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You can no longer view Twitter without an account


Bankruptcy is self imposed because Elon saddled the company with 13B in debt and has tanked advertisement.

Twitter was not profitable, it was a propaganda machine. Elon buying it didn't change the fact that it was not profitable. Advertisement tanked for absolutely everything, why do you think every media outlet is firing people? Even here, our own NeoGAF was affected.
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Gold Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if someone did not have an account and went to Twitter, they would still see ads and maybe click on a few. So even unregistered users would drive revenue ad for Twitter.
Blocking these users means less people seeing ads and reducing Twitters revenue further.
And placing those limits for registered accounts, probably means people will spend less time on Twitter, also reducing ad revenue.
And of course, alienating the user base is never a good idea, as it can drive people away from the platform. Twitter is just a forum in a different format. It's user generated content that drives traffic and ad revenue.


Twitter was not profitable, it was a propaganda machine. Elon buying it didn't change that. Advertisement ranked for absolutely everything, why do you think every media outlet is firing people? Even here, our own NeoGAF was affected.
A lot of well known companies are not profitable, and they didn't need to be because of the free money handed out due to post 2008 low interest rates. Maybe Musk thinks he can just weather the storm until central banks are forced to lower interest rates again. When once again investors will go totally nuts with free money pumping up all sorts of tech investments without any realistic hope or promise of the business ever being profitable. Maybe he is right, he has a track record of exploiting the system. But on the other hand, these dumb investors with money were boomers who are now retiring and should be playing it safe on fixed income.
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I won't be visiting twitter anymore unless this changes. I only lurked on some accounts and haven't posted anything.

I mean I don't really use Twitter anyway aside from seeing some embedded stuff and following the occasional link. So this change would be unlikely to affect me anyway. I wouldn't really go out of my way to avoid twitter out of principle just for this change. Not like it didn't already suck.

But now people are less likely to post on twitter, and when people reference twitter they are more likely to use a screenshot than an embedded link. In other words this will passively reduce my use of twitter through general Internet browsing just because they are self-destructing it.

A lot of companies/services use Twitter as a reliable way to communicate with fans/users/the public. Because now they can't be sure that you can even see their tweet, they have to figure out something else. After the blue check fiasco, and pulling this shit right before 4th of July weekend, I see this as the tipping point for many organizations that just need more confidence in how they communicate. For a social media company, creating a scenario where all the content creators want to go elsewhere so the users can actually look at it, which is actually how you make (ad) money, is like the sky is falling.

Theres is no way internal data told him that this would be a good idea. I refuse to believe it.

I do think he looks at data, but his interpretation of how to act on that data doesn't make any sense.

It's like your hamburger chain is losing money so you decide to fire everyone and limit sales to 1 burger per customer. Maybe you should figure out whatever internal problem is making it so that the more you conduct business the more money you lose, instead of chasing it all away with this toxicity.

Edit: Oh this was actually meant for the daily limit thread. Twitter just has too many problems to keep track of.
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Gold Member
Scraping data takes server time, which costs money. The thing wasn't working, it was heading towards bankruptcy.

Just make an account, who cares?
It's a big deal as you can't reliably share Twitter links anymore. Musk the knee-jerk strikes again.

Edit: I just found out, there might be things I haven't picked up on yet.
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Gold Member

It was unclear how the site was calculating what counted as a read tweet. Also unclear: When the temporary limits, which were still in effect about 9 p.m. ET Saturday, would be lifted. USA TODAY reached out to Twitter for clarification and and received an automated message of a poop emoji, as is standard for the company.”



Gold Member
Elon is a twat.

But he is trying to make Twitter, well, profitable. And tweets are the value. If you want to use it, you should expect to have to make an account.

And you don't need Twitter.


I see no issue here. I barely look at Twitter shit, maybe once or twice a month and made an account ages ago just in case i ever needed to use it for something. If I can do it, so can you. I believe in you!

Silly shit. If anything maybe this will help with the ridiculous amount of BS that shows up.

On a slightly different note....

So many ppl lose their minds over social media, literally crying when they cant sign in to accounts. If it was really that important to you, you should maybe keep up with a damn password or two.


Elon is a twat.

But he is trying to make Twitter, well, profitable. And tweets are the value. If you want to use it, you should expect to have to make an account.

