If he has poor social skills, why would he been in a position to agree with any of them or think that they're right? He's also likely surrounded by "yes men," even if he doesn't realize it.* I'm not making excuses for his behavior, I'm considering a reason why he does the things he does.
And if I'm right, yes he does have an excuse why he's bad at this. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he is doing these things that are hurting his company and his user base. It doesn't make it "okay," and it doesn't make it "acceptable," and it doesn't shield him from criticism.
* Regarding "yes men" specifically, the same is likely true for facebook and most other companies. Group think is a thing for a reason.
You dont get yes men unintentionally. You create an environment that encourages yes men.
Even outside of that, if he's not in a position to consider advisors then he shouldn't have his position.
And from what we've seen from the many peoples who have been let go, fired or otherwise departed the company, it doesn't look at all like a group think situation. It looks like one person being allowed to think and everyone else being allowed to agree.