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You can no longer view Twitter without an account


Gold Member
already hit the limit
Mad Arthur GIF by MOODMAN

twitter right now:
Art Pokemon GIF by Arielgif


I hit the limit before I got out of bed this morning

Seems like I get some more tweets to load like.. once an hour? Lol

It’s totally useless now

It would be a great time for the new Instagram branded twitter copy to drop. I’m starting to get pretty fed up with twitter these days… between this and the verified parody accounts that shoot to the top of all replies.
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lmfao I thought Twitter broke on accident but it’s actually Elon’s latest master plan. It’s completely useless now. Great job!


Golden Boy
Does he think these views/day limits will get people to pay for the checkmark?
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Neo Member
People acting like Twitter is some kind of common good and basic human right like fucking water is bizarre.

If you want to use the service, make an account.
It's annoying having to make an account to view links your friends send, discord doesnt even embed twitter links now so youre forced to open the link and log in, it's the most important thing but its annoying even if you do have an account already


Great news about twitter today. The person who is going to be hurt by the caps the most is the person who owns it and sells companies the ad space. I love when companies commit self sabotage.

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake” - Sun Tzu
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I really do wonder if at least part of this is some weird ego thing where "People have stopped talking about me and my website? I guess it's time to break something again." Might not even be on a conscious level.



Neighbours from Hell
He said he's upping the limit to 8000 or 800. Incredible!

For the 800 that = one more thread. Everybody, make it count!


Gold Member
Does this shit reset at 12 am local time or what? How does this work?

It's so wild to me that Elon casually throws out this restriction with zero elaboration on how it's implemented.

Dude is the real life embodiment of the "we'll test in production" meme.
The faster Twitter dies the better. It was shit before he bought it, and him accelerating its death is much appreciated.
Oh yes, I long for the day where there's nowhere on the internet where you can openly criticize the actions taken by your government or disagree with increasingly divisive worldviews without being censored. And the death of twitter would bring us one step closer to that utopia where we all agree with each other... or else.

Musk continues to screw up repeatedly, but you'll forgive me if I still don't want to see him fail.


Holy cow, he has to be intentionally killing this thing at this point

Theres is no way internal data told him that this would be a good idea. I refuse to believe it.

I cannot wrap my head around the logic for this one.


Shouting opinions in public is Twitter's core value proposition. It's user base is built on a complex web of message amplification. Mastodon "refugees" quickly return to Twitter after learning they can't post globally or leech off of other viral trends. Adding friction preventing Twitter's core users from being seen shows a bizarre understanding of the community's dynamics.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Last time I tried to browse there I saw ads for white nationalist t-shirts and coffee cups, and most replies to the WaPo tweet I was viewing was anti Semitic and bigoted dreck. So I am fine. I can never view Twitter again, nothing was lost, only gained.
I spend a lot more time on this forum then I do on Twitter nowadays.
For sure. I used to be super active on Twitter and Facebook. It just seems like nowadays it’s more random click bait videos and rumors than anything. At least here we can talk video games, and for the most part people don’t get pissed at each other.

Side note, I hope the people here that I come down hard on, realize it’s all in good spirits and conversation. I know I can be a hard ass on here, but I only use it as a tool to hopefully get people to think deeper about what they post….and hopefully that’s why I haven’t caught a ban yet 😂
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Scraping data takes server time, which costs money. The thing wasn't working, it was heading towards bankruptcy.

Just make an account, who cares?

Bankruptcy is self imposed because Elon saddled the company with 13B in debt and has tanked advertisement.
None. Just use forums like GAF and discuss with people face to face. Social media like Twitter, Reddit, and TikTok are all equally terrible.
What about people who want to discuss current events online, but don't want to do so in a ban happy echo chamber like Reddit, and also don't want to put up with genuine hate and slurs, or deal with a partisan platform that overwhelmingly is only going to attract one particular worldview?

Other than Twitter recently, what websites or apps can you name where people can have genuine discussions about current events and see a variety of viewpoints?

And even Musk is screwing that up with his new blue check system, but it's still closer than Reddit, and TikTok isn't suited for discussion. As far as the internet goes, what other options are there? That's the thing about seeing Musk continue to screw up twitter that bothers me the most.
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Twitter recently censored users both in Turkey and India. Twitter recently is not a place for "genuine discussions".
That or have the entire platform banned in those countries. He would be breaking the law to do otherwise. Stop using this as a talking point. It doesn't make any sense. Blame the crap corrupt countries forcing Twitter's hand, and I'm sure the hands of all social media companies in those areas of the world.
That or have the entire platform banned in those countries. He would be breaking the law to do otherwise. Stop using this as a talking point. It doesn't make any sense. Blame the crap corrupt countries forcing Twitter's hand, and I'm sure the hands of all social media companies in those areas of the world.

Then let it be banned in those countries. Genuine discussion unless there's a governmental threat to the company is not genuine discussion. Why don't you stop using words you don't understand instead?
Then let it be banned in those countries. Genuine discussion unless there's a governmental threat to the company is not genuine discussion.
Of course it is. It's genuine for everyone else, millions and millions of people, who don't live in corrupt censorship happy countries.

And "let it be banned in those countries" is a fair argument to make, but so is "it's better for the citizens of India and Turkey to have twitter with limitations than to not have it allowed at all." There's no one truth there, only a matter of perspectives.
Of course it is. It's genuine for everyone else, millions and millions of people, who don't live in corrupt censorship happy countries.

And "let it be banned in those countries" is a fair argument to make, but so is "it's better for the citizens of India and Turkey to have twitter with limitations than to not have it allowed at all." There's no one truth there, only a matter of perspectives.

Genuine for everyone but those affected by its censorship is an argument that can be made for recent Twitter and not recent Twitter.


I won't be visiting twitter anymore unless this changes. I only lurked on some accounts and haven't posted anything.
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