And you don't need Twitter.
I don't want to use it and feel like Elon Musk should pay personally to me for every time I've been made to look at tweets by them being referenced or linked and every time I've had to go to twitter to look something up because people use it for announcements that don't get posted elsewhere. All this time I've been doing unpaid work to establish this commercial entity as an essential part of public daily life.
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I see no issue here. I barely look at Twitter shit, maybe once or twice a month and made an account ages ago just in case i ever needed to use it for something. If I can do it, so can you. I believe in you!

Silly shit. If anything maybe this will help with the ridiculous amount of BS that shows up.

On a slightly different note....

So many ppl lose their minds over social media, literally crying when they cant sign in to accounts. If it was really that important to you, you should maybe keep up with a damn password or two.

The best feature on twitter is how fast information can spread to the consciousness. This login thing, which was put in to limit resources cripples twitter.

We all knew Twitter was gonna go under one day. There’s gonna be no big money advertising because companies are extremely limited on the amount of users they can reach, even if it is “temporary” it’s still a massive risk and red flag #7374628.
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No matter how much Elon tries to kill it, twitter users are simply too stubborn. People have been suggesting alternatives like hell and there are still some asses (and i don't just mean in the butt sense) who refuse to use anything else. Brand recognition is a crazy thing.

shit, gonna have to fly West Texas CEO West Texas CEO out to Georgia then

It’s more because those services aren’t at twitters level and will probably take years before they are.


Gold Member
I don't want to use it and feel like Elon Musk should pay personally to me for every time I've been made to look at tweets by them being referenced or linked and every time I've had to go to twitter to look something up because people use it for announcements that don't get posted elsewhere. All this time I've been doing unpaid work to establish this commercial entity as an essential part of public daily life.

Then why do you care?


Seems like it’s back to normal to me.

I bet something went wrong with the changes related to forcing accounts, and then Elon just started giving some fake technical babble as he has done in the past as damage control.


BlueSky could. I don't see Mastodon being it.
Does BlueSky pass the purity test? Mastodon didn’t and it seems that a certain segment would rather hate use twitter than switch to a platform that might be even slightly open to opposing views.


Gold Member
Elon is a twat.

But he is trying to make Twitter, well, profitable. And tweets are the value. If you want to use it, you should expect to have to make an account.

And you don't need Twitter.
‘Trying‘ is the key word; Twitter lived on advertising, and there was a lot of ways he could have expanded revenue through advertising and expanding the user-base, but every attempt he made at virtually anything has done the exact opposite.

Same age-old story of the naive dick-head manager ‘trying’ to cut the fat and leave the profit intact, by cutting everything without understanding what they’re cutting... it all worked out in their dreams.

It’s like he saw Youtube (Google) and Reddit strong-arm their users/creators over the API stuff and figured the Twitter users would bend the same way for everything he does…Thing is Elon can’t strong-arm anything with Twitter right now without bleeding users, he straight-up doesn’t know what he’s doing.
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Gold Member

Mark Zuckerberg Looks to Deliver Hit to Elon Musk With Upcoming Twitter Clone​

Planned Meta microblogging app seen as a potential rival because of Instagram connection, company’s history​

Social-media veterans and analysts see the planned app as a formidable competitor for Twitter, which has faced falling revenue and other challenges since Musk took over the company in October.

Meta, like other tech giants, has a record of copying features of competitors’ platforms and implementing them into its own services. The company is expected to build the microblogging app off its Instagram user data, a strategic maneuver that may help the app quickly gain users, people familiar with the matter said.

The competition between the two companies comes as Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and Musk publicly discussed the possibility of physically fighting each other.

Twitter didn’t comment.

Since Musk’s takeover of Twitter in October, many Twitter users have voiced that they want an alternative. Over the past nine months, the company has experienced numerous technical issues, removed thousands of employees, lost users and advertisers, and was criticized for how the service moderates content. Musk last week took steps to limit how many posts users can see on the platform, saying he wanted to combat “extreme levels of data scraping.”

Startups such as Mastodon, Truth Social and Bluesky have gained users but have yet to emerge as a true rival to Twitter.

“I do think a new microblogging leader will emerge to supplant Twitter, but it is far from a foregone conclusion that the winner will be Meta,” said Steve Teixeira, Mozilla chief product officer and a former Twitter and Meta executive. Mozilla has criticized how large tech companies manage social media and has said the industry is “broken.” A lack of user trust might hinder adoption for Meta’s new app, he said.

