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Young Girl Kills Herself Following Rape. Alleged Rapist in BCS Title Game.

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Junior Member
Well clearly what I'm saying is being taken the wrong way. Too much emotion in here to have a discussion, so I'm going to step out this thread before people flip out over nothing.

Nah, cages. That's where animals belong.

Some of them do belong in cages. Again, some of the crap I saw my teammates do in HIGH SCHOOL was utterly deplorable, and they should have went to jail.

Oh well...


Super Sleuth
Well clearly what I'm saying is being taken the wrong way. Too much emotion in here to have a discussion, so I'm going to step out this thread before people flip out over nothing.

Or you don't realize how moronic and destructive your line of thinking is.


Or women should raise their standards, and work to improve their self worth. No one is going to respect you if you don't respect yourself.

Oh I totally agree. The problem is that the culture doesn't make them control themselves, and the girls throw themselves at them even after they get treated like shit over and over again. I'm not surprised that football players at schools like Notre Dame feel like they can full on rape a girl and get away with it. Its the culture they've been in since middle school.

We as a society have done a shit job educating both sides, and we let our culture systematically define women as sex objects. The fact that this asshole got away, the fact that most rapes go un-reported, and the fact that cases like this go on all the time, should tell us that not much has changed in the area of violence against women.

We need stricter laws against males that assault/harass women, and we need more education from a younger age. It's dangerous to think women are better off these days.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Well clearly what I'm saying is being taken the wrong way. Too much emotion in here to have a discussion, so I'm going to step out this thread before people flip out over nothing.
You are definitely not conveying what you want to say well if you think it is crazy people are taking offense to what you typed.
Well, that is kind of the point, isn't it?

BTW, I love the Stanford band. And their drunk tree.

True story: I was present when that halftime show was being written. We laughed our asses off. And then the SJ Merc misreported how it went down and it blew up locally. A local irish pub banned Stanford games from even airing inside its walls.

Ahh, college.


be careful, the multitude of disgusting Catholic apologists on here are about to cry real hard.

also, lol at the uneducated masses giving their opinions on journalism and how it's conducted. we need more classes on media education for you guys.

The Schools religious orientation has nothing to do with the countries disgusting willingness to turn a blind eye to athletes and other false Idols raping women.

In fact for the type of people who turn a blind eye in these situations football is their religion and the only thing that matters


Junior Member
Sanky Panky said:
We as a society have done a shit job educating both sides, and we let our culture systematically define women as sex objects. The fact that this asshole got away, the fact that most rapes go un-reported, and the fact that cases like this go on all the time, should tell us that not much has changed in the area of violence against women.

We need stricter laws against males that assault/harass women, and we need more education from a younger age. It's dangerous to think women are better off these days.

Agreed on all counts. Good post.

You are definitely not conveying what you want to say well if you think it is crazy people are taking offense to what you typed.

Yeah, that's more than likely the case. I apologize if I offended anyone with what I said.

Again sad story. I hope justice is eventually found for the family of the victim.


Well clearly what I'm saying is being taken the wrong way. Too much emotion in here to have a discussion, so I'm going to step out this thread before people flip out over nothing.

Some of them do belong in cages. Again, some of the crap I saw my teammates do in HIGH SCHOOL was utterly deplorable, and they should have went to jail.

Oh well...

People are not flipping out over nothing. You really need to read what you wrote.
Sad story, but girls should really stay the fuck away from football players and most athletes in general. We're jerks by nature, and I can only imagine what its like being at a football college where you're a superstar. In high school, my teammates did some pretty shitty things to women, but they kept coming around like they couldn't help themselves.

Or women should raise their standards, and work to improve their self worth. No one is going to respect you if you don't respect yourself.

Not going to jump down your throat, but both of these posts are basically victim blaming. It breaks down to 'Well, if she didn't want to get raped, she wouldn't have been in that situation, since men can't control themselves and women should be chaste and such.' If that wasn't your intention, it's still how it came across.
Measley, bro.

stop now whole you can.

I know what you are trying to say (i think?) but ti's not coming out as well as you may think.


Or women should raise their standards, and work to improve their self worth. No one is going to respect you if you don't respect yourself.

While I do agree with the fact that some girls will out of whatever reason I can't imagine keep trying to win over the hearts of utter jerks, the fact that you are even implying that the girl is to any extent at fault here is mind-boggling.

Self-respect does do wonders but not having it shouldn't get you raped.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
Measley, bro.

stop now whole you can.

I know what you are trying to say (i think?) but ti's not coming out as well as you may think.

I still am failing to understand what he is trying to say in a manner that doesn't speak ill of women (and rape victims) in general.
True story: I was present when that halftime show was being written. We laughed our asses off. And then the SJ Merc misreported how it went down and it blew up locally. A local irish pub banned Stanford games from even airing inside its walls.

Ahh, college.
That is what the Stanford band is for. Well done!


It's okay Measley, I get what you're trying to say. We all know that plenty of assholes get plenty of play. Some women have such low standards as to unnecessarily dilute the pool of decent men. But it's not exclusive to athletes, and poor taste is not exclusive to women.

We shouldn't discourage women from hanging around men for fear they may be raped.
Had no idea about this. I hope Bama destroys them. Oregon should have been in the title game, anyway. Notre Dame is overrated and had a cupcake sched.


Or women should raise their standards, and work to improve their self worth. No one is going to respect you if you don't respect yourself.

Let's get on the bandwagon.

How about these fucking pretentious ego-inflated douchebags excercise some human decency and self control by not ruining the lives of others to satisfy their sexual desires. How about that?
When it comes to journalists taking risks versus trusting the police I'll take the former, even if it means the journalists look like fools sometimes.

And ruin the reputations of innocent men?

Fuck that, if journalists can't hold themselves to a higher standard, who needs that soapbox anyway?

EDIT: And let's be clear here, this ain't fucking deadspin, it's the NYT, the most culturally significant newspaper in the country.
And ruin the reputations of innocent men?

Fuck that, if journalists can't hold themselves to a higher standard, who needs that soapbox anyway?

EDIT: And let's be clear here, this ain't fucking deadspin, it's the NYT, the most culturally significant newspaper in the country.

They were exonerated in the end and her name is mud.

Meanwhile if nothing is investigated outside of what the police decide and do not decide is important we risk violent crime going unpunished.

It's a simple decision for me.


If I were this girl's father, I'd hire some good PIs to find the kids who did this, then hunt them down with a shotgun.


Not going to jump down your throat, but both of these posts are basically victim blaming. It breaks down to 'Well, if she didn't want to get raped, she wouldn't have been in that situation, since men can't control themselves and women should be chaste and such.' If that wasn't your intention, it's still how it came across.

I don't think that is what people mean when they talk about girls shouldn't get in bad situations. It's not blaming the victim. The person to blame is the animal who rapes anyone. They are to blame. I think when my daughter is born and gets older I'm going to tell her to be careful and not get in situations that are not safe. That would include going into some guys dorm room by herself, never accept a drink at a bar from someone other than the bartender or waitress/waiter. Things like that. People don't want anyone raped. At least that's my feeling from these posts.
I don't understand how:

"The school’s “proof” that Lizzy lied is that she said the player stopped attacking her after receiving a call or a text. Phone records contradict that, showing that it was the player who called a friend rather than the other way around. Case closed, right? Sure, if you don’t think someone in the middle of both a physical and an anxiety attack could possibly be mistaken about whether her assailant stopped to make a call, or take one."

Can be considered proof innocence when they did nothing to the team member who threatened a girl who killed herself through texts. I mean if they're going by phone records surely that's proof that he threatened another student, yet he didn't even miss a game for it?
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