go to nakamichi street while you're calm (no heat), enter the restaurent at the north and go out until you see the majima marker on the map (check the full map, sometime he's out of range), there's huge chance he will be in his
go to nakamichi street while you're calm (no heat), enter the restaurent at the north and go out until you see the majima marker on the map (check the full map, sometime he's out of range), there's huge chance he will be in his
Im not in premium adventure yet, but usually u go to your safe house (im guessing it will be serena bar) and in the save point there will be an option to change outfits.
Im not in premium adventure yet, but usually u go to your safe house (im guessing it will be serena bar) and in the save point there will be an option to change outfits.
go to nakamichi street while you're calm (no heat), enter the restaurent at the north and go out until you see the majima marker on the map (check the full map, sometime he's out of range), there's huge chance he will be in his idol costume there, took me 10 minutes to get both fights
I don't think so because the amount of "new" content that they're making for Kiwami 2 is much more extensive as compared to Y0.
Engine improvements/opimizations are guaranteed, new features are highly possible, a whole new city that wasn't in Y6 (Osaka) and possible improvements to the combat.
I don't understand. That first part, don't you mean "compared to Kiwami 1"? And that second part, don't you mean that they are adding a new city that wasn't in the original Yakuza 2?
White are in the Champion district (in he small alley underneath the area with bars) after you have beaten Blue near Pocket Circuit and they should tell you where Red is.
If you still need help with Red after beating White
I don't understand. That first part, don't you mean "compared to Kiwami 1"? And that second part, don't you mean that they are adding a new city that wasn't in the original Yakuza 2?
Basically he means, they are having to do more work to add things for Kiwami 2 as K2 is using a new engine which is the one used in 6. So they need to add a new city into the engine which is Sotenbori (one of the main cities in Y2)
K1 reused a lot of assets from Y0 and was built using the Y0 engine so it was a lot less work overall.
So I just started and played a couple of hours, but I can already feel the 'PS2' archaic design vs the modern feel of Yakuza 0. That first mission of running around trying to catch the pickpocket was pretty awful. Some of the cutscenes also look like they've used all the old geometry from the PS2 games with barely updated textures.
On the flip side, its amazing to revisit a story where the writing hasn't aged a day. Perhaps they've edited it again to make and fine tuned it, but having not played the game since it first came out, it feels great. And this time around a lot of it makes sense, whereas the first time I played it, I wasn't really sure where the game was heading.
If you can play just the one Yakuza game, definitely play Zero. This one really is for old school fans who want to replay a classic that has some PS2 design trappings underneath its new coat of paint.
i was going into pronto... just do it and do it again, it should appear pretty quickly! But did you get idol majima at debolah already? You need a certain rank for this to appear (green marker), and then once you beat it, he will appear on the map
Basically he means, they are having to do more work to add things for Kiwami 2 as K2 is using a new engine which is the one used in 6. So they need to add a new city into the engine which is Sotenbori (one of the main cities in Y2)
K1 reused a lot of assets from Y0 and was built using the Y0 engine so it was a lot less work overall.
I don't understand. That first part, don't you mean "compared to Kiwami 1"? And that second part, don't you mean that they are adding a new city that wasn't in the original Yakuza 2?
Yeah meant to type Kiwami for that first part, sorry.
And for the second part, they're literally creating new assets for Osaka/Sotenbori that weren't in Y6 or the previous games. Because of the new engine, they can't reuse assets as easily as they could so they have to start almost entirely from scratch so it's a lot more work as compared to just reusing assets you've already created which was quite largely the case in Kiwami.
i was going into pronto... just do it and do it again, it should appear pretty quickly! But did you get idol majima at debolah already? You need a certain rank for this to appear (green marker), and then once you beat it, he will appear on the map
Yep, he's SSS Rank, I'll give it a try again in a while. Do you know id there's any item that makes you stay calm in this one? Would make it less frustrating when I end fights with a little bit of Heat.
I have completely forgotten what scenes were and were not included haha.
It's kind of sad that Kiryu fell in love for all of 2 mins in the entire Yakuza series.
Also seriously what was he thinking taking responsibility for the crime and spending 10 years behind bars. Makes for a good story, but I don't know if it'd happen in real life. 10 years is a long ass time.
And I have to say - hard mode is way harder in this than Zero. WOW, have had to up my game significantly.
