4-Time GIF/Meme God
Huh... Halo and Sonic. Most because the new guys never really deliver what the original team did
But you know a funny thing? Since the past gen came out, Capcom and Nintendo are basically the ones who knows how to respect the fan base
- all the REmakes and the new ones (we can debate for 3, but everyone agrees that it's a fine game)
- Monster Hunters are solid as ever
- Street Fighter V got a rocky launch, but got better and better, VI is looking great too
- Devil May Cry V is crème de la crème
- Mario Odissey is on the top tier of the series
- Breath of the Wild renew what open world games could be
- Metroid Dread showed that the franchise still works with the default settings
- Mario Kart never got old
- Smash Bros got way above the ceiling
But you know a funny thing? Since the past gen came out, Capcom and Nintendo are basically the ones who knows how to respect the fan base
- all the REmakes and the new ones (we can debate for 3, but everyone agrees that it's a fine game)
- Monster Hunters are solid as ever
- Street Fighter V got a rocky launch, but got better and better, VI is looking great too
- Devil May Cry V is crème de la crème
- Mario Odissey is on the top tier of the series
- Breath of the Wild renew what open world games could be
- Metroid Dread showed that the franchise still works with the default settings
- Mario Kart never got old
- Smash Bros got way above the ceiling