Okay, i'm missing Two key and Four cards, can't find them at all, visited every bar, restaurent, mini-game places, and so on, even with the radar
already bought the ones sold in every shop, including the weapon shop in west park
What cards are you missing?
Question: I'm in chapter 6and Majima has stopped showing up (I maxed out my C rank) and he's over by the park, smoking. It said I need to advance either the main story or a side story. Anyone know which of the two it is?
Just drop it down to Easy. Makes fights super quick and we won't tell anyone you did![]()
Question: I'm in chapter 6and Majima has stopped showing up (I maxed out my C rank) and he's over by the park, smoking. It said I need to advance either the main story or a side story. Anyone know which of the two it is?
How do I start substory #3 (Bet on the Champ)?
welp i'm stupid i should have written them! haha
i'll check tomorrow
So I've been having a bit of trouble with the Majima Everywhere mechanic. It may just be because I'm in Chapter 6 andand maybe that's why he's not appearing at the moment.Majima just got stabbed a little while ago
So I've been having a bit of trouble with the Majima Everywhere mechanic. It may just be because I'm in Chapter 6 andand maybe that's why he's not appearing at the moment.Majima just got stabbed a little while ago
I'm missing quest #4, The Yakuza's Wife I think, I did the previous quest for it #6 and still can't get it.
This one:
The last side quest that I need, dunno why I can't get it.
I also still haven't found the wooden sword the old guy who trains you wants. Where is that?
When you are fed up with Majima's bullshit and activate your inner Flash.
I'm missing quest #4, The Yakuza's Wife I think, I did the previous quest for it #6 and still can't get it.
This one:
The last side quest that I need, dunno why I can't get it.
Ya I have all of them.
Card #19 may be tricky to get. Talk to the professor and select "Battle with Someone". Choose any opponent you like and continuously beat them about 10+ times or so. You can beat the same opponent multiple times if you choose. Eventually, Professor will give you #19.
As much as I love this series, the philosophy towards boss design is cheap bullshit. Moves with super armour, immune to stun locking, evading out of combos, unthrowable, unlimited blocking with counter attacks for extra fun.
As much as I love this series, the philosophy towards boss design is cheap bullshit. Moves with super armour, immune to stun locking, evading out of combos, unthrowable, unlimited blocking with counter attacks for extra fun.
As much as I love this series, the philosophy towards boss design is cheap bullshit. Moves with super armour, immune to stun locking, evading out of combos, unthrowable, unlimited blocking with counter attacks for extra fun.
Edit: Forgot to add, attacks tracking perfectly. It's why the tracking on Kiryu's combos has always been frustrating because it's clearly not that the fighting engine is incapable of doing so.
Gotta avoid bullets for a minute. Wtf.
I lost two hours of data thanks to an error poppin up ;_;. I was just doing cabert and last of majima abilities so I dididn't lose THAT much. Still sucks tho.
But how do I trigger the absolute last majima fight? Got everything else in the dragon grid
there's an easy way for it, just go directly to komaki and keep grabbing him and throwing him! Komaki didn't put any rules, that'll show him!
about 10 times and still no card, hope it will come soon!
Also i'm missing card 19. 35, 55, 59
and missing key G2 and C5
I'm not sure about that myself, but in that gif I'm using Godspeed and manually evading to get behind Majima.how do you pull off the guard move where you get behind the enemy?
Are some of the substories in this new? Did theone exist in the originalbad boy DILF
Ok anyone know how to unlock the last stand reborn skill from the majima fights, the requirements say i should be rank D and defeat breaker majima, but i'm already rank SSS and i've fought breaker majima a bunch, but that move is still locked and i got no clue what to do
Just got it, theres no point on fighting majima if hes with other outfits, only regular majima unlocks itIt says "in town", which means you have to beat breaker Majima in a random encounter, so none of the scripted ones count.
As for how to make those spawn... I dunno, we're in the same spot.
Edit: Ugh I had Majima wearingspawn near the bikini bar right after posting this, but some annoying yakuza got me and he disappeared. I'm 100% sure it was a breaker encounter.his 24 hour Cinderella outfit
Edit 2: Scratch that, I beat breaker Majima just now and I remember doing so before too and still don't have the ability unlocked...
Just got it, theres no point on fighting majima if hes with other outfits, only regular majima unlocks it
so stupid it saves twice everytime u save
so stupid it saves twice everytime u save
Where am I supposed to find the wooden sword so I can?start training with the old guy in the park
It's at the pawn shop. The weapons seller in the east side of the park might have it too.