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Yet another rant about shitty PSN speeds and Sony incompetence


Maybe not all do... However.. My point was still correct that it was an ISP issue in my case. Thanks for getting defensive about it though as I never questioned your professional competency in network engineering.
Did I get defensive? My apologies if I sound like that, it's not my intention.

Look a DNS gives you an IP address to a server. However this IP address isn't guaranteed to be hooked-up to the server cluster that's closest to you. This goes for every request the DNS server receives. What companies do is reroute traffic internally to a server cluster that's closer to the user. If Sony doesn't do this that simply means that Sony is at fault.


Did I get defensive? My apologies if I sound like that, it's not my intention.

Look a DNS gives you an IP address to a server. However this IP address isn't guaranteed to be hooked-up to the server cluster that's closest to you. This goes for every request the DNS server receives. What companies do is reroute traffic internally to a server cluster that's closer to the user. If Sony doesn't do this that simply means that Sony is at fault.

Can the ISP and though reroute it into a already stressed cluster?? I don't know I'm really asking.


My WiiU, which I would never call "fast", downloads at about 2x the rate of my PS4.

Compounding that disparity, on WiiU I'm usually downloading a game that is about ~1-5GB, whereas on PS4, I'm downloading a game that is ~10-20GB. It's absurd.

I downloaded Watch_Dogs the other night, and it took 90 minutes to download the 3GB introductory portion needed to play. That portion lasted legitimately 10 minutes, at which point, I still had about 8GB (or 4 hours) of downloading to do.

Not really acceptable.


Can the ISP and though reroute it into a already stressed cluster?? I don't know I'm really asking.
An ISP has no clue how much load a cluster has compared to other clusters. That's what load-balancers are for, which don't fall under the responsibility of the ISP.
I'm the same way. For people who aren't mental about running long cables about. I've had pretty good results with the Powerline adapters. You plug them into a power socket in the wall then put your ethernet cable in there.


Wait, so how does this help? Aren't these just to connect devices without wireless capabilities at all?

Because isn't that adapter using the wireless signal and just passing it on to the device? So aren't you still going to have the same speeds while gaming when connected to that as you would with just using the console's wireless capabilities?


Mmmm, just did the test on that site but the results are the same as with the internal test. In fact I also ran the site on my Xbox One and frankly it gave almost the same result as on the PS4, which is a sign to me that the site simply isn't up to par with sites as speedtest.net

The reason I would like to see the results the OP gets from this site is because this site can be accessed from both consoles. It allows us to come closer to comparing apples to apples. I have no idea what servers MS and Sony are using for their tests. They could be the same, they could be different.

Bandwidth testing using services like this has always been an inexact science in my mind. There are loads of other factors that can come into play. They are good for giving a rough estimate though. And I don't doubt Okola has more servers in better or more prioritized data centers. Still I would hope Test My has servers available with enough upload to see if the OP's connection speeds are better than what PSN is reporting.


I'm not sure where the problem is. When I had a PS3 60GB Fat, my download and PSN speeds were absolutely terrible. It took hours to download anything. Once I got the Slim, everything downloaded just as quickly as my computer

With the PS4, it seems even faster. Updates and downloads are lightning quick without any problems.

I had a friend with the exact same issue with their original PS3 and also had no problems after getting the Slim so I just figured it was a WiFi adapter issue.

I'm not sure why people would still be having trouble at this point especially on their PS4s. Router issues? ISP throttling bandwidth? I really don't think it's a PSN problem.


Sony's speeds are fine. The problem is how they handle downloads and their whole UI. MS is doing amazing job. I wish Sony would look at the 360/X1 and just copy that shit.


Same thing here. 200-300 kb/s average, when I can download 1.5mb/s from PC (both in wi-fi). Seems like a problem that become worse in the last weeks.


Ran into this problem last week.

X1 test is around 60Mbps
PS test is around 18Mbps

However I don't even get that when I try to download from PSN. Transistor for example was going to take 90 minutes for a 2.5GB file. It seems kinda hit or miss, other times I've downloaded from PSN and it's been fine. It's maybe about time they pumped some of that PS+ gold back into the service, or expand on whatever thing that was with the ISP's at E3 last year.


I know you don't want to blame China, but it's China. The great firewall causes all kinds of grief that isn't always immediately obvious. Changing DNS is often futile as DNS packets are inspected and hijacked based on the current rules.

It takes a ton of work to even reasonably tune a service to perform well across the firewall, the real easiest solution is to run an in-country version of a service. This is often not feasible because of insanely strict business laws for non-Chinese businesses.

The only time I get at least 20-30Mbps from PS4 is when I route it through PC using private VPN
Basically proves my point.


Neo Member
Same here. PSN speeds are absolute crap compared to XBL. Its funny how people try to justify them charging so much 2002 era service.

