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you people made me buy this out of the blue for no reason (I also got the first volume of the newest Eastman TMNT series)

I hate you all, can't wait til it arrives

Funky Papa

Somebody help me out. Who's the brunette in the 60's dress?


I thought that'd be Katy Kate, but her chin is too pointy and of course Lady Hawkman should be the one pointing an arrow at Clint.


I can't *believe* these lazy developers keep making file sizes so damn large. Btw, how does technology work?
I have never read a comic book series before - hell, I've never read a comic outside of a Metal Gear Solid Omnibus. My buddy is getting back into them - he used to read a bunch back in middle school and whatnot over a decade ago. I'd like to get my feet wet with something, and am leaning toward this. I kind of like the "less serious" vibe this thread is giving off. Is this an alright place to jump in?


Brotherhood of Shipley's
I have never read a comic book series before - hell, I've never read a comic outside of a Metal Gear Solid Omnibus. My buddy is getting back into them - he used to read a bunch back in middle school and whatnot over a decade ago. I'd like to get my feet wet with something, and am leaning toward this. I kind of like the "less serious" vibe this thread is giving off. Is this an alright place to jump in?

Yes. Hawkeye is the superhero book for everyone. Not shackled by continuity, funny, and relatable. Go for it.


Pizza Dog
I do like mine. May consider changing it around when new issues get released, but when you have the best why try to improve upon it?


ha, just saw this thread. been reading it from the start, been hooked since that excellent issue 1. haven't read 8 yet, have it on my ipad mini will probably read it tonight seeing this thread. love the art style, love the humor in the writing even more. pretty much the only marvel i'm reading right now.

this, along with Saga, and Chew are my current favorite reads.
Amazon. It's not too bad. My Fury MAX TPB took the brunt of the damage :( It's unfortunate.

If you're okay with it then cool but definitely fill out the packaging survey they send you to complain about it. I know I've posted less than happy results of packaging and they've gotten better about it afterwards.


I'll make a full av transition once I see something I really like(like that cover) but for now some subtle Hawkeye love.
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