There are signs that some of Musk’s changes are working. As of June, Twitter had as many as 850,000 subscribers of its Blue service, according to an estimate from Travis Brown, a Berlin-based software developer who tracks social-media platforms. Additionally, the company’s new CEO Linda Yaccarino joined the company last month, bringing with her a strong network, credibility and reputation in the advertising industry.

Meta’s biggest advantage will be drawing upon its more than two billion monthly active Instagram users to launch its new app. It is unclear how broadly Meta will release the app upon its launch, but if even a fraction of its Instagram users try it out, Meta might be able to grow its microblogging app’s user base quickly. Twitter has 363.7 million monthly users, according to an estimate provided by Insider Intelligence.

More than 50 million mobile users in the U.S. use both apps, according to Data.ai.

“I’ve seen Meta do a very good job of picking up business models or product features and copy-pasting,” said Meghana Dhar, a former Snap and Instagram executive. “Haters are going to say that they lack innovation, but I actually think this is smart.”

The competition between Meta and Twitter comes as Mark Zuckerberg publicly discussed the possibility of a physical fight with Twitter’s CEO. Photo: Nick Wass/Associated Press
For 2023, Twitter is expected to generate $3 billion in advertising revenue, according to an estimate provided by Insider Intelligence. In 2021, the last year in which it disclosed annual financials before Musk took the company private, Twitter generated $4.51 billion in advertising revenue.

A Meta microblogging service should generate at least that much revenue, but there are a number of factors that indicate Meta could squeeze more, said Sayantan Mukhopadhyay, a Silicon Valley product manager who has previously worked at Meta, Pinterest and Twitter. Meta has a larger userbase than Twitter, a deeper roster of advertisers and a more robust repertoire of advertising tools and products, meaning it should be able to show more higher-priced ads to a larger pool of microblogging users, Mukhopadhyay said.

“I think this platform can be a much bigger play than” Twitter, Mukhopadhyay said.

Meta has a history of successfully copying its competitors’ defining features and releasing clone products within its own social-media empire. In 2016, Instagram launched Stories, replicating a product found in Snapchat. In 2021, Meta unveiled Reels, which is similar to the short-form videos found on rival TikTok.

The company is still ramping up monetization of Reels, but Stories now accounts for more than a quarter of Instagram’s worldwide ad revenue, according to Insider Intelligence.

Any Twitter-like product by Meta is likely to face an uphill battle. Although Meta will draw on Instagram data to launch its new app, the company will still need to get users to migrate to the app.

Meta will also need to get users to adopt a new type of behavior. Instagram has always been a visually driven social network, so Meta will have to get users accustomed to a text-driven medium.

Instagram has experimented with getting users to adopt that behavior when it launched a feature called Notes in December. That feature allows users to share short text blurbs with their Instagram followers.

“There’s a world in which that Notes feature was almost like an alpha test for this,” Dhar said. “Instagram is so primarily visual. They’re now dipping their toes into text.”

If companies like facebook learn from their mistakes and pledge to never allow the government to influence censorship again, there won't even be a need for twitter. But that's not going to happen, so here we are, screwed because the one platform actually pushing back against this crap is being run by someone who can't seem to go five minutes without screwing something up.


If this lasts, someone will make a twitter-reader website (assuming one doesn't already exist). There have been Instagram-viewer websites for almost as long as Instagram has been in operation.
There already was nitter. But it stopped working after the latest changes.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
BlueSky could. I don't see Mastodon being it.
My money is on Threads. Meta not only has the money to back a real push into significance, but it has the reach. Instagram and Facebook will both push the new platform to hell and back. Advertisers meanwhile will be completely onboard with jumping in bed with an established corporate entity rather than an upstart with unknown fortunes and origins. All the advertisers that left Twitter will be jumping to Threads in order to be the billboards that people see as the initial rush of users comes. If it sticks then it was an easy investment and they have their foot in the door for future contracts. If it fails then they still had their ads seen by the massive rush and were not around to waste money on the falloff. I hate to say it because Meta in my opinion does not deserved to be saved from its insane "Metaverse" debacle, but I could see Threads being the thing that drags it back to success. They are arriving at the perfect time to supplant Twitter and the absolute fucking mess that Musk has made it. As long as their UI is decent and people immediately buy in so they can get the news and updates that they previously relied on Twitter for I think it could not only be a slam dunk for Meta, but be the beginning of the end for Twitter. Or at least what is left of it.