PSN: 14 Mbp
XBL: 112 Mbp

ps... Im in California not china. Are there any members from Japan experiencing these same problems?


Gold Member
Before I got a gaming PC, a gamed primarily on PS3 (owned a 360 as well) and I can tell you that PSN's download times were FAR worse than what I was getting with the Xbox. I prefer Sony systems for a variety of reasons, but PSN's speed was certainly not one of them.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I have a problem downloading some large game demo's on my BT Business router. Works fine on a Virgin router at another home :( My PC and PS3 have NO PROBLEMS whatsoever.

Sony support have been next to useless running me around in circles - this is i'm sure a software problem since the latest firmware.

I really want to swear my head off to high heavens but right now Sony can go fuck themselves as l won't even attempt to buy anything from the store now as the content won't probably download.

TRios Zen

Hmmm, just ran testmy.net speeds on consoles to see what was going on. Here are results (speeds recorded as D/U):

PS3 (wired): 5.8/3.6
PS4 (wifi): 25/4.2
One (wired): 35.2/3.9
PC (wired): 29.4/3.9

For the record I'm supposed to be getting 30/5.

I don't know what the problem is with the PS3, but clearly it is ONLY the PS3.
Hmmm, just ran testmy.net speeds on consoles to see what was going on. Here are results (speeds recorded as D/U):

PS3 (wired): 5.8/3.6
PS4 (wifi): 25/4.2
One (wired): 35.2/3.9
PC (wired): 29.4/3.9

For the record I'm supposed to be getting 30/5.

I don't know what the problem is with the PS3, but clearly it is ONLY the PS3.

Looks like my PS3 speeds. That's my biggest concern about going with PS4 as my go-to console this time around. I've always had horrible downloading experiences on PS3 and if it's no better on PS4 then all these free PS+ games I'm building up are going to take a year to download.

TRios Zen

Looks like my PS3 speeds. That's my biggest concern about going with PS4 as my go-to console this time around. I've always had horrible downloading experiences on PS3 and if it's no better on PS4 then all these free PS+ games I'm building up are going to take a year to download.

For the record, my PS4 has downloaded everything pretty quickly, even though it is wifi now. I was concerned though too, don't get me wrong, but fortunately so far, no issues. Localized to PS3 which is really strange.
For the record, my PS4 has downloaded everything pretty quickly, even though it is wifi now. I was concerned though too, don't get me wrong, but fortunately so far, no issues. Localized to PS3 which is really strange.

Well that's some consolation, fingers crossed. I just asked my buddy about his PS4 download speeds and he says he hasn't had any issues. He uses the same provider and is about 15 minutes from me so hopefully I'll see the same thing when I snag a PS4 for myself.


I've been downloading Soul Calibur V for (literally) 36 hours of actual "system on, downloading game" time....91% done.


For people having problems with download speed on PS4 : you may try forcing the MTU setting under network settings. I use "1500" because I know that's what my provider uses. Maybe you can find this value in your provider FAQ.

Chosing "Automatic" (the default value) sometimes create problems with bad MTU detection. If so, big packets won't be fragmented correctly and it may kill your download speed.


this is my speeds wired im on 100Mbp/s but itll d/l at 10MB/s usually


You've got almost the same results as I did on 70-100Mbit/s / 3-10Mbit/s wired connection.



PSN speeds have always been random for me, rarely hitting the 4MB/s+ my connection is capable of and generally staying at 10% of that. I've tried a bunch of things; different DNSes, dnsmasq settings, different wireless settings, no deal. A couple months ago I started resorting to this to get those larger queues done and it works. It makes no sense since my PC, PS3 and Vita are on the same network (the first two wired), but whatever.

But there's more to it. Tinkering a bit more today, even though the PSN speed test looks fine I can't get more than 3Mb for a 25MB download test on testmy.net on either PS3 or Vita while hitting at least 20Mb on my PC. Using the proxy solution there too sort of fixes it.

Not sure what the deal is, especially since the PS3 is running wired.


I'm pretty sure that the playstation network test always gives slower results than the actual speeds you're getting.

Is there anyone out there that gets accurate results from this test?


Generous Member
PSN speeds have always been random for me, rarely hitting the 4MB/s+ my connection is capable of and generally staying at 10% of that. I've tried a bunch of things; different DNSes, dnsmasq settings, different wireless settings, no deal. A couple months ago I started resorting to this to get those larger queues done and it works. It makes no sense since my PC, PS3 and Vita are on the same network (the first two wired), but whatever.

But there's more to it. Tinkering a bit more today, even though the PSN speed test looks fine I can't get more than 3Mb for a 25MB download test on testmy.net on either PS3 or Vita while hitting at least 20Mb on my PC. Using the proxy solution there too sort of fixes it.

Not sure what the deal is, especially since the PS3 is running wired.

My PS3 has always been and still is ridiculously slow lol

I'm pretty sure that the playstation network test always gives slower results than the actual speeds you're getting.

