Anyone has a guide for Pocket Racing? I was doing fine until Champion Cup, but that one is kicking my ass. I even tried to use this guide but I my car just flies off-course.
I'm also on my third race with Majima and have no idea to beat his super fast car.
There is one for each style and the effect carries over. For instance if you activate Godspeed and switch to Beast while it is still active, your Beast combos will also be super fast.
There is a "Super mode" for each stye - Rush makes you super fast, Beat makes you hit super hard, Brawler makes it so you can't be knocked down. Dunno if there's one for Dragon. However for all three of these you can switch to other styles and the effect persists through it. This means you can do crazy stuff like speedster beast style.
There is a "Super mode" for each stye - Rush makes you super fast, Beat makes you hit super hard, Brawler makes it so you can't be knocked down. Dunno if there's one for Dragon. However for all three of these you can switch to other styles and the effect persists through it. This means you can do crazy stuff like speedster beast style.
Haha thanks. I'm guessing you already beat him in his scripted event at the disco, right? If so, I think the fastest way to make him appear is making sure you're not in Heat mode, and enter and exist any building and check the map for his pink arrow, go see him if he spawns (just enter the building again if he's not on the map, or you'll get surprise encounters instead), and repeat the process until the one that spawns is idol Majima.
I've fought him many times but I'm not sure if he has a set location let alone a way to make sure he's the one to appear, so that's your best bet.
Anyone has a guide for Pocket Racing? I was doing fine until Champion Cup, but that one is kicking my ass. I even tried to use this guide but I my car just flies off-course.
I'm also on my third race with Majima and have no idea to beat his super fast car.
So did I screw up a quest? I'm doing substory 50 where I have to find the presents for the little girl to give to the boy she likes. Pocket Fighter tells me about a limited edition car, but I lost the race. Am I stuck giving the girl one of the other presents? I'm assuming giving the car is the best option...
I gave the.. uhh. Magazine. The Shrink wrapped one.
Still got the reward Mew Shoes or whatever it is a substory guide said I would without giving the car so I think you should be fine regardless of what you choose.
Mahjong and missing 4 weapons are the last thing for 100% CP for me man and damn that going to take time.
After that I guess it's Haruka requests, legend playthrough and the pesky climax battles.
I weirdly breezed through baseball didn't even need the warm up.
FUCK JINGU and his reviving friends. Such a bad boss fight. The Nishki fight was good, but I didn't have a heat move for the Dragon style so it was annoying how he could keep healing himself.
FUCK JINGU and his reviving friends. Such a bad boss fight. The Nishki fight was good, but I didn't have a heat move for the Dragon style so it was annoying how he could keep healing himself.
Yeah, by the end, the Kiwami heat moves were more of a detriment than a cool thing to do. People heal themselves fast and even if you have the technique, you have a hard time getting it off fast enough, or you have to build up heat, or they've already healed before so the strength of the Kiwami move is diminished.
OK, finished Majima/Dragon of Dojima stuff - Tiger Drop made the last fight with him a bit of a joke. Heading to bed now - probably done with this game until I force myself to do Mesuking substories. Thanks everyone in this OT who helped me I'll stick around for a few days. Awesome game!
Anyone has a guide for Pocket Racing? I was doing fine until Champion Cup, but that one is kicking my ass. I even tried to use this guide but I my car just flies off-course.[/QUOTE]
This guide was good:
I don't know if I'm missing something or if this is a bug, but I'm at the finale and Majima has not left the goddamn park once. I'm only maxed out at Rank E and haven't gotten any new emails or phone calls. I've fought officer Majima, found him under the giant cone, and bowled with him. I have the email saying he's at Shine(which he's not at), but that's it.
This is really frustrating because I want to slap the shit out of him some more and unlock more Dragon moves, but I'm thinking of just going for the ending already and saving it for a potential replay.
Overall pretty awesome and a far better effort than I expected it to be. Majima Everywhere was the absolute star of the show, but the story additions were fantastic as well, and IMO elevate the weakest Yakuza game enough to be comparable with its successors.
Also, what this game and Zero did for the original story, especially
, is seriously great.
He went from being the shittiest important character in the series to one of my favorites and a serious competitor for best antagonist.
Wonderful stuff.
That final fight was really, really good.
I kinda want to complete this, but I think I'll go back to 0 first. I kinda started rushing that one at some point and I feel so stupid for it, it's the best in the series and the content was incredible. I'm actually glad these two games don't differ too much mechanically because it makes playing both simultaneously painless.
I kinda want to complete this, but I think I'll go back to 0 first. I kinda started rushing that one at some point and I feel so stupid for it, it's the best in the series and the content was incredible. I'm actually glad these two games don't differ too much mechanically because it makes playing both simultaneously painless.
Yeah I'm in the same spot - in 0 I have a good amount of stuff left! I think substory-wise I just need to do the two bosses but they're pretty strong and I never bothered to make/get weapons. Maybe I can Tiger Drop them?
FUCK JINGU and his reviving friends. Such a bad boss fight. The Nishki fight was good, but I didn't have a heat move for the Dragon style so it was annoying how he could keep healing himself.
Yeah, that fight was some ol' bullshit. Nishiki was much easier in comparison, even without dragon stance. I just beat him to death with almost all the furniture, and using the heat moves from holding an item to stop the recovery lol.
Any good guides for learning dragon of dojima moves? I am at S rank yet some of the C rank moves are locked saying I will unlock them through a phone message.
Bleh just realized I have an unlocked trophy that says "Slugger Majima butted himself into a fight". I'm assuming that means the fight encounters where he joins in - any way to spawn those? Is there a place where the fight guys hang out?
FUCK JINGU and his reviving friends. Such a bad boss fight. The Nishki fight was good, but I didn't have a heat move for the Dragon style so it was annoying how he could keep healing himself.
Thats why you need the Photon Saber and a few repair kits. Jedi Knight Kyriu can handle even the most difficult bosses. Or that was my stratergy anyway.
Thats why you need the Photon Saber and a few repair kits. Jedi Knight Kyriu can handle even the most difficult bosses. Or that was my stratergy anyway.
Its a mid range weapon. Other weapons are much more broken. I just like it because it looks cool and is relitively cheap to repair. Besides you can always ditch it after you rid yourself of the adds if it feels cheep.
Its a mid range weapon. Other weapons are much more broken. I just like it because it looks cool and is relitively cheap to repair. Besides you can always ditch it after you rid yourself of the adds if it feels cheep.
I'm past the point of caring about challenge in the game - just wanted to try it out against Amon or whatever the last boss is when I get to that someday.
I don't think so because the amount of "new" content that they're making for Kiwami 2 is much more extensive as compared to Y: Kiwami.
Engine improvements/opimizations are guaranteed, new features are highly possible, a whole new city that wasn't in Y6 (Osaka) and possible improvements to the combat.
While Kiwami was just Y0 stuffed into Y1 with relatively minor "NEW" stuff made for it.
Though with that being said, Kiwami turning out to be a 30$ game was a real surprise for me too as I was expecting a 60$ price.
I'll be finishing this game soon then it's onto premium adventure, i've been going after Majima as much as i can while also trying to finish up Komaki's training.
Also, i really love Snatching Strike for Brawler, it's always fun to pull off.
continue to be one of the most annoying bosses in the game.
Being grabbed constantly by the side stepping maniac (hearing that sound for the whole boss is just annoying) while the Majima wannabe does his thing, losing heat each time you gain heat, etc.
Just not fun and probably my most hated boss in the game and one of my most hated in the series honestly. It's not hard, it just takes too long and is annoying.