I mostly base this on the opinion that I think companies, celebs, creators, etc all still use Twitter not because they support it, but because there is no real alternative. If Meta provides a viable alternative that is not only stable, but enjoyable and popular? Then Twitter is dead as hell in my opinion. Its only a matter of time at that point. Musk has made the site more of a chore than a joy. If Threads can fill that gap even for a few weeks I think its game over. There are no redeeming features that can bring Twitter back from the dead. Between the insane subscription idea to all of the recent restrictions and lack of moderation I don't think Twitter can survive it.
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not tag worthy


Gold Member
My money is on Threads. Meta not only has the money to back a real push into significance, but it has the reach. Instagram and Facebook will both push the new platform to hell and back. Advertisers meanwhile will be completely onboard with jumping in bed with an established corporate entity rather than an upstart with unknown fortunes and origins. All the advertisers that left Twitter will be jumping to Threads in order to be the billboards that people see as the initial rush of users comes. If it sticks then it was an easy investment and they have their foot in the door for future contracts. If it fails then they still had their ads seen by the massive rush and were not around to waste money on the falloff. I hate to say it because Meta in my opinion does not deserved to be saved from its insane "Metaverse" debacle, but I could see Threads being the thing that drags it back to success. They are arriving at the perfect time to supplant Twitter and the absolute fucking mess that Musk has made it. As long as their UI is decent and people immediately buy in so they can get the news and updates that they previously relied on Twitter for I think it could not only be a slam dunk for Meta, but be the beginning of the end for Twitter. Or at least what is left of it.

I mostly base this on the opinion that I think companies, celebs, creators, etc all still use Twitter not because they support it, but because there is no real alternative. If Meta provides a viable alternative that is not only stable, but enjoyable and popular? Then Twitter is dead as hell in my opinion. Its only a matter of time at that point. Musk has made the site more of a chore than a joy. If Threads can fill that gap even for a few weeks I think its game over. There are no redeeming features that can bring Twitter back from the dead. Between the insane subscription idea to all of the recent restrictions and lack of moderation I don't think Twitter can survive it.

The problem Meta face though is trust, especially given their track record and that even Joe Bloggs knows that they have information about them that could be linked to any Threads account. And frankly, it's just a matter of when they get breeched, leaked, and linked.

My Internet security is lax, so you could probably easily link my Twitter account to me, but for others, they do silo it well away from platforms like Facebook that try very hard to get you to verify your real identification.
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If companies like facebook learn from their mistakes and pledge to never allow the government to influence censorship again, there won't even be a need for twitter. But that's not going to happen, so here we are, screwed because the one platform actually pushing back against this crap is being run by someone who can't seem to go five minutes without screwing something up.

The aspects you talk about can’t happen with a twitter level platform. And that’s one reason why Twitter ain’t twitter no more.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Now is the time for a Twitter competitor / replacement to step into the spotlight.

Meta is releasing "Threads" on iOS this Thursday. It will have some integration with Instagram, immediately exposing it to that platforms two billion monthly users. It will also, obviously, have the funding and technical manpower available to it that smaller decentralized platforms like Bluesky currently do not enjoy, and given their aspirations, probably never will.

It's going to be interesting observing how quickly Threads will onboard users, and if it can become the open font of news and information Twitter was before Musk committed his long series of mistakes and self sabotage. Twitter is now an unreliable platform for any organization that wants to disseminate information to the public or have good faith discussions, and many are looking (and hoping) for a replacement. All Meta has to do is not screw up their launch, basically copy exactly what Twitter was prior to October 2022, and they can't lose. It's their game to lose.


It will be interesting to see if people will reluctantly accept another Meta platform. Its curious that in the app store its advertised as "Threads, an Instagram app" instead of a Meta app.

If its decent and there is a mass migration... id be fine with it. Musk is just too annoying.

That said.. facebook and instagram seem like a complete ui clusterfuck to me. Hopefully threads is simple enough not to be terrible.
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If companies like facebook learn from their mistakes and pledge to never allow the government to influence censorship again, there won't even be a need for twitter. But that's not going to happen, so here we are, screwed because the one platform actually pushing back against this crap is being run by someone who can't seem to go five minutes without screwing something up.