Is there anyone out there that gets accurate results from this test?

what the test the PS4/3 does? as yeah as PS4 does 60+Mbp/s every time that's tests & actual d/l speeds & PS3 is a snail every time lol


At one time I read that PSN uses Amazon servers for Store downloads and updates. I know when people were talking about Netflix's Comcast interconnects getting congested a month or so ago. Amazon and another company were also mentioned as using the same interconnects. Both my XBL and PSN download speeds have been in the toilet for quite a few years, the best downloads I ever got were maybe 3 years ago. Apple iTunes movie downloads are the worst though, but I guess it's because I use OpenDNS on my network.
Have a very strange problem with my wifi. Basically, it works fine in all of the other rooms in the house...except my bedroom :lol

It's like there's a invisible force field that's blocking the signal from coming into my room lol, I've tried moving my PS4 into my brother's room (which is right next to mine) and the signal is greatly improved there. In my room, signal is generally around 35-45% and in my brother's room it's 80-95%!

I even bought a wifi extender but that doesn't seem to work/help my situation :((((

Any advice?


Have a very strange problem with my wifi. Basically, it works fine in all of the other rooms in the house...except my bedroom :lol

It's like there's a invisible force field that's blocking the signal from coming into my room lol, I've tried moving my PS4 into my brother's room (which is right next to mine) and the signal is greatly improved there. In my room, signal is generally around 35-45% and in my brother's room it's 80-95%!

I even bought a wifi extender but that doesn't seem to work/help my situation :((((

Any advice?

Wireless repeater/range extender right outside of your room. Full bars a couple feet away should work.

The Llama

Mmmm, just did the test on that site but the results are the same as with the internal test. In fact I also ran the site on my Xbox One and frankly it gave almost the same result as on the PS4, which is a sign to me that the site simply isn't up to par with sites as speedtest.net

Your problem is that you assume that every ISP, also outside of the US, throttles bandwidth as heavy as your ISP does. I've never noticed that I'm being throttled by my ISP. All my devices manage to get to the limit of by bandwidth except for my Playstation 3/4 and Vita (but I'm giving the Vita a free pass since it's wifi only).

And besides the OP is using a VPN, so there goes your theory.

Seriously, just stop trusting these speed tests. Does the same thing with my iPad, for example, where it says the speed is (much) lower than I actually get. Its a limitation of how the speed test works, not your internet. Have you tried actually downloading content onto your PS4?


I think its the great chinese firewall or something else causing this. I can get max speeds on my 200mbit connection on PSN.


Any way to get around the PSN/great firewall issue? I'm in Beijing on Unicom and as I posted before, am getting atrocious dl speeds on both wired and wireless.

I don't want to use a VPN enabled router necessarily


I give up guys, I spent more than 400 bucks trying to fix this, first I bought power outlet adapters, same shit, slow ass speeds on PSN. Then I noticed that whenever AC kicks in networks go down with power adapters and gave Sony benefit of the doubt, so I finally went to my land lord asking to allow me to drill shit. He asked for 1200RMB (around 200 bucks) of compensation for "damage" to apartment + another 400RMB for hiring someone. So I got fucking wall drilled and brought router inside the room and connected my fiber modem from outside.

Zero (o, I mean ZERO) fucking difference. I officially give up, I already stopped buying non-exclusive games digitally on PS4 and buying imports. Now I just buy everything except for PS4 exclusives on Xbox One just because of this single "little" problem, despite Xbox One being "720p box". In this case gameplay and convenience wins over extra 180 vertical pixels. I would rather play all I want on release date and with hassle free online, rather than download retail game for 3-4 days and patches which take another day or so to download (in game where patches often are 1Gb+).

I can already see how Sony will get ridiculed in Chinese market when they will start selling PS4 in Fall, Xbox One is ready to be sold here and now, at least if looking at it network performance. And no, it's not Chinese servers, check latency in screenshots and videos, I checked sockets and connection XB1 maintaining it connects to IPs in Seattle and San Jose, not a single outgoing or incoming connection to China or Asia for that matter.

Wired test on both:


Xbox One went from 119Mbps over Wi-Fi to 120-140Mbps, so not a huge change.

PS4 went from 3.5Mbps to 4.5Mbps.

That is it, thread can be closed. Unless other people who have similar problems want to vent their frustration.


I give up guys, I spent more than 400 bucks trying to fix this, first I bought power outlet adapters, same shit, slow ass speeds on PSN. Then I noticed that whenever AC kicks in networks go down with power adapters and gave Sony benefit of the doubt, so I finally went to my land lord asking to allow me to drill shit. He asked for 1200RMB (around 200 bucks) of compensation for "damage" to apartment + another 400RMB for hiring someone. So I got fucking wall drilled and brought router inside the room and connected my fiber modem from outside.

Wired test on both:


Dat UI.
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