I don't understand. That first part, don't you mean "compared to Kiwami 1"? And that second part, don't you mean that they are adding a new city that wasn't in the original Yakuza 2?
TGS is going to be really interesting. I'm sure a lot more details will be revealed then.
But judging from the 'full price' of Kiwami 2 of 7200 Yen, this will be a big release with lots of content, unlike say Kiwami which feels like a lot less content compared to Zero.
Now that Osaka is back, maybe the cabaret management will be back as well.
The added Nishiki scenes at the beginning of each chapter are legit great, but the extended first encounter with Majima and the entire birthday gift flashback gave a not-so-great first impression...well, that and the entirety of chapter 3. After that it gets a lot better.
The original cutscenes were a bit jarring and worse looking than the ones from 0 at first, however, I do appreciate how many of them there are. 0 had very few actual cutscenes, most of the story sequences were presented with voiced text boxes and stock animations. In Kiwami almost every story scene is a full cutscene.
So the dragon style.....i just unlocked body hook reborn. Am I overthinking it but what does it exactly mean when it tells me to regain your dragon instincts on the 3rd blow of rush combo because I've been using rush almost exclusively.
Yeah, I didn't remember that part from Yakuza 1 lol
Pretty much, yes.
Yeah meant to type Kiwami for that first part, sorry.
And for the second part, they're literally creating new assets for Osaka/Sotenbori that weren't in Y6 or the previous games. Because of the new engine, they can't reuse assets as easily as they could so they have to start almost entirely from scratch so it's a lot more work as compared to just reusing assets you've already created which was quite largely the case in Kiwami.
You get me
TGS is going to be really interesting. I'm sure a lot more details will be revealed then.
But judging from the 'full price' of Kiwami 2 of 7200 Yen, this will be a big release with lots of content, unlike say Kiwami which feels like a lot less content compared to Zero.
Now that Osaka is back, maybe the cabaret management will be back as well.
White are in the Champion district (tin he small alley underneath the area with bars) after you have beaten Blue near Pocket Circuit and they should tell you where Red is.
If you still need help with Red after beating White
So I played all of Y0 on hard, and after the first Kuze fight I found the game extremely easy. Blew through every fight using slugger/beast style in no time.
Meanwhile in Kiwami, I'm also on hard and am I crazy or is this game far, far more difficult? Enemies are hyper-aggressive and Kiryu gets knocked on his ass from the lightest tap. I'm chugging staminans like a scrub in many encounters. It's almost like playing 0 with the charismatic autobiography equipped, but I don't think any of the items I have on are having that effect.
Beast style seems quite nerfed, but I mean it was pretty dumb before. I had to stop using ground grabs because it felt unfair to bosses that I could stunlock them forever.
While it's a bit frustrating being knocked over and having my heat drained by bullshit unavoidable attacks, it's nice that I don't feel like I'm cheesing the game by keeping my inventory stocked. And I have to use every style, I switch constantly instead of just sitting in Beast at all times. Random mooks are still easy but the actual story fights as well as the tournament thing are no joke.
I forget what chapter I'm in exactly. I just finished a fight with a bunch of goons who
kidnapped Haruka for like 5 minutes. Not Majima, the guys in the club.
Jinyu is a masterclass in how not to design a boss for your brawler game. Constant unblockable explosions being thrown at you while a single knife hit from his lieutenants will send you into a long 'falling over stabbed' animation. Terrible, plays to none of the strengths of the game. Thankfully, the Nishiki fight was a lot better.
The entire endgame was such an overwhelming mess, I think I lost count of how many times someone was wounded/killed by jumping in front of a bullet or grenade meant for someone else.
I've heard a lot of people saying that 2 is a huge improvement on 1, does this extend to the storytelling and cutscene direction too?
So I played all of Y0 on hard, and after the first Kuze fight I found the game extremely easy. Blew through every fight using slugger/beast style in no time.
Meanwhile in Kiwami, I'm also on hard and am I crazy or is this game far, far more difficult? Enemies are hyper-aggressive and Kiryu gets knocked on his ass from the lightest tap. I'm chugging staminans like a scrub in many encounters. It's almost like playing 0 with the charismatic autobiography equipped, but I don't think any of the items I have on are having that effect.
Beast style seems quite nerfed, but I mean it was pretty dumb before. I had to stop using ground grabs because it felt unfair to bosses that I could stunlock them forever.