The aspects you talk about can’t happen with a twitter level platform. And that’s one reason why Twitter ain’t twitter no more.

Care to elaborate? I don't really get what you're saying here. There's nothing to prevent the government from trying to influence censorship on any social media platform, it doesn't matter if they're larger or smaller than twitter. If that's the aspect that you say "can't happen with a twitter level platform," then I'm not sure I understand your logic there.
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Meta is releasing "Threads" on iOS this Thursday. It will have some integration with Instagram, immediately exposing it to that platforms two billion monthly users. It will also, obviously, have the funding and technical manpower available to it that smaller decentralized platforms like Bluesky currently do not enjoy, and given their aspirations, probably never will.

It's going to be interesting observing how quickly Threads will onboard users, and if it can become the open font of news and information Twitter was before Musk committed his long series of mistakes and self sabotage. Twitter is now an unreliable platform for any organization that wants to disseminate information to the public or have good faith discussions, and many are looking (and hoping) for a replacement. All Meta has to do is not screw up their launch, basically copy exactly what Twitter was prior to October 2022, and they can't lose. It's their game to lose.
One thing that will be interesting to see is if you can read "threads" without signing up for an account.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
If companies like facebook learn from their mistakes and pledge to never allow the government to influence censorship again, there won't even be a need for twitter. But that's not going to happen, so here we are, screwed because the one platform actually pushing back against this crap is being run by someone who can't seem to go five minutes without screwing something up.
It's like Elon Musk has the right ideas and his heart is in the right place but he's also a complete idiot.


Om already on insta but I dont see myself using threads any more than Twitter. I am interested to see the shakeup however.

Its amazing how just a year ago there was no real competition for what Twitter offered but now I'm betting s few more clones will show. Remarkable mistep to be losing that kind of dominance


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Om already on insta but I dont see myself using threads any more than Twitter. I am interested to see the shakeup however.

Its amazing how just a year ago there was no real competition for what Twitter offered but now I'm betting s few more clones will show. Remarkable mistep to be losing that kind of dominance

I'm happy with Bluesky for now. I will be staying away from Threads. Meta clearly wants to tether it to Facebook and Insta, and I don't need every boring person I went to high school with, former bosses, and square older family members seeing my posts. The thought of that is terrifying.

While some of that could be alleviated with making a fake burner identity for the account, Meta is exceedingly good at still fishing out who a user really is and sharing their info anyways. For example, it's not even going to launch in the EU at first because Meta won't adhere to the union's stricter data privacy laws. I just don't feel good about dealing with that company at all if I can avoid it.
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It's like Elon Musk has the right ideas and his heart is in the right place but he's also a complete idiot.
I think his asperger's or whatever social skills disorder he has is likely to be the main cause of him having issues understanding how his choices will be seen and felt by his customers. It's the only thing that makes any sense. It probably helps him in many other areas, but not when working with people.


Facebook Threads maybe...


but everything Meta has made internally has failed:

Facebook Phone
Libra facebook crypto-currency
Tried to turn Instagram to TikTok (reverted within weeks)
Facebook Portal (alexa clone)
Facebook Dating

Anything that was successful were all acquisitions:


I think his asperger's or whatever social skills disorder he has is likely to be the main cause of him having issues understanding how his choices will be seen and felt by his customers. It's the only thing that makes any sense. It probably helps him in many other areas, but not when working with people.

This dude has access to the best social and business advisors in the country or if not the world.

He has zero excuse to be this bad at any of this.
This dude has access to the best social and business advisors in the country or if not the world.

He has zero excuse to be this bad at any of this.
If he has poor social skills, why would he been in a position to agree with any of them or think that they're right? He's also likely surrounded by "yes men," even if he doesn't realize it.* I'm not making excuses for his behavior, I'm considering a reason why he does the things he does.

And if I'm right, yes he does have an excuse why he's bad at this. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he is doing these things that are hurting his company and his user base. It doesn't make it "okay," and it doesn't make it "acceptable," and it doesn't shield him from criticism.

* Regarding "yes men" specifically, the same is likely true for facebook and most other companies. Group think is a thing for a reason.
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