Still a person of color. Like Taika Waititi.
This is such an utterly bollocks way of talking about people. As if somehow these two individuals share anything important in common, or are somehow more alike than either could be with a white person in any way, just because of their appearance.
Not singling you out mind, just fed up with this reductionist way of looking at the world.
As if white people are this separate, special group that has some fundamental quality that sets them apart from the rest of the species, and all non whites are basically interchangeable and have no real defining individual characteristics beyond the relative hue of their skin.
Coloureds, Coloured People, People of Colour, BIPOC, BAME, no matter how you slice it, it's all the same unhelpful, reductivists, cultural marxist, divisive, tribal, hateful load of toss, and I really hope one day we can actually move passed it and just treat people as individuals.