What the hell is that? That looks awesome!
So EA who own C&C gave the greenlight to a fan project with a few stipulations like they can't make money off it and at any time can say "OK cancel this shit now".
But because they have an agreement it won't mean that there not protecting there IP, but at the same time the fan creation can exist and develop.
The game in question was a remake of the game C&C Renegade and the project was after some time was named Renegade X and focussed on the multiplayer component of C&C Renegade.
You can actually download this for free and play it right now.
Take part in the most strategic Infantry and Vehicular battles.
However after essentially finishing the remake of Renegade and putting it back where it belongs, in the hands of the people. They decided to take it a step further and create a sequel Firestorm X. Where Renegade X is based on the Tiberium Dawn timeline, Firestorm X is based C&C sequels time Tiberium Sun and its expansion "Firestorm". Keeping the core gameplay but adding a new arsenal of infantry classes and vehicles based on the C&C Tiberium Sun titles.
It's currently under development and has been for years, as a fan project it can't make money so the going is slow, but it's certainly a fun time for the testers.