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Your best gaming bargain finds?


Have you ever gone out shopping, found a game, and did a total "WTF?!" when you looked at the price? Here are some of my more memorable finds (all in Canadian dollars):

Klonoa: Door to Phantomile (PSX) - $12.99 (used at Blockbuster)
Marvel vs. Capcom (DC) - $10! (found it today and snagged it up right away)
Dead or Alive 2 (DC) - $10! (Perfect condition!)
Power Stone (DC) - $15 (Have gotten so many hours out of that $15. It was brand new as well)
Ready to Rumble Boxing (DC) - $10 (Couldn't resist the price. Really fun game for my buck too)

And uhh...those are the ones that spring to mind right away. Anyone else?


Tag of Excellence
That $5 sale at Circuit City.

Aside from that I got some KILLER sales from local game stores (mom & pop) and people for used games.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
Freedom Fighters

Beyond Good & Evil
The Mark of Kri

Ace Combat 4
Devil May Cry
Gitaroo Man
Skies of Arcadia: Legends

Metal Arms


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Off the top of my head, my biggest steals are:

Chrono Trigger (cartridge only) for $4.99 at a recovery sales outlet
Panzer Dragoon Sage (complete, mint) for $40 at Funcoland

Recently, I found a neGcon for $2.99 and a PS2 component cable from Monster for $8 the other day.

I tend to get pretty good deals fairly often at the aforementioned recovery sales outlet. They get shipments pretty haphazardly so you kinda have to stumble upon them but I've definitely lucked out in the past. They also sell DVDs which are never more than $9.99.
I bought Shadow Hearts 1 shortly after it came out for $12 from Amazon due to a typographical error in their pricing.

That's about it, though :/. Either I buy games full-price new when I really want to play them ASAP, or I pick up stuff much later after it's been marked down quite a bit anyway
This was a nice surprise...

When Chrono Trigger was only a few weeks old, I managed to save up the $70 or so it cost at Target. The lady took it out and rang it up... for some reason it was only $24.99. Obviously I bought it.

Not a huge deal I guess, but I remember that one more than the rest.


Final Fantasy III US, Super Metroid, LttP, Beyond Oasis, and Phantasy Star IV for $4 each from a mom and pop video store years ago when they were on the verge of closing

I've beaten everything ages ago cept Metroid and PS and always wondered if I should sell the stuff


I bought Panzer Dragoon Saga from Toys R Us for 19.99 several years back. I seem to recall them having a bunch of copies, as this was when they used those little paper tags to buy games. I wish I had bought all of them as I could probably retire from the proceeds.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Back in 1997 I got Hot Slots (NES) for $5 at a pawn shop in Illinois. It's still the find I'm most proud of in all my years of video gaming.

At the Classic Gaming Expo in August I put it up for auction and got around $300 for it. Not bad for a porno slot-machine game.


$12.99 each for sealed copies of NES Zelda, Adv of Link, Final Fantasy, Mario 2 and Mega Man 6 at KB around 1997


Ico $10
Rygar $5
NHL Hitz 2003 $5
Midway Arcade Treasures $15
Sonic Mega Collection and Sonic Adventure 2 Battle $12 each


The best would probably be Dark Cloud 2 and Mario Party 4 for 4.99 from CC. Disgeaa would've been even better, but all sold out.

I also managed to get Popolocoris III off ebay for 14.99 which, at that time, I thought was a great bargain.


that xbox demo disc that had capcom vs. snk on it which was essentially the entire game minus the online part.
I've gotten more good deals than I care to list here. But the best I'd ever gotten was in the Fall of 99, I got Castlevania: Symphony of the Night on clearance at Target for 43 cents.
I got Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together used at a blockbuster. The disc was in good condition, no visible scratches or anything. The only problem was that Blockbuster had put the disc into a single CD case (the game originally shipped in a double cd case cause the manual was thick), which meant they had ripped the disc art to get it to fit. The game was listed for sale for 4.99. When I went to the register, the girl took 2 dollars off. Then I emailed Atlus and asked if I could get a replacement manual+disc art, two weeks later, and two dollars+a stamp, and I had a complete copy of Tactics Ogre for about five bucks.


getting lufia II for about $10 at blockbuster, and then finding another copy in a software etc. dump bin a week later for $10. i still have both copies of lufia II, because i love it that much. also it's a slightly unreliable game. =P

i also found a cheap copy of chrono trigger at the same blockbuster, but i sold that.

Sho Nuff

Wal-Mart's Sega Saturn closeout. Every title was a BUCK.


I bought so many games that I needed to take a fricking TAXI back home.
Musashi Wins! said:
X-Com UFO Defense on PS1 at Gamestop for 12 dollars....3 times.

1 time. Didn't like it, and sold it on ebay for $55.

When an Easy Video was going out of business I got Lufia II complete for $9, Rival Schools for $9, and Tecmo Secret of the Stars for $9. The latter wasn't much of a deal.

Two weeks ago I bought Gitaroo Man for $15 used. I felt that I made out like a bandit considering how good it was.