While it's a bit frustrating being knocked over and having my heat drained by bullshit unavoidable attacks, it's nice that I don't feel like I'm cheesing the game by keeping my inventory stocked. And I have to use every style, I switch constantly instead of just sitting in Beast at all times. Random mooks are still easy but the actual story fights as well as the tournament thing are no joke.
I forget what chapter I'm in exactly. I just finished a fight with a bunch of goons who
kidnapped Haruka for like 5 minutes. Not Majima, the guys in the club.
S'not you thats how the game is, lots of bosses with hyper armor, able to counter you mid combo/break your combo, track you with their moves even if you're behind them and knock you down with ease, it's an extremely frustrating experience. It's personally one of my least favorite entry due to that tedium alone.
Hard mode seems to be balanced toward NG+ where you already got a lot of upgrades. I assume there's EX-Hard in the game too, boy that will be fun. >_> (i bet you can't NG+ it)
I hate Mesuking. It really showcases the old "The Computer is a cheating bastard" trope.
Right now, trying to deal with a guy for the substory who's most powerful card is his scissor ones... after being hit once, he starts to use rock/paper only. >_< urgh.
Also dealing with all the text and skipping the animations gets tiring each time I lose.
I just tried the YingLong ability and it doesn't really do anything. You lose all your heat and your reward is that for a short set period if you build heat you won't lose it..... what?
That seems like a very useless ultimate ability to have. I guess you can cheese one or two heat moves with that if you are fast at building heat, but it really doesn't seem all that useful.
I just tried the YingLong ability and it doesn't really do anything. You lose all your heat and your reward is that for a short set period if you build heat you won't lose it..... what?
That seems like a very useless ultimate ability to have. I guess you can cheese one or two heat moves with that if you are fast at building heat, but it really doesn't seem all that useful.
I was kind of underwhelmed by the fully powered Dragon Style, though I may be using it wrong. Tiger Drop is a handy ability to have but it's quite cheesy and also doesn't do a huge amount of damage after the first hit. The Komaki Parry is obscenely powerful though and it at least feels that you have to get something right with the timing to use it correctly. It's quite a clunky style overall, I much preferred Rush, which is honestly the best style in the game from a rewarding gameplay perspective. Would be interested in hearing from anyone who's perfected the Dragon style what the best way to use it is.
I hate Mesuking. It really showcases the old "The Computer is a cheating bastard" trope.
Right now, trying to deal with a guy for the substory who's most powerful card is his scissor ones... after being hit once, he starts to use rock/paper only. >_< urgh.
Also dealing with all the text and skipping the animations gets tiring each time I lose.
Just as a heads up, maybe you know this already but I've seen some people who don't...R1 + X lets you skip the text really fast. It's still a bit annoying, because a couple of animations just have to play out until the end for some reason, but it's better than mashing X.
Just as a heads up, maybe you know this already but I've seen some people who don't...R1 + X lets you skip the text really fast. It's still a bit annoying, because a couple of animations just have to play out until the end for some reason, but it's better than mashing X.
I was kind of underwhelmed by the fully powered Dragon Style, though I may be using it wrong. Tiger Drop is a handy ability to have but it's quite cheesy and also doesn't do a huge amount of damage after the first hit. The Komaki Parry is obscenely powerful though and it at least feels that you have to get something right with the timing to use it correctly. It's quite a clunky style overall, I much preferred Rush, which is honestly the best style in the game from a rewarding gameplay perspective. Would be interested in hearing from anyone who's perfected the Dragon style what the best way to use it is.
I do believe the rush is the best as well, but I love using Dragon style, just because I've grown so accustomed to it during the past games. Beating the crap out of a punk and then power bombing him at the end, is a feeling that I'll never get tired of. And I just love the fact that you have different options to finish your combo with (though I wish it was like Y5 and the last blow didn't need heat). Not to mention that I absolutely love Tiger Drop.
I just tried the YingLong ability and it doesn't really do anything. You lose all your heat and your reward is that for a short set period if you build heat you won't lose it..... what?
That seems like a very useless ultimate ability to have. I guess you can cheese one or two heat moves with that if you are fast at building heat, but it really doesn't seem all that useful.
It does seem to increase damage though, yes? See this 2nd form part of this vid (~3:38)... when Amon gets to purple heat, the player uses the ability to take off two full bars really quick.