they feel like demos of fully featured games, rather than mini games. And that music.
Quick sample:
Princess League is this:
It's like competitive karaoke, based on how much of the crowd you sway to your side of the stage. It's pretty fun.
as someone who love project diva games , i love what i'm seeing here.
Well considering Sega owns PD, not much surprise.
And yeah, the rhythm stuff looks awesome, stop hating fun, Dantis.
Anyone else finish it yet? Overall impressions? Story-wise, it pretty much ties with, maybe even surpasses, Yakuza 2 for me, which was my previous favorite. Gameplay-wise, it's definitely the best. So much stuff to do, with so much variety. Easily my game of the year.
So when can I expect this game be released in the states T_T
finished it today, took me 115 hours!! The main story turned out be very good. And also, there are lots of funny and corny moments as usual. But I'm not sure it's as good as the second one. I'll get back RGG2, around cp.7 currently, later to see how it is.
Haruka section is better than I expected. It's a good change for a long game. The storywise, I like how it shows, it's not the typical I wanna be an idol but she has her reason to be an idol. But overall the section is a bit long with no main story progression untilarrives.Akiyama
Where would you rate it compared to Yakuza 3 and 4?
If Sega is too broke to localize it for the US, why not give it to Atlus or XSEED to publish, and split the costs and profit?
It doesn't mean much, but I sent a tweet to Koch Media (they publish SEGA retail games in Europe) about Yakuza 5 and they "favorited" it. If they release it here, I hope they also bring the 1&2 HD Collection.