That's just off the top of my head.
a lot of sales has helped me find some bargins.
Ninja assualt,,$5
vampire Nights $5
Beyond good and evil $10
Prince of persia $15
Otogi $15
Panzeer Dragoon $19.99
Toe Jam & Earl 3 $12
Buffy the vampire slayer $15
Buffy the vampire Slayer: chaos Bleeds $5
Klanoa 2 $19.99 (used but in perfect conditon)
world sereis Baseball 2k3 $5

those are just some examples


A few years ago, I saw a stack (about 40-50) Symphony of the Night for 5$CAN each. I didnt even buy a single copy
The most prominent story I can remember was EB dropping the price of the book 'Game Over' to 1 cent.

...although, now that I think of it, I bought that book on PS2 launch day, which turned into one of the most horribly expensive days of my life anyways.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
all new at the time:

Dragon Force (SAT): $15
Target Earth (GEN): $10
Guardian Heroes (SAT): $12
Nomad Chargeable Battery Pack: $7


GameFan Alumnus
DCharlie said:
Dracula X (PC Engine CD-Rom) 180 yen (!!!!) = $1.60 or so.

If that is a real copy, that's an amazing steal.

I picked up a copy of Radiant Silvergun mint and sealed from a mom and pop store for $60 when it was already worth $150+.

Got my copy of Policenaughts for $15 used from a mom and pop as well.
Not many deals I have found that are really "bargains".
I did trade in some pre-owned games (which I bought just to trade in) to get brand new copies of Pikmin 2 and Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes when they were just released at EB. So basically I paid $30 CAN for each game (no tax).
Aside from that, I also got the Half-Life Platinum Collection for "free" at Staples. ;)
Discounting all the $5 Circuit City madness, and believe me, I had my fill...

I was pretty happy to find...

- UmJammer Lammy for $5 at Wal-Mart when it was relatively new.

- Metroid w/ box for $5 at a rental store in NC a couple years back.

- Megaman 4 and 5 for $2 apiece in great shape with no stickers and boxes at a rental store. Also got a backup copy of Tecmo Super Bowl for $2. How could I not!

- Ninja Gaiden Trilogy for $10, used rental. I'm just glad it plays fine :)

- David Scheff's Game Over for $1.99 at EB, echoing a previous poster's good deal glee


Phantasy Star 2 and 4, Skitchin', and Aerobiz Supersonic for $1 each with case and manual... admittedly this was 5 years ago at a rental store that was clearing out all it's Genny games.


hyperbolically metafictive
i recently picked up choaniki: sei naru protein densetsu for $9 on ebay. it's both completely vile and a pretty decent shooter in the characteristic psikyo style. MEN'S BEEEEEEAM.

scored pretty big on that circuit city sale as well. found disgaea and dark cloud 2 among others. though i haven't actually played either one yet. :/


(more a nerd than a geek)
Chiller (NES) - $6.00

Atari 2600 Prototype carts for Crystal Castles and Yar's Revenge -- 25 cents each
(later resold for $120.00 each)


And even i am moderately surprised
"If that is a real copy, that's an amazing steal."

yup, it's real. Complete with spine card etc...

I couldn't believe it - it was in my local game shop along with 16 other PCE games which i purchased for the same price (Record of Lodoss War, Rainbow Islands, etc etc).

That was a good day.

since then, someone has actually told them the value of the games they stock and the prices are now acurately reflected.... boooooo.
Buying the Genesis version of Virtua Racing about a year after it was originally released for 100 dollars. It killed me that I couldn't afford the game back then. 12 months later I saw it pretty much in almost new condition at BlockBuster,the game,box,and manual, all for 4 beautiful dollars. It was the gaming equivalent to hitting the lottery,heh.


um, i got Guardian's Crusade for $4 at EBGAMES.COM (IT'S STILL THERE) and it's the best game ever.

deals are for noobs.
I've scored dozens if not hundreds of games from the combined CC sales of this and last year, not to mention probably 15-20 more at the KBToys blowout last winter. I kept tons, traded in tons, and gave away several as gifts. Way too many to list! Here are some of the more memorable deals from throughout the years, though..

Moon Cresta cocktail arcade - free
Arkanoid arcade - $30
Pac-Man Cocktail arcade - $50
Race Drivin' arcade - $80
Asteroids arcade - $100
STUN Runner arcade - $130
TRON arcade - $200
Dig Dug arcade - $200
Ms Pac-Man arcade - $200
Solomon's Key PCB - $30 (this sells for hundreds, easily)
The Simpsons PCB - $40 (same)
Rockman the Power Battle PCB - $40

Radiant Silvergun - 100 yen
Rockman Mega World - 800 yen (aka Megaman Wily Wars)
Para Para Paradise w/ controller - 1500 yen (grabbed 3, actually)
Minimoni Shakka to Tambourine w/ controller - 1500 yen (Samba de Amigo spinoff)
Beatmania IIDX Controller - 2980 yen

And many, many more.. One that rocked at the time was a thrift shop score of a Master System 2, boxed and in perfect condition with Phantasy Star 1 and several other games, for $5. This was back when Phantasy Star sold in the hundreds, and seemed like the holy grail. Now it sells for about $20. Boo!


^ How in gods name did you score arcade cabinets so cheap? Spill the details!

Oh, my good deals were Gungrave for $6, a free Master System Converter and not spending a dime on about 15 games this summer thanks to Blockbusters crazy ass trade-in deals.
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