Ryo Hazuki
I've done the tiger drop a few times but I can't seem to do it every time. Is there something I'm missing? The timing seems really precise.
I felt bad for Majima tho. I Tiger Dropped his ass in like 30 seconds lol
I do believe the rush is the best as well, but I love using Dragon style, just because I've grown so accustomed to it during the past games. Beating the crap out of a punk and then power bombing him at the end, is a feeling that I'll never get tired of. And I just love the fact that you have different options to finish your combo with (though I wish it was like Y5 and the last blow didn't need heat). Not to mention that I absolutely love Tiger Drop.
I honestly have no idea how one beats Amon without it... not cheesy there!
I agree it gets a little ridiculous when you can take down Majima's "score settle" battle in 4 hits though.
I got a text saying Majima is in Club Shine, but whenever I go there the only option is to see Rena. What am I doing wrong?
How are you guys doing so much damage with Tiger Drop!? It barely does any damage after the first Heat Action for me.
I don't think Tiger Drop requires a heat action does it? I think the less heat you have the more powerful it is too?
At the end of this it shows it.
Oh I thought the move you showed in the video was the Komaki Parry. I thought the Tiger Drop was the Heat Move that Kiryu can basically activate from any neutral state where he whacks the guy under the chin with an open palm, slaps him across the face a few times and then headbutts him.
1.02 is out. First free DLC and bug fix
Kiwami Fun Pack - 5th September, 2017
Dragon Tattoo (skin for Kiryu)
Toughness Emperor
Tauriner ++
Staminan Royale
Modified Model Gun
Gold Plate
Hi YakuzaGAF!
Ah! No.... Tiger Drop is not a heat move.
You are right, it does seem to somewhat increase the damage. Though, I'm sure Beast style's equivalent would be more effective as a damage boost.It does seem to increase damage though, yes? See this 2nd form part of this vid (~3:38)... when Amon gets to purple heat, the player uses the ability to take off two full bars really quick.
damn... that was a killer fight. i had to literally drain all my health drinks i fully stock piled up.Is there any tips on fighting against bosses that keeps dodging like crazy and fighting two bosses at the same time? Chapter 8:I fought two brothers of the red gang in the Deborah, even though I managed to beat them, struggled a lot with them.
You just haven't met the right hostess yet, Goromi is very good at her job. .
Got a full straight finally. Totally down to luck. Hate achievements based around that.
Now to go out in mahjong few more times and 2 more mangans and mahjong is done.
The substory,is not spawning. I'm in premium adventure with Haruka.Man on a Ledge
I've done the tiger drop a few times but I can't seem to do it every time. Is there something I'm missing? The timing seems really precise.
"I don't have time to worry about him"
What an asshole! [Chapter 11]Majima just took a bullet for him and fell into the sea, yet Kiryu just leaves him and goes about his own business.
100% it. Yey. Now towards Haruka requests(hope there's nothing harder than doing 900 points on otometal again).
Anyone already working on legend? Feel like we'll need a (rage) counseling group for legend chapter 9 if the equivalent from zero was anything to go by.
Probably going to do Climax Battles last and just chug away at them for 30 mins each day and see how much I can beat with luck.
I just did that in my normal game, not premium adventure. The quest starts in the abandoned buiding in the hotel district. There will be some ppl gathered around there looking up. Some quests in other games only driger during a certain time of day, so try go there during night time.
Just curious; I only played 0 and Kiwami, but I do have a ps2 copy of 2.
Depending on how well or not well 2 has aged, should I just go straight into that game, or go straight into 3 and wait for Kiwami 2?
Legend you can do as a NG+. Just make sure you have the Rush Amulet (from the coliseum) and then load up on Brass Knuckles (or the Golden Gun) and it shouldn't be so bad. Just cheese it by using the GG to boost heat and hit enemies with the elbow counter.
Just curious; I only played 0 and Kiwami, but I do have a ps2 copy of 2.
Depending on how well or not well 2 has aged, should I just go straight into that game, or go straight into 3 and wait for Kiwami 2?
I'm not too worried about that. Chapter 9 is
The car chase and non of those things apply there. The car chase in 0 was utter bs and I basically lucked out on headshotting a ton of the drivers by also not aiming where it would make sense to aim and managed to beat it with a sliver of car hp.
I doubt Kiwami is any better judging by my normal run it might even be worse since the guys on the car don't seem to be able to get headshot dmg.
Not sure if this is what you mean, but difficulty definitely affects that part in Kiwami. It's thw only section where I had to lower it because enemies had way too much HP and the whole thing was already frustrating enough without that.
I think I've grown fond of the PS3 Kiryu face now, but I agree with you on everything else. Yakuza 2 especially, has immense style and atmosphere. I gotta play through it again before Kiwami 2.I know it's not the reason you showed those screenshots, but man, the art style in the PS2 games was so nice. I may be the only one who isn't very fond of Kiryu's HD face in any of the games going forward, I wish they made him more similar to his original face.
Yea, he looked gross in DS. Honestly, I still think I like him way more in Y2 over what I've seen in Kiwami 2.Ryuji looks like shit in Dead Souls too, though he seems okay in Kiwami 2.
Oh I know, but you can't do that if you're going for the platinum since a trophy is beat the game on legend. Basically anyone that like me is going for that we're likely going to need a self help rage counseling group for that part. Unless it has checkpoints this time around not sure I doubt it though. Or all the other people aiming for the plat are just way more pro than me.
The equivalent part in Zero was definitely one of the most frustrating parts about its plat for me.
10 or so hours in as a recent convert after playing Y0. Finding Kiwami to be a good time so far, enjoying the mystery, gameplay loop and furthering the adventures of Kiryu. The differences in Kamurocho are subtle but compelling, I really like the idea of the setting being a character that changes over time and the course of the series.
All done with the story! Finished only about 35% of the side stuff though.
Felt disappointed in the final fight that I couldn't use theI really wanted to see what it looked like!Legend Extreme Move on Nishiki.
Something to go for next playthrough.
However, now I am in a rough spot. I own Yakuza 2 for the PS2 and kinda want to jump in right away so I can attempt to get caught up with the rest before Yakuza 6 comes out.
But I also want my first time through to be Yakuza Kiwami 2, which, while I'm hopeful we'll get it, I doubt we'll get it until next Winter at the earliest.
My crazy idea was to just skip Y2 and go to Y3 next, but I know that's probably not smart either haha.
Any thoughts?
I'm a little confused as to what Premium Adventure mode is.
I made a save right before I beat the game, so I'm wondering what the difference between my last save and Premium Adventure mode is other than being unable to complete the story in PA mode.
I'm a little confused as to what Premium Adventure mode is.
I made a save right before I beat the game, so I'm wondering what the difference between my last save and Premium Adventure mode is other than being unable to complete the story in PA mode.
Premium Adventure is pretty much to play the game with complete freedom to enjoy everything in the game without having to worry about the story.
You can ask Haruka to tag along, change the time of day for events that require it, and finish every sub story in the game.
The game warns you about it, but there's no reason to not overwrite your last save unless you want to replay the final mission at some point.
Its just a postgame mode that lets you explore the world and finish up on sidequests and/or other activities
Christ, that boss at the end of chapter 10 was dreadful. Was it that bad in the original?
You can always play Kiwami2 afterwards, you'll get the added experience of seeing the improvements, changes and additional content.
Christ, that boss at the end of chapter 10 was dreadful. Was it that bad in the original?
Arase was a goddamn nightmare in the original game, perhaps the worst in the series. In Kiwami he's still kinda annoying, but you have so many combat options that I still took him down in like a minute on Hard.